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Frontline information on culture and tourism, in-depth analysis of the week
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As a cultural and tourism industry operator,We all look forward to moving forward on this、Every major event in the ever-changing cultural and tourism era、Every key node,Have more understanding,Know its transformation、Hot and cold and trends。

here,Zhihui coordinates and analyzes the latest trends in cultural tourism during the week,Trying to find from these living elements the latest events or information in each field that are worth recording,Based on a certain framework、Perspective or Dimension,Let’s explore what they bring to the development of the cultural tourism industry,The value points brought to us。

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Cultural and tourism giants quotes

Airbnb launches new category of featured experiences“Ace”

Airbnb launched a new product called &ldquo on May 3;Ace”’s new classification,The first release includes 11 special experiences,Like "Up" inspired“flying house”Experience and evening activities at the Ferrari Museum。Company CEO Brian Chesky said,In today’s era of increasing digitalization,Airbnb hopes to pass“Ace”Classification provides travelers with a new perspective on exploring the world,Turn tourists’ dream travel experiences into reality。

Booking’s first quarter revenue reached US$4.42 billion

Booking Holdings, a global online travel booking platform, announced its financial report for the first quarter of 2023 on May 3。According to report,Booking’s revenue in the quarter reached 44.USD 200 million,This number exceeded the 42 previously expected by market analysts.USD 500 million,Shows strong growth in company performance。As an industry leader,Booking’s performance and market strategies have guiding significance for the entire online travel booking industry,Also reflects the recovery trend of the global tourism market and changes in consumer behavior。

Invest 2 billion,Banyan Tree Group develops the largest independent residence in Phuket

Banyan Tree Group plans to invest US$2 billion to develop a large residential community called Laguna Lakeside Resort in Phuket, Thailand,The project is adjacent to Banyan Tree’s existing Laguna Phuket resort。The community is designed to meet the needs of different customer groups,Covering from affordable to luxury homes。Divided into lakeside、Lagoon、Valley、Five themed areas of orchard and forest,To be the largest independent residential development in Phuket。The target customer group is mainly from China、Russia、UK、Australia、Mid-to-high-end families in Germany and other countries,Among them, Asian customers account for 50%。Banyan Tree Group believes,With the increasing pursuit of quality of life and experience,The demand for overseas real estate will continue to grow。

Sheraton Hotel signs contract to settle in Dadukou, Chongqing

Recently,The cooperation signing ceremony between Chongqing Potential Industrial Group and Marriott International Group was held,Both parties will work together to build the Sheraton Hotel in Dadukou District, Chongqing,This project is a key project to improve urban functions and improve urban quality in Dadukou District。The hotel started construction in November last year,The project covers an area of ​​22.69 acres,The total construction area is about 100,000 square meters。According to plan,The hotel covers an area of ​​2.50,000 square meters,The number of guest rooms is not less than 218,Will be equipped with different functions、中、Small conference hall,No less than 1 large conference hall of not less than 1,000 square meters,Estimated to be completed by the end of 2025,Commissioned in 2026。

Nearly 20,000 cultural tourism-related companies were registered in my country last year

Qichacha data display,10 existing cultural tourism-related enterprises in my country.490,000,Last year,Nearly 20,000 related companies have been registered,YoY growth of 53.77%,Reached the second peak in the past ten years。From a regional perspective,Guangdong Province ranks first with 8034 companies,Shandong 188bet sports betting app download Province and Hunan Province ranked second with 7629 and 7275 companies respectively、three digits。This reflects the continued rise in popularity of the cultural tourism industry。

Guizhou Libo County joins hands with Gemei Group to build a cultural tourism and performing arts town

May 7,Libo County, Guizhou Province and Gemei Group signed a cooperation agreement,Work together to build a cultural, tourism and performing arts town,This project is expected to improve Libo’s cultural display、Experiences in folk performances and leisure vacations,Promote the development of night-time economy at the same time,Create new tourist hotspots and enrich local tourism forms。According to the cooperation agreement,Gemei Group will be responsible for the planning and design of the town,This cooperation is expected to introduce high-end accommodation and diversified catering services to Libo,Increase visitors’ stay time,Thus injecting new vitality into the local tourism industry。

InterContinental Hotels Group’s Q1 financial report this year is impressive

May 7,InterContinental Hotels Group releases first quarter financial report for 2024,According to the financial report,Global revenue per available room (RevPAR) increased by 2 year-on-year.6%,Among them, the EMEAA market grew by 8.9%,Greater China Growth 2.5%。Although the American market declined 0.3%,But the average daily house price increased by 2.3%,Occupancy rate increased by 0.2 percentage points。The number of newly opened rooms increased by 11 year-on-year.1%,The number of contracted rooms increased by 7.1%,Stock repurchase program completes USD 239 million,The number of stocks decreased by 1.4%。These achievements not only highlight the growth momentum of InterContinental Hotels Group,It also injects confidence into the cultural tourism industry。

Shiji Information’s revenue will increase by 6% in 2023,Net loss 1.0.5 billion

Recently,Shiji Information releases 23rd annual report,According to annual report,The company’s operating income last year was approximately 27.4.9 billion yuan,YoY growth of 5.93%。However,Net profit loss attributable to shareholders of listed companies is approximately 1.0.5 billion yuan,Loss decreased compared with the same period last year。During the reporting period,Company Director、The total remuneration of supervisors and senior managers is 854.250,000 yuan。

Jinjiang Hotels layout in the mid-to-high-end resort hotel market

May 8,Jinjiang Hotels (China) CEO Wang Wei announced the new brand strategy at the 2024 annual meeting,Focus on the development of resort hotel business。In order to adapt to the trend of national leisure vacation,Jinjiang Hotel (China) established an independent vacation apartment division,And launched multiple new brands covering different market segments,Ruxing Pavilion、Yunju series, etc.。At the same time,The company has also strengthened its layout in the mid-to-high-end market,Newly established mid-to-high-end business department focusing on brand development and operation。

Junting Hotel plans to sign 60 new hotels this year

Junting Hotel announced at the performance briefing on May 9,Approximately 60 new hotels are planned to be signed in 2024。The revenue of company-operated stores during the May Day holiday was close to 9 million yuan,20% increase compared to last year,Compared to 2019,RevPAR growth of 15%。In addition,Juting Hotel expects that the number of newly opened hotels will exceed the number of newly signed contracts,The Narada brand is the leading brand in the domestic resort hotel market,Currently about 100 hotels are actively preparing to open,Since the beginning of the year,Nearly 20 hotels have entered the preparation stage before opening。

Tourist hotels fell across the board, and transaction volume shrank 

May 8,Poor market performance in the tourism and hotel sector,Choice data shows that the tourism hotel index (BK0485) closed down 1.82%,Reported at 13183 points,The transaction volume is 58.0.6 billion yuan,Shrinking from the previous day。Decoration and building materials index (BK0476) also fell by 1.61%,Reported at 11126 points,Transaction volume 55.0.5 billion yuan。Individual stocks,Lingnan Holdings (SZ:000524) fell more than 4%,And CITS United(SH:600358)、Guomai Culture(SH:600640)、Junting Hotel(SZ:301073)、Dalian Sunya (SH:600593) and other stocks fell more than 3%。Liquor and tourism supply chain stocks also performed poorly,Shiji Information(SZ:002153)、Diou Home Furnishing (SZ:002798) fell more than 4%,Juran Home(SZ:000785)、Mengjie Shares 188bet sports betting app download (SZ:002397)、Songlin Technology (SH:603992) fell more than 3%。

Kempinski Hotels will open new hotel in Vietnam

Recently,Kempinski Hotels Group announces cooperation with Vietnamese developer Ecopark Corporation,Kempinski Saigon River Hotel to be developed in Dong Nai on the outskirts of Ho Chi Minh City,Estimated to open in 2026。Hotel by Kengo Kuma & Associates Design,Will provide 90 rooms and 10 suites,And 1500 square meters of spa。This project is part of a 55-hectare complex,The Kempinski Group operates 82 hotels in 35 countries around the world,More than 28 more are under construction。


This week’s giant market trends to pay attention to[Nearly 20,000 cultural tourism-related companies were registered in my country last year]

Since last year,China’s cultural tourism market shows continued growth,Especially“New Chinese Style”Travel,With its unique cultural experience and closeness to nature,Won the favor of young tourists。During May Day,The booking popularity of hotels and scenic spots in small cities below the third tier in the northeast and western regions has increased by more than 100% year-on-year,This phenomenon reflects that the cultural tourism market is ushering in new development opportunities。

According to data from Qichacha,The number of existing cultural tourism-related enterprises in China has reached 10.490,000。Nearly ten years,The registration volume of these enterprises shows an overall growth trend。0 from 2014.320,000 to grow to 1 in 2022.270,000,The number of registrations in 2019 reached 1.560,000,A year-on-year increase of 27.08%,Reached the first peak number of registrations in nearly ten years。2023,With the further increase in the popularity of cultural tourism,The number of registered companies is close to 20,000,A year-on-year increase of 53.77%,Refreshed the record of nearly ten years again。

Entering 2024,The growth momentum of cultural tourism industry is still strong。Data display,The number of registrations of cultural tourism-related companies in the first four months of 2024 reached 6,614,An increase of 564 compared with the same period last year,Showing a positive trend of steady growth。In terms of regional distribution,Guangdong Province ranks first in the country with 8,034 cultural and tourism-related enterprises,Shandong 188bet sports betting app download Province and Hunan Province follow with 7629 and 7275 respectively。Sichuan Province、Hubei Province, Jiangsu Province and other places have also demonstrated the agglomeration effect of cultural tourism enterprises。

From the perspective of urban distribution,Chengdu ranks first with 3,232 cultural and tourism-related enterprises,Shenzhen and Chongqing ranked the top three with 3144 and 3021 respectively。Changsha、Beijing and other cities also show the clustered development of cultural tourism enterprises。These data not only show the booming development of cultural tourism industry,It also injects new vitality into the local economy,Provide consumers with richer and more diverse travel choices。

Facing the booming development of the cultural tourism market,Cultural tourism companies need to continuously innovate service models,Improve 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino the quality of tourists’ experience。At the same time,The government and relevant departments should also increase their support for the cultural tourism industry,Optimizing the policy environment,Promote the sustainable development of the cultural tourism industry。The rise of new Chinese cultural tourism,marks that China’s cultural tourism market is entering a new stage of development。

Cultural tourism companies need to keep up with market trends,Deeply dig into the cultural connotation,Create unique tourism products。By providing high-quality services and unique cultural experiences,Cultural tourism companies will be able to attract more tourists,Achieve sustainable development。


Destination Investment Barometer

Sichuan plans to add 9 new 4A-level scenic spots

Recent announcement by the Sichuan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism,It is planned to evaluate 9 scenic spots including Muchuan Bamboo Sea Tourist Spot in Muchuan County, Leshan City as national 4A-level tourist spots。This evaluation is based on the national standards "Classification and Assessment of Quality Grades of Tourist Attractions" and "Measures for the Management of Quality Grades of Tourist Attractions",Recommended by local tourism capital committees,and reviewed by the Sichuan Provincial Tourism Resources Planning and Development Quality Assessment Committee。The publicity period is 7 working days,From May 6 to May 13, 2024。The newly added 4A-level tourist attractions also include Qushi Manor Cultural Tourism 188bet app Scenic Area in Luxian County, Luzhou City、Baishui Lake Scenic Area, Anzhou District, Mianyang City, etc.,Aiming to enhance local tourism attractiveness,Promote the development of cultural tourism industry。

Shanghai plans to launch 10+ innovative cultural tourism projects by the end of the year

May 8,Proposed by Jin Lei, Deputy Director of Shanghai Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau,The demand of citizens and tourists for cultural tourism is changing towards high-quality products and in-depth exploration of traditional culture。For this,Shanghai will dig deep into traditional Chinese culture,Expand the influence of cultural intellectual property,Pay attention to the needs of different age groups,Promote personalized travel,And promote culture and commerce、Travel、Integration of sports。Jin Lei also revealed,Will focus on digital culture、Smart tourism and virtual entertainment,Plans to launch at least 10 innovative demonstration projects before the end of the year,Promote the application of cultural tourism metaverse,And use artificial intelligence technology to empower the industrialization of traditional culture,Accelerate“Art + Technology”Integrated innovation。

Investment exceeds 29.6 billion,Shenzhen Qianhai Huafa Super Snow Center plans to trial operation next year

According to Binhai Baoan news,Shenzhen Qianhai Huafa Super Snow Center (formerly Huafa Ice and Snow Center),Estimated trial operation in October 2025,will become one of the largest indoor super snow centers in the world。This project is located in the core area of ​​Qianhaiwan, Shenzhen,Adjacent to Shenzhen International Convention and Exhibition Center,Built by Zhuhai Huafa Group with an investment of more than 29.6 billion yuan,Listed as a major project in Shenzhen。The center will have an ice and snow theme as its core feature,Providing the world’s top indoor ski experience,Supported high-end hotel、Ice and snow themed commercial and dynamic space and other facilities,Aims to build a new landmark for urban cultural tourism,Enrich entertainment options for citizens and tourists。

The number of people moving during the May Day holiday reached 1.36 billion

May 6,According to preliminary statistics,This year“May Day”The number of people moving across regions across society during the holidays is expected to be about 13.600 million people。This number compares to 13 for the same period in 2019.600 million visits increased by 24.1%,Equivalent to a daily average of more than 2.700 million visitors。This significant increase in people mobility reflects the current release of public demand for travel and family visits。At the same time,It also shows that the domestic tourism market is recovering rapidly,People’s confidence in traveling has increased。

“May Day”The total number of inbound and outbound flights at Beijing’s two major airports during the holidays increased by 5% year-on-year.4%

2024“May Day”Holiday period,Flight operations at Beijing Capital International Airport and Daxing International Airport show growth。According to data from North China Air Traffic Control Bureau,The total number of inbound and outbound flights at the two major airports reached 10124,An increase of 5 compared with the same period last year.4%。Look in detail,The flight volume of Capital Airport is 5695,The flight volume of Daxing Airport is 4429。This increase reflects the normalization of epidemic prevention and control measures,Passengers’ travel demand shows an upward trend。The increase in the number of flights has an impact on airlines、Both airport operations and tourism may have a positive impact,Showing the gradual recovery of the tourism and transportation industries。

Cuba implements visa-free entry for Chinese citizens

May 4,Cuba announces visa-free policy for Chinese citizens。Cuban Tourism Minister Juan·Carlos·Garcia announced at the closing ceremony of the 2024 Cuba Tourism Festival,Chinese citizens holding ordinary passports can enter Cuba without a visa。Garcia also mentioned,China will be selected as the guest country of the 2025 Cuba Tourism Festival,At the same time,Direct flights between China and Cuba are scheduled to reopen on May 17。Currently,China has partnered with Singapore、More than 20 countries, including Thailand, have signed mutual visa exemption agreements for ordinary passports,We have also reached mutual visa exemption agreements for different passport types with more than 150 countries。

Investment 1.800 million yuan,The second five-star hotel in Huadian, Jilin will be put into use

According to Jiangcheng Daily,Huayu International Hotel, located in a busy section of Huadian City, Jilin Province, has entered the interior decoration stage,Planned to open on July 1st。As the second five-star standard hotel in Huadian City,This project is invested by Huadian Huayu Cultural Tourism Development Co., Ltd. 1.800 million yuan construction,An area of ​​6038 square meters,Building area 28950 square meters。The hotel will provide accommodation、Catering、Wedding and exhibition services,Estimated annual reception capacity exceeds 100,000 people,Annual revenue is about 52 million yuan,Tax is about 6.76 million yuan。Huayu International Hotel will cooperate with Jinjiang Group,Operated and managed by Jinjiang Group。

Haichang Ocean Park“May Day”We received a total of 700,000 tourists, more than double that of 2019

May 6,Haichang Ocean Park announced“May Day”Operational data,Received 700,000 tourists in five days,Increase by 7 compared to the same period last year.7%,More than double the same period in 2019。The total passenger flow of Shanghai Haichang Ocean Park increased by 20% year-on-year,and reached 5 on May 2nd.The highest single-day passenger flow record of 20,000 people。Zhengzhou Haichang Ocean Tourism Resort also set a new high in single-day attendance and revenue on May 2nd,The entire“May Day”We received more than 16 tourists during the holidays.50,000 people。

Zhengzhou introduces new charter travel incentive policy

May 7,Zhengzhou Municipal Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism Bureau and Zhengzhou Municipal Finance Bureau jointly issued the "Implementation Rules for Accelerating the High-Quality Development of Culture, Tourism and Creativity in Zhengzhou (Trial)"。Aims to promote the high-quality development of the cultural tourism industry through charter flight incentives for travel groups。According to the New Deal,For domestic charter teams that meet the conditions,That is, the attendance rate exceeds 60%、No less than 100 people、Visit at least one paid scenic spot and stay for two nights (including at least one night in a central city hotel),Each flight can receive a reward of 30,000 yuan。Overseas outsourcing team (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) when meeting the above conditions,The reward for each flight is increased to 60,000 yuan。This measure is intended to stimulate the vitality of the tourism industry,Helping the recovery of cultural tourism industry。

Shanghai Culture and Tourism Bureau jointly issued a reward policy with multiple departments

Recently,Shanghai Commerce Commission、Eight departments including the Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau jointly launched "Several Measures in Shanghai to Further Promote the Linkage of Business, Tourism, Cultural and Sports Exhibitions to Attract and Expand Consumption",Aims to deepen the linkage between business, tourism, cultural and sports exhibitions,Attract and expand consumption。Proposed in the policy,If a travel agency uses the 144-hour visa-free policy to successfully attract no less than 5,000 people to enter Shanghai and stay in Shanghai for at least 2 days,will receive a one-time reward of 500,000 yuan。In addition,For online travel platforms,If we can link airlines for domestic and foreign markets、Hotel、Tourist attractions and other tourist attractions carry out promotional activities,Attracting no less than 1 million tourists to Shanghai during the year,And the proportion of overseas tourists is not less than 15%,will receive financial support of up to 5 million yuan。

Investment 2.8.4 billion yuan,Gansu’s first tourist destination service area is put into operation

Gansu Province’s first multi-functional tourist destination service area——Taishi Service Area“Taohe Ruyi Bay”Officially opened。Total investment in the project 2.8.4 billion yuan,An area of ​​more than 100 acres,Ji parent-child paradise、Food Street、Camp、Peony garden, water sports and other businesses integrated into one。Relying on the advantages of highway,Combined with local natural scenery and cultural resources,The service area is designed to provide parent-child travel、Water activities、A new experience in vacation travel and specialty travel。At the same time,As Gansu Province develops Luyan economy、One of the first projects to build a 100 billion-level industrial cluster,It will promote local economic development,Provide new travel options 188bet app download for residents of Lanzhou and surrounding areas。

Zhangjiajie Tianxin Lake Tourist Resort Project Signing,Total investment 1.600 million yuan

Recently,Tianxin Lake Tourist Resort Project Signing Ceremony Held,People's Government of Yongding District, Zhangjiajie City、Zhangjiajie Economic Investment Group Maoyanhe Tourism Development Co., Ltd. and Hainan Yunjintian Tourism Management Co., Ltd. signed a cooperation development agreement。The total investment in Tianxin Lake Tourist Resort is 1.600 million yuan,The planned land is about 400 acres,The construction land is about 50 acres,Planned in two phases、Took 3 years to complete。The heart tower will be built in the first phase、心道、Visitor Service Center and Supporting Facilities;The second phase includes Suxin Forest Wild Luxury B&B、Experience projects such as paragliding and helicopters。This project is located in the Maoyan River tourist area,Has rich natural resources and folk culture,Aims to become a new landmark for sightseeing on the Western Front。


Destination investment barometer attention this week[The number of people moving during the May Day holiday reached 1.36 billion]

With the May Day holiday coming to an end,China’s cultural tourism consumer market has shown an unprecedented boom。This year’s May Day holiday,Not only a big test for the domestic tourism market,It is also a significant sign of the recovery of cultural tourism consumption。Based on calculations from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism Data Center,The number of domestic tourism trips across the country reached 2.9.5 billion,YoY growth of 7.6%,An increase of 28 compared to the same period in 2019.2%。Tourism revenue also achieved 1668.900 million yuan,12 year-on-year increase.7%,13 more than the same period in 2019.5%。

Across the country,Major tourist cities and scenic spots have experienced a surge in tourists。Beijing receives tourists during holidays 1696.60,000 people,Realize tourism revenue 196.200 million yuan,Compared to the same period in 2019,Increased by 18.5% and 23.1%。Henan Province’s tourism revenue reaches 354.200 million yuan,Receiving domestic tourists 6168.10,000 people,A year-on-year increase of 14% respectively.2% and 11.8%。Although Guangdong Province is affected by weather,However, the total tourism revenue and the number of tourists received still increased compared with 2019。

County tourism market has become a new favorite during this holiday。Hotel bookings in third-tier cities and below increased by more than 100% year-on-year,Shows that small cities are gradually becoming a new choice for travelers。At the same time,Due to convenient transportation and policy support,Some short and medium-distance outbound travel destinations are also favored by Chinese tourists。

Among young tourists,“New Chinese Style”Travel has become a new consumption hotspot。This type of travel emphasizes in-depth cultural experience,Includes museum visit、Enjoy music performances,And explore ancient villages and towns,Allow tourists to immerse themselves in the rich cultural atmosphere of various places。Museum cultural experiences are particularly popular,Ctrip data display,The museum’s orders increased by more than 10% year-on-year,Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum Museum、Allow tourists to immerse themselves in the rich cultural atmosphere of various places。

Hotel and B&B bookings have also doubled,Reflecting the diversification of tourism needs。Same trip report display,The most popular cities for hotel bookings in China are Chongqing、Beijing、Shanghai, etc.,The popularity of hotel bookings in third-tier cities and below has increased by more than 100% year-on-year。B&B bookings also show a growing trend,Data display of Xiaozhu B&B platform,Compared to the same period last year,Order volume increased by 102%。

In addition,The inbound and outbound tourism market also shows signs of recovery。Data display released by Fliggy,“May Day”The proportion of bookings for outbound independent travel during the period accounted for more than 80%,Outbound hotel bookings doubled year-on-year。Thailand、Hong Kong, China、Japan、Destinations such as Malaysia have become the most popular choices。

Overall,The cultural tourism consumption boom during this year’s May Day holiday not only demonstrates the vitality of China’s tourism market,Also reflects consumers’ pursuit of in-depth cultural experience and the supply side of the tourism market、Structural changes on the demand side。As the tourism market continues to recover,Cultural tourism companies need to continuously innovate service models,Improve 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino the quality of tourists’ experience,To adapt to market changes and needs。

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