The new pattern of "five-point world" emerges,New faces are pouring in,The 188bet sports betting is accelerating into the fast lane

Author of 188bet sports betting article: Jiang Mengwei 2020-06-12
188bet sports betting agencies covered、OTA、Real Estate、Department store retail and other fields。

With Beijing Tourism Group and Wangfujing officially entering the 188bet sports betting,"One big family、The battle situation of the domestic duty-free industry, which is divided into four parts of the world, has also seen new adjustments after a long time。June 11,Beijing Business Daily reporter learned exclusively from the relevant person in charge of Wangfujing Group,Wangfujing Duty Free does not rule out the possibility of horizontal cooperation with the tourism sector of Beijing Tourism Group in the future。Actually,Wangfujing is not the only company that has recently chosen to enter the domestic duty-free industry through cross-border and other methods、BTG Group。Reporter from Beijing Business Daily found out,As of now,There are 5 “new faces” entering the 188bet sports betting through various means,Travel agencies covered、OTA、Real Estate、Department store retail and other fields,And,In addition to local companies eyeing the big cake of tax exemption,The Dufresne Group, the world’s largest airport duty-free merchant, has also quietly begun to expand into the Chinese 188bet sports betting,And focus on Hainan, which has just significantly relaxed the tax exemption limit for offshore islands。In the industry’s view,Although in the short term, China International Travel Service’s dominance in my country’s duty-free industry may be difficult to shake,But the "really fragrant" 188bet sports betting has already made various domestic and foreign companies that smell business opportunities ready to move。

Outside 188bet sports betting gather together to enter

“Tax-free is no longer the domain of tax-free companies。" A 188bet sports betting business operator sighed。

Recent,A number of new faces have appeared in my country’s 188bet sports betting,Many of these companies did not even operate tax-free business before。This has also brought about some new changes in the market pattern of "tax-free and no alienation" that has been maintained for many years in our country。

Reporter from Beijing Business Daily found out,As of now,The 8 tax-free licenses issued by our country belong to 5 companies in total,Among them free of charge、日上、Exemption for overseas Chinese、Haifu Duty Free is both a “China Travel Department” 188bet sports betting brand,And out of service、Deep Free、Each Zhufu also has its own "territory"。

For Wangfujing Group, which newly joined the tax-free business camp,Special expert from Beijing Business Research Institute、Lai Yang, executive vice president of the Beijing Society of Business Economics, commented: “This is a breakthrough in our country’s original system,For the first time, tax-free business qualifications are granted to market entities other than tax-free enterprises,Releases a signal that the domestic tax-free pattern is about to undergo major changes。”Compared with Wangfujing’s entry into the 188bet sports betting on behalf of the retail department store industry,Many people in the industry are also more concerned about how BTG will use this to deeply integrate its tourism resources with duty-free sales,For example: opening a city duty-free shop in the area around Beijing Universal Studios,Or use duty-free as an entry point to strengthen the layout of the Hainan tourism market, etc.。

Actually,Except Wangfujing、Beyond the First Tour,Recently, many companies have chosen to acquire or cooperate with companies with tax-free licenses,“Curve to save the country” enters the 188bet sports betting。Among these,Caesar is undoubtedly the one who is relatively high-profile and has big steps。According to incomplete statistics,In less than a year,Caesar has repeatedly shown his ambitions for the tax-free industry,Business all over Beijing、Tianjin、Various duty-free business formats in Hainan。June last year,The company announced a cooperation with China Service,Invested in Tianjin International Cruise Home Port Entry Duty Free Shop,First time entering the 188bet sports betting。Early November of that year,Caesar Travel Announcement Announcement,The company plans to establish Hainan Duty Free Group Company in Hainan,And acquired 20% of its shares in Jiangsu Zhongfu Duty Free Products Co., Ltd. from Secoo。About a week later,Caesar further proposed to invest in the establishment of a "second headquarters" Hainan Caesar Sega Tourism Development Group Co., Ltd.。It’s mid-March this year,Caesar has further extended its tentacles to Beijing’s 188bet sports betting,Its wholly-owned subsidiary Caesar Tongsheng Travel Agency (Group) Co., Ltd. subscribes for 40% of the newly registered capital of Jiabao Runcheng,This company is the business entity of Zhongchui Service that operates duty-free shops for overseas travelers in the Beijing area。

Beyond Caesar,Gree Real Estate and Uoxin Travel are also eyeing the 188bet sports betting。One month ago,The former announced that it is planning to purchase 100% equity of Zhudu,Unexpectedly,The industry had a view at that time,If this acquisition can be realized smoothly,Then Zhudu Duty Free will become the successor to China Duty Free under China International Travel Service,The second tax-free enterprise in my country to embark on the road to listing。In comparison,Zhongxin Travel chose to enjoy the shade with its back against the "big tree" of China Free Trade Zone,February this year,Uxin and China Duty Free Signed a Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement,Both parties proposed that Uxin will guide traffic to duty-free shops in China Duty Free,Targeted outbound transportation、Domestic group tourists and independent tourists。

Forcing traditional tax-188bet sports betting enterprises to transform

From "one dominant family" to "one superpower and many strong ones",The situation faced by China International Travel Service has become increasingly severe,The impact of the superimposed epidemic on its airport 188bet sports betting business, which mainly contributes to its performance,The "cash cow" effect of the physical tax exemption form itself seems to be no longer as strong as before。

According to the first quarter report of 2020 released by China International Travel Service,The company experienced its first single-quarter net profit loss since it went public in 2009、Loss limit exceeds 1.200 million yuan。And,During the reporting period,China International Travel Service Revenue、Net profits dropped significantly year-on-year,The decrease reached 44 respectively.23% and 105.21%。In this financial report,China International Travel Service clearly stated,Affected by the new coronavirus epidemic,The number of customers in the company’s 188bet sports betting stores dropped significantly in the first quarter compared with the same period last year,Some 188bet sports betting shops have closed or adjusted their business hours,This will have a greater impact on the company’s normal operations。

In this context,188bet sports betting has quietly stepped up its efforts to expand its online shopping section,Its Rishang Duty Free Shop has begun to transform into an e-commerce role in full swing。According to incomplete statistics,Currently, Rishang Duty Free, a subsidiary of CDF, has opened online shopping platforms in Beijing and Shanghai respectively: "CDF Member Shopping Beijing" mini-program and "Rishang Member" APP,At the same time,188bet sports betting Hainan, which has recently acquired 51% of its shares,Also opened the "Hainan Outlying Islands Repurchase Official Mall" website。On multiple online evaluation platforms,Many netizens said,After the epidemic,These free e-commerce companies do offer some strong discounts and discounts from time to time。“I previously ordered the La Mer Bright Skin Set from ‘CDF Membership Beijing’,When I returned to China at the end of last year,The price purchased at T3 is about 4,800 yuan/set,But the price on this mini program is only 4768 yuan/set,As low as 3814 after special discount for members.4 yuan/set。”Introduction to Consumer He Qi。

actually,There were media reports a few days ago that,At the 2019 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of China International Travel Service,China International Travel Service also proposed,Currently 50% of the company’s revenue comes from online,And this proportion will continue to increase in the future。The company has established a new retail division,Strengthen the "weight" of this section。"Visible,Cross-border e-commerce for China International Travel Service、China Free Shipping,May not be a short-term emergency move,It is likely to be the new market where it will focus its steps in the future。”An expert said bluntly。Lai Yang further analyzed that,If China Duty Free can fully utilize its purchasing advantages in 188bet sports betting goods to cross-border e-commerce,And carry out targeted marketing based on the consumer portrait formed by previous 188bet sports betting sales,Perhaps we can create our own market in the cross-border e-commerce industry,Compensating for the impact of the epidemic on the offline 188bet sports betting sector。

The emergence of new "tax-188bet sports betting +" gameplay

"Including Wangfujing license plate,Recent changes in the domestic 188bet sports betting,In fact, it gives the outside world a lot of room for imagination。" Zhou Mingqi, founder of Jingjian Think Tank, said frankly,After Wangfujing Group,It is not ruled out that there will be more enterprises in various places that are approved for tax-free business qualifications,In this special period,Duty-free sales are likely to become a local driver of consumption、A new engine to promote consumption reshoring。Meanwhile,In-depth integration with more companies outside the industry,It will also promote the emergence of more “duty-free +” new business formats,Let the supply structure of this industry become more diversified。

Zhou Mingqi gave an example,For example, if more and more tourism companies directly or indirectly obtain tax-free qualifications,Can deeply integrate its tourism projects and 188bet sports betting sales,Open 188bet sports betting shops with special tourism products, etc.,Further promote the recovery of tourism consumption;If there could be an e-commerce platform that would be “electric shock” tax-free,Open up online sales channels,my country’s online shopping consumption may be further activated,The market size will also grow by leaps and bounds。

“Looking at the overall situation,What new forms will the 188bet sports betting derive in the future、New business format,The key lies in the direction and extent of policy adjustment,Including tax-free consumption limit in the city、Whether restrictions on consumer groups will be loosened, etc.。" Zhou Mingqi said。

It’s worth noting,In addition to the above-mentioned domestic enterprises,In the undercurrent of domestic 188bet sports betting,There is another company with a low-key layout,Also attracted great attention from the industry。Dufrui Group, which holds the title of “the world’s largest airport duty-free merchant”,Quietly appeared in China recently,And focus on Hainan, which has just significantly relaxed the tax exemption limit for offshore islands。Public information display,On the day after the "Overall Plan for the Construction of Hainan Free Trade Port" was announced,The person in charge of the group had a video connection with Liu Cigui, Secretary of the Hainan Provincial Party Committee,Discuss the content of promoting practical cooperation in related fields。And,At the recent Hainan Free Trade Port construction project commencement and signing ceremony in Danzhou Branch,Dufrey Group also signed a contract on the spot to build a duty-free shopping mall on Haihua Island。“It can be seen,As more and more ‘players’ enter my country’s duty-free industry,The structure of this market will enter a state of constant change and newness in the future,‘Five points of the world’ may not last long。”

*Source of 188bet sports betting article188bet sports betting188bet sports betting:Jiang Mengwei, original titleThe new pattern of "five-point world" emerged, new faces poured in collectively, and the 188bet sports betting accelerated into the fast lane》.

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