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188bet app Observation,Create an “exceeding expectation” experience in action

Executive favor2024-10-16

Be alert to small incidents and create a good experience.

In the process of creating global destinations,Some contingency、188bet app that seem trivial and easily overlooked,But it can start a prairie fire with a spark,Bringing unbearable heavy damage to the industry。

The destructiveness of black swan 188bet app

The travel 188bet app has long been plagued by volatility。For example,Differences between low and peak seasons caused by seasonal changes or holiday arrangements。

This industry characteristic makes the 188bet app industry strategic planning、Resource allocation and other aspects are more difficult。The reason,The supply of 188bet app industry is rigid,Demand is quite flexible。Regardless of the number of rooms in the hotel,It is also a tourist facility in the scenic spot,It is difficult to quickly adjust to changes in a short period of time。

Except seasonal or holiday driven cyclical fluctuations,There is also a sudden fluctuation caused by black swan 188bet app。

Black Swan Event,referring to those that are difficult to predict,But once it happens suddenly, it will trigger a chain reaction and bring huge negative impact to the small probability event。Although they don’t happen often,But not handled properly,It may cause systemic risks,This will lead to serious consequences。For example,Sudden social security incidents will damage the image of tourist destinations,Making 188bet app uneasy and frightened,In turn affecting the destination’s attractiveness。

Cyclic fluctuations are usually well managed,Sudden fluctuations caused by black swan 188bet app are destructive。

A notable example is,2011,Political unrest and security problems in Egypt,The inbound 188bet app market has been hit hard。


Data source: International Monetary Fund、National Bureau of Statistics of China,Compiled by the author

Before the incident,Egypt’s inbound 188bet app market maintains rapid growth,1405 inbound tourists received in 2010.10,000 people。After the incident,The number of inbound tourists in Egypt dropped rapidly to 984 in 2011.50,000,Decrease reaches 29.93%。But after President Sisi took a series of measures,Egypt’s political situation is gradually becoming stable。After 2014,Egypt’s economy has regained its growth momentum。

However,The decline of Egypt’s 188bet app industry has not been easily reversed by the stabilization of the political situation。

This downward trend,Continued until 2016。In 2016,Egypt’s number of inbound 188bet app shrank further to 539.90,000,Only 38 of the 2010 data.42%。

Egypt has rich historical heritage and natural landscapes,But as of 2019,The inbound 188bet app market has not yet fully recovered。

The wind rises at the end of Qingping

Compared to the major 188bet app that exploded in an instant,Some black swan 188bet app often occur in subtle ways,Although not noticed and difficult to predict,But extremely destructive。

After adjustment of epidemic prevention and control measures in 2022,Chinese 188bet app were treated unfairly when entering South Korea,Mainly characterized by cumbersome immigration procedures、Unreasonable measures such as forced isolation and wearing of yellow cards。These discriminatory measures have triggered strong dissatisfaction and anger among Chinese 188bet app。

188bet app,Topics related to South Korea’s entry discrimination quickly became hot searches on Weibo,The reading volume of many public account articles exceeded 100,000+。

According to Jonah Berger, Professor of Marketing at the University of Pennsylvania,The incident triggered viral spread。

Berger in his book "Mad Rumor",The STEPPS model is proposed to explain the virality of 188bet app。

The model takes its name from six key elements,Social Currency、Triggers、Emotion、Public、Practical Value and Stories。

According to STEPPS theory,Discriminatory behaviors such as forced isolation and wearing of yellow cards have become strong incentives for the spread 188bet app incident,Aroused strong anger among the domestic people,And forms a social currency that gets people talking,It also has publicity and warning value。A series of factors constitute a story that conforms to the STEEP principle,Eventually triggered a viral spread。

What’s more important,Most negative 188bet app tend to spread faster。

Shoemaker (1996) pointed out,People have a “Bad News Preference”。188bet app phenomenon refers to,While observing the environment,People pay less attention to good news than to bad news。Due to its higher emotional intensity,Bad news spreads quickly to a wide audience through various social network channels。At the same time,Information sources that publish such news are also more actively promoting in order to attract attention。

This time it comes from the details of the entry work in South Korea,188bet app caused by viral spread,Exhibited amazing destructive power。

After the epidemic is over,Chinese 188bet app’ overseas travel orders surged 570%。However,South Korea has always been a popular outbound travel destination for China,Rarely not included in the top ten destinations。A large number of flights to South Korea had to be temporarily canceled。

Inbound 188bet app need to be wary of black swans

Compared to the short-distance domestic 188bet app market,The inbound 188bet app market is more sensitive to the impact of emergencies。

Data display,Period 2007-2019,Domestic 188bet app market growth is relatively stable,Inbound 188bet app is more volatile。From the standard deviation,The standard deviation of the annual growth rate of domestic tourist arrivals is 4.04%,The inbound 188bet app market is as high as 14.4%,More than three times the former。


Data source: National 188bet app Administration, compiled by the author

Meanwhile,Global travelers 188bet app rely more on social media information。

Due to the intangibility of services,International 188bet app cannot truly perceive the true value of tourist destinations in advance,Travel decisions can often only be made based on the limited information obtained。

Research points out,43% of British 188bet app use social media to assist travel decisions,Over 25% of visitors say they trust recommendations on social media。

Recent series of vicious incidents involving Chinese citizens attacking or harming children,Spread widely on social media,There is the possibility of evolving into a 188bet app。

August,In Australia, a Chinese student poured hot coffee on an Australian baby boy, causing him severe burns,Australian police issued a global wanted order,Determined to arrest the suspect。September,A Japanese boy was attacked and killed in Shenzhen,The Japanese government chose to intervene through diplomatic channels。

October 1st at noon,A 23-year-old Chinese man attacked several children in a nursery with a knife in the Oerlikon district of Zurich。In Switzerland,Violence against children is extremely rare,188bet app incident shocked the entire society。

Once these incidents explode on social media,Highly likely to make the government、The long-term efforts and investment of enterprises and people have been wasted。

Be wary of small incidents and create a good experience

Viral spread 188bet app event,Like two sides 188bet app same coin,Both potentially destructive,It may also bring good reputation。

According to STEPPS theory,188bet app that evoke strong emotions——No matter it is a surprise、Happiness or anxiety、Angry——Easier to be shared widely on the Internet、Comments and forwarding。

Some negative events that no one noticed at first,Can evolve into a black swan due to virality,Exhibiting destructive power。Thinking reversely,A series of carefully designed、Small details that exceed consumers’ expectations can also impress 188bet app,Welcome waves of applause from the world。

After adopting discriminatory entry policies against Chinese 188bet app,South Korea is in an embarrassing situation。

In stark contrast to the Korean government,In order to welcome Chinese 188bet app,The Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand even led many ministers and senior officials to the airport to greet Chinese 188bet app,Shows full sincerity and enthusiasm。

The moment Chinese 188bet app enter the country,South Korea brings anger and anxiety,Thailand provides surprises and happiness。

This reminds us,Inbound 188bet app requires small and inconspicuous incidents to prevent minor incidents,We must also do marketing in subtle ways。

On the one hand,For events that trigger anxiety and anger,Beware of subtle changes,Prevent small incidents from escalating into big problems。This is required during immigration work,To establish a perfect“188bet app”Monitoring system,And reduce the probability of negative events as much as possible。

For example,The media should pay attention 188bet app value guidance of residents’ behavior,Relevant departments must seriously deal with residents’ inappropriate behavior。

On the other hand,The subtleties of inbound travel,Design carefully,Create“Exceeded expectations”Experience。First half of 2024,After the implementation of a series of visa-free policies and convenient services,Inbound 188bet app increased to 1463.50,000 people。

If we can carefully create a series of“Moving people”’s wonderful entry experience,1463.50,000 viral spreads will significantly increase“China Travel”’s reputation。

For example,According to behavioral design,As the first step of inbound 188bet app,Avoid bad experiences at immigration,Add more warm interactions。


Building a global 188bet app destination,“Catch the big and let go the small”Strategy is not advisable。

A series of 188bet app reminded us,It is necessary to carefully plan the grand strategy,Also pay careful attention to small details。More specifically,Be wary of black swans from the smallest details,Get a good reputation with a good experience。

The source of this article is Zhihui, and the copyright belongs 188bet app original author.

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