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According to Kyodo News,Estimated data released by the Japan 188bet game Agency on the 15th,The impact of entry restrictions imposed due to the spread of the new coronavirus epidemic in Japan,Foreign tourists visiting Japan in March were 19.370,000 people,Significant decrease of 93 compared with the same period last year.0%,The decrease is the largest since statistics began in 1964;The number of tourists visiting Japan in a single month fell below 200,000 for the first time since February 1989。
It is reported,The 93% drop has exceeded the 62% in the second month after the Great East 188bet game Earthquake in April 2011.5% decrease,Refreshed the largest drop in history。
Same period,The number of Japanese leaving the country is 27.270,000 people,Reduced by 85.9%,The largest reduction in history。
Pointed out by Japan 188bet game Agency,The Japanese government expanded the countries and regions targeted for entry denial in April,Countries also continue to restrict travel abroad,The number of tourists visiting Japan is expected to decline further。Domestic 188bet game also dropped sharply due to the emergency declaration,188bet game, one of the pillars of the local economy, has suffered a devastating blow。
Data display,The number of tourists visiting 188bet game in a single month has been less than the same period last year for 6 consecutive months,20 major countries and regions all had negative growth in March。
Judging from the number of tourists visiting 188bet game,The most is the United States,Da2.30,000 people (a decrease of 87.0%);Vietnam next,Da2.080,000 people (a decrease of 56.6%)。China, which previously accounted for the majority of tourists visiting 188bet game、The number of people in South Korea and other East Asian countries has dropped sharply,The rankings of the top few have changed。
Overall view,The total number of foreign tourists visiting 188bet game from January to March is 393.980,000 people,Decreased by 51 compared with the same period last year.1%,Falling to unprecedented lows。Accommodation included、Catering、Shopping, etc.,Visitors to 188bet game spent 672.7 billion yen (approximately RMB 44.2 billion) in the first quarter,41 year-on-year decrease.6%。
Report pointed out,The number of Japanese leaving the country decreased by 14% in February.2%;After March,Individuals cancel their itineraries and travel agencies stop group tours one after another。
Japan 188bet game Agency Director Hiroshi Tabata stated trends in April at the press conference,“Flights reduced by more than 90%,Cruise ships are not running either。Severe situation will continue。”
*Source of this article: Sino-Singapore Jingwei,Original title:《Tourists visiting 188bet game plummeted by 93% year-on-year in March, the largest drop in history》.
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