Gansu issues 300 million cultural 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino subsidy,It is expected to generate more than 10 billion yuan in comprehensive 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino consumption

Cultural 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino Benefits Author of this article: China News Network 2020-06-09
Realize the benefits to the three parties of "government, enterprises and consumers".

Recently,Introduced by the Gansu Provincial Department of Culture and 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino,From now until the end of the year,Gansu will give away a total of 300 million yuan to hotels、Preferential subsidies for scenic spots,Continue to stimulate cultural 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino consumption in the province。

The abundance of 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino resources in Gansu ranks fifth in the country。There are 7 world cultural heritage sites including Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes,More than 7,000 ancient cultural sites,337 cave temples of various types。The local natural 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino resources are majestic and magnificent,Diverse natural ecology,There are 8 different climate type areas distributed from south to north。Gobi desert、Forest grassland、Glacier and snow mountain、Canyon Danxia、Oases and wetlands are spread throughout the province。

Gansu Provincial Department of Culture and 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino and Ctrip Group signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement on the 7th,This marks the establishment of a comprehensive strategic cooperative relationship between Gansu Cultural 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino and Ctrip Group,Jointly develop the cultural 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino market in an all-round way。Among them,Specially launches Gansu cultural 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino products subsidy promotion activities to benefit the people through preferential and profit-sharing cooperation。

This preferential subsidy activity to benefit the people adopts "government cash subsidy、Enterprises benefit the people and make profits、Ctrip platform subsidy” method,Gansu cultural 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino products with preferential subsidies mainly include Gansu hotels (including B&Bs) that cooperate with、Scenic spot tickets、"Rim West Train Tour", "Three Districts and Three States Grand Loop Train Tour" and other products,Involving about 9,400 online Gansu hotels (B&B)、More than 200 scenic spots。

This event starts in June,Continues until the end of December,7 months period,A total of 300 million yuan in preferential subsidies will be given out,Estimated to drive 3 billion yuan in direct 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino consumption,Producing comprehensive 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino consumption exceeding 10 billion yuan,Realize the benefits to the three parties of "government, enterprises and consumers".

During the event,Consumers via Ctrip platform,Select Gansu Online Hotel、Place an order at the scenic spot to purchase the above cultural 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino products,Enjoy the big discounts。

At the same time,Gansu Provincial Department of Culture and 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino、Ctrip Group and Gansu Online Hotel、The scenic spot will combine the live broadcast of big V with goods and the Dragon Boat Festival、Summer、National Day and New Year’s Day and other seasons、Festival events,Launching a series of rich and diverse consumer activities to benefit the people;Design, develop and promote themed 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino products and routes,Innovation to create self-driving tour、Study tour、“Intangible Cultural Heritage + 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino” and other rich and diverse 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino products,Further stimulate Gansu’s cultural 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino consumption potential,Together we promote the expansion and resumption of work and business in Gansu’s cultural 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino industry、Resumption of travel and market entry into a new stage。

*Source of this articleChina News NetworkAuthors: Shi Jingjing, Nan Ru Zhuoma, original title:Gansu issued 300 million yuan in cultural 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino preferential subsidies in "fancy" ways to stimulate the recovery of the 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino market》.

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