188bet mobile login tourists 1637 during National Day.40,000 people

Cultural 188bet mobile login Benefits Authors of this article: Fu Wei, Huo Xiaohan 2020-10-10
Total 188bet mobile login revenue of 10.8 billion yuan.

The reporter learned from the Heilongjiang Provincial Department of Culture and 188bet mobile login,According to mobile big data、UnionPay big data calculation,During National Day,The province received a total of 1637 tourists.40,000 people,Recovered to 93% of the same period last year on a comparable basis;Among them,Provincial tourists 1343.60,000 people,Accounting for 82%;Tourists from outside the province 293.80,000 people,Accounting for 18%。Total 188bet mobile login revenue of 10.8 billion yuan (calculated according to new statistical standards)。

During holidays,Our province’s cultural and 188bet mobile login departments insist on epidemic prevention and control first,Strictly adhere to the bottom line of safety,Stimulate cultural and 188bet mobile login consumption,Strengthen market supervision,The scenic spot is in good order,No crowding or gathering、No relevant negative public opinion appeared,There are no major 188bet mobile login safety accidents in the province,No major travel complaints,Achieve effective epidemic prevention and control during the holidays、The market is safe and orderly、The goal of 188bet mobile login consumption growth。

The theme of 188bet mobile login product supply is prominent during the province’s holidays。Five major autumn 188bet mobile login products with the theme of "Longjiang Golden Autumn·Colorful Oil Painting"、10 self-driving tour routes,Provide tourists with targeted and diverse choices。

Cultural and 188bet mobile login promotions are full of sincerity。73 A-level scenic spots in the province launch holiday discounts,26 of them offer free tickets or 50% off discounts,47 scenic spots have launched various preferential measures。Harbin City issues second round of 35 million yuan cultural 188bet mobile login consumption vouchers、Scenic area fuel subsidy card and Harbin 48-hour preferential travel card;Qiqihar City joins forces with UnionPay Business and Heilongjiang 188bet mobile login Investment Group,Issuing 1.6 million yuan of "play + accommodation" travel vouchers。

Night travel economy releases consumption vitality。During the festival, various places launched various Longjiang night tour theme tours,More than 150 high-quality large-scale art performances,Highlighting the culture of 188bet mobile login combining China and the West、Artistic atmosphere。Songhua River Night Tour、Night tour in 188bet mobile login、Night tour to Yichun Fengyan Village and other projects,Open scenic spot、A new exploration of extending nighttime operations at tourist attractions。

Civilized and healthy 188bet mobile login atmosphere is strong。The Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee and 7 departments including the Provincial Department of Culture and 188bet mobile login initiated the establishment of Heilongjiang Province’s “Public Chopsticks Action” and Public Welfare Alliance,More than 50 A-level scenic spots in the province、Star hotel and catering companies have joined the "Chopsticks Alliance",And have launched small dishes、Promote the "meal-sharing system",Various ways to guide tourists to pick up meals on demand、Civilized dining,Implementing “Operation CD-ROM”。

Meanwhile,Cultural and 188bet mobile login departments at all levels ensure holiday travel。In terms of market safety prevention,The Provincial Department of Culture and 188bet mobile login deploys and guides local cultural and 188bet mobile login departments in accordance with territorial management and "who approves、Who is responsible,Who runs it、Who is responsible” principle,Further strengthen the safety production work in cultural and 188bet mobile login business premises,The main person in charge of the department led the team to key A-level tourist attractions and cultural sites、博、Photo of public venues carrying out special fire safety inspection,Implement the main responsibilities of fire prevention and control and various fire safety measures,Ensure the safety of people and tourists。Pay close attention to epidemic prevention and control in scenic spots,Comprehensively promote the opening management of scenic spots in accordance with relevant national requirements,240 A-level scenic spots in our province are open to the public during the festival,The overall operation is smooth and orderly,Six 5A tourist attractions have received a total of 250,000 tourists。Maintaining the order of the 188bet mobile login market,For well-known tourist attractions and entrances to scenic spots、Central scenic spots and other key areas are guarded by separate troops、Orderly control,In 8 days,A total of 1 cultural and 188bet mobile login inspectors were dispatched across the province.60,000 people,Checked 2625 travel agencies and their branches、1365 scenic spots,9330 Internet service places、5146 entertainment venues、118 commercial performance venues。

*Source of this article: Northeast Net,Author:Fu Wei, Huo Xiaohan,OriginalTitle:《188bet mobile login 1637 tourists during National Day.40,000 people》.

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