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The 188bet game SAR Government announced on the 24th,Tightening quarantine requirements for people arriving from the UK,The United Kingdom, which will now be a Group B high-risk area,Designated as Group A2 very high risk area,And it will take effect from next Monday (June 28),Inbound travelers regardless of whether they have been vaccinated,All must undergo 21 days of compulsory quarantine in designated hotels。
Statement of the SAR Government,In view of the recent continued rebound of the epidemic in the UK and the widespread spread of the Delta mutant virus strain in the local area,At the same time, there are multiple imported cases involving people arriving in 188bet game from the United Kingdom who were tested and found to have the L452R mutant virus strain,The authorities are closely monitoring the development of the epidemic in relevant areas、Prevalence of mutant virus strains,and make relevant arrangements after possible import risks to 188bet game。
Persons arriving from the UK must present a negative test certificate taken within 72 hours before the scheduled departure time when boarding,And confirmation of booking a room at a designated quarantine hotel in 188bet game,After arriving in 188bet game, you must confirm the negative test result at the airport,Take a special bus to the designated quarantine hotel for 21 days of compulsory quarantine,Received four tests during this period,Self-monitoring for the next 7 days,And conduct compulsory testing at the community testing center on the 26th day after arriving in 188bet game。
Starting from this Saturday (26th),188bet game will adjust boarding testing requirements for flights arriving from high-risk areas,Included in staying in A1、Persons from designated areas or Taiwan in Group A2 or B,A negative nucleic acid test result certificate taken within 72 hours before the scheduled departure time must be presented upon boarding,And must be polymerase chain reaction nucleic acid detection,Nucleic acid test results conducted through other testing technologies will no longer be regarded as meeting the relevant specified boarding requirements。
*This articleSource: CCTV News Client, authors: Zhou Weiqi, Jin Dong, Ye Lili, original title: "188bet game will raise the UK to a very high risk level starting from June 28. All people arriving from the UK will need to quarantine for 21 days》.
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