Research on changes in China’s marine tourism 188bet game from 1995 to 2022

Industrial Investment Author of this article: Liu Jia 2024-07-04
Exploring and constructing a three-dimensional integrated 188bet game analysis framework of "188bet game evolution process - 188bet game external structure - 188bet game tool selection"。

at“Marine Power“21st Century Maritime Silk Road”“Ocean Community with a Shared Future”“Marine Ecological Civilization”Waiting for the strategic blueprint to be superimposed,The ocean has risen from a strategic space to the main battlefield for high-quality development of the national economy in the new era,Developing marine tourism as a ";Strongness in softness、Conquer strength with softness”’s important maritime flexibility strategy,Endowed with new significance of the times、Connotation and mission。

In recent years,my country’s marine tourism-related policies are gradually promulgated and implemented,Fully releases the 188bet game signal that the country attaches great importance to and continues to support the development of marine tourism,Guidelines、Stage goals to promote and standardize the development of marine tourism、Main tasks and key areas。Systematic review of the evolution of the marine tourism 188bet game system、Internal logic and experience advantages,It helps to provide ideas for promoting the transformation of institutional advantages in marine tourism development into governance efficiency、Methods and paths,It has important practical significance for accelerating the construction of a higher-level marine tourism 188bet game system that reflects China’s local characteristics。

Tourism 188bet game is a series of laws and regulations formulated and implemented by the government to promote the development of tourism、Rules and Regulations、Measures, basis and guidelines for tourism management,The change and evolution are the process of resource allocation shifting from administrative to market-oriented resource allocation under the constraints of administrative power。

There are existing documents on travel safety、Rural Tourism、In-depth discussion on the development process and evolutionary characteristics of tourism policies such as red tourism。In the field of marine tourism 188bet game,The research mainly focuses on the impact of international tourism island policies on economic growth、Average price of commercial housing、The impact of the internationalization level of tourism industry,And explored the positive effects of the offshore island duty-free 188bet game on tourism demand and consumption,However, 188bet game research on specific scenarios of marine tourism is still relatively weak。

Ocean tourism is the sum of tourism activities based on three-dimensional ocean space,Involving Binhai、Island、Sea、Space categories such as seabed and ocean。This determines the natural resources of sea and land tourist destinations、Ecological environment、There are many differences between regional space and socioeconomic factors,There is an urgent need to build a more targeted and guiding marine tourism 188bet game system。Also,Research on marine tourism 188bet game based on the perspective of 188bet game tools is relatively rare,Systematically sort out the use of 188bet game tools,Be able to objectively identify the usage preference characteristics of government 188bet game measures and means。

Based on this,This article uses research samples of marine tourism 188bet game documents at the central level since 1995,Explore and build“188bet game evolution process-188bet game external structure-188bet game tool selection”Three-dimensional integrated 188bet game analysis framework,Using 188bet game bibliometrics and content analysis,Characterize the key points and changing logic of marine tourism policies in different stages,Exploring the number of 188bet game releases、Characteristic laws of subject and form,Identify 188bet game tool distribution and implementation preferences,To systematically reveal the phased characteristics and evolutionary rules of marine tourism 188bet game changes,Provide decision-making reference for the formulation and improvement of China’s marine tourism 188bet game system in the new era。

1. Research design

(1) Three-dimensional analysis framework of marine tourism 188bet game

Basic 188bet game-based structure、Content categories and their multidimensional characteristics,The article comprehensively draws on Zou Yongguang 、Yao Min et al、Li Ming et al.’s research ideas and methods,Construct a three-dimensional integrated analysis framework for China’s marine tourism 188bet game (see Figure 1)。


Figure 1 Analysis Framework of China’s Marine Tourism 188bet game Source: Fujian Haiwen Official Account

1. Dimension X: 188bet game evolution

The development of marine tourism is a long-term project、Complexity and Dynamic Engineering,its 188bet game objectives、The content system and implementation focus have changed around the needs of different development stages。The article combines the actual development of China’s marine tourism,Refer to important national strategies、188bet game events and other landmark events,2007、2012 and 2017 are time nodes as the basis for stage division,Divide the evolution process into four stages,And use content analysis to identify the key points of 188bet game changes、Target positioning and other stage characteristics。

2.Y dimension: 188bet game external structure

Quantity released from 188bet game、Subject、The formal multivariate statistical perspective reveals the external structural characteristics and overall picture of marine tourism 188bet game as a whole。Among them,The number of 188bet game releases can reflect the government’s attention and importance;Issuing entities refer to the competent national agencies and relevant functional departments that formulate and promulgate 188bet game documents,Reflects the tendency of attention in 188bet game formulation or implementation、The degree of inter-agency cooperation and its operational characteristics;The release form reflects the authority and implementation strength of the 188bet game document,Is an effective channel to judge the legal effectiveness of policies。To identify the evolution trend of 188bet game department coordination and 188bet game intensity from the time dimension,The article assigns 1-5 points to the degree of 188bet game unity and 188bet game intensity based on the scoring standards of the number of central ministries and commissions involved in the implementation, the form of documents, and the height of administrative power。

3.Z dimension: 188bet game tool selection

188bet game tools refer to the methods used by the government to achieve established 188bet game goals to promote the implementation of 188bet game content and improve 188bet game effectiveness、A collection of means and implementation mechanisms,Play a strategic guiding role in promoting the development of 188bet game objects。

Different objects adjusted according to policies,188bet game tools are divided into supply types、Three types: demand type and environment type,This 188bet game tool theory advocates the transformation of government functions、Attach importance to the role of the market、Debugging that highlights the balance between supply and demand,Because of its scientific nature、Explanatory power and actionable guidance are widely used in 188bet game research。The content of marine tourism 188bet game is macroscopic and social,The coercive role of the government has been weakened,This is similar to the concept of classifying 188bet game tools。

Based on this,Marine tourism 188bet game tools can be divided into three major types。Among them,Supply-oriented 188bet game tools refer to the government’s main goal of adjusting the supply of marine tourism,From human resources、Technology、Material resources、Financial resources and other production factors input to provide direct support,Ensure sufficient supply of industrial factors to promote the development of marine tourism;Demand-based 188bet game tools refer to the government’s main goal of adjusting marine tourism demand,Reduce uncertainty in development and resistance to product entry into the market,Nurture and stimulate the vitality of the consumer market to promote the development of marine tourism;Environmental 188bet game tools refer to the government creating a good 188bet game environment to ensure the orderly development of marine tourism,Mainly through planning、Taxation、Finance、Regulations and other macro-controls affect the development of marine tourism,The specific types and connotations are shown in Table 1。


Table 1 The connotation of China’s marine tourism 188bet game tools Source: Fujian Haiwen Official Account

(2) Marine tourism 188bet game sample selection and coding

1. 188bet game sample selection

Peking University Magic Law Database has comprehensive and authoritative 188bet game content,The scientific nature and practicality of classification,The advancement and efficiency of retrieval technology。Article based on“Ocean Tourism”“Coastal Tourism”“Island Tourism““Yacht Travel““Cruise Travel”“Marine travel”“Travel Island”and other keywords are used to search the title and full text in this database,And supplement it with relevant 188bet game documents listed in the "Marine Tourism 188bet game Milestones" to improve the sample recall rate,The initial 188bet game samples spanning the time span from the platform to the present (1995-2022) are obtained。

Given the availability of marine tourism 188bet game documents、Representativeness and comparability,Also ensure that the 188bet game content fits the theme,This article only selects policies promulgated and implemented at the central level,and eliminate the reply letter、Approvals and other informal decision-making 188bet game documents without substantive 188bet game content and general mentions of "“Ocean Tourism”'s text and specific industry standard class policies。Finally, 178 effective 188bet game samples were sorted out,Build primary data field coverage 188bet game name、File type、Release Department、Posting time、Marine tourism 188bet game document library including the full text of the 188bet game,And include &ldquo in the title;Ocean Tourism”“Travel““Ocean”are divided into special policies、Industry Development 188bet game、Special marine 188bet game,The rest are divided into other related policies。

2. 188bet game text encoding

According to 188bet game tool theory,The article uses grounded theory to inductively extract ideas from text information to code marine tourism 188bet game samples、Classification and frequency statistics,Define the basic unit of text content analysis as the specific 188bet game provisions in each 188bet game sample,And follow“188bet game Number-Article Number-188bet game Tool”Format unit coding classification,A total of 732 188bet game provision codes were obtained from 178 documents。

2. Research results and analysis

(1) Dimensional analysis of the evolution process of marine tourism 188bet game

Marine tourism 188bet game shows obvious phased characteristics,Performed from deficiency to gradual perfection、Single type to diversified development、Macro guidance to specialized improvement、The transformation process of theme elements from imbalance to equilibrium。

1.Initial development and 188bet game gestation period (1995-2006)

Since the 1990s,Actively develop marine tourism resources in coastal areas,Successively develop marine tourism as an important component of the marine industry,Coastal leisure and sightseeing tourism is gradually emerging。During this period,Ocean tourism has begun to attract the attention of relevant departments,But the 188bet game form is mainly macro strategic guidance 188bet game with simple structure,The 188bet game content is relatively general,And no special 188bet game for the development of marine tourism has yet been formed。

1996,"China Marine Agenda 21" clearly states that“We must focus on developing the marine tourism industry”,marks the formal implementation of my country’s marine tourism 188bet game。Afterwards,The promulgation and implementation of marine environment-related 188bet game documents such as the "Marine Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China (Revised in 1999)",Special marine protected area、The tourism development of seaside scenic spots provides ecological environment protection。

After the promulgation of the "Sea Area Use Management Law of the People's Republic of China" in 2001,The marine functional zoning system begins to be officially implemented,The following year, the "National Marine Functional Zoning" designated the tourist area as one of the ten main marine functional areas in the waters under China's jurisdiction,And proposed“Enhance the natural landscape、Protection of coastal urban landscapes and tourist attractions”and other series of measures,Greed to ensure marine tourism land、188bet game basis for sea use,For“Realizing marine resources、Sustainable utilization of the environment and coordinated development of marine undertakings”Great significance。The 2003 "National Marine Economic Development Plan" lists coastal tourism as a pillar marine industry to be developed as a priority,This period“Marine tourism resource development and protection”is the focus of the marine tourism 188bet game system。

2.Exploration, guidance and 188bet game preparation period (2007-2011)

2007-2011,China’s marine tourism realizes coast、Sea、Multiple levels such as seabed and island、Multi-faceted resource development and utilization,The series is full of characteristics、Entertainment、A highly participatory marine tourism product system has initially taken shape。

During this period,The foundation of marine tourism 188bet game is increasingly facing the changing needs of production practice,With the attention of tourism industry and marine special policies,Improved 188bet game diversification、Coverage continues to expand,The emerging marine tourism industry has become a major 188bet game concern。2007 "Opinions on Further Promoting the Development of Tourism"“Will cruise yacht、Ocean Tourism、Ocean tourism is an important emerging industry and should be focused on”,2009 "Several Opinions on Promoting the Construction and Development of Hainan International Tourism Island" and "Opinions on Accelerating the Development of Tourism" in order to promote my country's island marine tourism、Provide direction guidance for the development of cruise yachts and other industries。2010,“Land and sea coordination”Written into the national economic and social development plan for the first time,Marks China’s strategic shift in expanding to the sea,and“Coastal Tourism”Also mentioned for the first time,Request“Actively develop the coastal tourism industry”。Tax refund for departure in the same year、The island tax-free 188bet game has been implemented on a pilot basis,Effectively promote the rapid development of Hainan International Tourism Island’s duty-free industry and increase its international influence。2011,The State Council has successively approved Shandong Peninsula、Zhejiang、Guangdong、Fujian Strait Blue Economic Pilot Zone Development Plan,Officially establish the status of marine tourism as the leading industry of marine economy。This period“Actively develop the coastal tourism industry”is the focus of the marine tourism 188bet game system。


The Zhejiang maiden voyage ceremony of the first Chinese luxury cruise ship "Merchant Edon" was held at the Zhoushan Islands International Cruise Port

3.Comprehensive promotion and 188bet game bonus period (2012-2016)

2012-2016,China’s marine tourism has formed a collection of popular science education、Marine sports、Leisure and entertainment、A modern tourism industry system that integrates sightseeing and sightseeing functions,And Bohai Bay、Yangtze River Delta、Pearl River Delta、&ldquo of the tourist belt on the west coast of the Taiwan Strait and the Hainan tourist area;Four Belts and One District”Development pattern。

During this period,China’s marine tourism policies are intensively introduced,188bet game nature、Significantly improved positioning and specialization,Promote the characteristic development of marine tourism、Market Development、Quality creation and international development。2012,《National Marine Economic Development“Twelfth Five-Year Plan”Plan" proposes to build ";Coastal golden tourist belt with unique characteristics”,The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed the implementation of ";Marine Power”Strategy,Clear the strategic positioning of marine tourism as a flexible power;

2013,The former State Oceanic Administration and the former National Tourism Administration signed the "Cooperation Framework Agreement on Promoting the Development of Marine Tourism",Consider the development of marine tourism as a means of building a marine ecological civilization、Realize the prosperity of the sea and enrich the people and promote the sustainability of the marine economy、Growth points for healthy development,And emphasized that cooperation can be done well“China Marine Tourism Year”。

2016,China’s first national key special plan for tourism industry "“Thirteenth Five-Year Plan”Tourism Development Plan” clearly states“Vigorously develop ocean and waterfront tourism”And issued a series of specific guidance,Is an important milestone for the comprehensive development of marine tourism。

At the same time,The introduction of policies such as the "Vision and Actions to Promote the Joint Construction of the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road" and the "Pingtan International Tourism Island Construction Plan" also aim to enhance the international influence of my country's marine tourism destinations。This period“Build an internationally competitive coastal tourist destination”is the focus of the marine tourism 188bet game system。

nullPingtan International Tourism Island Source: Pingtan Rong Media

4.Quality improvement and 188bet game deepening period (2017-2022)

2017-2022,China Island Garden、Beautiful Bay、The construction of a world-class marine tourism destination is in full swing,The development direction is increasingly quality-oriented、Connotation and internationalization,Positive responses from various places“Shaping the Travel with Culture,Yi Lv Zhang Wen”Call,In-depth integration of Maritime Silk Road culture、Haifang Culture、Folk culture, etc.,Develop a unique tourism product system rich in marine cultural heritage。Marine tourism 188bet game focuses on quality improvement and upgrading and industrial cluster building,Present content deepening、Complete level、Full-featured、188bet game landscape for field integration。

2017,The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed “China’s economy has shifted from a stage of rapid growth to a stage of high-quality development”,In the future, we will deepen the supply-side structural reform of marine tourism、Exploring the potential of tourism consumption、Promoting tourism quality improvement has become a 188bet game focus。Same year,The former National Tourism Administration issued "Technical Guidelines for Marine Environment Forecasting in Coastal Tourist Resorts" and other 3 technical documents,Binhai Tourist Resort、Guidelines for improving the quality of ocean forecast services and tourism experience in bathing beaches。2020,The "Hengqin International Leisure Tourism Island Construction Plan", "Hainan Free Trade Port Construction Overall Plan", "Hengqin Guangdong-Macao Deep Cooperation Zone Construction Overall Plan" and other national strategic deployments have been released one after another,Comprehensive guarantee for the improvement and upgrading of marine tourism consumption and the construction of an internationally competitive marine tourism service system,Promoted the integration of shipping industry clusters and tourism industry clusters。This period“Build the world’s top marine tourism industry cluster”is the focus of the marine tourism 188bet game system。


Figure 2 The evolution of China’s marine tourism 188bet game since 1995 Source: Fujian Haiwen Official Account

(2) Analysis of external structural dimensions of marine tourism 188bet game

1. Quantitative characteristics and evolution of 188bet game releases


Figure 3 Distribution of the number of China’s marine tourism 188bet game releases and degree of 188bet game cooperation、188bet game Strength Score

As shown in Figure 3,The number of 188bet game releases and the implementation of the maritime power strategy and“Five-Year Plan”The introduction of policies maintains a synchronous growth trend, but the proportion of special documents is low (only 2.81%),Relevant legal provisions involved are mostly distributed in tourism industry documents、Regulations on marine special documents and other related documents,And the 188bet game content is mostly based on macro 188bet game guidance,The systematic construction of marine tourism 188bet game system、Connectivity and operability need to be improved。

2. Characteristics and evolution of 188bet game release entities

The trend of the main body of marine tourism 188bet game issuance from single department involvement to multi-department coordination continues to strengthen (see Figure 3),A total of 38 departments and units are involved (changed departments and institutions are merged) (see Figure 4),Overall, the diversified characteristics gradually increase with the increase in the proportion of joint publications,However, the number of 188bet game documents jointly issued by multiple departments only accounts for 21.5%,Indicates a low degree of joint 188bet game decision-making。Among them,State Council (General Office)、Ministry of Natural Resources (including the former State Oceanic Administration)、The National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism (including the former National Tourism Administration) have formulated the largest number of 188bet game documents (48%).3%),By National People’s Congress、The number of 188bet game documents issued by entities with higher administrative levels such as the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (General Office) and the State Council (General Office) accounts for a medium number of total policies (30%).9%)。


Figure 4 Status of China’s Marine Tourism 188bet game Release Subjects Source: Fujian Haiwen Official Account

3. Characteristics and evolution of 188bet game release forms

The strength of marine tourism policies and the number of 188bet game releases show a synchronous growth trend (see Figure 3),Covers diverse types (see Table 2),But mostly opinions、Notice、Announcement and other low-level supportive policies (accounting for 82.58%),And the law、Strong regulatory policies such as regulations are slightly insufficient (there are only 3 authoritative laws),And no relevant regulations have been promulgated yet),Reflects the overall authority of the 188bet game、Normativity and mandatory are still relatively weak。Because low-level policies mainly focus on macro-level guidance and coordination,Often lack of work tasks for relevant departments、Effective supervision and feedback on responsibilities and boundaries,more“Moderate”,For example, 188bet game content in the form of opinions is relatively abstract、Fuzzy and mostly flexible,Notice、As an informative document, the announcement is more specific but less effective,Making the 188bet game implementation effect and the actual strength of the 188bet game unsatisfactory。

nullCharacteristics of China’s marine tourism 188bet game release form Source: Fujian Haiwen Official Account

(3) Dimensional analysis of marine tourism 188bet game tool selection

The article conducts a cross-analysis on the dimensions of 188bet game tool selection and 188bet game evolution process,Form a two-dimensional distribution matrix。As shown in Table 3,In the 188bet game population sample,Environmental type、Demand type、The proportion of supply-oriented 188bet game tools is 52.5%、31%、16.5%,Exists“ring weight、Needed、Weak supply”'s unbalanced characteristics。At different stages,The use of environmental 188bet game tools is in an absolute leading position。Specifically:


Table 3 Distribution of 188bet game provisions by type of 188bet game instrument Source: Fujian Haiwen Official Account


Continued Table 3 Distribution of 188bet game Provisions by Type of 188bet game Tools Source: Fujian Haiwen Official Account

1. Environmental 188bet game tools

From the perspective of tool composition,Goal planning has the largest usage ratio,Indicates that the government is inclined to guide the direction and focus of marine tourism development through policies,But most goal plans are still not specific enough、Lack of targeted development planning and specialized 188bet game content。The second is regulatory control,Healthy ocean tourism、Provide important legal basis for orderly development。Again,Strategic measures,Vacation system、Visa-free system on arrival、Publicity and promotion and other strategic measures have become the government’s main measures to promote the development of marine tourism。

Relatively speaking,Low usage rate of environmental 188bet game tools。The emphasis on environmental protection and security 188bet game tools and the ecological environment vulnerability of marine tourism destinations、Climate conditions are related to the uncertain attributes of natural disasters,Provides sea water quality standards and series of environmental supervision and testing requirements for tourist areas,And establish an emergency plan、Marine meteorology and marine disaster monitoring and early warning, etc.,Is an important means for the government to protect the marine ecological environment and tourism safety;Using land and sea is an important guarantee for the construction of marine tourism projects,Provide sea areas and islands、Ocean Land、Priority to use low-altitude airspace is a prerequisite for the development of marine tourism;The government does not pay enough attention to financial support and tax incentives,The weak specialization and diversity of financial products cannot support the capital needs in the early stage of marine tourism development,And most of the existing tax incentives are tax-free discounts for tourists leaving the island,There is less mention of corporate tax incentives。

2. Demand-based 188bet game tools

From the perspective of tool composition,The consumer market is the most used,The government improves product supply、Rich cruise routes、Improve service quality、Building a tourism brand,Create an international high-quality tourist route combining marine cultural characteristics、Products and new business formats,Become the main way to actively cultivate and develop domestic and foreign consumer markets。

The second is overseas exchange,Concentrate on learning from advanced foreign experience、Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao cooperation and international exchanges,To develop a world-class marine tourism destination and enhance international competitiveness。Establish overseas cooperation、Strengthen international exchanges,It is still a 188bet game priority that needs to be considered in the future。

A pilot demonstration again,As of 2022,China has formed a collection of cruise and yacht tourism、Island tourism、Cultural relic protection、Study trip、Global Tourism、Medical Tourism、Multiple types of recreational fishery and other pilot areas and demonstration areas、Comprehensive pilot demonstration system,Aims to create a series of high-quality demonstration bases that meet the needs of national marine tourism。But,Government Procurement、Service outsourcing、Trade controls are rarely used,In the future, government procurement needs to be strengthened、Relaxation of trade controls、Creating a positive market environment for the development of marine tourism by gathering social forces and other means。


Zhoushan cruise port renderings Source: Zhoushan Islands Tourism Official Account

3. Supply-oriented 188bet game tools

From the perspective of tool composition,The most used one is infrastructure construction,The government focuses on building a complete water, land and air three-dimensional transportation network system、Smart tourism service system,Landscape protection and restoration system and comprehensive tourism supporting system lay a solid foundation,The construction and support of cruise and yacht terminal berths also provide strong accessibility conditions for the development of cruise tourism and yacht tourism。The second is public services,Public transportation、Cultural Services、Expansion of coverage of public services such as medical assistance and support to build a more complete social security system and other policies,Provide guarantee for promoting the development of marine tourism。But,Technical Support、Talent training、Insufficient support from 188bet game tools such as financial investment,Restricts the development space of marine tourism to a certain extent。

3. Research Conclusions and 188bet game Suggestions

(1) Research conclusion

The article is constructed“188bet game evolution process-188bet game external structure-188bet game tool selection”Three-dimensional integrated 188bet game analysis framework,Using 188bet game bibliometrics and content analysis methods to analyze the stage characteristics of the changes in China’s marine tourism 188bet game system from 1995 to 2022、Internal logic and development rules。

(1) From the perspective of 188bet game evolution,China’s marine tourism 188bet game system continues to develop and change around the practical needs of marine tourism development,And it shows from lack to gradual perfection、From single type to diversified development、From macro guidance to specialized improvement、The process of change from imbalance of theme elements to equilibrium。As a whole, it has gone through the initial development and 188bet game incubation period、Exploration guidance and 188bet game preparation period、Comprehensive promotion and 188bet game bonus period、Four evolution stages of quality improvement and 188bet game deepening,The 188bet game priorities at different stages are determined by“Marine tourism resource development and protection”xiang“Actively develop the coastal tourism industry”“Build an internationally competitive coastal tourist destination”“Build the world’s top marine tourism industry cluster”Change,188bet game goals and directions become increasingly clear and specific。

(2) From the perspective of the external structure of the 188bet game,The number of China’s marine tourism 188bet game documents fluctuates year by year,More diverse 188bet game types,The 188bet game environment for industrial development is gradually improving,But the 188bet game system construction is still imperfect。The administrative level of the entities involved in 188bet game formulation and release is relatively high,Presented by the State Department、National Development and Reform Commission、Issued by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism (formerly National Tourism Administration) and the Ministry of Natural Resources (formerly State Oceanic Administration) as the leading departments,Multiple departments、Diversified characteristics of the involvement of financial institutions and other organizations,However, the degree of joint 188bet game decision-making and 188bet game effectiveness still need to be further improved,And the low 188bet game level and imperfect supervision and feedback mechanism make the 188bet game implementation ineffective、Weak binding force and mandatory force。

(3) From the perspective of 188bet game tool selection,There is an "existence" between China's three major 188bet game tools for marine tourism;ring weight、Needed、Weak supply”’s structural imbalance characteristics,That is, environmental 188bet game tools are the focus of implementation and are widely used,The application of demand-based and supply-based 188bet game tools is relatively insufficient。The 188bet game tool system is presented with target planning、Regulatory Control、Mainly environmental 188bet game tools such as strategic measures,Supplemented by the consumer market、Overseas exchange、Demand-based 188bet game tools and infrastructure construction such as pilot demonstrations、Distribution characteristics of supply-oriented 188bet game tools such as public services,Although it has played a strong role in promoting the development of marine tourism,However, the poor coordination among 188bet game tools and the imbalance of internal structure distribution have restricted the rapid development of marine tourism to a certain extent。

nullZhoushan City attaches great importance to the development of yacht tourism,Actively carry out layout planning. Source: Zhoushan Islands Tourism Official Account

(2) 188bet game suggestions

First,Reasonable planning of 188bet game goals,Supporting and improving the marine tourism 188bet game system

First,Implement the main line of high-quality development of marine tourism。Guided by the five new development concepts,Formulate and introduce more targeted and operable supporting policies,Comprehensively improve marine tourism products、Service and environmental quality,Working together from both supply and demand ends to promote the transformation of China's marine tourism development from factor-driven to innovation-driven,Promote the quality of development、Power、Efficiency Change。

Secondly,Comprehensively meet the national strategic development needs。Shift the goal of marine tourism 188bet game from single industry development to comprehensive integration with national strategies,Leverage marine tourism in building a maritime power、Reviving the prosperity of the Maritime Silk Road、Building a maritime community with a shared future、The unique role in building a marine ecological civilization。

final,Accelerate marine tourism 188bet game innovation。Focus on the international leisure tourism island、In terms of creating world-class marine tourism destinations and marine tourism industry clusters,Strengthen innovation in 188bet game content and institutional mechanisms to empower the growth of the modern marine tourism industry system,Build“omnidirectional、Full cycle、Whole industry chain”’s 188bet game system。

Second,Strengthening top-level 188bet game design,Promote the reform of the marine tourism development system

First,Proceeding from top-level design to launch a series of overall plans、Long term、Balanced marine tourism special 188bet game。By formulating industrial planning、A series of special documents such as the construction implementation plan clarify the target direction、Gathering local experience、Provide guidance、Increase support,Form a powerful synergy to build a world-class marine tourism industry cluster。

Secondly,Improving the departmental coordination and linkage working mechanism,Building a cross-departmental marine tourism 188bet game network system。We must give full play to the National Development and Reform Commission、Leading role of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the Ministry of Natural Resources,Establish the leading department and the Ministry of Transport、Ministry of Industry and Information Technology、General Administration of Customs、Joint system of the State Administration for Market Regulation and other relevant departments,Leverage the resource advantages of different departments,Promote“One-stop”Service level,Achieve cross-department coordination in 188bet game objectives and 188bet game measures";Holistic effect”。

final,Promote collaboration among 188bet game makers,Guide the integrated development of marine tourism and other industries。Break down administrative barriers and institutional barriers between different functional departments,Promote marine tourism, agriculture and fishery、Sports、Integrated development of medical and health care to form new business formats,Expand development space。

Third,Optimizing the combination of 188bet game tools,Improve synergy and adaptability between tools

First,Building a more effective governance framework for environmental 188bet game tools,Pay attention to the use of financial support、Tax incentives and other policies encourage marine tourism product innovation and business development。


Zhoushan Changqiao Ocean Park Source: Zhoushan Islands Tourism Official Account

Secondly,Strengthen the use of supply-based and demand-based 188bet game tools。Especially,Support the development of a marine tourism industry-university-research cooperation platform,Cultivating applied innovation talents;Promote the establishment of the National Modern Marine Tourism Science and Technology Innovation Alliance,Applications that support technology research and development;Strengthen financial support for marine tourism development through the establishment of special funds,And formulate targeted capital investment policies。

Also,Improving the government’s comprehensive allocation capabilities for marine tourism market resources,Attach importance to government purchasing、Trade Controls、The effectiveness of demand-based 188bet game tools such as service outsourcing。

final,Incorporate 188bet game evaluation into the marine tourism 188bet game supply system。Deepening big data、Cloud computing、Blockchain、Application of information and communication technologies such as artificial intelligence,Building a marine tourism Internet information service platform and system from central to local levels,Effectively promote the implementation of marine tourism policies in practice、Supervision and feedback。

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