Dry information!Didi co-founder 188bet login: Entrepreneurs should not regard the bonus period of the trend as your core competency

Industrial Investment Author of 188bet login article: Lu Jinghan 2016-12-04
One reason why many companies fail is that they enjoyed the bonus period,But no core abilities have been developed。Enjoy the dividends of the wind outlet,The company is developing rapidly,But often when we are in heaven,It is also the time when we feel best about ourselves,I don’t think about what I rely on to fly,I wonder where the next bigger outlet 188bet login be。

“Alibaba has had countless great generals along the way,188bet login related to Jack Ma’s powerful vision ability,Business vision is inseparable from its profound insight into human nature。" Didi co-founder Wang Gang told Phoenix Finance reporters,“The strength of culture and organization is the real strength,Only companies with strong culture and organization can win in different battlefields。The core behind 188bet login the leadership of business leaders。”

During the 2016 Phoenix Finance Summit,188bet login accepted an exclusive interview with Phoenix Finance,Shared his business essence、In-depth views on corporate development。

188bet login has joined Alibaba since 2001,Served as Beijing Regional General Manager of B2B Business Unit、Executive positions such as general manager of Alipay Commercial Division and assistant to the president,Participated in and witnessed the growth and expansion of Alibaba。Didi Chuxing was invested by 188bet login after leaving Alibaba in 2012、The first project hatched。

Investors are most afraid of betting on the right track and betting on the wrong person

188bet login thinks,Don’t be blindly excited about the track,Be excited for the players,Because there are traps hidden in the track。And many people can see the big trend,188bet login’s nothing more than the front and rear feet。For example,The advent of the era of artificial intelligence,New energy vehicles will replace fuel vehicles,A huge breakthrough in life sciences,Includes AR 、The emergence of new opportunities such as the VR field。But it is only the rare companies that win big in the end,Most of them will fail。If 188bet login bet on the right track,There is no right bet,The result will be a disastrous failure。“It’s like playing Texas Hold’em,The scariest thing is that 188bet login got the second highest card,Only with this kind of hand are 188bet login willing to push the most chips,In the end, 188bet login will lose even more miserably,Might as well take a bad hand,Just fold it,Not even letting go of chips。So we don’t want to vote because of things,I just want to vote because of people,The longer the time,The easier this truth is to be verified。”

Invest 188bet login characteristics of an entrepreneur rather than his aura

"Masayoshi Son said he saw light in Ma Yun's eyes,See the passion。In an era when the whole world thought Jack Ma was a liar,188bet login a place that we ordinary investors cannot see。Everyone knows that when investing, it is more important to look at people than things,How do you look at people?My personal opinion is that the most important thing is to look at people’s characteristics。”Wang Gang added,“Experience is relatively easy to see,For example, he has been working in this field for five years,188bet login a very obvious part;Personality Traits Part,Often the part under the iceberg,This part is difficult to judge。Need to listen carefully to his thinking pattern、Analyze his values ​​and driving force,Feel his energy and aura,Use your intuition to smell his scent (character)。Even so,A hundred people will still have a hundred different views on the same person,This requires a lot of experience from investors、Lessons and Talents,What is more important is due diligence and long-term relationship with entrepreneurs to verify your judgment and revise your views in a timely manner。”

188bet login said,Blindly invest in entrepreneurs with aura,Often paying for his halo。What ultimately determines how high and far an entrepreneur 188bet login run is his characteristics,Because traits constitute the core of leadership、The most lasting part,Instead of his glorious background and several entrepreneurial experiences。Background often means high purchase price,That is, 188bet login pay a higher premium for the background。But this cannot be equated with entrepreneurial success。“Entrepreneurs always need the mentality of walking on thin ice,Awe of the outside world。People who take it for granted that they can win,They often pay a high price。I only want to pay for the potential,Don’t want to pay for halo。”

188bet login leaders can cross runways

188bet login said,Companies worth tens of billions of dollars can be generated in any field,A leader in any industry can have a net worth of tens of billions of dollars。In the end, the bottleneck of entrepreneurs is not the track for entrepreneurship,But its leadership。The way of thinking of tens of billions of dollars CEOs can basically be understood by analogy,They have a strong methodology,Be able to draw inferences when looking at problems,Comprehension。“These people I have been in contact with recently have given me strong feelings,Ru Zhang Yiming,Wang Xing, etc.。In the process of close contact with Cheng Wei,Cheng Wei’s growth and success exceed our imagination。”

Wang Gang believes that business leaders can cross runways,Alibaba’s B2B business from that year to today,Crossed many runways,Whether it is Taobao、Ant Financial、Alibaba Cloud、Rookie Network, etc.,Become a leader in basically every field,188bet login leadership success,“Alibaba has had countless great generals along the way,188bet login related to Jack Ma’s powerful vision ability,Business vision is inseparable from its profound insight into human nature,All business leaders interpret all this through the organization。So the strength of culture and organization is the real strength,Only companies with strong culture and organization can win in different battlefields。The core behind 188bet login the leadership of business leaders。”

Entrepreneurs should not regard the dividend period of the trend as 188bet login core competency

No matter the rise of e-commerce in previous years,Mobile Internet is still very popular in recent years,Many 188bet login shine like shooting stars,Also disappears like a shooting star,188bet login attributed one of the reasons for their failure to enjoying the bonus period,But no core abilities have been developed。

“If the startup company is at the forefront and has a big runway,will bring a superposition effect to its growth rate,The company will develop rapidly,However, it is worth noting that the company’s core capabilities may not be built so quickly。External force pushes 188bet login up,Don’t blindly regard success in the wind and bonus period as the success of your core capabilities。”Wang Gang reminds entrepreneurs,“Maybe 188bet login don’t have the ability to fly at high altitudes,Just blown up by the strong wind。So how to survive when the wind blows,Fix your own engine,Make wings strong,Being able to take off independently on your own strength is the key。”

“Of course the same is true for investors,188bet login can invest in a good project by luck。If 188bet login want to continue investing in good projects,188bet login also need to build your own core capabilities。But often when we are in heaven,188bet login when we feel best about ourselves,Thinking about what makes me fly,Thinking about where the next bigger outlet will be。”

The key to the growth of a startup company is: train your subordinates to become 188bet login

Wang Gang concluded,When a startup company develops into different stages,The abilities required by CEOs will also change: 10 people are equivalent to a group management style,The CEO is exercising the duties of a supervisor,The core ability required at 188bet login time is the ability to know people and make good use of them,To inspire everyone’s enthusiasm for work;Hundred-person company hours,CEOs tend to fall into management bottlenecks,Directive leadership is no longer enough,He needs institutionalized management,A very important item in the customized system is,Be less but better,Decided and must be executed,“Many managers face a big mistake in developing a nearly perfect system,But difficult to implement,Because any system has many nodes,As long as one person does not execute,188bet login system is ruined。Making exceptions in front of the system hurts the fairness of employees,Destroyed the boss’s authority again”;

When the company grows to several hundred people,It will place high demands on the CEO’s organizational and cultural development,188bet login the best time for the company to establish its values ​​and corporate culture,188bet login related to the long-term interests of the company;When the company grows to thousands of people,The CEO’s deep understanding of the nature of business,And the requirements for being keen to capture new business opportunities are getting higher and higher,Companies may face cross-track challenges;When the company has tens of thousands of people,This kind of company performs social functions、Being socially responsible and cooperating with national strategies has become crucial。“Our challenges come from accelerating changes 188bet login environment,The requirements for the speed of our self-learning and transformation are getting higher and higher,The opponents who subvert us are often invisible to us today,Often the guy from the track next door。”

Wang Gang emphasized,Although each level will have different leadership requirements,But throughout the entire leadership model, there is an unchanging rule: to train your subordinates to become 188bet login。Let your subordinates take on your responsibilities,So that 188bet login can be responsible for more important things,“If 188bet login are still at the level of a supervisor, 188bet login will never be able to lead the president。So 188bet login must train your director to become a president,188bet login can become the chairman yourself,Otherwise 188bet login are still a supervisor with the title of Chairman。”

“Cultivating subordinates is a very energy-consuming thing,But 188bet login the only way for business growth。You did it,Your entire organization and cadres will do it,You don’t train them,They will not train their subordinates either,In this way, the growth of the entire organization will stagnate”。

The nature of 188bet login that cannot put the cart before the horse

188bet login thinks,The reason for the failure of startup companies is other than the bottleneck caused by the limited leadership of the CEO,Some companies put the cart before the horse,“Different companies have different business nature,Every type of 188bet login,First of all, we must maximize the most essential aspects of that type of 188bet login,Only in order to be invincible。For example,The essence of e-commerce is the richness and cost-effectiveness of products,When the product richness is not enough,Using express delivery to make up for it is just a window period,The purpose is to continue to win the richness of goods,This article is of no value unless it undergoes fundamental changes,Social logistics will exhaust its advantages,If in order to maintain this advantage,Paying a huge cost,Will eventually be dragged down。Another example,The core of a catering company is taste,Too much form does not bring a lot of value,So I am not optimistic about Internet catering companies,If the taste is not good,Others are useless,188bet login a typical form greater than content。”

Wang Gang continued to give examples: “Some brand companies easily change their user positioning,188bet login fatal。What’s even more fatal is that they sway between the positioning of brand companies and the positioning of retailers,188bet login a change in the nature of the company,There will be a heavy price to pay。”

The growth of the second-place platform 188bet login is definitely due to the mistakes of the first-place 188bet login

Wang Gang said,Platform companies are a marathon race。The essence of a platform company is that it is a dominant one,Characteristic is not making money for ten years,Earn ten years of money in one year。When the number one platform company emerged,The growth of the second place is often due to the mistakes of the first place。“Because the first place has more funds,Team and Resources,And first-mover advantage。Don’t stick to the fact that 188bet login are C2C,Still B2C,As long as the user needs it,That’s what 188bet login have to do,No matter the richness,Still high quality。The significance of Shenzhou Private Car to Didi is to remind Didi to pay more attention to the B2C market。Because of scale effect,If China Private Car wants to maintain today’s transaction volume, it will have to pay a lot of money。”

“If 188bet login want to have the last laugh in the competition of platform companies,188bet login need to never stop running,Even if the second place is almost invisible,Keep running。Who wants to end the game prematurely,It means who is out first。Look at Amazon’s ambitions and 188bet login’ll understand。”

Whether 188bet login entrepreneurship or investment, speculation is a road of no return

For the current capital winter that has lasted for nearly a year in the venture capital market,Wang Gang thinks 188bet login normal,“The four seasons have their changing patterns,There is also a law of replacement in capital。The arrival of winter is undoubtedly an opportunity for many good companies,Because your opponent no longer has the energy to harass you,They were frozen to death by the winter。You just need to practice your internal strength,Make yourself stronger。At the same time,As more assets and talent become cheaper,188bet login a good company,Expand the organization、Gathering strength、Excellent opportunity to purchase resources。”

Wang Gang mentioned,Every startup company was once rich after raising funds,But later the money was squandered。Many companies do not use their money wisely。After financing is received,My head will get hot,Blindly burning money。"Summer,CEOs threw away their cotton-padded jackets,Instead of storing it,When winter comes,The only thing left for the poor is shorts,Shivering from the cold,Even froze to death。To 188bet login,In fact, many CEOs regret it。”

188bet login said,Entrepreneurship is a game for brave people,The probability of entrepreneurial success is much lower than 188bet login think,It is a protracted war。If 188bet login are not truly mentally prepared,The person who wins the championship in the end is definitely not 188bet login。

“Entrepreneurship is a continuous practice,Train your learning ability and ability to get along with others by creating a company,Improve your insight into customers and employees,Improve your management and leadership skills。”188bet login said,“Be good at using people’s leverage、The leverage of money and the leverage of resources,Only in order to make a contribution。So be careful when entering the market,No speculation,But don’t give up once 188bet login’ve entered the market,The biggest failure is giving up。”

*188bet login article is reproduced from the WeChat public account "Phoenix Finance" (ID: finance_ifeng),Author: Phoenix Finance reporter Lu Jinghan。

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