Remarks on the resignation of 188bet mobile login’s 8-year-old female master of science and engineering: 188bet mobile login’s men have been reduced to cattle,A female man is lucky to be a human being

Industrial Investment Author of 188bet mobile login article: Mo Mo 2017-11-02
October one year ago,I left Huawei,Neither salty nor bland。188bet mobile login October,The husband who joined me also left,Huawei’s men have been reduced to cattle,A female man is lucky to be a human being,Cheer up。And me,Goodbye......

Resignation speech of a female master of science and engineering at 188bet mobile login after 8 years——

October one year ago,I left Huawei,Neither salty nor bland。This October,The husband who joined me also left,The mixed feelings in my heart surged up extremely fiercely。In the past year,I still call Huawei our company,Because I am still a Huawei family member,Life is still filled with the familiar flavor of Huawei,You also have the opportunity to stroll around the beautiful campus of Shangyin Institute。But from now on,188bet mobile login really has nothing to do with this place,Really farewell。So I picked up my pen,Complete the emotions at the moment and the previous experiences at Huawei,Keep 188bet mobile login as a souvenir。Memorial of Youth,In memory of the family,Memorial of a way of life。


Every Huawei person has had this feeling: when someone around them leaves,You can’t help but ask yourself,When will 188bet mobile login be me?Yes,Huawei to us,Just another university,A large number of fresh meat come here every year,Refined into a spirit or returned to society after giving up martial arts,We call 188bet mobile login "graduated"。My schooling lasted for eight and a half years,Several transfers in the R&D department,Overall score B+,A well-behaved and honest student。

When the supervisor asked the reason for leaving,I said,Because my heart is not peaceful。188bet mobile login is the truth。Bai Yansong said,Not calm,There will be no happiness。I am indeed experiencing a delayed happiness perception。Because my heart is not peaceful,People are working and their hearts are wandering,Feeling like I’m floating,No foundation, no nutrition, no enthusiasm,Only numbness and mechanical work day after day。

Why is 188bet mobile login not calm?

External cause 1: Curiosity killed the cat.

Come out of school,Plunge headlong into the abyss of Huawei,I have never looked up at the road in so many years。In the university Huawei,The soldiers at the grassroots level are like screws,Under strict procedures,Farm your own one-third of an acre,Don’t dare to slack off。The company is like a personal nanny,Provides a complete set of services: canteen、Convenience store、Gym、Air tickets、dormitory、Agreement Hotel、Irregular cultural and sports activities、Blind date、Internal rental......So the children came out of the ivory tower,Changed to the ivory tower and continued living,There is also a reward 188bet mobile login time。Since Huawei’s own winery Moser came out,Visiting relatives and friends turns to red wine,High-end atmosphere and class。

188bet mobile login is these seemingly good and convenient,Created a group of "Huawei people" with special labels。Everyone enjoys the convenience provided by the company to improve work efficiency,While looking forward to the colorful world outside。For those who have seen through 188bet mobile login,Hi,This is enough,Why waste your energy on 188bet mobile login。But——

Everyone is a river of desire,188bet mobile login’s just different shades,Never experience 188bet mobile login once,188bet mobile login’s hard to calm down the desire to be satisfied。And Huawei,What’s special about 188bet mobile login is just that,Simple and closed。Of course,plus occupying most of a person’s waking time,The link that makes this experience enrich life is missing。

So,188bet mobile login cat who heard a little bit of outside stories,Finally couldn’t help but jump out,No matter what is outside。

External cause 2: The natural conflict between wolves and lambs.

Huawei’s wolfish nature is well known。There was a year,While my chicken blood is still cold,Become a small supervisor,Trying to transform myself into a wolf,To obtain a pass for promotion。After discovering that I can’t be cruel,Buy all kinds of classic management books,Trying to become an elegant wolf who acts according to the rules of civilized society。188bet mobile login’s hard to follow the right path。After a while of tearing,Continue to be a lamb。

There is a famous rule among wolves: "Forbearance、Ruthless、Scroll”。New to the wolf pack,Unstable foundation,I can only endure 188bet mobile login。Then there are two options,Or train yourself to become a more ferocious wolf,This is not just about being cruel to your opponent,Be ruthless to all links in the cooperation chain,Be more ruthless to yourself;Get out。Three different views,Can’t bear 188bet mobile login。Then get lost。

In 188bet mobile login heart, Xiaoyang still prefers being as gentle as jade,Want to enjoy flowers in spring and look at the moon in autumn,A handful of red mud pleases the body and mind。

Internal cause 1: Food and clothing, lustful thoughts.

Once,Dine with clients in the Philippines,The other guy asked me to teach him how to speak Chinese。I asked: “What Chinese do you speak”?"Food and clothing, thinking about lust",He taught,Pointing to Jeff who was opposite with a smirk on his face。"Do you know what 188bet mobile login means?"?“I just started thinking about things I shouldn’t think about when I’m full and clothed”。Correct answer!

Human thoughts,God laughs。But what else can 188bet mobile login do if 188bet mobile login have enough food and clothing。

The thing I have been thinking about most in the past two years: continue at the current pace,In another ten years,What kind of state will I be in?Look at the older colleagues around you,Endless overtime,Time cannot be controlled independently;Grumpy,Tangled up in countless trivial events;Complaining about the company after dinner,Then continue to do things with restraint。With my qualifications in this field,Can really foresee the future,This is not the version of myself I want to see。If temporary forbearance can be exchanged for future sublimation,Maybe I can still persist,But I can’t see 188bet mobile login。

When 188bet mobile login thought flashes,I can’t calm down anymore: 188bet mobile login is the legendary life that can be seen at a glance,Let the remaining good years continue to spin in circles?

Internal cause 2: The so-called body and mind are not unified.

There are always colleagues like this around me: you talk to them about new technologies,His eyes shine。He gets to work,Like a burning fireball,Shining。188bet mobile login’s so enviable。This is what is called doing what you love,Prepare your own fuel,There is no need to fan the flames from outside。But I’m not,I am becoming more and more aware that my talent is not here。Speaking from the bottom of my heart,I don’t love science first,More yearning for "picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence,The farming life of Nanshan leisurely。Intuitive view,My love for words is far greater than numbers。This seed that I have always carefully buried,Rapid expansion in the past two years,There is a feeling of coming out,Don’t let 188bet mobile login branch out,I’m afraid I’m going to have internal injuries。

An article by Taiwanese writer Ono "Even if I choose the wrong one,The article "Life will not be ruined" has become popular 188bet mobile login circle of friends,Probably because everyone has experienced such a change in consciousness。Various choices on the journey of life,Follow your heart,188bet mobile login end, we will reach the same destination by different paths。Only through experience and internalization can one be unified with oneself,Only the inner and outer can be unified,Only by inner peace。

So,I want to stop,To find that thing that can resurrect me with full blood and shine all the way。Many people say,Give up years of accumulation and start again,The opportunity cost is too high,And this age is also embarrassing。I don’t have much confidence either,I can only serve chicken soup by myself: "Every day is the youngest day in the rest of my life",“188bet mobile login’s never too late to start life”。I will never go back to the time when I was twenty-eight and choose my life again,Just follow your heart,Not to mention——

The past years are not meaningless,188bet mobile login is the most important stop in the journey of life,Solved food and clothing,Exercised the ability to solve complex problems,Look at things macroscopically and treat things microscopically,Thinking carefully,Resistant to stress。These are the basis of survival。

As I wrote in my farewell letter: "When the moment of departure finally arrives,On the contrary, 188bet mobile login is very calm,Those usual dissatisfactions or complaints have subsided over time,All that remains is the habitual frown between the brows,188bet mobile login seems that we need to wait for enough sunshine in our hearts to relax。Company/job has nothing to do with good or bad,Only whether 188bet mobile login suits you,With you all day long,Really like partners。You are here to breathe and connect,These atmospheres ultimately shape how we see each other,We are each other’s magnetic field。188bet mobile login’s not so much that 188bet mobile login’s not good here,188bet mobile login’s better to say that I can’t see a better version of myself here。”

Then,Goodbye,188bet mobile login!Encounter in the most beautiful years,Never let down。Start a new life in the post-youth era,Meet happiness,Meet a better self!

Those bloody 188bet mobile login that passed by with ease

Years ago,After a seven-day holiday,I asked my colleagues in the group,What are 188bet mobile login doing on vacation。"Seven days to hold up the corpse",Shouyou said。What is "standing up the corpse"?Just lie in bed every day,Play games and watch movies when 188bet mobile login are awake,Go to sleep when 188bet mobile login are sleepy,I’m so hungry and order takeout。

Stand up to the corpse,Image enough!Although 188bet mobile login is a bit exaggerated,But 188bet mobile login’s the real life of a single Huawei man who just graduated。But why is this so?The youth of 26 years old,There is still a little money in hand!


188bet mobile login or two times

I try to bring back the memory to 2006,188bet mobile login was early April,188bet mobile login’s a cold spring in the north。First time flying,Go to Shenzhen headquarters to participate in team training,This is what the outside world calls brainwashing。The moisture and heat from the South are coming together,Green vegetation,Clear blue sky,So warm and beautiful。Huawei Sakata Base,So broad。A European-style manor that looks like a gorgeous carving out of the African continent。My little heart is trembling。

Wake up at five o'clock in the morning,Wearing shorts and short sleeves, running laps with the tall and handsome instructor,Strength challenges my limits,Someone faints every day anyway。Then quickly have breakfast at the nearest canteen。Run all the way back to the Baicao Garden dormitory to take a shower and change into formal clothes。Nearly eight o'clock,High heels, suits and skirts jingling on the road to the 188bet mobile login University Training Center,The spring breeze is weak and the willow fibers are weak,From now on, pink and white will have no color。The content of the class is nothing more than corporate culture、Information Security、Military training。What’s everyone’s status?,Doze off,Quietly discussing which class’s instructor is more handsome。These legendary retired soldiers of the national flag squad,Kedu is so handsome。

188bet mobile login about the promised highlights?

Before the first class every day,Instructor’s roll call,Those whose names are called must stand up immediately,Use the energy of Dantian to send out the most powerful "arrive"。This is difficult for those girls who are as delicate and reserved as princesses and the cold and melancholy little princes,I often hold 188bet mobile login in until my face turns red,You need to shout many times to pass。Every name becomes a shadow?!The first step in the cultivation of female men and animals。Roll roll completed,Start to display the learning content of the previous day in groups。Eighteen kinds of martial arts compete on the same stage,Short sketch, cross talk, playing, playing and singing,I was once asked by the team leader to recite a poem I wrote,I still blush when I think about 188bet mobile login。

A thrilling two weeks,Ended with a debate and a gorgeous artistic performance。The theme of the debate remains the same,Zhengfang: "Do what 188bet mobile login do and love what 188bet mobile login do",Opposition: "Love what 188bet mobile login do and do what 188bet mobile login do"。Of course my side wins,Company’s cultural orientation。The point is,We rehearse and revise the draft every night until after twelve o'clock,That lack of sleep,Lack of sleep!But I found out later,Other members of our debate team actually participated in the art performance,Continue to rush to the show at midnight。Not yet in working mode,Already tense。

The beginning of training,The counselor informed me of the rules for adding and deducting points,And threatened that the next five percent would be eliminated。And the truth is,The training is not over yet,People who left voluntarily have filled up the quota。The company is more afraid of you leaving。But I think this brainwashing was extremely successful,Pull out the laziness from school and give 188bet mobile login a workout,Pour some more chicken blood,Full of passion from now on,A red heart toward the chrysanthemum。

Back to Shangyan Institute,Start a three-month internship。First few days,I am carefree,Go to the company at eight o'clock every day,Then 188bet mobile login flashed at six o’clock。There is no legendary smoke of war and unlimited overtime。Until Friday,Agui told me tactfully: "We work overtime on Tuesdays and Thursdays by default,Where is the internship period,188bet mobile login’s best to add 188bet mobile login every day,Learn more”。Oh oh oh,I just woke up,188bet mobile login turns out that my tutor is away on a business trip,No one has told me the rules yet。Okay,Start working overtime。

The tutor made a three-month study plan for me,Excel table details weekly learning focus,There must be output。So,Theme every Monday,Collect information from seniors,Watch and summarize from Monday to Thursday,Write study notes on Friday。I will arrange a night to share with colleagues in the next week,Of course,Mainly questions from seniors,To put 188bet mobile login bluntly, 188bet mobile login is to test the learning effect。Those three months,Without a doubt,I got enough chicken blood,Intensive reading summary of all materials,Detailed specifications for study notes。Starting from the second month,Also takes over some simple tasks,No matter whether 188bet mobile login is tedious or boring,I will complete 188bet mobile login as seriously as an imperial edict。Then get your wish,End of internship,A score in the defense defense for full-time promotion,Added 500 yuan salary,Rated as an outstanding new employee。What about the five percent elimination rate mentioned at the beginning of the internship?Maybe he just patted his ass and left。

188bet mobile login or three moves

After the above two experiences,Children who have strong opinions and ways have gone wherever they need to go。Those who stay are all in good health: accept Huawei culture、hard-working,The key is that there is no other way out,Continue to practice in 188bet mobile login melting pot,He will look like a “Huawei person” within two years。Hereinafter referred to as "Huawei's quick trick for men to stand up":

First move: disconnect the network。The company cannot access the external network,Cannot use mobile phones with cameras (Huawei smartphones were canceled after their emergence),Of course there was no mobile Internet access at that time,Non-work calls cannot exceed five minutes。So everyone’s only entertainment,Just look at the administrative service window before lunch break,Mainly the marriage recommendation column,Comment on beauties together。Huawei men were very popular at that time,There are several good qualities that women like: talkative, money-less and coquettish。So ever,Aesthetic social interaction is gradually limited to this small circle。Rumors in the world: If 188bet mobile login have classmates who cannot be contacted for a long time,Either dead,Either in Huawei。Confirmation。

Second move: nap。Not lying on the table and taking a nap。Every person has a bed rolled up under the desk of a square inch,After lunch,Pull out the blanket,Turn off the lights,Men and women sleep next to each other,Spectacular and ceremonial,Remember the grand scene of taking a nap on the school desk and chair in junior high school。From a medical perspective,Napping is good for the body。For the company,Napping can ensure energetic work in the afternoon,188bet mobile login kind of energy can also be extended to working overtime at night。Anyway, nap time is deducted from working hours,Why not?。Perfectly realize that all waking hours are given to the company。

The third trick: black cloth shoes。I don’t know why we have to wear formal clothes during team training,After pretending to be B for two weeks,Come to the office where you work,Dumbfounded。Everyone wears black clothes, black pants and black shoes,Your whole suit, tie and white shirt,If 188bet mobile login weren’t for the work badge, he would really look like a house seller。From now on, this outfit will be the best in the box,Say Byebye to fashion from now on。I am one of the few little girls living in a coal pit and I don’t even think about dressing up。This saves a lot of money,I can count the number of shopping trips in two years on one hand。At that time, people always said that I looked like a student,I just realized 188bet mobile login now,The implication is that you are so earthy。

On the road to retreat and practice,Every day is so fast that 188bet mobile login can only be recorded by opening and closing the eyes。Dedicated my whole heart to the company,The learning ability is also stronger than ever。Learn and work with projects,One person runs the supplier’s production line to learn and sell now,Establish brand connections in your own field。This is the feeling after four years of bamboo spreading its rhizomes underground,whistling out,Soaring to the sky in one day。Tired, tired,But there is energy in Dantian and hope in my heart,People are blooming。Some people say that one year of growth at this time is worth five years,This statement is true。Two years have passed in the blink of an eye,Huawei male has mastered the skill of standing up a corpse。

The journey of a child from an ordinary family struggling hard on the Huawei platform。Silence on the surface、Gloomy,But there is something quietly harvesting inside,also happy。So when I look back,My heart is warm,What I clearly see is the brilliance of youth,In the dark night,Shines slightly。188bet mobile login may be the most worthwhile period that Huawei can give。

Looks beautiful


Picture story: 188bet mobile login’s large-scale advertising,Our life,Pain,and be happy。

Two years after surviving the death,The little fresh meat has been described as plump,188bet mobile login’s the most useful time。Allotment of dividends,Income rise。When the blood is still cold,Full of confidence again,Having the ambition to stand alone in the martial arts world。Looking at the colleagues who won the president’s gold medal at the year-end party,Standing in a suit and leather suit under the halo,I am also very ambitious。If the story continues like this,Everything looks beautiful!

An afternoon like 188bet mobile login,The sun has just tempered its edge,I am holding a cup of Coffee from HuaweiLemon Hundred Flowers Black Tea bought at Inn,Sit down by the window in the cafeteria,Spread out the pen and paper......

In front of 188bet mobile login,A whole side of glass windows facing the water,The scenery of the lake and mountains outside the window: an artificial lake with rich layers,Weeping willows brushing across the water,clear waves,There are stones randomly placed in the lake,Let the fish play。Gentle slope by the lake,Green grass Yiyi,Trees of various colors in their place。A thatched house with stone walls and wooden beams quietly lying on the hillside,Simple and elegant。Raise your head,Sunlight pouring from the glass roof,Nuan Nuan,rourou。

The huge canteen is unusually quiet。The operation room is in a closed area,188bet mobile login can’t see the chef cooking and 188bet mobile login can’t smell the fumes。A few aunties are mopping the floor,The sound of plates being placed was clattering in the distance,Dozens of dining lines with different flavors are waiting for the crowd。CoffeeThe small corner of the Inn is a bit lively,Colleague drinking coffee while leaning on high chair,Or whisper with the customer,Or discuss questions。

On the wall 188bet mobile login center of the cafeteria,Large posters display photos of the heroes of the P7 team,Wireless Fellow,Senior expert introduction。heroic and wise,A glorious look of success。

The first time I looked at 188bet mobile login from the outside as a bystander,My heart is suddenly clear。This is really legendary and labor-intensive,Is Dajuchang rich in diaosi??If I am a new job seeker,Just this short glance,Maybe you will fall in love with this chrysanthemum。If I am a reporter,After this glance,What will happen to the text and the direction of public opinion。

Your fleeting glance,Looks beautiful。I am living in 188bet mobile login,What did I see?

As a mainstay with good physical strength,Frequently developed in other places,At least three months,Up to one year。188bet mobile login is the deep loneliness of being separated from his wife and children,And the self-blame of being unable to change and falling into the abyss。"My wife will get divorced if you don't let me go back" cannot be used as a bargaining chip,The most indispensable thing here is screws;

Served as module leader,The helpless feeling of having no clue every time I work on a problem until late at night,And the anxiety of not being able to make business 188bet mobile login future。No project is completed step by step,Seizing the opportunity depends on the Great Wall of flesh and blood;

Become a project manager,Up,In response to leaders saying “I only want results”、“Don’t tell me the reason”。Down,Fighting in various fields,Breaking open the department wall,Stir up the rigid process,188bet mobile login is the sense of fragmentation that drives the fight everywhere。Every project I experience is a rebirth after being ripped apart;

So-called office space,A large long table with more than a dozen people,188bet mobile login’s the awkwardness and noise of sitting side by side, eye to eye;

The routine overtime work on Saturdays at the end of the month is extended to come to the company every Saturday,I will always owe 188bet mobile login family a companionship and a vacation;

Put off the marriage leave until 188bet mobile login is about to expire before you dare to ask for 188bet mobile login,Just to give an explanation to my partner;

Reluctantly signed the "Struggler Agreement",Alleging the humiliation of voluntarily giving 188bet mobile login paid annual leave and working overtime。

No social interaction, no friends, no inner abundance,The confusion and uneasiness left 188bet mobile login world......

160,000 people,160,000 difficult stories。188bet mobile login love and hate,188bet mobile login glory and loss,188bet mobile login growth and transformation, 188bet mobile login numbness and self-abandonment。

And me,Also due to the split of departmental business,Started living in Shenzhen for almost a year。That was the last day of the honeymoon,I am in Lijiang,Received a call from the leader: direct supervisor transferred,On top of me。In China where official-oriented thinking prevails,Already a good thing。So I rushed to Shenzhen as soon as the vacation was over。Just one year,Experienced three supervisors,Business chaos,188bet mobile login are endless situations。

Then one day,On the way to work,While riding a bicycle, I think about a few difficult things that need to be solved,When entering the underground garage, which was full of steep slopes with thin edges and corners, I actually didn’t get out of the car,When I thought about braking, I found that the brake was broken。Then I flew out,Landing face first,Suddenly blood splattered。I stood at the basement entrance a little at a loss,Security ran over,Give me a big wad of toilet paper,Then he called a taxi for me。Colleagues who are strangers to each other pass by indifferently one by one,With the unswerving expression typical of Huawei people。I took a taxi to the hospital,Text message on the car asking for leave and explaining work。Cleaning needles and taking films,I finally saw my face: the left half of my face was almost completely injured,Six stitches。A piece of meat fell off somewhere,Can’t sew,The doctor said to let 188bet mobile login grow on its own,Scars are inevitable。Check elsewhere,Palm、Arm、Legs、There are also multiple injuries on the shoulder,Green and purple。

Later an expert whom I respect very much talked about 188bet mobile login,He once had a morning,I was delayed for a while because of something at home,In order to catch up with the important meeting hosted by myself,The car rides fast,Then 188bet mobile login flew while turning,Broken hip。The magic is,Return after a year of rest at home,Discovered that the things he considered extremely important were still in his hands,No progress。188bet mobile login seems,We all overestimate our own importance。

188bet mobile login a painful realization!

Back to the "bad feet" in the title picture,The right foot looks beautiful,These are soft and luxurious shoes and graceful and slender ankles,What the dancer sees is the left foot,A pair of deformed supports。Just like a friend leaving the system to write and run an inn in Dali,What you see is the waves of Erhai Lake and the pleasant afternoon reading time,But in the eyes of friends, 188bet mobile login is the trivial work of a housewife and the uneasiness of living out of the main channel。

Boss Ren said: “In addition to drinking less coffee than others,Do more work,In fact, we have no advantages over others。188bet mobile login’s because we started too late,Our growing years are too short,Too few things accumulated,We have to endure a little more hardship than others,So we have one with ballet feet,A bad foot,I think he is from Huawei,Painful and happy,Huawei is such a bad foot”。

Roman.Roland said: "Life is hard。For those who are unwilling to settle for mediocrity, 188bet mobile login is a day and night struggle,Often tragic、No glory、No happiness,The struggle in loneliness and silence。...They can only rely on themselves,But sometimes even the strongest people are wasted in suffering"。

Behind any extraordinary thing,These are extraordinary efforts。Jobs’ “Only the paranoid survive”,Not only self-abuse but also abuse of others。Foxconn’s extremely precise and efficient production line,While producing luxury electronic products,188bet mobile login also kills the light of life of young children in the industrial age。And Huawei,On the road to growing up and becoming proud of the nation,How many ordinary people’s dignity and dreams have been trampled on。They promote the development of civilization in different dimensions,Enriching people’s lives。Undoubtedly great again。

The sunset begins to set,188bet mobile login’s time to get off work,Okay,Close the pen,The last amazing look outside the window。What a wonderful time,Like the spring forest in full bloom,Spring grass begins to grow,Even if the birds sing and dance in the spring breeze, they are not as good as you。On the way forward,Take care of yourself!

188bet mobile login have abused me thousands of times, and I have treated 188bet mobile login like my first love

There is a post on the Huawei Xinsheng Community: Tell us how you feel about Huawei in one sentence,The number one ranking is: “Welcometojointheconference” (Welcome to join the conference call)。Let’s get what everyone wants!Within 24 hours a day,No matter when and where,As long as the phone is turned on,Everyone has the possibility of hearing this wonderful sound,188bet mobile login’s a lady’s sweet and professional voice,Inviting you to various conference calls for unknown reasons。

Saturday,11:50pm,I have been taking care of my children for a day,Just finished cleaning up,Place yourself on the bed,The phone rang (forgot to mute 188bet mobile login,sin sin),Look at the number 8100,Connect immediately。Yue’s “Welcome” sounded insidetojointheconference”,A group of male voices quarreled next。Version Manager: “Do you remember ×××?”?“Don’t remember,Want to check the document”。"Then can you come to the company now"?The daughter whose sleep was disturbed is now crying heartbreakingly next to her。“I......" Silence for a moment: "I have sent this data to everyone by email before,Anyone can check 188bet mobile login at the company”。"Who else knows"?......Silence,I really don’t want to drag others into trouble。"This problem must be solved tonight"。“×××”。Then,A voice calling someone else came from the phone,“×××,Come to the company right now......”“Hmm,Now?......Okay”。I hang up the phone,Continue to comfort the crying daughter beside you,Uneasy。

188bet mobile login’s men have been reduced to cattle,A female man is lucky to be a human being,Cheer up。

A Saturday afternoon,I was driving alone with my children on the crowded Second Ring Road,The phone is ringing,Didn’t answer。With my driving skills,Don’t dare to pick up the truck until you stop at a red light。188bet mobile login rang again after a while,Didn’t answer。The third time、The fourth ringing。Oh my God,What an urgent matter!I don’t care about my safety anymore,Pick up the phone,8100,"Welcome after connectingtojointheconference”。A bass voice sounded: "I am writing the ××× feature document,There is something I want to discuss with you”。"Are you anxious??If you are not in a hurry, please send an email,I will deal with 188bet mobile login on Monday,188bet mobile login will be inconvenient to drive,Or I’ll call you when I get home”。“Just a simple question......BalaBala”。“I can’t explain your question in two sentences,Sorry,I’ll call you when I get back”。Hang up the phone,Life still matters。

Huawei Logic: When I work overtime,188bet mobile login are working overtime too,Otherwise we have to wait!

Under such abuse,Tell the truth,Can stay in the company for seven days、Eight years,That must be true love。188bet mobile login’s full of holes no matter what,Still never give up。Even if he finally left for various reasons,also full of reluctance。Not to mention,In terms of the workplace,Huawei is really my first love,Although 188bet mobile login was not love at first sight,But I am a person with no pursuits,Once caught,Followed with all my heart,This love lasted eight years。Suddenly turned around,Already seem to be inseparable from each other,Fading away。

There is such a story on the Internet,When Huawei Vice President Li Yuzhuo resigned from Huawei,Ren Zhengfei persuaded him to stay at that time,Also encouraged him to divorce his wife,Li Yuzhuo described at the time, “I looked at this child with a beard-covered face、Tall and majestic、Generally ignore people、He talks endlessly、A person who often gives unexpected insights,I feel quite emotional: 188bet mobile login is not easy to be a business,Leaving home and career,Sacrifice health。Speaking of health,A sentence spoken by Ren Zhengfei suddenly came to my mind: ‘For this company,Look at my body,What diabetes、Hypertension、I have cervical spondylosis,You are in such good health,Don’t do 188bet mobile login well yet?’The implication,I wish everyone would be tired and sick before he could feel comfortable。

188bet mobile login’s spirit

2000,Ren Zhengfei recommended a report to Huawei people: "Sleepless Silicon Valley"。Read the full text,Only then can 188bet mobile login truly understand what America’s core competitiveness is。The article reads: "These programmers、Software Developer、Entrepreneurs and project managers stick to ‘asleep’,188bet mobile login will fail’ creed,With lofty ideals,With a big cup of coffee,They will sit in front of the display screen that emits fluorescent lines and work until four or five in the morning,Sometimes even until 6 o'clock,Instead of lying comfortably in bed。This is the price of participating in international markets that transcend time zones: a new starting point every day,Continuously and feverishly developing ‘Internet’ technology...”

“Working late into the night is almost the unified lifestyle of about 200,000 high-tech troops in Silicon Valley today,Those who work a traditional schedule have two alternating periods each day,In the parking lot of the High-tech Industrial Park,188bet mobile login might still be crowded at 3am。And many people who regard night as day will connect their home computers to the office network at night..."

"Just like sports,The high-tech field is mainly dominated by young people,188bet mobile login depends on the limits of the aging process。According to statistics,In this industry,Single men under the age of 35 make up the vast majority - some are taking advantage of them before they get older,Desperately、Extract as much product from yourself as possible (while receiving compensation from the company)..."

Interesting thing,“Mat culture” is not unique to Huawei,The exact same example exists in Silicon Valley: “Netscape employees used to sleep in designated rooms with mattresses on them,But,The company has canceled this kind of room,To encourage employees to stop working and go home”,However,"Staff are always asking for mattress rooms to be re-opened"。Same,In Huawei,Have 188bet mobile login heard anyone questioning “mat culture”?Today,Under the desk of Huawei employee,188bet mobile login will still see colorful cushions。

2001,Huo Dawei went on a business trip to Huawei’s American Research Institute,This is my first time in Silicon Valley and I want to experience what "Sleepless Silicon Valley" is like,188bet mobile login was the time when the 188bet mobile login bubble burst,Many startups have failed,“Silicon Valley becomes Death Valley”,Even so,A local scientist took him to the Cisco parking lot at around 11pm,There are still many cars parked there,The scientist told him,"There are cars in the parking lot,Everyone must be working overtime"... What impressed Huo Dawei so much,While discussing with local employees,He introduced Huawei’s values ​​to them,I thought 188bet mobile login would be difficult to understand,Unexpectedly, the reaction of most employees is: "This is common sense to Silicon Valley people,Customer-centric,Only by struggling can we succeed,188bet mobile login is the truth..." Huo Dawei realized from this,Huawei culture and Silicon Valley culture are completely matched,This culture is not unique to Huawei。A Huawei executive said:

“We always say that foreign employees of Huawei Culture cannot understand 188bet mobile login,I don’t know why they can’t understand。Customer-centric is the first foreign company to implement solutions based on customer needs,The solution is to be customer-centric,You can get the contract only if you do well。Customer-centric,Why foreign employees can’t understand?Putting strivers first,Another way of saying 188bet mobile login,Foreign employees understand 188bet mobile login。Why does he take more money?188bet mobile login’s because he works more。This is what we can do、According to work、More work, more reward,Foreign employees also know that the more they work, the more they get,The more you work, the more you get, isn’t 188bet mobile login that striving is the foundation??”

188bet mobile login has 170,000 today,There are nearly 40,000 foreign employees,They represent different ethnic groups、Different religions、Different personalities、Different origins and educational backgrounds,But across different cultures,Under the leadership of a group of yellow people,More than 20 years,Always unobtrusively、Walking with determination in every corner of the five continents of the world...

188bet mobile login is the tie that connects them?Shared values ​​and common vision。

Roman.Roland said: "There is only one true heroism 188bet mobile login world,That is, still loving life after recognizing the truth of life”。Big waves 188bet mobile login sand,Deep respect to the heroes who stayed behind!

As for me, 188bet mobile login say goodbye.

*188bet mobile login文来Source: Pintu 188bet mobile login Review, 188bet mobile login: Momo, original title: "Goodbye,Workplace anxiety!Remarks on the resignation of 188bet mobile login’s 8-year-old female master of science and engineering: 188bet mobile login’s men have been reduced to cattle,A female man is lucky to be a human being》.

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