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Private capital Author of this article: Zhang Qian (Emei Peak) 2017-10-27 18:15:58
What is a travel tycoon?Never give up despite setbacks,Although Mount Tai collapses in front of us, we will not change our colors。Rise in response to the general trend,Although he died nine times, he went alone。
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188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino What is a travel tycoon?Never give up despite setbacks,Although Mount Tai collapses in front of us, we will not change our colors。Rise in response to the general trend,Although he died nine times, he went alone。As a merchant, he is better than a merchant,Shrewd and capable, one can recognize people,Conscientious and hardworking,Be open-minded and careful to wake up alone。This is the case,He is a tycoon in the travel industry。

Li Zhi was born in She County, Anhui Province in 1950,Graduated from the Forestry Department of Anhui Agricultural College (now Anhui Agricultural University) in 1973。Li Zhi was previously the head of Huangshan Tourism,More known as the soul figure,Promote the listing of Huangshan Tourism A+B during the period,Quited traveling in Huangshan at the age of 54,Successively guided the creation of many mountainous scenic spots,Currently Li Zhi serves as Vice Chairman of Zhongjingxin、General Manager Position。

Li Zhi graduated from University in the middle of the Cultural Revolution,Beginning as a forestry major, he became a master of mountain aesthetics,With the help of capital market, Huangshan tourism will take a new path,After the age of 54, he stepped out of the system and started his entrepreneurial journey。As a heavyweight in the cultural and tourism industry,Li Zhi’s life and career story is also legendary,He is a tycoon in the travel industry。

College student Li Zhi

Li Zhi, born in 1950,Basically the same age as New China。According to public information,Li Zhi graduated from the Forestry Department of Anhui Agricultural College (now Anhui Agricultural University) in 1973。1973 was in the middle of the Cultural Revolution,This indicates that Li Zhi may have entered university as a worker, peasant, and soldier student in 1970。

1970,The chaos in the early days of the "Cultural Revolution" has gradually subsided。And the discussion about resuming university enrollment,It also became the focus of increasing social attention at that time。May 27 of that year,Peking University、Two universities from Tsinghua University submitted "Peking University"、Specific Opinions on Tsinghua University Admissions (Pilot) (Revised Draft)》。Based on the opinions of various universities,The government has also 188bet app download formed the idea of ​​resuming the operation of universities。This idea is: resume opening of colleges and universities,The academic system should be shortened,To be selected from workers, peasants and soldiers、Recommended students。

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*This is a group photo of worker, peasant and soldier students from the Tea Department of Anhui Agricultural College

Zhihui cannot restore Li Zhi’s exact experience at Anhui Agricultural College,But during the Cultural Revolution,Who can control your own destiny?Everything in that era was everything for every ordinary person。

Before Li Zhishang entered the gate of Anhui Agricultural College,This school has moved away from Hefei, the provincial capital of Anhui。

“Isn’t it crazy if an agricultural university is set up in a city??All agricultural universities must be moved to rural areas!"A word from the top made all agricultural colleges across the country move into rural areas。

Exact information displayed by Zhihui,December 6, 1968,Anhui Agricultural College officially moved out of Hefei。This school was decentralized to three places,The main hospital and two branches are located in Zilu Lake, Su County、Fengyang、Shaheji, Chu County,The Department of Forestry was assigned to Shaheji, Chu County,The famous spot here is Langya Mountain。

*This is an old photo of the gate of Anhui Agricultural College in the 1960s

Without a doubt,Decentralized from Hefei to rural areas,Needless to say, the suffering of the environment。

The response article description says,Forestry faculty and staff have no place to live,Hundreds of people had to crowd into the stable,Stay in Datongpu。The first freshmen of the Department of Forestry are all crowded into farm tools、In the fertilizer storage room。Until October 1978,Anhui Agricultural College has just moved to Fei。

That’s for sure,Li Zhi, who graduated in 1973, had been studying and living at the foot of Langya Mountain for the past few years,It’s hard to imagine whether the landscape of Langya Mountain inspired Li Zhi’s aesthetic concepts。The world is so unpredictable,Hard conditions also represent wildness and nature,Good harvest、No matter the suffering,Knowing yourself about warmth and coldness。

1973,Li Zhi graduated from University。According to Zhihui’s understanding,In 1970, Anhui Agricultural College recruited a total of 417 workers, peasants and soldiers students in 7 majors。Enrolment every year since 1972,To 1977,The school has trained a total of 2,731 workers, peasants and soldiers college students in 6 classes。

After graduation,23-year-old Li Zhi’s life has started brilliantly,Although his brilliant career began as a fire protection technician,No matter what you say,The proud man full of revolutionary ideals "comes out"。

Li Zhi Chushan

According to data,Li Zhi’s first 188bet app job was as a fire prevention technician in Huangshan。

*The symbol of Huangshan: Welcome Pine

1973,23-year-old Li Zhi came to Huangshan after graduating from the Forestry Department of Anhui Agricultural University,Start from the lowest level as a fire prevention technician。The situation faced by Li Zhi, who has just graduated, may not be optimistic,Because something happened in Huangshan in 1972。

According to reports at the time,Noon, December 8, 1972,Wang, a tourist from Wuhu, was visiting Tiandu Peak in Huangshan Mountain,Throw the unburned cigarette butts down the cliff where there are dead branches and leaves,Causing a fire,Farmers around、Worker、Soldiers and more than 1,000 people rushed to the scene of the fire after hearing the news,It took 14 hours of hard work to put out the fire。After Premier Zhou learned about it,Extremely anxious,Call every hour to inquire about the fire situation。The last fire killed more than 4,000 Huangshan pine trees、More than 400 Huangshan Rhododendrons were destroyed。The side of Tiandu Peak facing the foot of Yuping Peak,Thousands of pine trees,Only the dead branches are left, looking at the sky silently。To prevent such incidents from happening again,The Huangshan Management Office erected a "warning monument" at the foot of Tiandu Peak to warn climbers to take warning。

Li Zhi, who graduated from the Department of Forestry, took root in Huangshan for the next thirty years,His thirty years in Huangshan,Served as president of Huangshan Forestry Survey and Design Institute、Deputy Director of the Forestry Bureau、Director of the Garden Bureau of Huangshan Scenic Area Management Committee、Deputy Director of Huangshan Scenic Area Management Committee、Vice Chairman and General Manager of Huangshan Tourism and other positions。

35 years old,Li Zhi became the deputy director of Huangshan Forestry Bureau;42 years old,Li Zhi is transferred to the post of director of the Garden Bureau of Huangshan Scenic Area Management Committee,Get involved in tourism; 46 years old,Li Zhi serves as deputy director of Huangshan Scenic Area Management Committee,Vice Chairman of Huangshan Tourism Development Co., Ltd.、General Manager。

From professional officials to enterprises to promote the listing of enterprises,The thirty years that Li Zhi has gone through within the system is also a microcosm of the development of China’s tourism industry。November 18, 1996,Domestic A-shares and B-shares ushered in the first listed tourism company with the most complete industrial chain - Huangshan Tourism。

In fact, if Huangshan Tourism was launched one month later,Then Li Zhi will have to face a stock market shock。

*This is the source of wealth distribution

The Shanghai stock market in 1996 was like a big carousel,From more than 500 points at the beginning of the year,Rush to 1250 points,By the end of October 1996,Shanghai、There are 467 listed companies on 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino the Shenzhen and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges,The total listed share capital reaches more than 1,000 billion shares,The total market value of listed stocks reached more than 980 billion yuan。End of October 1996,The management issued 12 "gold medal" warnings about risks within one month。However, the stock market still keeps rising。December 16 of the current year,"People's Daily" published an article about the stock market,Just poured cold water on the feverish stock market - within 4 minutes of the opening of the day,499 stocks in two cities,Except 6 stocks suspended,Almost all dropped to the limit!The market has almost fallen below the limit for three consecutive days,Shanghai Composite Index fell to a minimum of 855 points。

And Huangshan Tourism is on the market,Li Zhi can be said to have contributed a lot,Lai Chi-tsang media responded,If listing fails,I want to jump into the Huangpu River。

Early 1990s,Huangshan as a scenic spot,The main focus is on reception,Economic awareness has not yet emerged。At that time, Li Zhi was planning to establish a joint-stock system。Li Zhi said in an interview with the media many years ago: "At that time,I don’t know how to implement the joint-stock system,Just relying on the intuition of running a business,Knowing is a dynamic mechanism。I don’t envy other people’s profits,But I am very envious of good mechanisms。”

According to media reports,There were still rumors at that time: "Li Zhi led a group of people to build a new mountain。”More people are just spectators,Waiting to see Li Zhi’s joke。Conservative people even say: “The B shares in Huangshan Mountain are selling Huangshan Mountain to foreigners。”

Li Zhi passed the hurdle

This world is full of illusions, only pain cannot lie.

Based on the situation at that time,The pressure Li Zhi pushed for the listing of Huangshan Tourism is indeed extraordinary,Listing must be regulated,Going public requires efficiency,Of course, listing will cost a lot of money。

Early November 1996,Huangshan Tourism begins to enter the sprint stage of B-share issuance in the listing process,The two major underwriters, Cathay Pacific and Peregrine, got cold feet,The future of Huangshan Tourism’s B-share listing is uncertain。Late October 1996,Huangshan’s B shares begin pricing and allotment。Brokerages are driving down prices,0.USD 256,0.USD 254.....

For price,Huangshan’s determined idea is,The final price of Huangshan tour is 0.USD 258/share cannot be given away。The bottom line for the officials in charge of Huangshan at that time was,"If below 0.USD 258/share,Even if it fails,Can’t give in anymore。”Last,Finally with 0.258 US dollars/share transaction and Party B’s official signature to take effect。

This decision received generous additional rewards in the later B-share market。September 20, 1996,188bet online sports betting The China Securities Regulatory Commission issued the "Notice on Cleaning up B-share Accounts",Only foreign investors can hold B shares,Clean up and standardize B-share accounts that do not meet regulations,The original account can only sell,Cannot buy。Unexpectedly,1 month after the announcement,The B-share index suddenly jumped from 44 points to 99 points。This doubling market lasted until May 1997。

Li Zhi, who was in Shanghai at the time, could not have expected such accuracy,Of course I can’t think of it。

The biggest problem he faced was how to sell these B shares。

Securities are the most difficult businessmen to deal with,Although he is a Go master,The chess game of listing is still a bit difficult for Li Zhi。November 1996,Li Zhiren in Shanghai。He is not going to a meeting or to play,But do sales,What he sold was 80 million B shares of Huangshan Tourism。

What situation is Li Zhi facing?

1. At that time, B shares had fallen to a historical low of 45 points.

二、As mentioned above,Domestic accounts can only sell but not buy。

"The underwriter does not underwrite,The stock cannot be sold,I have no choice but to jump into the Huangpu River!" Li Zhi recalled to the media。

*Shanghai in the 1990s

Anxious、Anxious,The situation at that time meant that if the underwriting failed, it would mean the complete failure of Huangshan Tourism's listing,Half a year of hard work and 10 million yuan in upfront expenses will be in vain,This has a disastrous impact on Li Zhi。

Look back 20 years later,I have to admire Li Zhi’s ability to integrate resources within the team and externally,These resources accumulated in daily life helped him at the critical moment。Among the brokers that bought Huangshan Tourism B shares, a new B-share broker appeared unusually,And this brokerage purchased 10 million B shares of Huangshan Tourism,You read that right,This is an exception,This brokerage has the qualification to enter B shares,The process,Obviously, lobbying by Li Zhi and many related parties to the regulators is indispensable。

Allegedly,The moment Li Zhi completed the task,Collapsed on the bed。"I wanted to lose at that time,You will lose a few times,But we didn’t lose。"Li Zhi said。This is the battle,Huangshan Tourism A、B shares raised a total of 400 million yuan。

Look,No matter who you are, you have to go through hardships and overcome them,Just like it’s hard for you to imagine the 67-year-old master Li Zhi,I will be so worried at the age of 46。

Li Zhi "comes out" again

2004,Li Zhi faded out from the state-owned Huangshan Tourism,Since then, his career has been closely related to the market,The many mountain scenic spots he created through market-oriented methods are also well-known。

*The scenic spots inspired by Li Zhi’s hand have been highly recognized

He cooperates with private capital,Developed Hubei 188bet app download Enshi Grand Canyon and Tenglong Cave,Success in one fell swoop,After six years of development,In the tourism revenue of Tenglong Cave and Enshi Grand Canyon,Tickets only in 2010,Surge from 320,000 to over 100 million,Become the number one in ticket revenue of tourist attractions in Hubei。

December 2010,Li Zhi leaves Enshi,January 1, 2011,Officially took over Baishishan, Hebei,It is said that the glass plank road in Baishi Mountain Scenic Area has been officially opened since 2014,Visitors from all over the world have grown exponentially,Created ticket revenue of nearly 100 million that year。At age 64,Li Zhi cooperates with CITIC Industrial Fund,Zhongjingxin Tourism Investment and Development Co., Ltd. was established。Li Zhi serves as the vice chairman and general manager of this company。The specific division of labor between the two parties is,CITIC is responsible for funding and local relations,Li Zhi is responsible for the selection of scenic spots、Operation and Management。 

Reviewing Li Zhi’s career,It is not difficult to find that Huangshan is operated by state-owned capital,188bet app download Enshi Grand Canyon and Tenglong Cave are operated by private capital,Zhongjingxin is a mixed capital operation。Three types of capital operations with different characteristics are also Li Zhi’s three different experiences in the tourism industry,This also provides a standard model and reference for many latecomers。

Zhihui comprehensive from "Financial Circle"、Sina Travel、Coming of Age in China’s Stock Market: 1996、Hanzhai Essay、Memorial of Anhui Agricultural University and other documents。This article is based on public information,Not reviewed by the parties and related parties。

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