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Traffic Authors of this article: Zeng Jianzhong (Ethan), Liu Qiao 2020-12-11 18:04:10
"Hot Eyes" Outside Ganzi,How to copy popular marketing in destinations?
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Nearly one month,"Sweet Wild Boy" Ding Zhen,Almost “living” on the Douyin hot list。

Just these two days,#Dingzhen Douyin live broadcast eating dinner topic,Attention remains high,Secondly on the Douyin hot list。Bright eyes、The good-looking Tibetan boy Ding Zhen shows his fangs,Clear smile、Innocence,He warmed up many people for a while,Even "sink"。

In Douyin Dingzhen related topics,There are 6 topics with over 100 million views,There are 31 topics with over 10 million views,Among them,#丁真#The number of videos related to the topic has exceeded 12 views.300 million times。“Ding Zhen’s World”—Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan,It also became popular。 

a character,Make an area popular,The results are not surprising。But the "Ding Zhen Effect" is so powerful、Strong effect,Make it more valuable to examine and evaluate the logic and path of cultural tourism marketing in the new content era。

Or you can say,This is a perfect time、A case of the combination of geographical location and people。Time,Short videos have become a new marketing channel、New platform,Instant communication、Wide coverage、Fission effect,It doesn’t take 15 minutes to become famous;Convenient location,Ding Zhen’s hometown Litang and Ganzi Prefecture are beautiful、Pure original natural scenery,Unique、Differentiation;人人,Ding Zhen’s good-looking image、Simple mentality,It is the "clear stream" in the current aesthetic fatigue。

Extended from this,In fact, it is traffic + content、IP+scenario、A multi-dimensional integrated marketing strategy such as online + offline is taking shape,Reconstructing the cultural tourism marketing model。

Ding Zhen naturally has his uniqueness、Uniqueness,But apart from being "jealous",Whether the destination can copy or recreate popular items?

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Whether Litang or Garze,Everyone is experiencing a phenomenal traffic blowout because of Ding Zhen’s popularity。

November 11th this year,Ding Zhen entered the public eye through a short video on Douyin。10 seconds of content,Connected to tens of billions of traffic,The whole people "planting grass" Ganzi tourism broke out。

Two days later,Ganzi Cultural Tourism announces free tickets for scenic spots in the prefecture for a limited time,Within 9 days,The number of tourists received by 13 scenic spots in Ganzi increased by more than 110%。Two weeks later,"Ding Zhen'188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino s World" cultural tourism promotional video released,TikTok has received over 300,000 likes。

Just a few days,The popularity caused by Douyin spreads across the country,The “fight for Ding Zhen” started by Sichuan and Tibetan cultural and tourism official media,Triggered a marketing spree in many cities across the country。

Hot hits are accidental,But it’s not easy to grow red。And Ding Zhen’s popularity seems not to have diminished at all,December 10,It’s been a full month since Ding Zhen became famous,Douyin launches "Ding Zhen Sees the World" exclusive live broadcast,Hot content and topics are still being output。

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Follow these messages,We can look at the traffic competition and marketing carnival surrounding Ding Zhen in two main lines。

The main line is Litang and Garze Prefecture,After Ding Zhen became popular,Follow up the publicity as soon as possible (such as launching the above promotional video),And continue to maintain traffic through Douyin short videos and related topics、Build high traffic,Strongly associate Ding Zhen with the destination in a timely manner,Add points to each other,Timely diversion to seek conversion;

Another main line is around Ding Zhen,The “battle” between Sichuan Cultural Tourism and other provinces and cities,Although everyone is "gaming",But it’s actually a game for each other,Let "Ding Zhen" have a high fever,Each share the traffic,Especially the “love-killing” between Sichuan Cultural Tourism and Tibetan Cultural Tourism official media,It is typical。

And along these two main lines,Re-disassembly,You will find out what is behind this destination marketing spree,Except for the relatively superficial cost-free “hotness”,More reflections in the fiercer competition,The eagerness of the destination to break through the circle and become popular,And under the new law of becoming famous in less than 15 minutes, it is easy to become an Internet celebrity、New marketing context that is also easy to fade quickly。

This context also has at least two cores,New content and new channels。New content embodied in a character、After a project or a phenomenon makes the destination famous,How destinations can create more effective cultural tourism content,Expand the potential of marketing、Potential release,Form brand or IP effect;The new channel is short videos represented by Douyin,Reconstructed or reshaped the logic of cultural tourism marketing、path,Provides a carrier for new content,It also forces changes and innovations in the content。

Ding Zhen has his uniqueness,Dante Zhen、Ganzi、Clear chain formed by Douyin,Is it replicable?The destination is disputed and cannot be determined,Copy Ding Zhen effect,Is there another path to follow?

Marketing methodology for cultural tourism’s “hot hits”

If we look back on the process of Ding Zhen becoming a "top player",Will be found around Ding Zhen,188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino Litang and Ganzi tell a good story。

Ding Zhen’s good looks、Smile、The horse you ride,Philosophy on life and work、MENTALITY,And life scenes, etc.,Sweet field composed of、Rustic、Original image,Homogenization with the current good looks、A direct contrast to the hustle and bustle of the world,And he joined a local state-owned tourism company、Learn to improve cultural level,"Retreat to advance",Added non-traditional "scripted" elements to its story。 

Start with a story to leverage the entire cultural tourism destination,This path,Coincides with the cultural tourism marketing methodology shown by Douyin。

• Breaking the content circle: Let the beautiful place be seen

Although there is no shortage of traffic at the moment,But there are many people who share the traffic,Fierce competition in the attention economy,Good marketing must achieve at least two steps: good content production、Multiple transmissions,Being able to fission is naturally more powerful。here,The prerequisite for marketing is to break the circle of content,Pay attention to comparison、Reverse、Suspense, etc. stimulate emotional resonance,Unique scene highlights destination symbols and memory points (uniqueness of scene),And KOL’s scene-based interaction (character ductility), etc.,Let’s tell a good story。 

At least three key points can be seen in this: 1、Resonance can stimulate users’ desire to forward and spread,Generate twice、Three spreads,Spread in the first circle first,Influence the second one、The third circle;2、Found "New、odd、Proactively share after special” things,It is one of the natures of most people,It can also be regarded as a manifestation of attitude;3、KOL is the one who focuses attention、Momentum maker,Preliminary dissemination of content、Redistribute rich content in the future,Maintain user stickiness、Attention span,It has a big effect。 

Take the promotional video "Ding Zhen's World" released on Douyin and other platforms as an example,This "world" has two connotations: the world where Ding Zhen lives、Ding Zhen’s inner world。Ganzi is unique、Authentic and pure natural resource scenery,It is a life scene,Ding Zhen’s confession is his inner pursuit,External environment、Integration of Ding Zhen’s image and simple concepts、Effective mutual promotion,Making "Ding Zhen's World" a touching story,Also marked with a very strong label,Become a way of life pursuit,Easy to resonate,It’s easier to break the circle。 

Li Yanjie, Senior Strategy Director of Integrated Marketing of Juju Engine, mentioned at the Jiangxi Cultural Tourism Summit in China,Behind the “Ding Zhen phenomenon” reflects the “importance of the logic of Internet application in cultural tourism marketing”,On the one hand, we must tell a good story,Form emotional resonance with consumers;On the other 188bet app download hand,The ability to create topics and grasp hot spots is the basic ability that cultural tourism marketing should possess。That is,Traffic is coming,How to catch the same importance。

The smell of wine is afraid of the deep alley,Used in current cultural tourism marketing,More appropriate。How does a good story go through、Formally speaking,Also affects the reach rate of stories、Conversion efficiency。A single promotion channel is turning to short videos、Live Broadcast、Pictures and text、Micro Headlines、Omni-channel communication transformation such as medium- and long-form videos,To stretch content width。Because users’ “taste” has become more sophisticated,At this moment when attention is easily diluted,Influence the user’s mind,You need to achieve content diversity + matrix + omni-channel coverage。 

For example,On Douyin,You can try the "short video + live broadcast" dual-engine driver,One of the key points is to enhance the immediacy of the content scene、Authenticity、Perceptibility,Improve interactivity with users,On the one hand, users want to obtain available information quickly and accurately,On the one hand, I also hope that I will be perceived,Become a participant,This will help improve their cognition,And then attract traffic and conversion、Precipitated fans。 

Take Douyin’s “Xiling Snow Mountain Scenic Area” breaking circle as an example,Its initiatives include topic marketing、Interactive Challenge、Video check-in、All people create together,User’s participation、Very interactive attribute,Users are not just bystanders of content,Still a participant,“User + content” forms a cycle effect。

But back to the previous article about how Internet celebrities are easy to become popular but have many issues that fade quickly,You will find that Internet celebrity projects emerge one after another,But there are still few that can maintain long-term "prosperity"。So,Douyin emphasizes “intention and cultural blessing” in its methodology,This is because local culture is a destination differentiation、The core of uniqueness or uniqueness,It is an existing scenario marketing、New scene creation、Support for storytelling, etc.,This is also the basis for their sustainability。

The basic way to explore and utilize local culture is: through cultural exploration (exploring the core value of the destination,such as historical relics、Regionalization elements、Folk customs, etc.)、Cultural extraction (connotation analysis of each cultural factor,Refining the characteristic value of the combination)、Cultural performing arts and cross-border methods,Start with the brigade、Xiang Wen Mining,Shaping cultural tourism IP,Realize the continuous amplification of cultural value。

2019,2019,Jingzhou City, Hubei Province to Chu Culture、Three Kingdoms Culture、Excavation of water culture, 188bet app etc.,Launching the "Blockbuster Jingzhou" regional interactive competition on Douyin,Inspiring content co-creation。According to statistics,The usage of Jingzhou cultural and creative stickers exceeded 300,000 people,The video has been viewed more than 200 million times。

But what you need to see is,Story layer、When the formal layer and cultural layer form a "pyramid"-like architecture,It has only completed the "content breaking circle",That is, the first step in cultural tourism marketing,Building destination brand power,That is, letting users/audience see this beautiful place,Saw the beautiful scenery、Unique Item,Perceived a different destination culture,My heart longs for it。

• IP driven: “Roller” effect and creating new consumption targets

After implementing this step,Cultural tourism marketing also pays attention to the "roller" effect,Form a certain influence,Including at least two aspects: one is the continuous output of content、Broken Circle,Take turns to "roll" to form strong energy,Strengthen audience awareness;The second is content、The "scrolling" effect of users or traffic,Create a new destination IP,It really stimulates user interest,Strongly related to user psychology or needs、High fit,has also become a new consumer target in the destination。

Everyone knows,A good IP means it cannot be copied、Value Resonance,Also means industrial scalability and interactive experience。Driven by Cultural Tourism IP,Urban cultural tourism has achieved a smooth transition from online content to offline scenes。

2019,DouinCity Good Life Festival officially launched。As a business card with city characteristics as the main line,Platform-level annual urban marketing IP that spreads urban symbols with Douyin trend,DouinCity has been implemented in 30+ cities across the country as soon as it came out,20+ government units join the platform for guidance,500,000 offline check-in city carnival,10 billion+ related online topic views。 

Hangzhou “Tide Awakens the Qianjiang River”、National Style Ceremony in Oriental Salt Lake City、Nanxun Ancient Town "Xiaoke Conference" etc.,It is also a good example of innovative cultural tourism IP。No matter discover your own IP,Let’s take advantage of the opportunity to convert the platform IP into a local IP,IP will integrate urban cultural tourism resources、Online and offline integrated experience、Stimulate the vitality of urban cultural tourism and inject fresh vitality。Future,Destination cities will pay more attention to the differentiation of external labels、Uniqueness,And then promote the creation of individual subdivided IP、Multiple IPs forming a matrix。

• Product transformation: from “planting grass” to “pulling grass”

Brand Power、Influence,Directly points to "planting grass" for users。"Research Report on Behavioral Motives 188bet sports betting app download of the Full Cycle of Tourism among Massive Engine User Groups" shows,About 80% of people who have been "planted" by travel content will mark it with one click through likes and collections。

“Pulling weeds” has become the last step in marketing,Dynamic、The “noisy” marketing post,Based on people (users、KOL creator、Operator),Chang (product scene recreation、Breakthrough in communication scenarios、Offline scene crossover),Goods (product technology sense、Entertainment、Interactive experience)。The new "people-goods-field" chain has been established,How many direct traffic conversions can there be、Precipitation,Is the most important dimension to measure marketing effectiveness。

TikTok,600 million daily active users of Douyin and Douyin Volcano Edition,Provides the basis for traffic conversion for cultural tourism marketing。Enterprise account is Douyin’s private domain traffic position,Precise oblique diversion of public domain traffic + spontaneous diversion of content marketing to form a private domain traffic pool,Including through the "Enterprise Account + Group Purchase + POI" model,Drain offline business to online,And through "Enterprise Account + Live Broadcast + Group Chat",Through topic point、Creating points of interest,And atmosphere creation,Strengthen the social attributes of fans,Increase the possibility of precipitation,Finally achieve product conversion。

By extension,The process of product conversion (such as user re-spread) continues to become marketing content,Operation of private domain traffic、Fan conversion and precipitation,Become a follow-up marketer、Refined users converted to new products,Influence to effect、Influence to effect,A deeper understanding of re-circulation effects。

For Douyin,This naturally means more market opportunities。The sudden rise of short videos since 2017,Short video platform makes it easier to reach more young (mainstream) tourists,Cultural tourism marketing has entered an unprecedented period of change。Within one year as of June 30 this year,Douyin has achieved a total urban video playback volume of 3.7 trillion+、100 billion+ total city video likes。How to better utilize such huge traffic and support marketing,It is both an opportunity and an urgent need to explore for many urban cultural tourism。

New marketing of cultural tourism is booming,"Ding Zhen's World",On Douyin has just begun!

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