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Hong Kong Disneyland Resort said on the 16th,In response to the decrease in mainland and overseas 188bet game,The park restaurants mainly refer to the opinions of local 188bet game in Hong Kong,New dishes to be launched at resort hotels in early 2020。
At the promotion meeting held that day,Disney Catering Team Introduction,In recent months,The number of local 188bet game visiting the park has increased、Reduction in Mainland and Overseas 188bet game,Therefore, the new dishes mainly refer to the opinions of local 188bet game,Introducing 40 delicacies including desserts with the theme of the movie "Frozen",As well as the Chinese side dish "Hachiwa Cuisine" etc.。
Hong Kong Tourism Board data display,Affected by violent activities,The number of 188bet game Kong has been falling for several months,The overall number of visitor arrivals to Hong Kong in the third quarter of 2019 plummeted 26% year-on-year to 11.9 million,This is the largest year-over-year decline since the second quarter of 2003。The number of 188bet game Kong in October dropped by more than 40% year-on-year,The number of 188bet game Kong from all source markets in Hong Kong has declined to varying degrees。
Recent months,Reporters visited Disneyland several times,Discover that the paradise is no longer the crowded scene it used to be,Most of them are local 188bet game。In addition,Multiple amusement facilities in the park、Many restaurants are temporarily closed,The classic program "Night Parade" has also been suspended for nearly two months。Because of traffic reasons,The park was forced to close its business hours early,And remind 188bet game to return to Hong Kong city in time。
Said Lai Peishan, Vice President of Communications and Public Affairs of Hong Kong Disney,In the context of the overall decrease in 188bet game Kong,Disney is also in recession。2020 is the fifteenth year since Hong Kong Disneyland was built and opened,Looking forward to more tourists visiting the park next year。
*thisWen LaiSource: Xinhuanet, original title: "Hong Kong Disney: Mainland and overseas 188bet game decrease, restaurants launch new dishes to attract local 188bet game》.
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