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November 10,Comprehensive report,188bet game said on the 9th,Plan to increase flight schedule in the week of Thanksgiving, November 26th,It is expected that this will be the first time since the new crown epidemic broke out in the United States in March,The busiest week。
188bet game said,Will increase capacity by 9% in the week of November 23rd,That’s 1,400 flights,And plan if the holidays are approaching、Demand remains high,Larger aircraft will be used。
Nevertheless,Due to the surge in the number of new coronavirus cases,Airline flights and travel numbers are down significantly compared to 2019。This quarter so far,About 32 million people travel to airports in the 188bet game States,Down from more than 90 million people in the same period in 2019。
Consumers still have a wait-and-see attitude towards traveling by air。188bet game said,About half of passengers booked flights less than a month before Thanksgiving departure,This kind of temporary booking is 40% more than in 2019。
JetBlue said last week,Between November 20th and 30th,Departing from New York to Florida、Puerto Rico、Flights to resorts such as Haiti and the Dominican Republic,25 will be added。
As the holidays approach,We are seeing signs of strong demand in some markets。”
*Source of this article: China News Network,Original title:《Demand for Thanksgiving travel is strong, 188bet game plans to add thousands of flights》.
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