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Author of this article: Zuo Yu Research 2015-12-05
Outdoor tourism is different from traditional travel agency groups、Focus on tourists’ own experience、Tourism that uses one or more outdoor activities as a form of leisure and entertainment in natural scenic areas,Generally refers to mountain climbing、Rock climbing、Skiing、Drifting、Surfing、Adventure、Hiking、Cycling、Self-driving、Skydiving and other tourism activities that emphasize extraordinary experiences,The characteristic is that tourists generally pursue independence and freedom through these tourism activities、Healthy and happy、Exciting and thrilling travel experience。
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Outdoor sports originated from early European and American adventures、Scientific investigation activities,Today’s outdoor sports are based on regulations and safety,Go out of the house、City,Go to nature,Engage in challenging and leisure activities。In a narrow sense,Outdoor sports are a kind of sports with adventurous and challenging nature,Including hiking and equipment crossing、March with heavy loads、Rock climbing with bare hands and equipment、Caving、Canyoning、River and lake crossing、Expand the river tracing、Survival in the wild、Expand the river tracing、Downhill、Drifting、Survival in the wild、Ice Climbing、Mountain Skiing、Mountain climbing, etc.。Broad view,It should be interpreted as a lifestyle that is different from the city,Not just adventure and challenge,Just like the internationally accepted explanation: To out door,to be myself (get happiness in outdoor sports,Self-realization),So outdoor sports are a collection of fitness、Travel、Adventure、Leisure sports tourism activities integrating entertainment and other activities,The purpose is to relax,Dispel fatigue through sports and leisure,Release the stress of life and work,Get true knowledge。

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1. Long history

Overseas outdoor sports can be traced back to Europe in the 16th century,With the rise of the industrial revolution,In order to solve a series of social problems caused by the accelerated pace of large-scale machinery production and the rapid increase in urban population, the emerging British bourgeoisie,Actively promote the development of outdoor sports and games across the country,And soon spread to the United States、France and other countries,But most of the outdoor sports during this period remained at the tourist level,Outdoor sports with truly modern significance emerged in the second half of the 19th century,Hiking becomes popular。1857,The world’s earliest outdoor sports club was born in Germany。After World War II,With the distance of war and economic development,Outdoor activities begin to go beyond the scope of military and survival,Becomes a new way of life for people to entertain, relax and improve the quality of life。

2. High penetration rate

Currently in European and American countries,The number of people participating in outdoor leisure activities accounts for more than 40% of the total number of people participating in entertainment and leisure activities,Mountains in Greece、A country with a long history of outdoor sports,This proportion is even as high as 80%,The development of the outdoor leisure products market is also quite mature。Early this century,Economic observers have predicted the 7 best investment directions in the 21st century,One of them is "leisure sports will become popular,Become an important part of people’s lives”。From the perspective of our neighbors South Korea and Japan,“Outdoor products” account for 15%-20% of the sporting goods market,Take the United States as an example,The largest outdoor store in the United States "REI",Sales in the US market are approximately US$1.3 billion per year。

3. Mature development

The outdoor sports tourism industry in developed countries such as Europe and the United States has developed quite mature,USA Nearly 1.4.3 billion people (49% of the total population of the United States.2%) do outdoor sports at least once a year,A quarter of these enthusiasts even exercise outdoors twice a week,The most popular events include jogging and cross-country running。The French spend more than 27 billion euros on sports every year,Accounting for nearly 2% of GDP。There are more than 400 artificial rock climbing sites across the UK,Many countries in Asia are also vigorously developing outdoor sports,For example, many scenic spots in Japan have outdoor leisure and entertainment projects and facilities,Mainly focused on mountaineering and water sports,Singapore has also begun to develop sports tourism projects。

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American outdoor sports tourism participation rate

2. Development status of outdoor sports tourism in my country

1. Evolution from government-led to society-led

Outdoor sports were introduced to our country in the 1980s,The original administrative mountaineering expedition,For example, the national mountaineering team climbs Mount Everest,To the emergence of commercial outdoor sports organizations,And then to popular participation,Outdoor sports are constantly improving and maturing along with the outdoor sports clubs that grow and develop with them。188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino Before 2005, it can be regarded as the budding period of outdoor sports in my country,The typical characteristic is folk character、Grassroots、Grow spontaneously。April 26, 2005,The State Sports General Administration has established mountain outdoor sports as an officially launched sports event in our country,This means that China’s outdoor sports have entered a period of rapid development from their infancy。Ten-year development period from 2005 to 2014,Basically belongs to the period of rapid growth of endogenous development of outdoor sports led by society。

2. Huge market potential

The national outdoor industry market size in 2000 was only 60 million yuan,Reached 300 million yuan in 2002,In 2005, it increased to nearly 1 billion yuan。According to predictions from relevant authoritative departments,The potential reserves of China’s outdoor industry “gold mine” will exceed 100 billion yuan。Based on this background,“Outdoor” is currently the smallest but most promising item in the sporting goods market。Our domestic “outdoor” products only account for one thousandth of the entire sporting goods market。Huge demand,And the supply is insufficient,There is no doubt that the outdoor sports market contains good investment opportunities。As long as China’s economy grows steadily,The outdoor sports industry can continue to grow rapidly。

3. Huge consumer base

Our country has a consumer group that makes the world excited,According to the fifth census,3 out of 1.3 billion people.800 million urban population,The urban non-agricultural population living in big cities (cities with an urban non-agricultural population of more than 500,000) is 1.1.5 billion,Among them, the current main body of outdoor sports consumption-people aged 15-40 account for about 40% of the total,i.e. 46 million。The huge population base indicates a huge outdoor sports market and good development prospects for the outdoor industry。

4.my country has entered the era of leisure and vacation tourism,Diversified needs、Personalization

In recent years,With the improvement of people’s income level,my country’s per capita GDP exceeds 8,000 US dollars,Our country is entering a stage of consumption upgrading,People pay more attention to the experience of leisure vacation travel,The demand for leisure vacations is ushering in a blowout period。Prediction based on data,The number of Chinese outbound tourists will continue to rise in 2015,Expected to grow 17% year-on-year,reached 1.400 million visitors,Will be ranked No. 1 in the world for two consecutive years;Surrounding tours are popular,The number of participants is increasing year by year;Free travel will become the mainstream travel method in the future;The rapid development of mobile Internet,The degree of online travel is about 10%,Make corrections on the go a reality;At the same time, tourism entrepreneurs and capital continue to pour in,A large number of new tourism companies were born,To meet the diversity of people、Personalized needs。

3. Analysis of my country’s outdoor sports industry chain

1. China’s outdoor sports industry chain is initially formed

The main components of the outdoor sports industry are: users、Outdoor Sports Club、Outdoor product retailer、Online Outdoor Club (Information Website)、Outdoor equipment manufacturer、Destination。An industrial chain that meets the needs of outdoor athletes is gradually maturing。In this industry chain,Outdoor sports destination is the supply link of outdoor sports,Online outdoor clubs (information websites) and related books and magazines are the publicity links for outdoor sports information,Outdoor clubs are currently the main organizers of outdoor sports,Outdoor product manufacturers and retailers as well as outdoor product e-commerce are economic flow links,The above links together constitute the economic vitality that runs through outdoor sports。

2. The status and role of outdoor sports clubs

Outdoor sports clubs are not only sales channels for outdoor sports equipment,It is also an enterprise organization that provides professional services to outdoor sports participants,Is a key link in the outdoor sports industry chain,Also regarded as regulating my country’s outdoor sports market、Focus on strengthening the supervision of the outdoor sports market,Therefore in the development of outdoor sports industry,Its status and role are irreplaceable。

In a survey on forms of participation in outdoor sports,42.3% of people choose to organize spontaneous outdoor sports with friends,There is also a large proportion of units organizing and joining outdoor sports clubs,Accounting for 23 respectively.7% and 26.5%。This shows that most outdoor sports participants like to go out together or in groups,Few people choose to go out independently for outdoor sports,Only 5 people go out independently.7%。The main reason for this situation is the lack of outdoor products,Outdoor sports participants cannot find products that match their needs in the current market environment,So you can only participate in outdoor sports based on recommendations from acquaintances。

The predecessor of the outdoor sports club was mainly an outdoor supplies store,Later, as the market demand for outdoor sports services continued to increase,Gradually transforming into an outdoor products store + outdoor activity service provider。Therefore,Outdoor sports simultaneously connects upstream outdoor sporting goods providers and downstream outdoor 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino sporting goods and outdoor service consumers。Also,Outdoor sports accidents keep happening,Suppressing self-help outdoor sports to a certain extent,Guide outdoor sports participants to choose better organizations、Sound guarantee mechanism、A regulated outdoor sports club。Outdoor sports club as outdoor supplies、An important alliance between outdoor sports source areas and outdoor sports destinations,Plays an important role in the development of the outdoor sports industry。

3. Characteristics of outdoor sports clubs

(1) Popularization、Fashionable、Multi-level development。Leaded by fashion,There are far more enthusiasts participating in outdoor sports than professionals。

(2) Diversified organizational forms。The existing social organization forms related to outdoor sports mainly include: outdoor sports clubs、Outdoor Sports Association、Mountaineering Association,and online outdoor sports club,Mainly online and offline clubs。

(3) The offline outdoor sports club business model has been basically formed,The importance of Internet platforms is gradually highlighted,Based on the current situation,The number of online outdoor sports clubs has surpassed offline outdoor sports clubs。

IV. Analysis of socioeconomic characteristics of outdoor sports tourism consumers

1. Young people are the main force

Based on the results of third-party surveys such as the "Beijing Outdoor Sports Industry Marketing Current Consumer Survey Questionnaire",Outdoor sports consumer groups are mainly concentrated in people aged 21-40,Accounting for 67 of the surveyed people.1%;Followed by people under 20 years old,Accounting for 13 of the surveyed people.7%。It can be roughly seen from the age distribution,The age distribution of outdoor sports consumer groups is relatively concentrated,Mostly young people。This shows that young people are the main consumer of outdoor sports。

2. Men prefer outdoor sports

From the gender ratio of outdoor sports consumers,Men account for 68 of the total number of people surveyed.1%,Women account for 31 of the total number.9%。The proportion of men’s outdoor sports consumption is significantly greater than that of women。This is inseparable from the characteristics of outdoor sports such as self-challenge and adventure。But with the development of outdoor sports in our country,More people are paying attention to outdoor sports,The number of people participating in outdoor sports is increasing year by year。Outdoor sports companies should pay more attention to the needs of female consumers when exploring potential consumer groups,The functions that should be used in outdoor sports products、The appearance, setting and service level of outdoor sports events have been improved,To attract more female consumers。

3. Participants in outdoor sports generally have higher academic qualifications

Occupations of outdoor sports consumers、There is a significant relationship between academic qualifications and the consumption of outdoor sports。Civil servant、Public institution staff、Enterprise management technical personnel、Freelancer、Corporate white-collar workers、Student、There are more retired people who spend money on outdoor sports。The main reasons why these people consume outdoor sports are: ①The level of personal income is high and stable,Enable them to afford outdoor sports;② Have sufficient leisure vacation,Allow them time to go out and participate at a distance、Longer outdoor activities;③Most of the people in these groups have higher education,Strong sports awareness,Care more about your own health,67% of them are college or above..33%,High school (technical secondary school) accounted for 16.34%,Only 16 people have a high school education or below.33%。This shows that outdoor sports are more likely to attract highly educated people with certain cultural and educational backgrounds。

4. Economic income is a key factor for users to participate in outdoor sports

According to relevant investigation,Among people participating in outdoor sports,28% of those with a personal income of 2,000-4,000 yuan.5%,4001-6000 yuan accounts for 32.4%。Consumers’ personal monthly income is generally 4,000-10,000 yuan,Accounting for 60% of the surveyed population.9%,The personal monthly income of 10,000 yuan has also reached 13.5%。

Visible,Personal income status has a significant relationship with people’s consumption of outdoor sports,And there is a positive correlation between the basic situation of personal income and the proportion of outdoor sports consumption,Explains that economic factors are the main factors restricting outdoor sports consumption。At the same time, with the improvement of our country’s economic level,Outdoor sports have become a trend in China、The preferred choice for high-income earners,Excavation、Consumption potential of outdoor sports among high-income people,has become the main target for the development of the outdoor sports industry。

5. Participate in outdoor sports less frequently

Consumers generally participate in outdoor sports less frequently,Consumers who participate in outdoor sports less than once a month on average account for 31 of the surveyed people.7%;30% of the total number of people participate in outdoor sports once a month on average.8%。That is to say,Most outdoor sports participants participate in outdoor sports 6-12 times per year on average。Time、Equipment、Transportation、Issues such as limitations of technology and natural resources,All are important factors affecting their low participation frequency。

6. Outdoor sports travel time is the limiting factor

Judging from the number of days participating in outdoor sports,Percentage of consumers willing to spend 1-2 days for short-term exercise 53.6%,Indicates that most people are limited by time,The destinations for outdoor sports are basically around the city and adjacent provinces。17 more.9% of consumers choose 3-4 days to participate in outdoor sports,Most of these people are willing to take time out for activities。10.6% of participants are willing to spend more than five days participating in outdoor sports,These people have more free time,Participated in outdoor sports for a long time,Has a special hobby for outdoor sports。

7. Holidays are the main stimulus

With the increase of leisure time,Especially May Day、The implementation of the “Golden Week” long holidays on National Day,Greatly stimulated the demand for outdoor sports。During these two holidays,Highest proportion of participating in outdoor sports,Participation ratio reached 66.8%,First place in the list。Secondly,60% choose weekends to participate in outdoor sports.1%,Because the time is short,The main travel locations are areas around the city。

8. Consumers’ purposes for participating in outdoor sports tend to be diversified

The main value orientation of people participating in outdoor sports is: eliminating fatigue and reducing stress (66.6%)、Strengthen your body (45.1%)、Entertainment (37.1%)、Explore potential and challenge limits (33.4%)、Promote interpersonal communication (27.5%)、Promote harmonious development of society (25.1%)。The overall trend is diversification。

9.There is a certain gap in the interest of outdoor sports consumers of different ages in outdoor sports

With the continuous development and changes of age and life experience,People of different ages have different interests in outdoor sports。Teenagers are naturally lively,Passionate about new things,Feeling novel about outdoor sports;Young people under 30 years old like rock climbing、Camping、Traveling、Skiing、Drifting、Orientation, etc.;Young and middle-aged people aged 30-55 are full of energy,Stronger physical strength,Like to participate in something intense、Exciting project,My favorite projects are mountain climbing、Traveling、Skiing、Camping、Rafting, etc.;People over 55 years old are characterized by calmness and sophistication,Low activity,Willing to choose something easy、Small quantity items,For example, mountain climbing、Hiking, etc.。

5. Opportunities and challenges of outdoor sports

1. Opportunities: China’s outdoor sports have entered the early stage of rapid development

It has only been more than ten years since outdoor sports became popular in the country,But the development speed is amazing。According to relevant statistics,The current number of participants in outdoor sports in China has reached 1.300 million,About 10% of the country’s total population,Statistics compared to 2010,In less than 5 years,The number of participants in outdoor sports in China has doubled。

With the improvement of people’s living standards,Return to nature、Participating in outdoor sports is an inevitable need for people。The development experience of Western developed countries shows that,Outdoor sports people may eventually account for half or even two-thirds of the total national population,According to this standard,The size of China’s outdoor sports population still has a lot of room for development before it reaches its peak,Estimated next ten years,The size of China’s outdoor sports population will double again。

my country’s land area is more than 9.6 million square kilometers,There are rich natural tourism resources: from plains to mountains,From forest to desert,From snowy mountains to lakes,The geographical environment of different regions is very, very different: there are many mountains in the north、Great Plateau、Plain;The south is more hilly、Basin。The vast geographical area and rich natural scenery provide a variety of activity spaces for outdoor sports。Also,

There are 20 global geoparks in my country,Accounting for 1/3 of the total number of global geoparks (58) in the world,138 national geological parks approved to be established,159 provincial geoparks。

2.Outdoor sports tourism with clubs as the main body faces many challenges:

(1) Club administrative management is not in place

Outdoor sports in my country are still in their infancy,Coupled with the lag in relevant laws and regulations,There are still certain policy deficiencies in outdoor sports management。Due to administrative limitations,The National Sports General Administration Mountaineering Management Center, the centralized management unit of outdoor sports, cannot truly manage the club’s business,Corresponding management measures are mostly limited to provincial mountaineering associations,It is difficult to implement it in every outdoor sports club。For individual unregistered online forums、Underground clubs are even more unable to carry out industry management。Also,Outdoor sports essentially belong to the category of sports,But it obviously has a commercial operation model of a travel agency organizing tour groups。Although outdoor sports activities must be strictly approved by provincial and municipal sports departments according to regulations,However, such cross-cutting comprehensive activities are often difficult to regulate and manage by the sports administration department alone。The overlapping blind spots between the 188bet app download sports department and the tourism department in administrative law enforcement and business management have left a certain legal vacuum and management blank space for the standardized management of outdoor sports clubs。

(2) Outdoor sports safety requires professional protection

Outdoor sports are different from regular leisure and recreation activities,Some high-risk sports require participants to have corresponding experience and life-saving equipment。Mountain climbing is especially popular among outdoor enthusiasts、Adventure、Rafting and other outdoor sports,The risk factor is relatively high。Outdoor sports accident,Most of them have not obtained approval from relevant departments、Caused by spontaneous organization activities,There are very few accidents in activities organized by formal outdoor clubs。

(3) The market needs to be unified and standardized

Since most outdoor sports clubs are created by outdoor enthusiasts,At first, it was just used as a platform for displaying personal hobbies and a channel for making friends,Lack of adequate club market operation mechanism。Some clubs adopt irregular practices such as low-price competition to attract attention,Causing vicious price competition,Disturbing the market order。Currently, the profits of most outdoor clubs mainly come from operating income from the sales of outdoor sporting goods and business team development training,There are more clubs that are losing money despite their popularity。Also found during field investigation,To expand market business scope,There are some travel agencies that organize outdoor sports in the name of special tourism。In actual operation of outdoor lines,To save operating costs,Travel agencies often use their own tour guides instead of professional outdoor tour leaders。The non-standard intervention of travel agencies has exacerbated the chaos in the outdoor sports market。Judging from the scale of each club’s operations,All are small organizations;From the perspective of business model,The business models of foreign outdoor sports clubs and domestic outdoor sports clubs are roughly the same,One is a store + outdoor club,The other is to hang an outdoor club sign,A store that only operates a single brand。

(4) The club service content is single and lacks standardization

The activities carried out by the outdoor sports club are relatively simple,Basically stuck at "backpacking",A night in the wild,On the low-level operational level of "eating outdoors",The overall performance is that the cultural quality of club personnel is poor,Weak service awareness,Don’t know much about professional knowledge,And the mobility of personnel is relatively large,It is not yet possible to provide customers with corresponding service content in all aspects。Therefore,The overall level of service quality is not high。Also,The club’s management level is also relatively rough、Irregular,Cannot adapt to the special requirements of different outdoor groups,In addition, the club’s staff training is not adequate,Ultimately, it is difficult to form high quality、Stable service system。

The rapid development of outdoor sports in China,Enables a large number of new travel friends who need to learn about outdoor sports knowledge to join in,However, the establishment of China’s outdoor sports service system still lags behind。Outdoor sports services include the promotion of outdoor sports safety knowledge、Education,Related motor skills、Survival skills training,Also includes the improvement of laws and regulations related to outdoor sports,The establishment and completion of the rescue system,And outdoor sports base、The establishment of comprehensive national parks and other outdoor sports areas。The establishment of the certification system for outdoor sports team leaders also needs to be improved,The qualification of the tour leader determines the safety of the travel companions to a large extent。Only by realizing the extension of outdoor sports to outdoor education,China’s outdoor sports talents have shifted from quantitative changes to qualitative changes。

6. Trend analysis of future outdoor sports

Currently,Outdoor sports are developing rapidly in our country,Received more and more attention and respect from modern people,What is the development prospect of the outdoor market,Zuoyu Capital believes that there will be the following eight development trends:

1. my country’s outdoor sports market is ushering in a golden period of development

China’s outdoor market is entering a stage of stable growth from a period of rapid growth,Compared to 2013 Korean outdoor market 6.Retail sales of 4 trillion won (approximately 36.7 billion yuan),China’s outdoor market still has huge development potential。

With the increase in income level and the improvement of the paid leave system,People are interested in traveling、Casual、The demand for outdoor sports such as self-driving will further increase,All kinds of leisure travel、Self-guided tour、The popularity of parent-child travel programs has also triggered people’s yearning for outdoor sports,Internal and external factors act simultaneously,I believe that the number of people experiencing outdoor sports will expand year by year in the next 10 years。  

2.The trend of information integration is inevitable,Entrepreneurship and innovation continue to emerge

Although the topic of how to effectively integrate online and offline has been discussed for several years,But the 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino era of digital economy, especially the emergence of mobile Internet, has made this topic truly practical。2015,How to realize O2O,Build an omni-channel marketing and distribution system,The integration and connection of online and offline has become a hot topic in all walks of life,The outdoor sports tourism industry is no exception。

Product standardization、Structured、Multidimensionalization,Online marketing channels,The realization of online platform services, etc. are all inevitable stages for the development of outdoor sports tourism。How to make good use of "Internet +" to develop the outdoor sports tourism industry will become an important issue。

For a long time, the business model of my country’s outdoor sports market has been mainly “offline clubs + online club platforms”、Pure "online club"、Three types of mass spontaneous organizations。With the in-depth development of mobile Internet,New methods of outdoor sports are constantly emerging,For example,Outdoor dating software represented by 8264’s Waiwai,Focus on social networking in outdoor circles,Want to use this to enter the transaction;An outdoor tourism social e-commerce platform represented by Dangke,Provide one-stop information solutions for clubs through SaaS system,Standardize club activities、Structured,And connect sales channels,While bringing benefits to the club, it also brings a rich selection of outdoor products to users;Play with the mill、Activity-based applications represented by Lego Outdoor;At the same time,With Ctrip、OTAs represented by Tuniu and Tongcheng are all trying outdoor sports business。OTA giants leverage their strong brands、Traffic and user advantages,On the one hand, I want to weaken the boundaries between peripheral travel and short-distance outdoor activities,On the other hand, I want to sell some relatively high-end outdoor activities such as diving and skiing with existing tourism products (such as scenery + wine)。

3.Affected by online channels,Reduced brand premium capability,Outdoor product pricing is more rational

Total retail sales of online channels and team channels in the outdoor market in 201335.600 million,34 year-on-year increase.33%,Online channels are growing very rapidly。The Internet brings not only changes in the channel pattern,It also has an impact on the traditional price system,The more transparent and open prices it provides will reduce the brand’s ability to command premiums,I believe that outdoor brands will be more rational in pricing their products in the future。

4.The development of mobile Internet and technology promotes the mobilization of outdoor sports tourism、Intelligent

2015 is the first year of the explosion of tourism O2O,The trend of online and offline integration in the tourism industry is forming,Continuously deepen development。Various intelligent hardware emerged from scratch and became popular,For example, wireless positioning、Unmanned remote control aircraft、Smart bracelet、Google Glass etc.,Making outdoor sports full of technology,Network technology makes outdoor sports mobile、Development in the direction of intelligence,Lots of fun。

5.Verticalization of outdoor tourism、The trend of professional development is obvious,The product differentiation of various outdoor brands has also increased

Current outdoor area hiking、Mountain climbing is a hot spot for mass outdoor tourism,But with the general trend of consumption upgrading,Skiing、Cycling、Paragliding、Surfing and other niche areas are increasingly popular among outdoor activity participants。More professional guidance is integrated into outdoor sports,The value of coaches will be further magnified,Participants in outdoor sports are becoming more professional as they play。

Looking at the current outdoor market size and social recognition,Homogeneous products cannot help brands further occupy consumers’ minds,It is even possible to lower the brand ranking,Therefore in future competition,Smart outdoor product brands will work hard on product differentiation。For example, mountaineering clothing、Well-known outdoor sports brands have emerged in niche areas such as outdoor camping supplies,Verticalization、The trend of professional development is obvious,The product differentiation of each brand has further increased。

6. Increased usage of campsites

Campgrounds in the United States 1.650,000 places,There are 2 in Europe.50,000。Neighboring Japan has 1,300 campsites,There are currently more than 100 campsites in South Korea。In comparison,There are less than 100 car camping spots in my country,Just getting started。The rise of the family self-driving camping market,Increased use of fully equipped campsites,And will promote the popularity of farmers building small campsites。

7.Outdoor sports tourism will further enrich independent travel product segments

As Millennial Consumers Personalize、Mobile、Increasing demand for experience,It puts forward higher requirements for the richness and experience of independent travel product categories。The emergence of independent travel is due to the restrictions placed on travelers by group travel,Free travel itself is not an advanced form of travel。A big pain point for free travel users is that they don’t know how to play,Don’t know how to gain in-depth experience while traveling。The categories of outdoor sports tourism products are diverse、Rich experience,Very satisfied and in line with the development 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino trend of free travel products,This will greatly enrich the subcategories of independent travel products,At the same time, the depth of experience of free travel will be enhanced。

8. Outdoor sports tourism products will become mass consumer goods

“Niche trend” is the characteristic of outdoor tourism in our traditional consciousness,With the encouragement of State Council Document No. 46,In the case of Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, the per capita GDP exceeds 10,000 US dollars in consumption power,Changes are also taking place at the club level,More online “clubs” include QQ groups、WeChat groups, etc. are transformed into operating entities;More team leaders also signed contracts with the club,No more fighting alone;Improvement of the overall industrial structure of outdoor sports tourism、Standardization has undergone qualitative changes compared to 10 years ago。Under the above conditions,Outdoor tourism is no longer a niche thing,It and lifestyle、Hobbies and interests become closely related。Outdoor sports tourism is not just a way to exercise,More about "playing"、“Can play”、A high-end experiential tourism that is “fun”。We are currently experiencing the sprouting of outdoor sports tourism that Europeans and Americans have experienced、Growth、The stage of outbreak,But it is not a simple copying process,This process will be greatly shortened,The time window from growth to outbreak of outdoor tourism will be shorter。With the Internet、The rapid development of mobile Internet,Outdoor tourism products will be more standardized、Structured,It will also become easier to obtain,The difficulty of the line products will be graded,Various measurement dimensions will also be more accurate,Outdoor tourism will also break the acquaintance economy、Limitations of small circles,Finally becoming a standard within everyone’s reach、Experiential tourism products。Outdoor sports tourism products are becoming more and more popular,Closely connected with the public’s health consumption,Gradually becoming a mass consumer product。

*Part of the data in this article comes from Capital Institute of Physical Education、East China Normal University、National Tourism Administration、COCA (form part: Li Changfa)、American Outdoor Sports Industry Fund、Zhihui Tourism and other academic institutions、Journals and industry media,In no particular order,Cannot list them all,Thanks here as well。

*The copyright of this article belongs to Zuoyu Capital,If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source。

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