Multiple new epidemic 188bet app regulations released,Ctrip platform air ticket search volume more than doubled month-on-month

Big Traffic Author of this article: 188bet app 2022-11-11
Since the second quarter,188bet app passenger volume fell to a three-year low compared with the same period in 2019。

November 11,The National Health Commission issued the "Notice on Further Optimizing the Prevention and Control Measures 188bet app New Coronavirus Epidemic and Carrying Out Scientific and Accurate Prevention and Control Work" (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice")。It is clearly stated,Change the risk area by“High、中、Low”The third category is adjusted to“High、Low”Two categories,Minimize control personnel,Also,For close contacts,will“7 days of centralized isolation + 3 days of home health monitoring”Adjust management measures to“5 days of centralized quarantine + 3 days of home quarantine”。After the news is released,The search volume for air tickets on Ctrip’s platform more than doubled from the previous day。

According to third-party statistics,As of 13:00 noon on November 11th,There are 3506 medium-risk areas in the country。After the "Notice" is released,These medium-risk areas will also be adjusted accordingly。Zhang Zhining, deputy director of the Strategic Research Center of Ctrip Research Institute, thinks,Adjust quarantine policy、Cancel medium risk area setting,In the context of precise prevention and control,Releasing population mobility will play a positive role,It will also benefit the recovery of domestic aviation and 188bet app to a certain extent。

Since this year,The domestic civil aviation industry is under serious pressure,The long-term 188bet app market continues to be sluggish。According to data from the Civil Aviation Administration of China,Since the second quarter of this year,Recovery situation of domestic civil aviation passenger traffic compared with the same period in 2019,Reduced to the lowest level in 3 years。Since the summer outbreak,Civil aviation passenger volume continues to decline。According to the "Domestic Civil Aviation Operation Report for October 2022" released by Feichangzhun Big Data,October this year,The airports in my country guaranteed 297,683 passenger flight departures and landings,Decreased by 19 compared to September.44%,This also means that domestic civil aviation passenger traffic has not yet shown signs of bottoming out。


At the opening ceremony of the 5th China International Import Expo,Chinese national leaders clearly pointed out,Adhere to the correct direction of economic globalization,Enhance the linkage effect of two resources in 188bet app and international markets,Continue to provide new opportunities for the world with China’s new development,Promote the construction of an open world economy。

actually,Multiple efforts on the policy side this year have been instrumental in activating domestic market demand,Achieve high-level opening up,Played a positive role。June this year,After the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council released the ninth version of the new coronavirus prevention and control plan,A-share 188bet app stocks and H-share 188bet app stocks collectively rose sharply during the session,The domestic 188bet app market also experienced accelerated recovery in July。Also,A number of policies favorable to international business personnel coming to China have been released,Also allows inbound flights to show vigorous recovery。Ctrip platform data display,As of October 25th,The search popularity for inbound flights in October increased by 133% compared to the same period last year,Order volume increased by 40% from the previous month,96% year-on-year increase。

Zhang Zhining thinks,Judging from the recovery trend of civil aviation passenger traffic in 2020 and the fourth quarter of 2021,Domestic civil aviation passenger traffic did not only show a downward trend in the last two months of the year。A series of adjustments to epidemic prevention and control policies,It may bring signs of recovery for the autumn and winter 188bet app market,More importantly,For the recovery and development of the domestic 188bet app market in 2023,Release a positive signal。

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