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Author of this article: Yi Buer 2019-08-07
A large-scale Ctrip system、Fliggy, which has Alibaba traffic, and Meituan, which has local service traffic, compete in the "Three Kingdoms" competition,What are the differentiated business advantages of each?Who can be the final winner?
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With the economic and social development of our country、Increase in residents’ income and upgrade of consumption,The tourism consumption capacity and tourism consumer groups of Chinese residents are increasing significantly。According to Analysys monitoring data,The scale of China’s online travel transactions in 2017 reached 8923.300 million yuan;7342 in the first three quarters of 2018.6.2 billion yuan,Approaching the transaction size for the whole year of 2016,The scale of online travel transactions in 2018 reached 9.9 trillion yuan,The tourism market is expected to reach one trillion in 2019。

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Intense competition brought about by the growth of online travel market,Market share begins to gather towards major manufacturers,current,The online tourism industry has formed the Ctrip system、The "Three Kingdoms Killing" situation between Ali Feizhu and New American University。Ctrip continues to improve its OTA industry layout through mergers and acquisitions,Firmly occupying the leading position in the industry;Fliggy relies on the powerful energy of Alibaba’s super ecology,Rising rapidly in recent years;Meituan’s traffic advantage based on local life services has begun to become prominent in the hotel and tourism business。

The Matthew effect is gradually becoming more apparent,When the market enters a battle for stickiness,According to data from China Business Industry Research Institute,As of 2018,Ctrip and Fliggy together account for 71% of the online travel market.6% of transaction volume。A large-scale Ctrip system、Fliggy, which has Alibaba traffic, and Meituan, which has local service traffic, compete in the "Three Kingdoms" competition,What are the differentiated business advantages of each?Who can be the final winner?

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1.“Shouye” Ctrip,Hope that the whole industrial chain “bought” will become a barrier to competition

Since Liang Jianzhang returned to Ctrip in 2013,The layout of the entire industry chain ecosystem has become Ctrip’s goal,In the upstream hotel travel business, midstream OTAs and downstream offline travel agencies continue to make efforts,Building an O2O platform for the entire industry chain。

In the fiercely competitive OTA market environment,Starting in 2014,Ctrip through investment or merger and acquisition,Jiang Tongcheng、Tuniu、Elong、Qunar and others have been recruited under his banner;End of 2017,Tongcheng and eLong merged,Ctrip has also become the major shareholder of the new company Tongcheng Elong。To this point,Ctrip basically puts its own brand on all major domestic OTAs。Ctrip, relying on “buy, buy, buy” all the way, completed the vertical and horizontal integration,Achieving dominance in the tourism market,Even coerced 16.OYO, an Indian 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino budget hotel with a capital of US$500 million, has impacted the domestic hotel business like a tsunami,Also reached a strategic cooperation with Ctrip in May。

But it is easy to "buy" a country, but it is difficult to keep it.

2019,Although Ctrip’s single-quarter year-on-year revenue growth increased from 15% in 2018 to 22% in 2019,But most of this growth engine comes from the "going overseas" strategy,Mediocre domestic business performance,Members of Ctrip Department,Loss has always been the norm,According to financial report,Tuniu lost 14% in 2015.600 million yuan,Loss 24 in 2016.200 million yuan,Loss 7 in 2017.700 million yuan,Net revenue in the third quarter of 20187.600 million yuan,YoY decrease of 5.3%;Qunar, which suffered continuous losses before accepting investment from Ctrip,Everything has gone wrong in recent years,In 2016, it was first blocked by the airline alliance,After half a year, two CEOs were changed,Air ticket business has been greatly affected,In 2018, when cracking down on air ticket x products,The growth rate of the entire Ctrip air ticket business once fell to zero,Today,Negative news about the "killing" of Qunar tickets continues to appear online;Ctrip Department,Tongcheng Yilong’s data performance is pretty good,2019 first quarter financial report data display,Tongcheng Yilong achieved revenue of 17 in the quarter.8.3 billion yuan,17 year-on-year increase.5%,But with the support of Tencent’s super portal and Ctrip,This data can only be said to be unsatisfactory。

Ctrip’s usual investment and M&A strategy,When there are flying pigs in "going out" and Meituan in "sinking",Have realized that the country "bought" is not easy to maintain,Included,Transform the business center towards product research and development,You can see it from the 2018 Q3 financial report,Ctrip increases R&D expenses to 2.5 billion yuan,year-on-year growth of 14%。At the same time,Administrative expenses only increased by 2%,is 6.8.8 billion yuan;Outside,On the one hand, it has successively cooperated with overseas destinations through acquisitions and cooperation、Service providers establish partnership,With Trip.com focuses on one-stop platform,Skyscanner focuses on vertical search, etc.,Promote overseas business development,On the other hand, traffic exchange with OYO、Scene interoperability、Data Operations、In-depth cooperation in brand promotion and other aspects,Jointly develop the sinking market。

In the cruel market environment,It is more difficult to defend a country than to conquer it,After 20 years of growth in the Internet market, Ctrip,Under the "keeping" industry,There is also a constant spirit of innovation。For example, technically enhanced intelligent recommendation engine、High-speed rail tour launched on the product、Travel photography and other products。Looking at the current "Three Kingdoms Killing" situation,Ctrip’s industry “dominance” status,There is no second company that can shake it。

2.The Flying Pig "waiting and watching" with Ali's back,Showcase the "Fliggy Shopping" trump card

Backed by the big tree Ali,Fliggy has data support and traffic advantages,Additionally targeted at young people born in the 1990s,Although on the ticket、Hotel、Online Service、There is direct competition with Ctrip in customized travel and other aspects,But in front of Ctrip, which already accounts for half of the online travel market,You can still develop at your own pace。Except the crowd is different,The difference between Fliggy and Ctrip is that Fliggy has always been positioned as “outbound travel”,Even under the dominance of Ctrip,Fliggy’s market share in 2017 still increased by 0% compared with the previous year.6 percentage points to 15.3%。

However,According to Ctrip financial report information,The current total number of monthly active users of Ctrip has reached 200 million;where,50% of users are under 30 years old,Much higher than 1/3 in 2013;Also,In the past 5 years,The proportion of users under 35 years old has remained around 2/3。Ctrip faces an increasingly younger user base,Fliggy, which is engaged in “outbound travel”, may be facing off against Ctrip, which is engaged in “outbound travel”。

A business that is expected to become Fliggy’s more competitive “ trump card ”,is the “Fliggy Shopping” business launched by Fliggy in the vacation segment in March 2019。Entrepreneurship opportunities in the “tourism + X” segment still exist,It has always been the consensus of the tourism industry。Actually as early as 2014,Ctrip has done “overseas purchase” business,This has never been Ctrip’s main business。And for Flying Pig,The new business of “Fliggy Purchase” has high expectations,Hope to achieve a scale of hundreds of billions in the next 3-5 years,Covering 200 million outbound travel customers。

Peng Han, founder of TBO Tourism Business Observation, once said: "Segmented entrepreneurial opportunities,Still focus on the word traffic。If there is a way to find a way to stick to users,You can withstand the crushing of giants。”Currently,Alipay has 1 billion active users,Can conduct exchange rate settlement in 27 currencies,Covering 70% of Chinese outbound people;Tmall with 600 million active users,Covering 80% of the world’s most popular brands among Chinese consumers。Backed by Alibaba Ecology,No matter how well the merchant understands the Alibaba system,It is still the high stickiness of users towards Alibaba,“Fliggy Shopping” is indeed expected to become Fliggy’s main business,It has also become a differentiated competitiveness in the online travel market segment。

3. "Attack" Meituan, hotel business is the focus

April 2017,Meituan launches new brand “Meituan Travel”,Place tickets、Hotel and other businesses,Attack on the online travel market,October,International OTA giant Priceline invests 4 in Meituan.USD 500 million capital。Rely on its own traffic on local life services,Meituan has become a dark horse in the online travel market。According to Meituan’s prospectus,More than 80% of new hotel booking transaction users in 2017 were converted 188bet app from the two core users of takeout and in-store dining。

Meituan’s strategy of extending from high-frequency food delivery business to low-frequency hotel and tourism services,To a large extent,Having an impact on Ctrip,Especially the competition for hotel share in the low-end market,Meituan’s continued offensive has forced Ctrip, which was originally not optimistic about the low-end market, to start “sinking”。Displayed according to Trustdata data,In March 2018, Meituan Hotel surpassed Ctrip for the first time with 22.7 million room nights in a single month、Where to go、Total of Tongcheng Yilong,Order volume in the first quarter reached 57.7 million。

Currently,Meituan’s offensive momentum remains rapid,Meituan’s 2019 Q1 financial report display,The number of domestic hotel room nights increased from 60.6 million in the first quarter of 2018 to 78.6 million in the same period of 2019,year-on-year growth rate of nearly 30%,reached 29.8%,During the 12 months ended March 31, 2019,Meituan’s total domestic hotel room nights have reached 3.0.2 billion。“300 million rooms a year” makes Meituan the leader in hotel business。

Strong development based on hotel business,Meituan begins to expand new business growth space behind hotels,Launching the “wine + x” evergreen plan。According to Meituan data,32% of users like consumption related to hotels and food,17% of users like consumption related to hotels and leisure and entertainment。The “Wine + X” model can enhance hotels and other restaurants、Synergy between wedding and other businesses,Can also be linked to surrounding tours、Comprehensive consumption of tourist attraction tickets and other destinations。

The purpose of Meituan,It is based on hotel business as its core competitiveness,To create a hotel that includes a hotel、Ticketing、Travel、A locally-centered vertical life system with multiple businesses such as catering and takeout。Such a vertical life system will create a complete closed marketing loop for Meituan,Users only need to use Meituan to satisfy their needs for food, drink and fun。

Therefore,If Meituan’s vertical life service system can be built,may become Ctrip’s biggest threat。

But in any industry,It’s easy to get from high-end to low-end,It is difficult to move from low-end to high-end。For Meituan’s vertical life service system,Not only hotels are moving from low-end to high-end,Complete coverage of usage scenarios from low-end to high-end。Qunar once focused on the low-end tourism market,Want to cover the mid-to-high-end market later,After spending billions of yuan without success,On the road to being acquired by Ctrip Investment。How to transform to the mid-to-high-end market,This is Meituan’s problem in building a vertical life service system。

Based on the current market structure,A long time in the future,Ctrip、Flying Pig、Meituan’s “Three Kingdoms Killing” competition will continue,Compared to Fliggy’s “wait and see” development,Between Ctrip, which “keeps its business”, and Meituan, which is “offensive”188bet online sports betting ,There may be a head-on battle。

Under the differentiated development, the trend of tourism O2O market

No matter how fierce the competition is in the online travel industry,Even though the current Ctrip has been formed、Flying Pig、The protracted battle situation of Meituan’s “Three Kingdoms Killing” competition,But it is still difficult to unify the tourism industry。Travel covers eating, drinking, playing, housing, transportation, shopping and other scenes,Each scene can be taken apart to provide independent products and services,This brings unlimited room for imagination to OTA。

But every market has its own development rules,Whether it is foreign Expedia and Priceline or domestic giant Ctrip,From their development trajectory,It can be seen that the future tourism O2O market may move in the following three directions:

1.From the perspective of the industry chain,Online and offline markets move toward deep integration

With the general trend of tourism brought by consumption upgrading and the influence of the Internet in various industries, it is gradually deepening,Under the network aggregation effect of the tourism O2O Internet platform,The trend of deep integration and development of the industrial chain will become increasingly obvious。For travel agencies,The initial rise of OTA was undoubtedly the identity of the antagonist,Eroding the market share of travel agencies,Forcing traditional travel agencies to close their doors or transform。According to Qixinbao data,Between 2015 and 2018,The number of revoked and deregistered enterprises in the tourism industry is 1283、3013、2313、4285。But tourism is an industry that relies heavily on offline services,It is difficult to provide services that satisfy consumers online,Especially in today’s new retail context,The advantages of offline travel agencies still exist。This allows OTAs and travel agencies to join forces to complement each other,Achieve a win-win situation。Back in 2015,Tuniu、Lvmama will wait for OTA to start laying out offline travel stores,Currently,Ctrip has also deployed more than 7,000 stores in more than 200 cities across the country,Most of them are third- and fourth-tier sinking markets。And offline travel agencies,Also began to actively embrace online,2016,Travel Knowledge, one of the top 10 offline travel agencies in the country, joins hands with Ctrip,Start the integration of online and offline。

In-depth integration of online and offline,It is a closed loop from early product development to mid-term help users make decisions to late-stage precise services。Future,“Business model is not important in the tourism industry chain,The most important thing is to provide consumers with satisfactory products”。The ability to integrate online and offline superior resources,will determine the comprehensive competitiveness of each manufacturer。

2. From the perspective of OTA, a single product becomes a super ecology

In the early stages of the development of the tourism market,Most of the major OTAs started as a single product form of air tickets + hotels or selling travel 188bet sports betting app download routes,But with the deepening of mobile Internet and the rise of the "new middle class",Driven by consumption upgrade,Judging from the current tourism pattern,A single product can no longer meet the needs of consumers,It is also impossible to form core competitiveness in market competition。From Ctrip’s entire industry chain layout、Meituan is based on the local vertical life system,And look at Fliggy’s platform empowerment,OTA moves from a single product to a super ecosystem,Providing comprehensive services to consumers,Already the future development trend。And for consumers,If only one APP could be used to quickly and easily provide all the services needed for travel,Then there is no need for other single products。

3.From a user perspective,Products and services are becoming more personalized and refined

As a consumer product,Travel is not a necessity,Upgrade instead。With the further development of the Internet and the improvement of the education level of the younger generation of consumers,Compared with group tour,Free travel that can better meet the needs of individualization and diversification has become a major trend in tourism。According to Analysys data,In 2017, the proportion of total self-guided travel in China reached 96.2%,Over 90%。The rapid rise of Mafengwo also just illustrates the popularity of independent travel that can satisfy the personalized market。With the further increase in the number of users,OTA integrates market resources to strengthen destination development,While meeting the personalized needs of consumers,Increase the user experience with refined services such as food, accommodation and entertainment at the destination,will become the product upgrade target of major manufacturers。


The competitive state of the tourism market has been driving changes in the entire market,OTA from the original Ctrip、Tuniu、Tongcheng and other princes separatist rule,Evolved into Ctrip、Elong、Flying Pig、Meituan’s “One Big One and Three Followers”,Present,Stabilized in Ctrip、Flying Pig、Meituan’s “Three Kingdoms Situation”。Future,It is still unclear whether there are still "barbarians" standing at the door.,However, the trend in the tourism market is to shift from single product competition among manufacturers to competition and cooperation in the ecosystem。How to form your own differentiated competitiveness in the general trend of the market,Ctrip、Flying Pig、Meituan is still exploring,What’s the future?,It still takes time to answer。

*This articleSource: WeChat public account "Mantis Finance" (ID: TanglangFin),Author: Ding Tian,Original labelTitle: "Travel O2O "Three Kingdoms Killing" competition: Ctrip is the "keeper"、Flying Pig "Wang"、Meituan "attack"》.

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