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December 3,Jinjiang Hotel announced,The company plans to provide GDL with a total amount not exceeding 1.300 million euro guarantee。The one-year 60 million euro overdraft line agreement signed between GDL and BNP Paribas expires on April 1, 2022,It will then be converted into a loan of 60 million 188bet app download for no more than three years;It is planned that the company will continue to provide guarantee for the 60 million euro loan,The guarantee period is three years。In addition,For the need to supplement working capital,GDL needs to borrow no more than 70 million 188bet app download from banks,It is planned that the company will provide guarantee for the loan。
As understood,Group du Louvre registered capital is 2.6.2 billion 188bet app download,Business scope includes operating hotels and restaurants。Louvre Group is 100% held by Shanghai Jinlu Investment Management Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Jinjiang Hotels, through its wholly-owned subsidiaries Shanghai Jinjiang Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. and Hailu Investment。
As of December 31, 2020,The total assets of GDL is 12.€3.1 billion,Total liabilities are 10.8.2 billion 188bet app download,The total amount of bank loans is 1.8.2 billion 188bet app download,Related party loan is 6.9.2 billion 188bet app download,Total current liabilities is 2.1.1 billion 188bet app download,Net assets are 1.4.2 billion 188bet app download,Consolidated operating income achieved in 2020 2.€3.4 billion,Net profit-96.25 million 188bet app download。
According to the announcement,The board of directors considers after deliberation,The above guarantee meets the company’s actual operating needs,And the guaranteed objects are all wholly-owned subsidiaries of the company,Guarantee risks are generally controllable,It will not have any adverse impact on the company’s normal operations and business development,Agree that the company will provide GDL with 1.Guarantee of 300 million 188bet app download。
As of the date of this announcement,The total amount of the company’s actual external guarantees (including guarantees provided to wholly-owned subsidiaries and holding subsidiaries) is 4.500 million 188bet app download,There is no overdue external guarantee。
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