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Introduced at the annual press conference held by the Macau SAR Government 188bet sports betting Office on the 23rd,Macao’s visitor arrivals exceeded 35.8 million in 2018,Up 9 year-on-year.8%,A record high。Benefited from factors such as the opening of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge,Macao’s 188bet sports betting industry performed satisfactorily overall in 2018。
Data provided by the 188bet sports betting Bureau,Mainland 2018、Hong Kong and Taiwan still rank among the top three tourist destinations in Macau,More than 25 million mainland tourists,Up 13.8%,Among them, more than 12 million individual tourists visited;The number of tourists from Hong Kong and Taiwan increased by 2 respectively.6% and 0.1%。South Korea remains the number one source of international tourists,More than 810,000 inbound tourists。
The 188bet sports betting Bureau also stated,After the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge opened on October 24, 2018,The number of passengers entering via the bridge reached 1.05 million,Becoming Macau’s second largest port of entry for tourists during this period。Data display,October after the bridge opened、November and December,The number of same-day tourists entering Macau increased significantly 13.2%、26.9% and 28.9%。
Also,More than 17.3 188bet sports betting same-day passengers in the year,12 year-on-year increase.7%。More than 18.4 188bet sports betting overnight visitors throughout the year,Up 7 year-on-year.2%,More than same-day passengers for three consecutive years。Hotel venues with 14 188bet sports betting guests,The average hotel occupancy rate exceeds 90%。
*thisWen LaiSource: Xinhuanet, author of this article: Wang Chenxi, originalTitle:《Macao’s inbound tourists exceeded 35.8 188bet sports betting in 2018》.
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