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Cultural Tourism Star Species Project,What kind of business is "movie + hotel"?

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Zeng Jianzhong2019-11-02

Reshape the logic of hotel sales time and space.

There are new species in every industry,corresponds to the cultural tourism industry,Can be a new product、New scene or new mode,Or a new business,The new and increasingly obvious demands behind the target、New experiences and new consumption trends。These new species have given the cultural tourism industry new room for growth、New market vitality。

And among these new species,There are also more prominent "star species",In popular terms, it can be understood as the "star" of a new species,Their products、Different innovations in modes and playing styles,Outstanding characteristics。

To support ecological innovation in China’s cultural tourism destinations,Zhihui launches "188bet app ”,Hope to find those star species companies,Deeply explore their core values ​​and innovations。From points to areas,woven into a web,Provide more space for these enterprises to display and release their value,Multidimensional、Multiple levels of objective presentation of cultural tourism industry trends and opportunities,Also provides lessons for other cultural tourism companies,Even a link platform that can cooperate and promote together,Promote industry development。

Cultural Travel Star Species Plan[Part 1], a business story about movies and hotels.


Upgrading changes in consumer demand,It has brought profound changes to the market structure of the hotel industry and even the entire accommodation industry,And still going on。Brand chainization of independent hotels、Theming of mid-range hotels,There are also differences in B&Bs、Personalization, etc.,Hierarchical demands for service and product experience,Everything is improving。

In the meantime,Movies widely seen in cinemas have entered hotels more deeply,The possibility of bringing more incremental returns to this traditional stock space。Youxi Movie Hotel is a representative example,The film IP copyright it obtained,Created with movie scenes,Provide an immersive viewing experience,Realize the effect of "1+1" greater than 2 between hotels and movies。

In this process,There is a reshaping of the sales logic of time and space,The occupancy rate has also been increased、The model of customer unit price and repurchase rate is implemented,And cost control、More resources are integrated in series 188bet sports betting app download to exert the platform effect,Make a combination play that maximizes the space per square meter as much as possible。

Youxi Movie Hotel,This hotel integrated with movie IP,How to run a good business with young people?

Bringing hotel rooms to life through movie IP

Consumption demand for differentiated experience,This is the market opportunity that Jia Chao, chairman of Youxi Movie Hotel, believes。In his opinion,Post-80s、The post-90s generation has seen too many things,Need to have different concepts of cultural IP themes to satisfy,For example, e-sports hotel、Anime hotel or family hotel, etc.。

General view,Based on the current domestic consumption upgrade and changes in the demand structure of the accommodation industry,Includes personalization、Diversification、Hierarchical, etc.,The supply structure is also changing accordingly,City B&B、Country B&B、The continuous emergence of boutique hotels, etc.,It is an obvious phenomenon。Focus on relatively mid-range hotels,Differentiated or IP-based labeling effect,Enhance different experiences,They want more customers、Extended consumption chain,Breakthrough in the single overnight function,Means to improve floor efficiency,Realize more incremental value of stock space。

Incomplete statistics,Currently on the market,IP or themes cooperated or implanted by different hotels including music、Movie、Art、Photography and retail, etc.,Various degrees of implantation,Experiences come in different shades。

“Everyone is used to staying in the same fast hotels,Basically the same star-rated hotel,There will be a need to try some different experiences,"Jia Chao said,"We have this saying,Called ‘Better different than better’。”,He chose “a hotel where you can watch movies”。

The reason for choosing the in-depth combination of movie IP and hotel,He believes that it is mainly based on three points,First, movies are constantly updated and never go out of style,It is estimated that there are 3,000 to 5,000 films in China that have received the Dragon Label and those that have not received the Dragon Label every year,There may be 10,000 movies worldwide every year。This means that the optional updated movies have a larger base。Currently, Youxi Movie Hotel’s library has nearly 3,000 movies,And maintain a monthly update rate of 30 movies。

Secondly, movies represent a culture,As a manifestation of cultural symbols,Can better express culture;Third, there are many products or peripherals that can be derived from the backend of the movie,Can be sold to extend the consumption chain,Indirectly increase the unit price。From the perspective of the audience,The movie is suitable for all ages,Looks narrow on the surface,In fact, it has a wider audience base。

Detailed to the implementation scenarios and products,How to achieve empowerment based on hotel inventory space and movie IP,Achieve differentiated experience、Thematic consumption,It is the key。

Enter the hotel from the beginning,Check into hotel room,Youxi Movie Hotel is trying to create an immersive experience of "living in a movie",It can be roughly summarized as "the lobby is a movie set、The corridor is the film museum corridor、Private Movie Room”。

Detailed to the guest room,There are dozens of movie scene rooms,Through multiple ambient lighting、Super large screen above 133 inches、5.Level 1 stereo surround sound, Plus independent research and development of a complete set of sound insulation technology,Reduce the overall noise in the room to less than 40 decibels,Create a cinema-like audio-visual experience。

The guest rooms are also divided into movie-themed rooms and ordinary rooms (general business rooms),Compared with the theme room, the scene experience is stronger,With the implementation of more elements including roof wallpaper、Room decorations、Seats and other soft furnishings to highlight。For example, the space-themed room of Youxi Movie Hotel’s branch in Liuliqiao, Fengtai District, Beijing,There are space-themed wallpapers on the roof and bedside (why so decorated?Details later),Also equipped with space chairs, etc.。

This hotel has a dedicated viewing area in the lobby,There are snacks at the hotel front desk,The elevator has a movie poster,The hotel corridor carpet is a movie still,There are movie props and other furnishings on both sides of the corridor,The overall decoration style is industrial style,And dark colors are the main colors,The air is filled with popcorn bits,Create the feeling of being in a movie theater。

Enter guest room,Double experience of "watching movies + accommodation",Start here。

How to make more money with the same space?

And whether it can achieve the effect of "1+1 is greater than 2" in hotels and movies,Let a hotel be renovated and implanted with movie IP,Make more money than before,Mainly depends on three aspects: passenger flow、Customer unit price and repurchase rate。

Let’s talk about passenger flow first,Among them, transportation and consumption circles are important factors。

According to Jia Chao,The location of Youxi Movie Hotel mainly depends on the consumption power within three kilometers,It doesn’t have to be gold and silver,But the parking lot should be relatively abundant,Can be reached by navigation。Jia Chao’s words are “a second-rate location in a first-rate location”,Not a first-class location,Because the rental or contract fees in first-class locations are relatively more expensive。

He thinks,Thinking from the perspective 188bet app of business travelers,Three kilometers is the effective distance between their business trip (travel destination) and the hotel where they stay,Within the hotel category they are considering staying in,Consumption power or consumption circle within three kilometers,To a large extent, it determines the size of the hotel’s target customer base,Take the above background Fengtai District Liuliqiao store as an example,This is a gathering area,Not far from Beijing West Railway Station and the future Lize Business District,There is a certain passenger flow guarantee。

Pre-opening stage of Youxi Movie Hotel,Use Internet celebrities or young KOLs to promote and attract some traffic,In the later stage, we basically rely on forwarding recommendations from customers or some self-media to attract new customers。

Jia Chao revealed,The initial occupancy rate of the above-mentioned Liuliqiao store is 56%,After changing to Youxi Movie Hotel at the end of 2017,The occupancy rate increased to over 100% (over 80% overnight stay rate,About 20% for hourly rooms)。

Essentially,The empowerment of movie IP is the key to increasing customer flow (of course it is also the key to increasing the unit price)。

The overall passenger flow composition of Youxi Movie Hotel is business travelers accounting for 40%-50%,Couples account for 30%-40%,Family accounts for 10%-20%,The proportion of couples is currently slightly increasing,But the overall proportion has not changed much。

Jia Chao’s analysis is,A movie hotel is still a hotel in essence,Meeting the accommodation needs 188bet app of business travelers,Many people are tired of staying in star hotels,At the same time, many people also hope to have more experiences,Including entertainment consumption by watching movies,Relax yourself,Compared to the prescribed time to go to the cinema、Required video、Specified location restrictions,Watching movies in the hotel is more free。

Business travelers at Youxi Movie Hotel,Overall, they are young people who like entertainment experience,The same is true for its couples customer base。Jia Chao revealed,These customers are those born in the 1980s、Post-90s account for 85%,The proportion of people born after 00 is increasing,Currently 45%。

He also mentioned,Youxi Movie Hotel’s local customer base accounts for 40%,Ordinary hotels may be around 20%。For example, February,Ordinary hotel occupancy rate is about 40%,But the occupancy rate of Youxi Movie Hotel is around 80%,Because of the Chinese New Year period,Many families choose to go to the movies after gatherings,Movie hotels are one of the optional consumption scenarios,At Youxi Movie Hotel,Separate family room for parents and children、Family room (multiple beds),To provide family and parent-child viewing entertainment、188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino Entertainment space for family or friends gathering。

Let’s talk about the unit price.

The room rates at Youxi Movie Hotel are at the four-star hotel level,90% of the revenue comes from guest rooms,About 10% comes from in-store merchandise sales,Mainly derivatives of movie IP。The hotel is currently opening up the backend sales terminal,A QR code will appear after the movie is played,Tenants can scan the QR code to purchase derivatives, etc.。

Movie IP implantation and scene experience creation,Still the key to increasing the unit price per tenant。Take the above Liuliqiao store as an example,Jia Chao revealed,After changing to Youxi Movie Hotel,Room prices have increased approximately five to six times,Currently they are around six to seven hundred yuan,Theme rooms are more expensive。

About the theme room,There is another strategy。The number of theme rooms in each Youxi movie hotel is generally between 20% and 30%,Mainly supplied to families, parents and couples,These two customer groups account for 50%-60%,means that the overall supply of theme rooms may exceed demand,Help maintain and increase the price of theme rooms,In turn, it will increase the price of other ordinary house prices。

Finally look at the repurchase rate。Jia Chao revealed,Last year’s repurchase rate was around 57%,This year it has reached 63%,7% of the guests stay for more than 10 years,There are two types of customers,The first category is business travelers who work near the hotel,I think it’s more relaxing to stay in a movie hotel,You can watch movies after work、Chasing drama;The second category is couples who like to watch movies,Many come every Saturday。

Movie hotels can sink to sixth-tier cities

After the overall revenue increases,How much money did you make in the end,Is the profit rate high?,It also depends on the sustainability of costs and revenue。

Let’s talk about cost control first。According to Jia Chao,Youxi Movie Hotel belongs to "Samsung Decoration、Four-star price、Five-star experience”。

Youxi Movie Hotel is relatively lightly decorated,On the one hand, redecoration may easily become outdated,On the other hand, it is similar to the industrial style decoration,Cost can be controlled in aspects such as materials,The key is to present a style that young people like。Detailed to the guest room,Decoration can be understood as standardization in non-standard,Sofa、Bed、Viewing equipment and other equipment are standard in guest rooms,But by theme wallpaper、Different soft furnishings such as pillow design and movie album realize scene differentiation。The decoration investment of theme rooms is heavier than that of non-theme rooms,Mainly reflected in the use of more materials in movie scene elements,But it is mainly reflected in the soft decoration,188bet sports betting app download So the overall decoration is still light。

These considerations are,Whether it is an ordinary room or a theme room,When you need to change the style or theme,You only need to adjust the soft decoration,High flexibility,Fast switching,The cost is not high。Jia Chao revealed,Generally, the cost of soft decoration for an ordinary room is 20,000 to 30,000 yuan,The style theme replacement cycle is 1 year,Mainly includes pillows、Wallpaper、Replacement of picture albums and other soft furnishings。

According to the calculation data of Youxi Movie Hotel,Based on a 73-room hotel,RevPAR (revenue per available room) is 435 yuan,Rent 2.7 million yuan,Invest 100,000 yuan for a single room, a total of 730 yuan,Annual income 11.6 million yuan,Operating cost 105/room,The investment return period is 1.2 years。

And further improving the floor efficiency,To ensure the sustainability of revenue and profits,Youxi Movie Hotel also plans to try more。

Improving hotel intelligence is one of the plans。Jia Chao’s idea is,Try to solve problems through intelligence and systemization,Use fewer people if you can,It is better to increase the upfront investment in intelligence than to hire fewer people,“Because the cost of later personnel will be higher and higher”。The current configuration of Youxi Movie Hotel is that 18 people match a hotel with 100 rooms,In the future, it will be accessed through some robots and other intelligent systems,Down to about 10 people。

Movie IP is also the focus。For example, try to achieve simultaneous playback of movies in hotels and theaters,This will increase the cost of acquiring copyright,But it also helps to increase occupancy rate。

The other is to build the movie hotel into a film and television cultural space,In the hotel,Can undertake company team building、Small concerts and offline community activities, etc.,We can also undertake some film road shows、Celebrity fan meeting event,This part can be entered through fans buying tickets、Price bidding and taking photos or autographs with celebrities, etc.,Increase hotel revenue,Simultaneous movie activities and celebrity fan effect,It may also bring more popularity to the hotel,However, this model is still in the exploratory stage。

Meanwhile,Youxi Movie Hotel is also expanding its scale through direct operation and franchising,And looking to build 2.Version 0 is a relatively more elegant and high-end movie hotel。Direct sales mainly in first-tier cities,Most non-first-tier cities are franchises,Can sink to sixth-tier cities,The second and third tier cities will be the market explosion areas in the future。

Jia Chao said,The market competition for existing hotels will become more intense in the future,The more obvious trend is,Low-end hotel chain,188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino More low-end or independent hotels will be integrated,At the same time, there will be more hotels with cultural themes,And more diverse,These are inevitable changes in market consumer demand。

(The author of this article is Zeng Jianzhong,Editor-in-Chief Zhi Hui。Jia Jingyi also contributed to this article)

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