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Wei Xiaoan, chief expert of the World 188bet mobile Cities Federation, said recently at the "2017 First China 188bet mobile Destination and 188bet mobile Town Development Conference",The concept of tourist destination is more in line with the current development law of 188bet mobile,It should also be more in line with the laws of the 188bet mobile market,To establish a diversified 188bet mobile product system。He said,“Tourist destinations are not a new concept,At least 20 years of development history in China,But this word has mostly been replaced by global 188bet mobile in recent years,Rarely used”。
Wei Xiaoan emphasized,To build a more distinctive 188bet mobile destination,It is necessary to implant a diversified product system,Cannot be limited to one 188bet mobile town or one 188bet mobile destination。
Meanwhile,Wei Xiaoan expressed his agreement with the view of Director Wu Wenxue, former deputy director of the National 188bet mobile Administration - "The foundation of a destination must be a scenic spot,Without scenic spots, there is no core competitiveness。”He believes that the scenic spot wants to become more and more attractive through economic development and in-depth experience,It is necessary to establish a diversified product system。The current 188bet mobile market is diversified,Demands are also diverse。
On the other hand,Wei Xiaoan summarizes 188bet mobile behavior into six types from the perspective of experience:
一、Visual type,i.e. traditional sightseeing tour,Pursue to see more,Expand your horizons;
2. Homely type, that is, leisure type;
三、Enjoyment type,Vacation is a typical enjoyment product,Many high-end tours are enjoyment products;
four、Saying type,Maybe it’s because the daily work is too stressful、City life is too busy,It’s rare to have some time,Some people don’t pursue anything,Just have fun;
五、Wild style,The wild type is very common around the world,In fact, we are pursuing changes in our will to live,Singaporeans are very well-behaved in their own country,Because I usually hold it in too much,Go wild when you get to Malaysia;
6. Self-abuse type. There are more and more tourists with this type of self-abuse type.
Summary for the above types,Wei Xiaoan pointed out,So in the process of constructing 188bet mobile destinations,Must be based on diversification of needs、Study the product system based on the diversification of experience。You may pay more attention to 188bet mobile towns for a period of time,Maybe I will pay attention to other things in the next period of time。He compared the product to a gust of wind,The basic pattern remains unchanged,So always following the trend may never succeed。
Wei Xiaoan said: "There will always be the first generation of consumers、First generation tourists,What these tourists pursue is sightseeing,So 188bet mobile and diversified 188bet mobile products are not either/or、Black and white,But a composite relationship,The requirements for diversification have become higher。So we need to study the entire domain、Full time、全民、Full value and other major issues can make these things happen。”
Wei Xiaoan emphasized,Global 188bet mobile is not a simple concept,But study diversification in the corresponding space;There is not only one golden week in full time,It’s a matter of how to configure the time,If time has greater autonomy,There is no doubt that the era of mass 188bet mobile will come;Full value means that tourists are increasingly pursuing cost-effectiveness,If 10 years ago or 5 years ago,The difference between 50 yuan and 100 yuan can guide tourists in the direction。
*thisSource:, author: Lin Xi, original labelTitle: "Wei Xiaoan: 188bet mobile and diversified products are not either/or》.
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