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Hubei Author of this article: Zheng Yuzhou 2021-12-15 09:42:33
Beijing, Shanghai and Hangzhou have launched park construction plans,A Chinese urban park craze is rising。
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Recently,Hubei Daily Report,Hubei Province will carry out&ldquo from 2020 to 2022;Polish small towns”Three years of action。As of now,2446 pocket parks have been built。Also,Beijing、Shanghai、Hangzhou and other cities,They have also launched park construction plans。A Chinese urban park craze,rising。

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Past 40 years,China has experienced a particularly rapid urbanization evolution,More and more people are moving from rural areas to cities,Also moving towards urban life。With the arrival of a new wave of urban renewal,and 2018,The concept of park city was proposed,“Recreating the hometown in the city”Desire,Is affecting the updated path。

Major cities,set off“Park Fever”’s trend。

As one of the cities at the forefront of spatial governance in China,Shanghai itself has many historical city parks。It can even be traced back to Zuibaichi Park in the Song Dynasty,Shanghai Ancient Yi Garden in the Qing Dynasty,And the first public garden in the modern sense of the park in China (now called Huangpu Park)。

Proposed based on the "Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Construction of Park City in Shanghai",By 2025,Shanghai will be built into a park city,The total number of parks in Shanghai will increase to more than 1,000。As a city with extremely high population and building density,Shanghai chose“Advertise at every opportunity”,Use the city's“Scraps”。As understood,This year,More than 120 new parks will be unveiled in Shanghai,Half of them are urban pocket parks。Among them,such as Changli Garden、Xinhua Road Pocket Park,Both have become classic cases of pocket parks。

Beijing also proposed goals,By the end of this year,11 city parks will be built,Area of ​​about 280 hectares,Serving 300,000 residents and tourists in the surrounding area;Pointed out in the "Wuhan City 2020 Greening Work Plan",Exclude new、Change、Extended construction of 30 more city parks,100 pocket parks will be built in the city,A total of 700 hectares of new urban green space。Except,Both Nanjing and Hangzhou proposed,Realizing City“See green at 300 meters、500 meters to see the garden”,Chengdu has made the construction of park cities a major strategy for the city。

Some insiders pointed out,“The trend I’ve noticed is grabbing underutilized space,And transform them into parks。This may come from the evolution of contemporary park forms,It’s no longer just a field of trees and green lawns,But a place to relax after daily work。”

Two hundred years since the birth of the park,From private garden to public space,From exclusive 188bet app download to nobles to common people,To cities and city tourism,brought an influence that cannot be ignored。

Parks, the new tentacles of urban tourism life

Space Explorer has discussed many topics about urban tourism,Whether it is a city influencer destination,It’s still an urban complex,These are just the most common and common aspects of the city。In comparison,Many interesting city parks,No matter how big or small,Reflects life、Historical、The other side of nature,With a lively temperament。

First, close to the original life in the city。In the past,Almost every city has a“People’s Park”,This people’s park,Now more can be carried,It is the daily life of the older generation——Square dance、Instrumental performance,Even blind date for the children……The background of young people’s daily life,is contracted by the increasingly popular pocket park。

The concept of pocket park,Origined from Robert Zion, a landscape architect in New York in the 1960s,In his opinion,The park system must be accessible and plentiful,Only then can it truly have a good impact on urban life。They are not welfare embellishments of the city,But a necessity。

1967,The world’s first true pocket park——Paley Park opens on 53rd Street in New York,This park,Become an area for surrounding white-collar workers to chat and take a breather from work。

And now,Pocket Plaza at No. 309 Yongjia Road, Shanghai,It has also become a unique destination to witness and even integrate into local urban life,Some nearby residents regard the park as ";Living Room”,Breaking down barriers in gated communities;There are also many city walkers visiting,Feel the most daily yet precious smoke of fireworks。

Professor Jin Yunfeng, deputy director of the Department of Landscape Science at Tongji University, thinks,Present,Citizens’ opinions on the park、The expectations of green space have changed a lot。“For miniature parks,Design is not the protagonist,The city and the things in the city that are truly worthy of settling down,Human emotions、Memory、Story,is the protagonist。”

The second is to trace the city’s old memories。Many city parks,As a product of urban renewal and spatial area reuse,They have witnessed the change of the city,Become a common memory of citizens,It is also an excellent window for travelers to understand the style of a city。For example“The High Line”Such an atypical urban park,As a type of linear park,The High Line Park in the form of a long volley,Always born in the city and already“Outdated”'s railway、Light Rail、Viaducts, etc.。They rely on the form of the original site,It is a native part of the city,Bringing industrial heritage back to life。

Among them,The earliest and most famous one is the High Line Park in Manhattan, New York。This“The most talked about landscape space in the world”,Almost the same status as New York’s Central Park。

The High Line was once New York’s sky-high transportation railway,But with the development of the transportation industry,1960s,This railway 188bet online sports betting is abandoned,It is gradually regarded as "" in the city";Ugly nails”。But with the ingenuity of the designer team,This has become a new landmark in New York。Precast concrete slabs run through the park,Weeds can grow in the cracks of sidewalks,The park becomes an integrated landscape、A place with various elements such as plants and art。According to statistics,The High Line generated at least $2 billion in revenue for New York。

In Shanghai,There is also a High Line park。Shanghai’s first art high-line park——Centennial Park is a three-story park with a total length of about 1 km,Zhongshan North Road and Caoyang Road connect the north and south ends。Centennial Park was formerly known as ";Shanghai’s longest vegetable market”'s Caoyang Railway Farmers Market,Similarly closed with the changing times,The narrow space left behind,A city park with complex functions、A city park with complex functions。3.8 meters above the ground,Doesn’t affect residents’ lives,It also brings a rare open landscape in the city。

The third is the natural possibility of entering the city。American writer Richard·Love once proposed a phenomenon called nature-deficit disorder,People who grow up in modern cities,Completely separated from nature。Once man is completely separated from nature for a long time,It is easy to have various bodies、Psychological problems。For city people,One of the functions of city parks,Undoubtedly providing diagnosis and treatment of nature deficit disorder,Breaking urban barriers,Bring back the freshness of nature。Central Park in Manhattan, New York,can be regarded as&ldquo in the city;Naturally possible”'s model。

1844,A New York article claims: There is no such first-rate city park as Hyde in London or Bois de Boulogne in Paris,There is no possibility of becoming a world-class city。

13 years later,A mountainous area on Manhattan Island was selected,It lasted nearly ten years,Central Park from the Everglades、A new look is revealed in the gravel of the ridge。This is the most famous city park in the world,Comes from the scenery that designer Olmstead saw when he traveled to England。Therefore,Central Park is like a natural environment embedded in the city,A piece of native British scenery was copied to Manhattan Island,The surrounding cities are getting noisier,Have a forest in the city、Lake、The green Central Park is more attractive。

City parks, how to lead the new trend of urban leisure

According to statistics from the "Beijing-Shanghai Park Utilization Big Data and Planning Enlightenment Report",Over 50% of the visitors to some large parks come from 10 kilometers away,Even serving surrounding community parks,There are also 5—10% of foreign tourists visit。

Obviously,City park as an important field in urban development and renewal,Inextricably linked to urban tourism。Its impact on urban tourism,Mainly reflected in the following three aspects。

New landmark of the city

A superior city park,It is a city landmark that attracts travelers。Well-known landscape designer Carmine Russo thinks,In 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino terms of big cities,City parks represent community facilities,Also a symbol of the city。Let people understand the essence of the city through this iconic facility。Think Millennium Park and Chicago’s Lurie Garden,Without the guidance of these unique parks,Are people still willing to learn about this city?

New York Central Park since its completion,has become a new landmark area in Manhattan,It lasted for more than a century。According to "Travel + Leisure" magazine statistics,As early as 2013, the number of tourists was as high as 40 million,is one of the 50 most popular tourist attractions in the world,It has also become a filming location for many film and television dramas。Visitors can even get detailed guide information at 6 visitor centers。

Compared to New York’s Central Park,Guaí in Porto Alegre, Brazil;ba Orla City Park is a more modern landmark example。

As an important initiative of Porto Alegre City Hall,Guaíba Orla Urban Park aims to give back to the city and its residents one of the city’s most precious natural assets: the Guaíba River)。After the park is built,The population has been established、Culture、History、A virtuous cycle between nature,has become an important urban landmark of this city,Bar、Café、Sports complex,An important city destination for travelers and citizens。

New cultural field

More and more city parks,at“Supply nature”with“Supply Social”After,More keen on transforming into a new cultural field in the city——In the bookstore、After the Cafe,City parks have also become the bearers and disseminators of culture。

Bryant Park in downtown Manhattan,Built in 1884,In memory of poet and editor William•Klin•The park built by Bryant,Encounter with culture,Destined。

This is known as“The busiest in the world”'s park,Amazing number of events,Have held more than a thousand events throughout the year,Received 12 million visitors。

On Bryant Park’s official website,Year-round activities include literature、Art、Chess and Cards、Sports, etc.,Up to 75 subdivision categories,Taking into account age,Also caters to different cultures。During the epidemic,The park has even moved some activities online,Expand the radiation range of culture,Further expansion to the world。

New way of leisure

Proposed&ldquo during the Renaissance;Park”Conceptual Italian Alberti,The suggestion about the park is“Building urban public spaces should create gardens for entertainment and leisure”,Now it has become one of the principles of urban planning。The most worth visiting city park,The more you can lead the trend of new leisure methods。

The British "Financial Times" website once reported that,One of the impacts of the epidemic is,The unexpected popularity of the park。Parks that were originally used only for walking dogs or playing football,Now a picnic blanket covering every inch of the ground,The park became a temporary beer garden、Gathering place and urban living room。——in the country,“Go for a picnic in the park&188bet online sports betting rdquo;,It has also become a new trend in a certain period after the epidemic。

Recent time,Many city parks in the local area,What’s popular is the market。For example, in Hangzhou Botanical Garden,A number of markets with different themes were held this year,Retro Market、Coffee Market……Propagation through online media,Attracts travelers from local and surrounding cities。Many parks in Shanghai have shown outdoor movies,Memory of summer nights in old Shanghai,Brought back to contemporary times。

Local future“Central Park”,What should it look like?

If you trace the local contemporary urban park,It can be divided into three stages。Phase 1,It is extensive development,Only for local tourists to enjoy the scenery,Simple transformation of the natural environment,For example, Beijing Xiangshan Park;The second phase is residential development,Create a community park around community homes for residents’ daily recreation;Now,enters the urban development stage,The creation of the park,To closely coordinate with the city’s development path,Must be tourist attractive。

Therefore,We don’t need to build another“Central Park”,But find another way,Think about the local ones、A city park with a future paradigm。

Avoid "the same thing in a thousand gardens"

Leave aside the excellent domestic urban park cases mentioned above,With the introduction of the concept of park city,“Build a park”Vigorously promoted by many cities as a strategy,But the effect,But often“Qianyuan Yiyi”。These same parks,Just a pile of greenery,No culture、No urban background,Can we grow together with the city in the future,Also need to put a question mark。

Spanish landscape designer Mariam Garcia thinks,People’s imagination of parks is actually very narrow,“Parks are not always green”。Vice President of Tongji University、Wu Zhiqiang, chief consultant of Chengdu Park City Planning and Construction also proposed,Proposing that park cities are not only ";Green on the skin”。

A city park that coexists with the city,No matter the size,It’s about suitability。In more modern times、In a new city with more open space,Create a large park with comprehensive functions,For example, Chengdu currently proposes ";Park+”,Build the park into a complex,Continuously enrich its content that is consistent with urban spiritual civilization。

In the context of urban renewal,For old cities with tight space resources,Layout of small parks such as pocket parks,Better optimization of space utilization,It also better represents the human touch of the city。

Develop public value and create living space

An expert pointed out,The park is not only a landmark of the city,It is also a reference index for the livability of a city。An urban park that can bring joy and intimacy to local residents,It has the power to attract travelers。

Urban designer Ryoma Tominaga also said,“Serving current and future target groups 10 to 20 years from now。This means it must be inclusive to the public,That is, its 188bet app functions must be suitable for people of all ages including teenagers。”

City parks need attention,How to provide more precise and universal services for its target group,To achieve public value。As seen by a landscape scholar,Really good park,Not data detected by a device,It is a public space closely related to people’s daily life,It makes people feel particularly relaxed、A place close to nature。For example,Can you sit under a tree and read、Can you let the children roll in the grass?……

Cultivation of poetic soul and creation of park IP

While we are building the garden,What are we building?Actually,It is our conception and pursuit of a certain ideal life。The author of the book "Philosophy in the Garden" once said: “The garden is based on an ideal、Certain ideological assumptions,And a sense of history to transform nature。”

Construction of city parks,can be traced back to ancient Greece,The Greeks at that time,Wandering in the public gardens,Discuss philosophy。The most typical representative,It’s Plato’s Academy、Academic gardens such as Lyceum and Lyceum。These masters of philosophy,Built a leisure space outdoors,Then spend a long time giving an open-air speech here、Debate,Discuss literary and artistic creation, etc.。And in the Song Dynasty in China,There is also a term "";Junpu”'s public park,Poets entertain here、Seeking inspiration。

Different times, different countries, different regions,Derived into different types of park forms,The micro-values ​​of functions are also different,Now,Facing diverse groups,Creative Expression in City Park,IP definition,There should be more room for imagination。The progress of the times affects daily life and people,That’s the best progress。

Director Zhang Ming once said when talking about the documentary "Wushan Spring",“China’s changes over the past few thousand years,It is a history in which poetry disappears。”When rationality in the city makes poetry unsustainable,This is undoubtedly pessimistic。Because of some lack of the past,We should make up for it more,We should make up for it more,Let each city park become a wild place where poetic souls are born。As the urban planner Saarinen said——The city is an open book,We want to see its ambition!

(Original title: "“Pocket Park”The Chinese urban tourism economy behind the scenes!》)

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This article comes from Space Detective, and the copyright belongs to the original author. Original title:The Chinese urban tourism economy behind “pocket parks”!
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