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Industrial Investment Author of this article: Gao Mengyang 2020-03-09
The tourism industry, which has been hardest hit by the epidemic, is gradually breaking the ice.
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The tourism industry, which has been hardest hit by the epidemic, is gradually breaking the ice.

Days ago,The 1388-year-old Potala Palace logged into Taobao Live for the first time,Started as the second phase of Taobao Live "Cloud Spring Outing" and Fliggy Live。Since online live broadcast does not have the pressure of offline passenger traffic,In Taobao Live Room,The Potala Palace displays an unprecedented area that has rarely been open to the public before。

“The Potala Palace wants to use a new digital method,Into more people’s lives。” Jue Dan, Director of the Potala Palace Management Office told TMTpost Media,This is the first time in the history of the Potala Palace that the Internet is broadcast。

According to Juedan’s introduction,At this time in previous years, many people would come to Tibet or have spring outings at the Potala Palace,But this time because of the epidemic,Many people cannot leave their homes,So the Potala Palace thought of contacting Taobao、Fliggy worked together to do a live broadcast。

"Tour business has stopped,But the merchant、User、E-commerce has not stopped”。Fan Chi, Vice President of Alibaba Group, thinks,This is a window period for the industry to reflect and break through its own bottlenecks,The epidemic, which was originally a "force majeure", is also forcing changes in the industry。

During the COVID-19 epidemic,There are already many tourist destinations、Businessman、Scenic spots seize this opportunity,Focus on exploring local differentiated advantageous resources,Strengthen online asset accumulation,Try to build a long-term communication position to adapt to the diverse gameplay needs of users:

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2) Some travel agencies、The hotel chooses Moments to bring goods to maintain cash flow;

3) Online travel platforms represented by Fliggy are helping merchants、While the supplier stops loss,We are also actively helping everyone find new ways to make blood。

An industry-wide self-rescue operation has begun.

Live streaming has become an important marketing tool for the tourism industry

Days ago,China Tourism Academy has calculated the losses of the industry,Estimated first quarter and full year 2020,Domestic tourist arrivals increased by 56% and 15% respectively.5%,Year-on-year decrease of 9.3.2 billion people;Domestic tourism revenue has a negative growth of 69% and 20% respectively.6%,Full-year revenue reduction 1.18 trillion yuan。

It’s not just the merchants who are harmed,Due to the epidemic, Chinese tourists’ expectations and yearning for travel have also been suppressed。But there are various signs that,Although there is no offline experience,However, during the epidemic, travelers’ reliance on online travel information and content increased rapidly,This change is also accelerating the migration of consumer decision-making scenarios,188bet app download “Cloud tourism” has become a new growth point during the epidemic。

During the epidemic,The State Administration of Cultural Heritage has issued guidance,Encourage museums everywhere to use digital resources,Through online exhibition、Online education、Online open classes and other methods,Continuously enrich and improve the display and content,Providing high-quality digital cultural products and services。

Yu Feng, general manager of Taobao Content E-commerce Division, thinks,Visitors are more willing to live stream through experts、Participate in the topic、Discover more new gameplay and travel skills through Vlog and other methods。

February 23,Taobao Live has launched the "Cloud Spring Tour"。According to Yu Feng,The first batch of participating National Museums of China、Gansu Provincial Museum、Suzhou Museum and other eight major museums have also tried their best to attract fans:

  • This is the first time for the National Museum of China to enter the museum for live broadcast,Carefully designed a special live tour route,Bring out the best collection in the museum,People can see the most essential national treasure-level cultural relics in the history of 5,000 years of civilization in one hour。

  • The Gansu Provincial Museum has professional guides taking everyone on a new trip to the "Silk Road"。Various bronzes、The bamboo slips appear one by one,The authentic bronze galloping horse "Horse Treading on the Swallow" will also meet the audience for the first time。

  • And in the recent live broadcast of the Potala Palace,Also opened for the first time areas that were previously prohibited during offline tours。

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Potala Palace live broadcast

Not only,Domestic scenic spots、Museum, Many overseas destinations favored by Chinese tourists are also trying to use live broadcasts to maintain close communication with tourists。

March 6,Mafengwo Tourism has also jointly launched the "Traveling to Global Museums" series with Kuaishou Short Video,Lead people to visit many famous museums and art galleries around the world online in the form of live broadcast。where,Existing Metropolitan Museum of America、The Louvre in France and other world-class museums of culture and art,There is also the Andersen Museum in Denmark、Unique thematic museums such as the Australian Maritime Museum,This is the first time for many museums to appear on China’s live streaming platforms。

Objectively speaking,For tourism companies accustomed to offline services,To ensure the experience of “cloud tourism”,There is still a lot to do。

“We are all amateurs,The Potala Palace has never done a similar live broadcast before,The difficulty this time is also here”, When facing the media,Juedan is very frank。

He said,Digitization of the Potala Palace murals that were made two years ago,Digitized more than 2,500 square meters of murals,There is also the digitization of movable cultural relics,But this is the first time to live broadcast。

Juedan revealed,The Potala Palace actively organized people to form a live broadcast team,But there are still many challenges。

"Such as signal problem"。Juedan expressed,Due to the structure and wall thickness of the entire Potala Palace building,The signal has been poor,The Potala Palace specially 188bet app download coordinated the repeated test signals of China Mobile Branch。“Of course I fell off a few times in the end,But overall it achieved the expected results”。

Juedan confesses,Compared to offline explanation,Online live broadcasts have higher requirements for commentators。The commentator must not only be able to speak the standard version of the commentary just like an offline group leader,There must be a "feeling of involvement",Attract the attention of "tourists" within 10 seconds,is the key to live streaming。Anchors need to express themselves through the lens and language,Let "visitors" thousands of miles away feel the atmosphere of the museum through the screen,Even smell the age of the museum。

In Yu Feng’s opinion,Compared to offline crowded visiting experience,Visitors enjoy the "VIP enjoyment" of one-to-one explanation in the live broadcast room,More interactive,Visitors can also vote、Comments and other interactive forms "command" the tour guide's tour route。Judging from the effect of the live broadcast,“Cloud tourism” is indeed an effective way for destinations and tourism platforms to maintain close communication with tourists。

Obviously,Although it will be affected by the environment、Scene、The influence of consumer psychology continues to change,Consumers’ consumption intention、Consumption power and especially consumer sentiment exist。If companies can seize the opportunity during this transition,You can survive at this critical moment of crisis。And the way of live broadcast,Can help you accomplish this,Fill in missing online abilities。

Yu Feng revealed to Titanium Media,The 8 museums in the first batch of live broadcasts finally received 10 million online visitors,The live broadcast of the Potala Palace in just one hour,Also attracts nearly one million netizens to “travel online”,Received more than 880,000 likes。Currently,At least 20 cities in China、More than 1,000 scenic spots have launched online tour services。

Moments bring goods, tourism companies also play "private traffic"

Recent,Although more than half of the group’s hotels are closed,But Fuji, the head of Atour’s new retail department, is not idle。He mobilized nearly 15,000 employees in more than 400 stores of Atour Group,Through online mini program,Recommend friends to buy products from Atour's new retail brand "Atour Life Center",Enjoy the incentive policy for each transaction。

Fu Er expressed to TMTpost Media,Every employee at Atour,Up to CEO,Go down to the guest room aunt,Anyone can register,Use your circle of friends to recommend the same products at Atour。

Special period,The Fuji team works overtime,First, quickly adjust the original product,A new sales system is launched again。

Two days after the new retail system was launched,The registration rate of stores nationwide reaches 100%,Within one week,More than 90% of stores generated real sales,And sales continue to rise。During this period,Except for the same memory pillow and mattress from Atour, which have always been popular among high-end customers,Due to the epidemic,The hotel’s same sandalwood hand sanitizer and alcohol pads have also become popular items,Sales remain high。

“Many front-line partners are unemployed 188bet online sports betting at home,Make more income through this platform,It’s also a good thing。And our application is voluntary,The registration rate of first-line partners is quite high。”Advanced Analysis。

In extraordinary times, employees of Atour Hotel bring goods in WeChat Moments

Titanium Media learned,There are currently many offline travel agencies、The hotel is suspended due to operating income、High rent, labor and other costs,In order to stabilize cash flow and ensure employees’ basic income,Many companies choose to mobilize employees’ WeChat Moments to bring goods to stop the bleeding。

And this phenomenon of “all-employee marketing”,Not only in the tourism industry,Currently Suning、361、Anta and some real estate companies、The catering industry has successively implemented similar policies。

However,In the eyes of Quan Ying,Although bringing goods in the circle of friends can alleviate Atour、The cash flow pressure of large and medium-sized chain enterprises like Tongcheng International Travel,But the effect is limited for many small and medium-sized businesses。

Quan Quanying is the founder of the travel service provider "Langhuaduoduo",Focus on Southeast Asian island tours in the past 7 years since starting the business,Including Phuket、Samui、Bali and other travel services。Currently,Langhuaduoduo is one of the top overseas travel merchants on Fliggy platform,Different from many travel agencies,The Langhuaduo team only has more than 80 people,The main position in daily life is online e-commerce。

"7 years since its establishment,The annual Spring Festival transaction volume accounts for 30% of the annual transaction volume”。Quan Quanying disclosed to TMTPost, This year the team has also prepared more sea and land inventories,Sold out months ago。

But starting from January 23rd,Langhuaduoduo had to focus on processing refunds。All British expressions,The team has set up a refund team,Requires 1000+ refunds。Currently,Langhuaduoduo unsubscribed nearly 6,000 orders on Fliggy platform,Amount of nearly 5 million yuan,Refunds exceeded 1.2 million on January 26 alone。

"We have tried e-commerce, but with little success." Quan Quanying told TMTPost,If there is still no order within the next 3 months,The company will be unsustainable。

"Small and medium-sized businesses closed down,Not a good thing for the platform”。Fan Chi, Vice President of Alibaba Group, told TMTPost,If you want the industry to recover and continue to grow,Small and medium-sized businesses are the key,What big platforms need to do now is to help small and medium-sized businesses。

Currently,The Ministry of Culture and Tourism has returned the merchant’s deposit,As a platform, Fliggy will provide traffic support to qualified merchants,And waive the annual service fee for a certain period。Also,Fliggy also teamed up with Ant Financial’s MYbank to provide 12-month special support loans to platform merchants,20% off the loan interest rate for platform merchants,Businesses on the platform in Hubei Province are eligible for interest-free for the first three months。

All British expressions,The support policy of the online platform helped me temporarily stop the bleeding,But companies 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino should also actively help themselves。

“I told the team,Although the transaction volume has stopped now,But our business has not stopped”,Quan Ying believes that in this extraordinary period,Enterprises still have to spend energy cultivating internal strength first。

"When it warms up,We have more destinations,There are more categories”。Although it is expected that the industry will fully recover before and after the summer vacation,Quan Ying still has expectations for the future。She said,The original members of the team will continue to work in destinations such as Malaysia, Indonesia, and Japan,Consolidate destinations from fragmented resources,Expanded listing to large group packages、Private group,And broaden the user base。

Discover the value of traffic operation

“We cannot completely count on state bailout,Enterprises must also reflect on themselves,This situation occurs,Where did we lose,Where to win,What preparations should we make next。"Fan Chi thinks,Businesses should not think that it is just bad luck。He emphasized,When the market environment was good in the past,Many businesses are “moving bricks”,Patched together,Make money with asymmetric information。But the sudden epidemic changed everything。

Titanium Media thinks,The epidemic is just a trigger,Why the tourism service system and operating model that the industry has been operating for many years will temporarily fail,This is what the industry needs to reflect on。

Fan Chi confessed,This epidemic has exposed the fragile side of the industry,Such as tight cash flow、Homogenization of products、Weak online marketing capabilities、Lack of customer acquisition methods、A series of problems such as low level of digitalization。Also,Tourism is a comprehensive industry,Requires both psychological and physical experience,It is not something that can be replaced offline or online。

But Fan Chi emphasized,Under the current situation,For survival,Tourism companies must explore better service models in limited space,Create a better user experience,And improve product capabilities。

Opinions on Fan Chi,Liu Zhenyu, head of Alibaba Cloud’s intelligent cultural and travel industry solutions, also agreed。He thinks,The sudden epidemic triggered a cliff-like decline in the industry,This is partly determined by the inherent operational thinking of the tourism industry。“In the past, many merchants’ services were focused on offline and lacked online capabilities,But after the outbreak,The destination is disconnected from the consumer,Businessmen have also lost their grip”。

“Live streaming is an online digital marketing model,Our scenic spots need to consider whether your products are digitalized、Is the service digitalized?、Is the experience digital?,Including whether your user accumulation is digitized,This is an important node to connect online and offline digitalization。”

Also,Liu Zhenyu said,What the industry needs to change is the problem of single revenue and single business in the past。In Liu Zhenyu’s words,It turned out to be a single type of scenic spot,Now we need to transform into a complex scenic spot,The fulcrum that supports your revenue 188bet app download and progress should be diversified。

“We need to consider the long-term value of live streaming”,Liu Zhenyu said。

Overall,Live Broadcast、Bringing goods in the circle of friends is just an introduction,The value to merchants is not limited to bringing goods,It also means more monetization paths:

On the one hand, the live broadcast room is a very good carrier,It can do commodity trading、Brand exposure、Marketing coupons、Accumulate membership,Even physical cross-industry cooperation,And have the opportunity to help niche destinations、Non-standard products exposed,Attract fans effectively、Growing grass。

AndOn the other hand,The traditional tourism ecology often derives from the non-ticket economy、Value-added transactions such as non-room revenue,But the online level of this part of the transaction is very low,Currently,Through the form of live broadcast, related transactions such as non-ticket economy can be digitized、Online。

C2B opportunities,Start from consumers and leverage the supply chain in reverse direction,This is also a new business model,This is also what operators in the tourism industry should consider。

It’s worth noting,Multiple recent live broadcasts have shown that,The users faced by the wine and tourism industry actually have a lot of personalization、Small-grained C2B needs。This business model starts from consumers and leverages the supply chain in reverse direction,This is also what operators in the tourism industry should explore。

As a platform,Fan Chi believes that the responsibility of the platform is to use superior resources to help merchants build core competitiveness。On the one hand, we must take advantage of local life、Night economy and other scenarios empower businesses,On the other hand, we must also think about entertainment、How do insurance and financial services and other fields cooperate with tourism products across borders。

Take Flying Pig as an example,According to Fan Chi’s introduction,While Fliggy provides merchants with protection,We also need to help improve merchants’ self-operation capabilities。The most basic thing is that each merchant has its own online store,No one knows the content of the business he provides better than the merchant himself。Having a store,The user belongs to the merchant,Fans belong to the merchant,Members are also merchants。This way,Merchant truly owns its own traffic and user assets。 

“We are changing from the traffic era to the era of refined operations。" Fan Chi said,In the past, the industry’s understanding of traffic was “buy, buy, buy”,And ignore the operation and value mining of traffic。The industry currently does live broadcasting、Self-rescue actions such as bringing goods in the circle of friends,exactly illustrates the value of traffic operation,This is exactly what the platform and the merchants need to work together。

*Source of this article: WeChat public account “Titanium Media” (ID: tmtpost),Author: Gao Mengyang, original title: "Potala Palace starts live broadcast、Hotel Moments selling peripherals,How to play with tourism traffic?》.

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