The Ministry of Culture and 188bet game of China announced on the official website on the 20th,Since the launch of special rectification work against gangs and evil in the field of culture and 188bet game,2018 to 2020,China’s cultural and 188bet game administrative departments at all levels、The comprehensive law enforcement agency of the cultural market has handled various cases of comprehensive law enforcement in the cultural market 12.30,000 items,Ordered to suspend operations for rectification 4767 times,716 licenses revoked,Standardized the business order of the cultural 188bet game market。
Special rectification in progress,Comprehensive search for clues from various places,Implement precise strikes,A group of companies collect protection fees from entertainment industry operators、Extortion、The evil forces that forcibly collected commissions were eradicated according to 188bet game。
In Haiyan County, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province,An evil criminal group with Zhang as the leader,Challenge local singing and dancing entertainment venues for causing trouble,Seizing illegal economic benefits,Causing worse social impact。October 2020,Tried in accordance with the law,Zhang was sentenced at first instance to the crime of participating in a triad organization、The crime of picking quarrels and provoking trouble、Crime of extortion、The crime of opening a casino,Decided to execute thirteen years’ imprisonment,A concurrent fine of RMB 200,000 (RMB),The same below)。The destruction of this evil criminal gang,Effectively combated and deterred the arrogance of criminals,Purified the cultural and 188bet game market environment。
In recent years,The business channels of illegal publications gradually shift from offline to online,Under special rectification work,A group of criminal methods are specialized、Modernization of crime tools、The illegal "publishing group" that operated illegally on a large scale was destroyed in accordance with the 188bet game。Bozhou City, Anhui Province investigated and dealt with a gang selling illegal publications,The group’s cumulative sales revenue reached more than 14 million yuan。
Special rectification in progress,Every place is still concentrating its efforts,Strengthen law enforcement inspections for the 188bet game market,Strictly investigate and punish “unreasonable low-price travel”、Operating outbound 188bet game business without permission and other illegal business activities,Establish a normalized "physical examination-style" unannounced visit evaluation mechanism。
According to statistics,2018 to 2020,Cultural and 188bet game administrative departments at all levels、The cultural market comprehensive law enforcement agency dispatched more than 30 million law enforcement officers,Inspected more than 7 million business units,Settled various comprehensive law enforcement cases in the cultural market 12.30,000 items,Ordered to suspend operations for rectification 4767 times,716 licenses revoked,Effectively standardizes the business order of the cultural 188bet game market。
*this文comeSource: China News Network, author: Ying Ni, original title:《The cultural and 188bet game system has completed various comprehensive law enforcement cases in three years 12.30,000 items》。
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