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China Tourism Industry Author of this article: Jiang Suhun 2021-01-12 08:51:38
It’s time to uncover the “understanding” of the tourism industry.
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Recently,Data released by the National Bureau of Statistics,After accounting,The added value of the national tourism and related industries in 2019 was 4,498.9 billion yuan,The proportion of gross domestic product (GDP) is 4.56%,Increased by 0 over the previous year.05 percentage points。The author took stock and found out,From 2010 to 2019,In the past 10 years, the added value of China’s tourism and related industries has increased from 1.3 trillion increased to 4.5 trillion,Nearly “quadrupled”。

The number of tourists during the Golden Week or short holiday released by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism or local authorities、Comparison of simple and easy-to-understand concepts and data such as tourism revenue,Readers who are not sensitive to professional statistical concepts and data will definitely ask: What is industrial added value and GDP (gross domestic product)?What is the difference between the two?How to get this data?What role does it play in promoting the development of tourism?Today,The author will reveal these "old facts" for you!

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“Value added”: within a certain period (a quarter or a year),The added value created by a country (region) or resident unit (such as a tourism commodity production enterprise) in the production process。In layman’s terms,It is the total value of the output of the enterprise in the production process exceeding the market value of the intermediate inputs (costs) in the process。

According to the relevant regulations of the National Bureau of Statistics,It can be calculated according to the production method,Can also be calculated according to the income method。Calculated according to production method,It is equal to total output minus intermediate inputs;Calculated by income method,It is equal to workers’ compensation、Net production tax、Sum of fixed asset depreciation and operating surplus。

For ease of understanding,To popularize what "tourism and related industries" are。According to the explanation of tourism indicators of the National Bureau of Statistics,refers to directly providing services to tourists in national economic activities、Live、Eat、游、Purchase、Entertainment and other travel services,And a collection of tourism-related service activities。

Visitors refer to sightseeing、Leisure and entertainment、Visiting relatives and friends、Culture and Sports、Health and Medical、Short-term education (training)、For the purpose of religious worship,Or due to official business、Business and other reasons,Travel to a location outside your usual environment,Persons whose travel duration is less than one year。Travel,refers to tourists’ activities,Also the “six types of elements” mentioned above。

The added value of tourism and related industries,also refers to all permanent residence units in a country (such as tourist attractions、New value created by tourism and related industry production activities within a certain period of time by tourism 188bet app download companies such as hotels and related industries。

Another analogy。A travel goods store,In 2020, employees will be paid 200,000 yuan,Pay tax of 50,000 yuan to the state,The store’s fixed assets were damaged by about 60,000 yuan,Full year total profit of 500,000 yuan。The total of these 4 items (20+5+6+50=81) totals 810,000 yuan,This is the “added value” of this business’s tourism-related industries。

Many people are vague about the concept of “GDP”,Even mixed with added value。Simply say,It is the gross national product (English abbreviation GDP),It is within a certain period (a quarter or a year),The market value of all final results (products and services) produced in the economy of a country (or region)。

To put it more plainly,GDP is converted into RMB through statistics,Guide and promote the development of a country’s national economy。In national economic activities,Each of us is a creator,And GDP is the final result of counting the products or services provided by people。

For example, to produce a piece of clothing: you need to go through cotton planting-spinning processing-cloth production-clothing manufacturing and other links,The clothing is finally introduced to the market,The price when consumers purchase is the final value of statistics,Does not include cotton、Spinning thread、The price of cloth and other production status。

So GDP is the total value of final products provided by everyone in the country。At the same time,GDP statistics,Three words are involved in the expenditure method: final consumption expenditure、Investment、Net exports of goods and services,This is the “troika” of economic growth that we often hear in the news。

Accordingly,The proportion of added value of tourism and related industries in gross domestic product (GDP),It is the proportion of the total final market value of tourism and related industries in the gross national product (100%) (X%)。

Looking at the development history of China’s tourism from data

Everyone knows。Before reform and opening up,my country’s tourism industry is mainly responsible for foreign affairs reception,It was only after the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China that the country began to gradually develop from diplomacy to industry。According to data,1978,The number of international tourists received by China (1.8 million people) is only 0 in the world.7%,ranked 41st in the world;International tourism to earn foreign exchange (2.USD 600 million) accounts for only 0 of the world's total.038%,ranked 47th in the world。

July 1979,Deng Xiaoping, chief architect of China’s reform and opening up, inspects Huangshan,At the age of 75, he hiked Mount Huangshan,With the vision and perspective of a great man, he proposed that "Huangshan is a good place to develop tourism" and "it needs to be a little ambitious,Put out the Huangshan brand”。To this point,Created the prelude to modern tourism in Huangshan and even China。

In 1996, the central government proposed the "Recommendations on Formulating the Ninth Five-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development and the Outline of Long-term Goals for 2010",List tourism as one of the emerging industries that actively develop the tertiary industry。Clearly proposed at the 1998 Central Economic Work Conference,Identify tourism as a new growth point for the national economy。In September 1999, the National Holidays Office issued the "National Holidays and Anniversary 188bet app download Holiday Measures",Form the 7-day holiday of "Spring Festival", "May Day" and "National Day",The "Golden Week" came into being。

Data display,The number of tourists nationwide reached 28 million during the first Golden Week in 1999,Comprehensive tourism income 14.1 billion yuan。We received 72.79 million inbound tourists throughout the year,Realize 140 foreign exchange income from tourism.US$9.9 billion;The number of domestic tourists exceeds 700 million,Domestic tourism revenue 2831.9.2 billion yuan,Achieve total tourism revenue 0.4 trillion。The economic benefits brought by the Golden Week cannot be underestimated。

The author found out,From the beginning of China’s tourism industry in 1979 to the birth of Golden Week in 1999,Only 20 years,The number of inbound tourists in my country (from 1.8 million to 72.79 million) increased 40 times,Tourism foreign exchange income (from 2.US$600 million to US$14.1 billion) an increase of 54 times。It’s a spurt of growth!

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Comparison of the main development indicators of China’s tourism industry from 1978 to 1999 (Table 1)

Afterwards,my country’s tourism industry has gradually developed from the edge of the national economy into a national strategic pillar industry。China’s inbound tourists reached 97.91 million in 2002,The number of Chinese citizens going abroad reaches 1660.230,000 people,Leading to the fifth largest tourism foreign exchange earning country in the world、Asia’s emerging tourist exporting country。At the same time,The number of domestic tourists in 2002 reached 8.7.8 billion people,Total tourism revenue for the whole year was 556.6 billion yuan,12% increase over the previous year。

Enter the 21st century,With the sustained and healthy development of the national economy,my country’s tourism industry has once again entered a period of rapid development。The former National Tourism Administration released the "Statistical Bulletin of China's Tourism Industry in 2010" showing,We received a total of 1 inbound tourists in 2010.3.4 billion people,Realize tourism foreign exchange income 458.USD 1.4 billion;Number of domestic tourists 21.0.3 billion people,Income 12579.7.7 billion yuan,10 more than the previous year respectively.6% and 23.5%。

Compare data from 2000 to 2010,The author found,Entering the third 10 years,Number of domestic tourists (from 7.4.4 billion visits increased to 21.03 trillion passengers) increased by 182.66%,About 3 times that of 2000;Total domestic tourism revenue (from 0.45 trillion yuan increased to 1.57 trillion yuan) increased by 248.89%,An increase of more than 3 times。

Statistical table of main development indicators of China’s tourism industry from 1999 to 2010 (Table 2)

From the beginning of transformation in 1978 to the emergence of a butterfly in 2010,Despite the SARS epidemic in 2003、2008 Asian financial crisis and various emergencies,But it has not hindered the rapid and sustainable development of China’s tourism industry,It only took about 30 years to consolidate the status of tourism as a national strategic pillar industry。

Behind the “quadrupling” in the fourth decade

Back to the opening topic。According to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics on December 31, 2020,After accounting,The added value of the national tourism and related industries in 2019 was 4,498.9 billion yuan,The proportion of gross domestic product (GDP) is 4.56%,Increased by 0 over the previous year.05 percentage points。

Someone must ask: "0.Is the growth rate of “05% 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino GDP” slow??“Don’t jump to conclusions yet。The author is based on the annual "China Tourism Statistical Bulletin" ("Culture and Tourism Development Statistical Bulletin") issued by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism (including the former National Tourism Administration),As well as the "Statistical Bulletin on National Economic and Social Development" and "National Tourism and Related Industries Added Value" released annually by the national statistics,"Three calibers" to conduct data analysis one by one。 

According to the "Basic Situation of the Tourism Market in 2019" released by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism in June 2020:

0.6 billion people,Number of domestic tourists 60.0.6 billion people,Year-on-year growth of 8.4%;Total tourism revenue achieved throughout the year 6.63 trillion yuan,11% year-on-year growth。The comprehensive contribution of tourism to GDP is 10.94 trillion yuan,11% of total GDP.05%。

The author’s comparative analysis found,The fourth 10 years from 2010 to 2019,my country’s total tourism revenue is 1.57 trillion increased to 6.63 trillion,Growth 422.30%,More than “quadrupled”;The number of domestic tourists increased from 21.0.3 billion visits increased to 60.0.6 billion people,Increase 285.60%,Nearly three times that of 2010。

Statistical table of main development indicators of China’s tourism industry from 2010 to 2019 (Table 3)

Look at the year-on-year growth rate of domestic tourism revenue and visits from Table 4,The "two" indicators were the highest in 2012: domestic tourism revenue reached 2.27 trillion (1 in 2011.93 trillion),17 year-on-year increase.60%;The number of domestic tourists is 29.5.7 billion passengers (26 in 2011.4.1 billion people),12% year-on-year increase。

Comparison table of domestic tourism revenue and passenger growth rate from 2010 to 2019 (Table 4)

At the same time,Compared to 2018 (Table 4),The tourism industry in 2019 achieved a "double breakthrough": total tourism revenue exceeded the 6 trillion mark,reach 6.63 trillion yuan (5 in 2018.9.7 billion yuan);The number of domestic tourists exceeded the 6 billion mark,reached 60.0.6 billion passengers (55 in 2018.3.9 billion people)。

According to the "2019 National Economic and Social Development Statistical Bulletin" released by the National Bureau of Statistics in February 2020:

Preliminary calculation,60 domestic tourists throughout the year.100 million visitors,An increase of 8 over the previous year.4%;Domestic tourism revenue 5,725.1 billion yuan,Growth 11.7%。145.31 million inbound tourists,Growth 2.9%。International tourism revenue 131.3 billion US dollars,Growth 3.3%。

2010-2019 "National Economic and Social Development Statistical Bulletin" data comparison table (Table 5)

According to national economic statistics,The author’s comparative analysis found,The fourth 10 years from 2010 to 2019,Domestic tourism revenue increased from 1,258 billion yuan to 5,725.1 billion yuan,Growth 455.10%,Also “quadrupled”;Domestic tourist arrivals increased from 2.1 billion to 6 billion,Increase 286.20%,Also increased by more than 2 times。

Picture source: National Bureau of Statistics

According to the "National Tourism and Related Industries Added Value" released by the National Bureau of Statistics on December 31, 2020:

After accounting,The added value of the national tourism and related industries in 2019 was 4,498.9 billion yuan,The proportion of gross domestic product (GDP) is 4.56%,Increased by 0 over the previous year.05 percentage points。

Since 2015,The National Bureau of Statistics will officially formulate and implement the "National Statistical Classification of Tourism and Related Industries (2015)" and the "Accounting Method for the Added Value of Tourism and Related Industries",And publish the statistics 188bet online sports betting of the previous year every year。

For this,The author compared the data from the past six years and found out,Added value of tourism and related industries in 2019 (4,498.9 billion yuan),Compared with 2014 (2752.4 billion yuan),Increased by 163.45%,Nearly "double"。

The added value of tourism and related industries released by the National Bureau of Statistics from 2014 to 2019 (Table 6) 

If compared with the "domestic tourism revenue of 1.258 billion yuan" in the "2010 National Economic and Social Development Statistical Bulletin" issued by the National Bureau of Statistics (see Table 5) (the final accounting value is not taken into account),The added value of tourism in 2019 increased by 357% compared with 2010.62%,Also increased by more than 3 times,Also close to “quadruple”。

2010-2019 "National Economic and Social Development Statistical Bulletin" data comparison table (Table 5)

If you take the total tourism revenue in 2000 (0 from the "China Tourism Statistical Bulletin" (Table 7).45 trillion yuan) and total tourism revenue in 2019 (6.33 trillion yuan) comparison,my country’s total tourism revenue increased by 1406 in 20 years.67%,14 times that of 2000,It has tripled and is close to quadrupling。Also,Cross-caliber and the added value of tourism and related industries released by the National Bureau of Statistics in 2019 (4.5 trillion) compared,10 times that of 2000,Also more than tripled。

2000、2010、Statistical table of main development indicators of China’s tourism industry in 2019 (Table 7)

Comprehensive analysis of the above "three calibers" statistical data,The author came to this conclusion: 10 years from 2010 to 2019,The added value of tourism and related industries is close to “quadruple”,20 years from 2000 to 2019,The added value of tourism and related industries has tripled and nearly quadrupled。

Conclusion: Looking at the future direction of the tourism industry from the perspective of added value

The data seems unremarkable,The logic of market development is hidden behind it。Back to the "National Tourism and Related Industries Added Value in 2019" released by the National Bureau of Statistics。Data display,The added value of the national tourism and related industries in 2019 was 4,498.9 billion yuan,And conduct classification statistics and refinement from the internal structure of tourism and related industries (see Table 8)。

Visible from the picture,In 2019, the added value of the national tourism and related industries was 4,498.9 billion yuan,The added value of the tourism industry is 4,075.8 billion yuan,Accounting for 90% of the added value of all tourism and related industries.6%;The added value of tourism-related industries is 423.2 billion yuan,The proportion of the added value of all tourism and related industries is 9.4%。

Among 7 classified indicators including internal tourism travel with an added value of 4.0758 billion yuan in the tourism industry,The largest scale of tourism shopping,Added value is 1,407.7 billion yuan,Accounting for 31% of the total added value of tourism and related industries.3%;The second is travel,Added value is 1,205.5 billion yuan,Accounting for 26% of the total added value of tourism and related industries.8%。

National added value of tourism and related industries in 2019 (Table 8)

Comparing tourism and shopping related data from 2017 to 2019,It is not difficult to judge from this,Currently tourists travel in addition to sightseeing and leisure vacations,Care more about travel quality、Features and Personalization,Among them, tourism and shopping expenditures have become the bulk。Judging from the proportion of added value of tourism and shopping in the past three years,11 respectively.2%、31.4%、31.3%。

Comparison of added value of tourism shopping from 2017 to 2019

Look at the added value of tourism in another three years,2017、2018、10 trillion respectively in 2019、11 trillion、12 trillion,Added value of up to 1 trillion per year,The added value accounts for 15% of the internal composition.3%、26.9%、26.8%。In recent years,With the acceleration of the construction of the national 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino transportation network and the diversification of transportation tools,And the increase in private car ownership,Consumers are more enthusiastic about traveling。

Comparison of added value of tourism travel from 2017 to 2019

Looking at the growth rate of other components,Travel、Travel accommodation、Unbalanced development of tourism and entertainment,Compared to 2018,The proportion of nominal value added is 4.8%、8.0% and 4.2%。

Tourism from 2017 to 2019、Accommodation、Entertainment added value comparison

Compare nominal data from 2017 to 2019,The composition of tourism and catering is relatively high,15 respectively.1%、13.6%、13.8%,The data fluctuates not much。At the same time,It also reflects that the tourism specialty catering industry has developed relatively steadily in recent years。

Comparison of added value of tourism catering from 2017 to 2019

In addition,Looking at the added value of tourism,The proportion of tourism tourism from 2017 to 2019 was 11.2%、4.8%、4.8%。It can be seen from this,After 2018,With the enrichment of global tourism products and the integration of culture and tourism, the cultural and cultural undertakings are rising,Traditional sightseeing is gradually changing from hot to cold,The tourism market is changing from the supply side to the demand side。A glimpse of the cultural tourism market under the 2020 epidemic。

Tourism from 2017 to 2019 

Last,Look again at the growth rate of comprehensive tourism services and tourism-related industries (Table 11),Comparing tourism-related industries,Comprehensive tourism services have entered a bottleneck period for development。This has a lot to do with the frequent occurrence of "tour guide incidents" in the tourism market in recent years,There are direct reasons for low service quality。

Added value of comprehensive tourism services and related industries from 2017 to 2019 (Table 11)

 In summary,Although the statistics of tourism and related industries under the background of the epidemic in 2020 are still being calculated,The recovery of the tourism market under the background of normalized epidemic prevention and control,There may be varying degrees of decline,But last year’s National Day、Watch the National Day "Golden Week" and the just-past New Year's Day holiday,If the epidemic does not rebound on a large scale in 2021,The tourism industry will still usher in new hot spots!

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