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Author of this article: Zhihui 2017-03-08
March 7,The National Tourism Administration announced the "13th Five-Year Plan for National Tourism Informatization Plan"。The plan proposes tourism informatization development goals by 2020,Information service integration、Marketing precision、Digitalization of industrial operations、Functionalization of industry management,And clarified four specific quantitative goals for tourism informatization、10 main attack directions、9 major key projects。“These goals are fully considering the development of our country’s tourism industry、Determined by the realistic foundation of tourism informatization and the development trend of informatization。
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188bet sports betting app download First, until 2020,Our country will strive to achieve free WiFi in tourist attractions above 4A level、Smart tour guide、Electronic explanation、Online booking、Full coverage of information push etc.;The second is all tourist buses、Concentrated areas for tourist boats and tourist attractions above 4A level、Environmentally sensitive area、Dangerous tourist facilities and areas,Realize video surveillance、People flow monitoring、Location monitoring、Reasonable setting up of environmental monitoring and other facilities;Third, online tourism investment accounts for more than 15% of the country’s direct tourism investment;Fourth, online tourism consumption expenditure accounts for more than 20% of tourism consumption expenditure。

 The 10 main directions of my country’s tourism informatization work during the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” period:First, promote mobile Internet applications,Build a new engine;The second is to promote the application of Internet of Things technology,Expand new supply;The third is to promote the application of electronic payment in tourism,Add new means;The fourth is to promote the application of wearable technology,Enhance new experience;The fifth is to promote the application of Beidou system,Expand new areas;The sixth is to promote the application of artificial intelligence,Cultivation of new business formats;The seventh is to promote the application of computer simulation technology,Enhanced new features;The eighth is to promote social network applications,Build a new space;The ninth is to promote the application of tourism big data,Leading the new driver;Tenth is to promote the application of cloud computing in tourism,Lay a solid new foundation。

 Nine major projects that need to be promoted during the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” period:National/global tourism holographic information system project、B&B Inn Information Project、Tourism e-commerce platform project、Tourism Internet Marketing Platform Project、“12301” National Smart Tourism Public Service Platform Improvement Project、Tourism industry supervision comprehensive platform improvement project、Tourism emergency command system improvement project、Tourism information standard system improvement project and national tourism basic database improvement project。

In order to conscientiously implement the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan for Tourism Development",Accelerate the development of national tourism informatization,Develop this plan。

 Chapter 1 Situation and Requirements

 1. Facing the situation

 The "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period is the decisive stage to achieve the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way,This is also a critical period for my country’s development from an extensive tourism country to a relatively intensive tourism country,Tourism informatization faces major development opportunities。

 (1) Informatization has become a significant feature of economic and social development。Informatization represents a new productivity and development direction,“Without informatization, there is no modernization”。

 Today’s world,Information technology is changing with each passing day,The wave of informatization is surging。Global informatization has entered full penetration、Cross-border integration、Accelerate innovation、Leading a new stage of development,It is profoundly changing people’s production and lifestyle。In recent years,my country’s information industry system has been gradually improved,The application of information technology continues to deepen,The sudden rise of “Internet+”,Economic and social digitalization、The pace of network transformation continues to accelerate,The leading role of informatization in the overall modernization construction is increasingly prominent。

(2) my country’s tourism industry will usher in a new round of golden development period.Since the reform and opening up,my country’s tourism industry is fully integrated into the national strategic system,Towards the forefront of national economic construction,Become a strategic pillar industry of the national economy。During the “13th Five-Year Plan”,my country’s tourism industry faces major development opportunities,Will popularize consumption、Demand quality、Develop globalization、Industrial modernization、The development trend of international competition。

 The development of tourism industry has new demands for informatization,Need to use information technology to promote tourism production、Management Mode、Changes in marketing models and consumption patterns,Comprehensively improve industrial quality, 188bet app download efficiency and core competitiveness,Achieve steady growth of tourism economy、Comprehensive benefits significantly improved、The people are more satisfied、The goal of significantly increasing international influence。

 (3) The foundation for accelerated development of tourism informatization has been formed.In recent years,Especially since the implementation of the tourism “515” strategy,my country’s tourism informatization has made great progress,Tourism information management has achieved initial results,The construction of tourism public information service facilities has achieved phased results,The online travel market is beginning to take shape,The full-coverage tourism promotion and marketing pattern has basically taken shape,Tourism e-government affairs are advancing steadily,The role of tourism informatization in supporting the tourism industry has been significantly enhanced,Laid a good foundation for the accelerated development of tourism informatization during the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period。

2. Development requirements

 Accelerate the development of tourism informatization,It is an inevitable choice to adapt to the information age,It is also an objective requirement for the development of global tourism,It is an inherent requirement to meet the needs of tourists。

 (1) Objective requirements for promoting the development of regional tourism.Currently, our country is transforming from a scenic spot tourism model to a global tourism model。Need to give full play to the wide coverage of tourism informatization、Strong permeability、Obvious advantages in driving role,From the perspective of comprehensive mechanism construction、Public service supply、Industrial integration development、Exerting efforts in overall regional marketing and other aspects,Innovative tourism development concept、Change the tourism development model、Change the path of tourism development、Expanding the tourism development pattern、Sublimating the quality of tourism development。

 (2) Intrinsic requirements to meet the needs of tourists.my country has entered a new era of mass tourism,By 2020,It is expected that the total size of the tourism market will reach 6.7 billion people。Tourism consumption becomes popular and family-oriented、Personalization and Diversification、FIT and self-service、Leisure and experience、Characteristics such as quality and mid- to high-end。Only relying on modern information technology to innovate tourism products,Change the tourism service model,Improve the quality of tourism services,In order to continuously meet the growing personalized needs of tourists。

 (3) The key driving force for promoting the transformation and upgrading of the tourism industry.According to the “three-step strategy” of tourism,current,my country’s tourism industry is developing from an extensive tourism country to a relatively intensive tourism country,In speed change、Structural optimization、Key node of power conversion。Looking from the supply side,Promote the deep integration of informatization and tourism,Conducive to improving total factor productivity,Optimize supply quality and efficiency,Better meet the needs of tourists。From the demand side,Promote the integrated development of informatization and tourism,Will innovate production and consumption models,Promote in-depth tourist participation,Stimulate new needs of tourists。

 (4) An inevitable choice to deal with the new round of scientific and technological revolution.current,Mobile Internet、Cloud computing、Big data、Internet of Things and other information technology and biotechnology、New energy technology、Cross integration of new materials and technologies,Raising in green、Smart、A group technological breakthrough characterized by ubiquity,Profoundly changing people’s production and lifestyle。Advanced concepts and advanced technologies brought about by the scientific and technological revolution,Help drive comprehensive innovation in the tourism industry,Contribute to improving tourism products and services,It also provides new opportunities and space for the development of tourism。

3. Problems and Challenges

Currently,There are still some problems and challenges in my country’s tourism informatization,Mainly include:

First, there is still a certain deviation in the understanding of tourism informatization。The importance of some regions in promoting tourism informatization、The awareness of urgency needs to be further improved。

Second, the effective supply of tourism informatization is generally insufficient,The problem of uneven regional development is more prominent,Central and Western Region、The construction of information infrastructure in rural areas and poor areas lags behind。

Third, the application level of information technology in some tourism elements is not high。Overall view,Practical applications lag behind objective needs,The potential of information technology has not yet been fully exploited in the tourism industry。

The fourth is the difficulty of tourism information system and mechanism。Tourism informatization supply relies too much on the government as a single entity,Information exchange between departments is not smooth yet,The investment and financing mechanism is not yet complete,The long-term management system has not been formed。Duplicate construction occurs to varying degrees in various places、Data information “island” and other phenomena。

Fifth, the tourism informatization standard system needs to be improved。Between departments、Standards are not completely unified among regions,Influenced the collection of tourism information data、Encoding、Storage、Share and exchange。

188bet app For this,Must recognize the situation,Seize the opportunity,Pioneering and innovative,Strive to enhance tourism informatization development capabilities,Strive to improve the level of tourism informatization application,Strive to optimize the tourism information development environment,Creating a new situation in the development of my country’s tourism informatization at a new historical starting point。

Chapter 2 Main direction of attack

1. Development Goals

By 2020,Travel "cloud、NET、End” infrastructure construction is gradually improving,The innovative application of new information technologies in the industry continues to deepen,Digitalization of tourism、Network、Significant progress has been made in intelligence,The level of tourism public information services has been significantly improved,Comprehensive development of tourism online marketing capabilities,Industry supervision capabilities further enhanced,Tourism e-government supports the modernization of industry governance with solid and powerful support,Informatization has led the transformation and upgrading of the tourism industry and achieved significant results。We will strive to achieve four major goals:

(1) Integration of information services.Establishing a tourism public information service platform,Provide tourism public information inquiry for tourists、Guide tour、Travel product booking、An online service that integrates travel complaint and handling functions,Realizing online tourism public information services、Integration、Integration。

(2) Precision marketing.Encourage tourist destinations、Tourism companies use the Internet、Social Media、Collect customer source market data through multiple channels such as third-party platforms,Carry out targeted marketing,Achieve precise marketing and personalized recommendations for products and services,Improving marketing effectiveness。

(3) Digitalization of industrial operations.Comprehensively promote the informatization construction of tourism enterprises,Focus on guiding enterprises to strengthen full data management of business processes,Strengthening government and enterprises、Data docking between enterprises,Strengthen the analysis and utilization of data resources,Improve the level of tourism informatization application。

(4) Intelligent industry management.Make full use of green、Smart、Ubiquitous information technology strengthens tourism industry management,Improve the scientific and intelligent level of tourism management。Strengthening the construction of tourism e-government system,Actively promote the opening and sharing of data resources of relevant government departments,Establish a sharing directory of tourism government information resources,Realize sharing and collaboration of government resources,Comprehensively improve industry management efficiency。

By 2020,Strive to achieve the following concrete and quantitative indicators:

——4A Free WiFi in tourist attractions above level、Smart tour guide、Electronic explanation、Online booking、Full coverage of information push etc.;

——tour bus、Concentrated areas for tourist boats and tourist attractions above 4A level、Environmentally sensitive area、Dangerous tourist area,Realize video surveillance、People flow monitoring、Location monitoring、Reasonable setting up of environmental monitoring and other facilities;

——Online tourism investment accounts for more than 15% of the country’s direct tourism investment;Online travel consumption expenditure accounts for more than 20% of tourism consumption expenditure。

2. Main direction of attack

“Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” period,Accelerate the application of new generation information technology in the tourism industry,Continuously innovate new tourism models,Expand new tourism supply、Expand new areas of tourism、Building a new tourism engine,Focus on meeting the needs of tourists、Improve the quality of tourism、Leading breakthroughs in comprehensive innovation,Transforming and upgrading the tourism industry、Improving quality and efficiency to provide dynamic support。

(1) Promote mobile Internet applications and create new engines.First, promote the application of mobile information services。Developing a tourism consulting website、Mobile report、APP、WeChat public account、Micro video、Community, etc.,Provide tourist information inquiry for tourists、Communication and interaction services。The second is to promote the application of mobile location services。Developing location-based services (LBS) software、Program,Provide query location for tourists、Route、Transportation、Hotel、Catering and other services。The third is to promote the application of virtual tour guide services。Text introduction to developed scenic spots、Programs and software for image data, audio commentary, etc.,Provide virtual tour guide services for tourists。The fourth is to promote mobile e-commerce applications。Use your smartphone、Tablet etc.,Proceed for ticket、Booking and online payment for hotels and scenic spot tickets。

(2) Promote the application of Internet of Things technology and expand new supplies.First, use GPS (Global Positioning System)、RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) and other technologies for monitoring,Achieving access from the scenic parking lot、Access control system to viewing point、Travel catering、Full-process management of personnel and materials in tourist and shopping venues。The second is to identify quantity and characteristics through infrared sensors,Used for the flow of people in areas where tourists gather in scenic spots during emergencies、Traffic evacuation。The third is to promote the application of near field wireless communication (NFC)。Conveniently and quickly wirelessly connect mobile phones and other devices,Realizing tourism information data exchange and services。

(3) Promote the use of electronic payment in tourism and add new methods.First, promote banks、Integration of payment platforms and tourism,Implement bank credit card、Transportation Card、Various payment cards waiting on smartphone、Multiple cards in one on tablet,Bind payment。The second is to promote smartphone check-in verification at the airport、Hotel check-in、Applications in scenic area access control systems and hotel room keys。The third is to improve the service functions of China Travel Card and Local Travel Card,By giving various preferential credit card rates、Provide a variety of high-quality financial services and other means to attract tourism service agencies、Consumption venues provide convenient services for tourists to swipe their cards for consumption。

(4) Promote the application of wearable technology and enhance new experiences.First, promote smart glasses、Smart watch、Information query on smart bracelets and other wearable devices、Positioning Navigation、Accompanying translation、Applications in electronic tour guides, etc.。The second is to promote the application of wearable devices in tracking tourists’ travel process,Record travel time、Travel distance、Walking speed, etc.,Improve tourists’ travel experience。The third is to promote the application of wearable technology in monitoring the health status of tourists,Track and monitor the pulse of tourists、Health indicators such as blood pressure,Helping tourists travel healthily。

(5) Promote the application of Beidou system and expand into new fields.First, promote the application of Beidou System Location Services (LBS)。To the coach、Real-time monitoring and positioning of tourist boats,We can also provide positioning and navigation services for tourists driving or hiking。The second is to promote the Beidou system in electronic guides and explanations in scenic spots、Applications of electronic maps。The third is to promote the Beidou system in the mountain type、Plateau Type、Application in emergency rescue in coastal tourist attractions,Includes navigation and positioning、Communication call、Footprint tracking、Danger warning、Accident alarm and accident rescue services, etc.。

(6) Promote the application of artificial intelligence and cultivate new business formats.One is to use intelligent robots to understand language and images,Promote guided tours、Attraction explanation、Applications in information consulting, etc.。The second is to use intelligent search and control technology,Promote artificial intelligence in the dangerous field of tourism、Applications in accident scene operations, etc.。The third is to use automatic programming,Promote driverless cars in scenic spots、Applications in yachts, etc.。The fourth is to use face recognition、Fingerprint identification、Iris recognition and other technologies improve user experience,For example, by identifying the emotional changes of visitors when browsing the web,Help improve the itinerary booking experience and more。

(7) Promote the application of computer simulation technology,Enhanced new features。First, promote VR (virtual reality)、Application of AR (Augmented Reality) and other simulation technologies in tour guides,Enhance visitors’ immersive sensory experience。The second is to promote VR、The application of AR technology in scene reproduction on unrecoverable ruins in scenic spots,Enrich the connotation of tourism products in scenic spots。The third is to promote VR、AR technology in theme parks、Application in museums and other places,In tourism science education、Improve performance in games and entertainment。

(8) Promote social network applications and build new spaces.First, promote the development of tourism social software and social networking sites,For communication between tourists、Make travel plans、Evaluate travel products and services、Provide a platform to enhance mutual feelings。The second is to promote social networks to provide data support for industry management such as tourist satisfaction surveys and tourist complaints。The third is to promote social networks to carry out online marketing through dynamic advertising creativity,Improve marketing effectiveness。

(9) Promote the application of tourism big data and lead new drivers.First, use big data to measure the number of tourists、Structural Characteristics、Hobbies、Collect and analyze consumption habits and other information,Segmenting the tourism market、Precision Marketing、Provide basis for tourism strategy formulation。The second is to use big data to collect and analyze tourism consumption credit and other information,Strengthen services and supervision of tourism market entities。The third is to use big data to conduct correlation analysis on tourist information,Further optimize the allocation of tourism public service resources。

The fourth is to use big data to analyze the association of tourist attraction information,Provide data support for scenic area traffic control and safety warning。

(10) Promote the application of cloud computing in tourism and lay a solid new foundation.First, promote the construction of tourism cloud platform,Providing IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) to the tourism sector and related businesses、PaaS (Platform as a Service)、SaaS (Software as a Service) products and services。The second is to promote cloud computing in tourism information storage、Process、Wide applications in analysis, etc.,Help tourists obtain travel information,Make travel plans,Ordering travel products, etc.。The third is to promote innovative management methods of cloud computing in the tourism industry、Simplify workflow、Improve work efficiency、Applications for saving management costs, etc.。

Chapter 3 Key Projects

1. National/global tourism holographic information system project

Utilizing cloud computing、Big data、Remote sensing technology (remote sensing images、188bet online sports betting UAV aerial survey、Tilt photography, etc.)、Geographic information technology (spatial analysis、Cartography Technology、Space display, etc.) and other technologies for tourism information management and services,Construct and improve basic data management、Tourism information analysis、Forecast and Warning、Emergency Management、Tourism resource management、Virtual scene tour、Travel Weather APP、Tourists experience APP and other functions,Showing realistic tourism scenes、Virtual scene and history, geography and culture,Provide tourists with global and full-time travel information services,Also for the tourism management department、Tourism companies provide global and full-time information management services。

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(1) National global tourism holographic system.A system mainly providing domestic tourism information services,System functions are complete、Running smoothly、Sound mechanism。

(2) Global global tourism holographic system.Based on the national tourism information system,Further expand the scope of information services,Covering major destination countries and regions around the world,Form "full coverage、Full information、Full-service” tourism information service pattern。

2. B&B and Inn Information Project

Accelerate the construction of wireless networks、4G mobile communication network、Video surveillance and other information infrastructure,Provides broad coverage、Free and open WiFi access service。Establish and improve the information platform for rural B&Bs and inns,Perfect real-time promotion、Online booking、Data collection、Statistical analysis and other functions,Comprehensive use of self-media、Network、Multiple information methods such as third-party platforms,Promote and promote B&Bs,Expand the brand influence of B&B inn;Promote B&Bs to create online displays、Booking and Transaction Function,Provide location service (LBS) and visitor customization service (UGC),Encourage B&Bs and inns to use information technology to build guest information management systems、TV access control system、Intelligent control card system、Indoor SOS calling system、Visual monitoring system, etc.,Comprehensively promote the intelligent operation and management of B&B inns、Modernization。


(1) B&B information infrastructure project.Comprehensive completion of the fourth generation mobile communication (4G) network,Provides broad coverage、Free and open WiFi access service。

(2) B&B information platform.Create an online display、Online consultation、Platform with booking and transaction functions,Realize information consultation、Online booking、Internet Marketing、Full coverage of online payment and other services。

(3) B&B information application project.Building and improving information management system、TV access control system、Intelligent control card system、Indoor SOS calling system、Visual monitoring system, etc.。

3. Tourism e-commerce platform project

Promote the construction of a number of tourism e-commerce platforms,Encourage multiple types of development,Continuously enrich platform information,Improve online booking of travel products、Transaction payment level。Promote the connection between tourism e-commerce system and financial system,Promote online payment、The application of emerging payment tools such as telephone payment and mobile payment in the tourism market。Gradually establish electronic contracts、Monitoring system for online product and tourism service information,Strengthen supervision and risk control of tourism online business。Promote the construction of online tourism enterprise credit information service platform,Establishing credit evaluation standards for tourism enterprises,Guide market consumption。Establish and improve tourism e-commerce safety regulations,Strengthening network information services、Online transaction behavior、Supervision of product and service quality, etc.。Urge trading platforms to establish data preservation mechanisms、Consumer personal information security and confidentiality mechanism, etc.。


(1) Tourism e-commerce platform.Building a comprehensive tourism e-commerce website、Professional travel e-commerce website、Website founded by traditional tourism enterprise、Group buying websites and travel e-commerce sectors developed by comprehensive e-commerce, etc.。

(2) Tourism e-commerce credit project.Promote the construction of tourism e-commerce credit system,Establish credit evaluation standards,Guide market consumption。

(3) Tourism e-commerce security project.Formulate safety regulations for tourism e-commerce,Implement corporate safety subject responsibilities,Establish a data protection mechanism、Consumer personal information security and confidentiality mechanism, etc.。

IV. Tourism Internet Marketing Platform Project

Accelerate the construction of China's tourism overseas promotion website,Building a multilingual website targeting major overseas customer sources,Promote and source media、Online marketing cooperation for tourism distribution channels,Use WeChat、Weibo、Client and other emerging media build a multi-angle tourism marketing platform,Carry out targeted promotion and marketing,Transform travel products、Itineraries and promotions are disseminated to overseas tourists in a timely and accurate manner,Expand the popularity and reputation of China’s tourist destinations。


(1) China tourism overseas promotion website.Carry out tourism marketing to major overseas tourist source areas,Provide multilingual services。

(2) Innovation mechanism for tourism precision marketing.Use mobile Internet、WeChat、Weibo and other new media channels carry out precise market marketing。

五、“12301” National Smart Tourism Public Service Platform Improvement Project

Optimize and enhance the “12301” National Smart Tourism Public Service Platform,Improving the tourism 188bet app download public information consultation platform、Tourism industry operation supervision platform、Scenic spot ticket reservation and passenger flow warning platform、National Tourism Big Data Integration Platform、National Tourism Emergency Command Platform、Multi-lingual tourism promotion and marketing platform, etc.,Optimize tourism public services、Industrial operation supervision、Travel warning、Image promotion and other functions,For government supervision and business operations、Visitor Services provides support and services。


(1) Data docking project.Realize data docking with provincial tourism public service platforms,With key tourist attractions、Data docking of hotels and restaurants;Realization and transportation、Hygiene、Public Security、Data docking of meteorological and other departments;Realization and related Internet companies、Data docking of communication operators,Get relevant information in all aspects。

(2) Function improvement project.Improving and improving information services、Telephone consultation、Tourist complaints、Industry Management、Emergency rescue、Video conferencing and other services and supervision functions。

6. Tourism industry supervision comprehensive platform improvement project

Establish and improve the national tourism team service management system、National Tour Guide Public Service Supervision Platform、Tourism quality inspection and law enforcement platform、Tourism accommodation standardized management information system、Travel agency online approval system、China Tourism Volunteer Service Management Information Platform、China Tourism Credit Information Network, etc.。Building and optimizing the functions and structure of the tourism industry management information platform,Form national data unification、Information system architecture for hierarchical authorization management,Realize the informatization and refinement of tourism industry management,Improve service and supervision capabilities for tourism market entities。Guide all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities、Key tourist cities and other cities rely on big data calculation and analysis methods,Develop tourism public opinion and tourism satisfaction analysis system,Real-time collection of visitor reviews from various channels、Opinion,Convenient、Quickly understand tourists’ demands and hot tourist events,Improve the level of refinement of tourism management。


(1) Comprehensive supervision platform.Establish and improve the national tourism team service management system、National Tour Guide Public Service Supervision Platform、Tourism Quality Supervision and Law Enforcement Platform、Standardized Management Information System for Tourism Accommodation Industry、Travel agency online approval system、China Tourism Volunteer Service Management Information Platform、China Tourism Credit Information Network, etc.。

(2) Tourism team service management system improvement project.Improving and improving the functions of each platform,Realizing electronic management of tourist information and nationwide online query;Realize tourist evaluation、Opinion、Request for timely feedback。

7. Tourism emergency command system improvement project

Establish and improve coverage of major tourist destinations、Key tourist attractions、Real-time data and image collection system for hotels, restaurants and other places,Realize the scenic spots、Hotels、Tourist Distribution Center、Emergency events on tourist routes or areas、Passenger flow prediction and early warning and other command and control functions。Establish a data sharing mechanism,Breaking information silos,Promotion and safety supervision、Diplomacy、Public Security、Transportation、Quality Inspection、Food and Drug Administration、Weather、Data docking between earthquake and other departments。Realize information sharing with tourism emergency command centers at all levels、Coordinated linkage,Comprehensively improve tourism safety monitoring and emergency command capabilities。


(1) National tourism emergency command platform.Optimize and improve data collection、Image access、Message sending and receiving、Daily monitoring、Emergency plan management、Emergency response and command function。

(2) Local tourism emergency command platform.Accelerate the construction of emergency command platforms for tourism departments at all levels,And realize data docking with major tourism companies;Promote the completion of the integration of all data of scenic spots above 4A level into the national tourism emergency command platform。

(3) Information sharing project.Promotion and safety supervision、Diplomacy、Public Security、Transportation、Quality Inspection、Food and Drug Administration、Weather、Data docking between earthquake and other departments,Realize emergency command platform interconnection、Information Sharing。

8. Tourism information standard system improvement project

Establish a website covering travel、Travel Information Center、Tourism information standard system for tourism service hotlines and tourism service formats such as food, accommodation, travel, shopping and entertainment。Accelerate the formulation of various national standards involving tourism information resources、Industry Standard、Local standards and corporate standards,Promote mutual connection、Complement each other。Select some conditions that are relatively mature、Provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities with relatively rich resources、Tourist destinations and related enterprises carry out pilot work on tourism information resource standards,Summary of experience in the construction of tourism information resource standards,Increase the publicity and promotion of pilot work,Leverage the demonstration effect of pilot work。


(1) Tourism information standard management platform.Declaration for tourism informatization standards、Project approval、Review、Approval and pilot、Provide support for acceptance and other services and management。

(2) Tourism informatization standard demonstration project.Passed the pilot work of tourism informatization standards,Launch a number of demonstration units and demonstration enterprises。

9. National Tourism Basic Database Upgrading Project

Optimize and improve the national tourism basic database,Enriching channels for data collection,Standards regulating data collection,Improve the timeliness of data collection。Establish and improve the country and local areas、Between relevant departments、Between government and enterprises、Data sharing mechanism between tourism and other industries。Accelerate the construction of the country、Province、City、District (county) four-level tourism data center system,Support in East China、North China、Southwest、Cities selected in northwest China to build national tourism big data center。


(1) Tourism basic database system improvement project.Establish and improve the tourism statistical yearbook database、Tourism enterprise direct reporting database、Domestic Tourism Sample Survey Basic Database、Basic Database of Entry Cost Survey、Tourism industry basic database, etc.。

(2) Tourism basic database collection and sharing project.Establish and improve an industry data collection and sharing platform,Develop a unified data collection summary、Standards for shared exchange,Realize government data、Collection of enterprise data and social data、Summary、Processing and Sharing。

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