New value of 188bet login in the era of great connectivity

Author of 188bet login article: Yuan Qun 2015-08-16
Whether it is the integration of "three networks",Still “Internet+”,The tourism industry is under the impact of the current Internet wave,In the final analysis, it’s between tourists、Connections between tourists and 188bet login and within 188bet login,We call the intricate connections between these elements the Great Tourism Connection,This kind of connection has its depth,The connotation is rich:1. The rise of social economy promotes connections among tourists;2. Expand the service value chain of 188bet login;3. Tourism scene experience under the Internet of Things。

2015 "Two Sessions" Government Work Report,Li Keqiang proposed to comprehensively promote the integration of “three networks”,Accelerate the construction of optical fiber network,Significantly improve broadband network speed,Develop logistics express delivery,Use the Internet as the carrier、The emerging consumption of online and offline interactions is booming。Required at the same time,Develop an “Internet+” action plan,Promote mobile Internet、Cloud computing、Big data、Integration 188bet login Internet of Things and modern manufacturing,Promote e-commerce、Healthy development of industrial Internet and Internet finance,Guide Internet companies to expand international markets。

Whether it is the integration of "three networks",Still “Internet+”,The tourism industry is under the impact of the current Internet wave,In the final analysis, it’s between tourists、Connections between tourists and 188bet login and within 188bet login,We call the intricate connections between these elements the Great Tourism Connection,This kind of connection has its depth,The connotation is rich,Extension is infinitely expandable,This requires repositioning and thinking about tourism in the context of this great connection。

1. The rise of social economy promotes connections among 188bet login

Community 188bet login phenomenon: a trip that just goes away

The first is the connection between 188bet loginMainly manifested as a new form of leisure tourism under the community economy。There is this sentence in Tmall’s latest advertisement: “Friends,From someone who collected the same skirt"。Based on the same hobby、People gathered for the same pursuit,Under the aggregation of modern social networks,Let’s pursue what we want together,This forms a large or small community,and decentralize by yourself、Personalization、Dynamic consumption affects new fashions and new directions in society。

The same is true for tourism in this consumption context,Traveling,188bet login will follow their hearts more。

Give an example of real-life 188bet login consumption,The current travel scene is like this: a group of people with the same travel pursuits will travel together to a well-known or unknown place,Go to a specific route。Before this, they will make travel plans in the QQ group or Tieba,Check the destination’s strategies and reviews on Qionyou or Mafengwo,Book a room on Ctrip or group buying website,Book discounted tickets on travel websites,Book a car on Didi Kuaidi,Place a meal order on Meituan Dianping,There will even be customized colorful flags and slogans during the trip,Send your wonderful moments to Weibo and WeChat while traveling。

In terms of process,Some are very natural and smooth,The cars here are made together,People gather freely,The scene is set at will,No boring introduction and consumption guidance from the tour guide,There is no so-called secondary consumption in 188bet login,Because there is no travel agency in the whole process,However, during the tour, you can hide behind some tour guides and listen to the explanations。

From the subject side,In the entire tourism scene,Visitors truly become the center,All routes can be adjusted at any time according to their preferences,All 188bet login are decided by their mood whether to go or stay,Their decision is not based on any so-called classic tourist routes,Do not listen to the tour guide’s explanation,The itinerary is based on internal discussions and searching for network information。

The essence of community 188bet login: an experience of returning to nature

Community economy is the return of humanity and humanity,The traditional way of organizing tourism destroys people’s emotional release,The organization form of tourists has become rigid,Also downplays the uniqueness of the destination culture,causing poor experience for tourists、Poor evaluation of 188bet login、The situation where the cost-effectiveness of travel is not high。

This kind of travel orientation originating from the heart of individuals in the community,Connecting tourists with tourists、Tourists and 188bet login are deeply connected using modern social means,And make travel emotional in this connection、Product experience、Proceduralization of 188bet login、Brand personification。So,The tourists have changed,No longer consists of individual tour groups,It is a community composed of people based on common interests;Organizational form changed,Everything is organized spontaneously,Scattered、Free、Casual;Consumption patterns have changed,Some tourism products with real local characteristics will be more popular,Online payment、Express mailing becomes a trend;The way of traveling has also changed,The experience of hiring a driver or resident who knows the local situation better as a tour guide is certainly better than a professional tour guide,This can also be done through specific applications to meet such needs。

The social economy of 188bet login is also constantly accompanied by the sharing economy in the entire 188bet login experience,Share your trip instantly to your circle of friends and Weibo,so that the entire community continues to expand。The value chain of the travel community continues to expand in this sharing: community organization-travel-sharing-larger community,Like a snowball,Continuously expand your influence,In turn, it affects the entire 188bet login consumption。

The arrival of the era of community economy,It will definitely change the way 188bet login travel and consume,Thus changing the way tourism companies market their products,And the interactive relationship between consumers and businesses。The tourism community is truly tourist-centered、Guided by 188bet login’ preferences、A new organizational form aimed at tourist experience,Among them,Travel products are the tipping point of the community,The tourism community must rely on in-depth experience of tourism products、Product originality and branding to stimulate the tourism economy。

The economic main body of the community is tourists,But the organizer can be a 188bet login spot、Travel agency、Travel website,Or an influential individual,The community economy under this type of organization has greater room for imagination,Especially in tourism product design and tourism route planning, it has more advantages,But this kind of community is another kind of connection between organizations and tourists。Community organizers play the role of self-media,Leading the fashion and cutting edge of travel,Try to avoid the disadvantages of traditional travel agencies,Fully respect tourists’ free choices and hobbies,Act as a guide for travel experience,Don’t be the game breaker。

Tourist connections under the social economy,Provides us with a regression idea,It is to return to the true needs and desires of tourists,Return to humanized scene experience,This requires the 188bet login spot to make a lot of efforts in analyzing the behavior of tourists。

2. Expand the service value chain of 188bet login

The connection between tourists and 188bet login is actually how the 188bet login can better connect to more tourists,Generate unlimited imagination space and value space。

First give an example,How we buy a book now?Because there is so much information now,Buying a valuable book has become increasingly difficult,We cannot judge the value of a book before reading it,So we need to go to the online shopping platform to see if it sells well,Does it have good reviews,What is other people’s reading experience,Use 188bet login to decide whether to buy。Another more reliable way is: whether people in my circle of friends read it,And 188bet login,It is increasingly becoming an important criterion for our selection。

The same goes for travel choices,Have people in my circle of friends been to the Maldives,Has anyone visited a certain scenic spot again,In the circle of friends, tourists are constantly sharing their travel experiences,Directly irritated others,This also brings more connections and potential tourists to the scenic spot。A trip sharing in the circle of friends,Brings unlimited connections to 188bet login。

Deep connection with tourists is the reconstruction of the value chain of 188bet login

Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council proposed during his government work report,Comprehensively promote the integration of "three networks",Accelerate the construction of optical fiber network,Significantly improve broadband network speed,Develop logistics express delivery,Use the Internet as the carrier、The emerging consumption of online and offline interactions is booming。This "online and offline" should be O2O, which has been very popular in the past two years,This mainly refers to online and offline connections,The connection between 188bet login and tourists will involve,But it is broader than online and offline,Also focuses more on offline,This kind of connection is the trend of future tourism development。

But there is still a problem,How do we understand this "2",If you understand it as a link,Connecting 188bet login and tourists,This is also correct,The way through is the Internet;But we can still go further,Understand it as fusion,It is the experience of tourists based on connection,188bet login attract tourists through better quality tourism products,Generate good reputation;If we are still not satisfied,Go further,You can understand this "2" as interaction,This takes the thinking of 188bet login to a higher level,Let unlimited connected tourists participate in the scenic spot,Let the 188bet login become more dynamic with the participation of tourists。

Expand 188bet login with "user thinking"

Smart Scenic Area、Smartphone、Wearable device,Big data、The continuous development of intelligent sensing equipment, etc.,Creating conditions for the connection between 188bet login and tourists,How to use these conditions to create greater interaction with tourists has become an important issue that 188bet login need to think about。This requires the scenic spot to change its service concept,Establish a real-time response tourist service concept,Create more conditions to connect with tourists。

For 188bet login,Everyone who comes to visit is tourists,The concept of "tourists" is relatively simple。We use the distinction between "customers" and "users" to explain that 188bet login should have a "user" concept: most customer consumption and cooperation are one-time,The sale of the product represents the termination of the main service (of course there will be after-sales service in the future),But "user thinking" is different,The sale of products represents the beginning of service。

For 188bet login,This thinking is worth learning,When tourists visit, it is our service time,But it ignores the publicity and service after tourists leave,We bring tourists with connected thinking,After the tourists leave,Will it bring more tourists。

This requires the scenic spot to deeply integrate the thinking of connection and the thinking of customers,Inject the genes of mobile Internet services into the entire tourism service,Tourist behavior is changing,This requires 188bet login to continue to have insight into all changes in tourist behavior in this connected era,Create more possibilities with communication and service。

This requires 188bet login to provide good tourism products on the basis of,Do emotional marketing and trust marketing,Building a human nature、Personalization、Positive and lively、Interesting 188bet login,Instead of a garbage strewn all over、Lack of participation、Lack of communication、188bet login without follow-up services。The connection between 188bet login and tourists,It is necessary for 188bet login to truly bring tourists to the tourist scenes they want,Increase the sense of participation,Improve service,In this way, we can generate more connections with more tourists,Too many connections,Imagination will give you more space。

3. 188bet login scene experience under the Internet of Things

Travel 188bet login in the scene era

As tourism becomes the new normal in people’s lives in China,Tourism experience has become the core of the scenic spot,Personalization、Featured、Specialization、Extreme experience,It has also become an important criterion for tourists to measure tourist services in 188bet login。The basis of travel experience is the scene,Scenario-driven tourism products can stimulate tourists’ interest,Scene is the key to drive and guide tourists。With the continuous improvement of smart tourism infrastructure,In terms of hardware conditions,Constructing virtual scenes is no longer a technical problem,Through the combination of virtual experience and real experience inside the scenic spot,Achieving the experience of virtual and real integration,Can improve tourists’ perception。

Take the Lanzhou Museum experience as an example,shown from photo,You can see lifelike wax sculptures everywhere,Then to the loop playback of 3D images,Visitors can touch and feel the context of Lanzhou’s history,And this kind of perception has temperature,Can evoke the memory of local people、Stir up the interest of outsiders。The entire museum makes full use of acousto-optical technology based on the display of objects,Let visitors walking in the corridors of the museum feel like strolling on Lanzhou Street in the 1960s and 1970s,You can see a row of old people sitting neatly eating ramen,The shopkeeper adjusting the abacus in the pawn shop,The sweaty blacksmith... these are all tangible history。At the end of the entire experience,Visitors can also choose to experience the museum’s 5D movie experience,Feel the changes of the entire city with the swing of the moving chair、The development of 188bet login and the taste of humanity。

This is the experience of making the scene as perfect as possible,On the other hand, most 188bet login,Still stuck in the era of tourism。What is experience?Experience is to capture the psychology of tourists,Let tourists’ minds feel the scenery or culture in the constant changes of scenes,Why a little-known scenic spot in Baoding suddenly became popular after installing a glass plank road,Capture people’s psychological needs for stimulation,Then implement it in a form,The experience of the scene will be ready to come out。

If we talk about the 188bet login and tourists we talked about in the first two articles、The connection between tourists and tourists is the attraction of 188bet login to tourists’ attention,Then,The connection within the scenic spot is actually the connection between the scenic spot and the tourists’ minds through the design of tourism products。The competition in tourism is no longer purely about the quality of tourism resources as before,It has accelerated into the "second half",The competition is about the in-depth development of tourism products、Scenario experience and special services。

Smart layout under the 188bet login of Things

With the development of technology,Electronic Tour、Voice explanation、Multi-dimensional display、People flow detection, etc.,It’s no longer a problem,188bet login solves the problem of infrastructure,Then the next step should be how to connect。

Who is the entrance to the connection,It’s a mobile phone?It’s a car?It’s a watch?Or something else?This is not a concern of the 188bet login spot,What the 188bet login spot can do is to use the existing conditions to seize the opportunity,Not abandoned by the times。If it is a mobile phone,Then our tour guide inside the 188bet login area、Can catering, accommodation and other services be reflected on mobile phones;If it is a car,So are your transportation and parking facilities ready for the advent of the era of Internet of Vehicles;If it is a smart wearable device,Whether the 188bet login spot is ready for experience according to the needs of the scene。The design of tourism products is mostly around sightseeing、Casual、Experience、Expand on vacation,And eating、Live、row、游、Purchase、Planning for entertainment。In the era of smart tourism,Tourism elements have not changed,It’s just that the sense of participation has improved,The concept of tourism products has not changed,Experience added,The travel itinerary has not changed,Enhanced sense of interaction。

Smart Tourism Era,Hardware solves intelligence,Things that solve the problem are wisdom。Under the Internet of Things,All facilities within the 188bet login area will be connected together,Generate data,And ultimately serve tourists,The application of all these technologies makes the travel experience more and more convenient。What the 188bet login spot can do is to use current technology to digitize the 188bet login spot。

Tourism under the big connection: decentralization to enhance 188bet login’ sense of participation

Big connection for travel,It’s tourists and tourists、Tourists and 188bet login、Participation and interaction within the scenic area,It is the scenic spot that uses modern methods to increase tourist participation,A way of thinking to improve the experience of 188bet login。The way tourists travel in this era、In an era where consumption patterns and tourism forms are changing,What 188bet login can do is no longer sit and eat the same resources,But follow the changes of the times,Active with tourists、Interact with the entire market: decentralization,Use the feelings of friends to make friends with tourists、Use changing thinking to lead the market、Use flat management to improve efficiency、Use unique experiences to optimize services。Connection Era,Technology is not the key,Resources can be unlimited,Connecting services with heart is the real experience。

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