June 15,The reporter learned from the Autonomous Region Department of Culture and 188bet game,Dragon Boat Festival this year,Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region has received a total of 371 domestic tourists.160,000 people (times),103 year-on-year increase.50%,Achieved cumulative domestic 188bet game revenue of 17.6.8 billion yuan,275 year-on-year increase.61%。
During the Dragon Boat Festival this year,Our district puts epidemic prevention and control first,Keep an eye on important nodes、Key links,Unswervingly do a good job of "preventing crowding、Anti-crowding、Epidemic Prevention" work,According to "Limited Limits、Reservation、Work requirements of "staggered peak",Ensuring the safety of the holiday 188bet game market、Smooth、Orderly。
Dragon Boat Festival this year,Tourists in our area present the following characteristics: from the perspective of the source of tourists,The tourists our district receives are mainly concentrated in the district,Mainly local residents,The proportion of tourists in the area is 60.74%,Inter-provincial tourists account for 39 of the total number of tourists in the region.26%。From the perspective of travel mode,During the Dragon Boat Festival this year,The tourists our district receives are mainly those traveling by car,Proportion 60.18%,Proportion 188bet game by public transportation 34.51%,Some tourists rent cars and drive themselves、Cycling、Traveling on foot or other ways。From the perspective of travel purpose,During the short holiday,The tourists our district receives mainly travel for vacation,Accounting for 84.07%,The second is the proportion 188bet game for work and study purposes14.68%,Proportion 188bet game for medical care and other purposes1.25%。
*thisWen LaiSource: Inner Mongolia Daily, author: Zhao Xi, original title:《Dragon Boat Festival holiday, our district has achieved a cumulative domestic 188bet game revenue of 17.6.8 billion yuan》.
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