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Rise of Rural Museum,How to make “local culture” successfully exit the circle?

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Cultural Industry Review 2022-06-15

Rural Museum: a new code for rural revitalization.
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Museums are important positions for public cultural services,It is also an important carrier of tourism development,Responsible for cultural inheritance、Important responsibilities such as cultural communication and cultural innovation。The past 5·18th International Museum Day,With“The power of museums”The theme once again reveals the responsibility and cultural power of museums in social development。

In recent years,Led by the museum trend represented by the Palace Museum,Various museums have sprung up in our country and their popularity continues。According to data released by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism,395 new registered museums nationwide in 2021,The total number of registered museums reaches 6183,Ranked among the best in the world。Although affected by the epidemic,The number of visitors to museums nationwide in 2021 will still be as high as 7.7.9 billion people。

Meanwhile,With the further advancement of the rural revitalization strategy,A museum that was only found in cities in the past,It is also rising rapidly in many villages scattered throughout our country,Become a revitalizer of rural culture、Show rural culture、An important platform to enhance cultural confidence。Then,What do rural museums look like?What are the differences from city museums?How to empower the revitalization of rural culture?

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About“Village Museum”This title,It is not yet clear in international museology、Unified concepts and definitions,It has different specific connotations in different scenarios。Look at the world,Because many famous museums are located in rural areas,Therefore, it was crowned“Village Museum”。

In China,“Village Museum”The shape is derived from the ancestral halls preserved in the past dynasties、Mingju and the "ldquo" in the early days of the construction of New China;Village History Museum”,In the later period, we also absorbed the construction experience of foreign rural museums and family museums,Derived from the Folklore Museum、Ecomuseum、Intangible Cultural Heritage Exhibition Hall、Grand Heritage Park、Ancient Village Museum、Diverse forms such as former residences of celebrities。

1988,Nan Zhanglou Village, Heguan Town, Qingzhou City, became a test village for a land consolidation project carried out by a foundation from Bavaria, Germany, and Shandong Province。With the help of the German project team,Zhanglou Village relies on more than 400 years of village building history and more than 500 rural “Cultural Relics”,The Nanzhang Lou Village Folk Museum was built in 2000,Museum construction area 2208 square meters,Adopting typical northern residential architectural style。

After the Fifth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee,Under the guidance of the construction of a new socialist countryside,Rural museums gradually enter people’s field of vision with the prosperity of rural cultural undertakings。November 28, 2012,Known as“The best village 188bet app download in the world”The large-scale cultural project in Huaxi Village, Jiangsu Province“Huaxi Village Museum”Completed and opened,The architectural design integrates the Hall of Supreme Harmony of the Forbidden City、Qianqing Palace、Corner Tower、Red wall and other elements,There is a calligraphy and painting gallery in the museum、Ancient Ceramics Exhibition Area、Exhibition area for fine arts and crafts, etc.,Total area of ​​10,000 square meters,Can be called“West China version of the Little Forbidden City”。

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,The country attaches great importance to promoting China’s excellent traditional culture,The "Opinions on the Implementation of the Inheritance and Development Project of Excellent Traditional Chinese Culture" and "Notice on the Construction of Excellent Village Digital Museums of Chinese Traditional Villages" and other policy documents have been issued.,Has passed five batches of national surveys,Including 6819 villages with important protection value in the list of traditional Chinese villages,The largest agricultural civilization heritage protection group in the world。

Screenshot of the Chinese Traditional Village Digital Museum website
Source: Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development

“Thirteenth Five-Year Plan”Period,Scientific excavations in various places、Protect and utilize rural cultural resources,Active action、Highlights、Remarkable results。Example,2013 "Shandong Province Urbanization Development Outline (2012—2020)》Proposed,Create a batch of“Activate”Village Museum;Beijing“Thirteenth Five-Year Plan”Proposed in the plan,Build 100 new community (rural) museums;Jilin Province launched in 2016“Jilin Seal——Village Museum”Project Construction,91 rural museums have been built。

Especially after the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed the rural revitalization strategy,Under construction“Clear waters and green mountains are mountains of gold and silver”’s ecological civilization thinking and construction“Beautiful countryside”、Let people“Can see the mountain,Can see water,Remember the nostalgia”Under the guidance of the concept of harmonious urban and rural development,How to open up the construction of rural museums through cultural empowerment、Use、Management link,It has become an important issue of concern to all sectors of society。

March 2022,Ministry of Culture and Tourism、Six departments including the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs jointly issued the "Opinions on Promoting Cultural Industries to Empower Rural Revitalization",Not only clarify the potential resource elements of the rural cultural industry matrix,Also points out the direction for the future development of rural museums。April of the same year,Zhejiang Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism、The Zhejiang Provincial Cultural Relics Bureau issued the "Guidelines for the Construction of Rural Museums in Zhejiang Province (Trial)",Proposed“14th Five-Year Plan”1,000 rural museums will be built in the province during this period。And from the basic definition、Service requirements、Construction requirements、Service requirements、Operation and management requirements、Recognition 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino procedures and other five aspects have been standardized。


This is the first&ldquo in the country;Guidelines for the Construction of Rural Museums”,First proposed“Village Museum”: A rural museum is located within a rural area,Inheriting the excellent traditional Chinese culture,Promote socialist core values,Show with emphasis、Propagation、Collect and inherit regional history and culture、Special Culture、Revolutionary culture and rural production and life、Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection、Witnesses of industrial development,Open to the public,Cultural venues with museum functions。State-owned and non-state-owned museums located in rural areas can be included in the rural museum series。

To this point,春风”春风”Sweeping across the vast towns and villages in China,Advanced practices and innovative models continue to emerge from various places。

Differences in the development of rural museums and urban museums

With pure urban cultural relics、Comprehensive or thematic museums are different,Rural museum originated from the countryside,Grown up in the countryside,It not only carries the mission of protecting and inheriting local culture,It also shoulders the functions of rural public cultural services and industrial integration。However,As the construction of rural museums enters a period of rapid heating,Although there are endless cases of exploration and practice in various places,But it also exposed issues such as extremism、Homogenization、Misunderstandings and common problems such as formalization。

First, the positioning is inaccurate,One-sided pursuit“Tall and superior”

Many places are planning to build rural museums,Ignore the characteristics of local cultural resources and its own reality,Blindly imitate the model of large national or provincial museums,Human“Be greedy and seek perfection”、Pursue“Tall and superior”。Due to unclear target positioning,Leading exhibit collection、Display and local production、Life、Culture and other internal relationships are out of touch,What’s more, they collect a large number of antique cultural relics“Zhaguzi”,Bringing serious crisis to the survival and development of rural museums。

Example,"Located in Erfu Village, Jizhou Town, Jizhou City, Hebei Province";Ji Baozhai Museum”,By the local powerful“Star Village”Erpu Village spent 54 million yuan to build,The main building area is 14,000 square meters,Collected more than 40,000 items“Heavyweight”Collection,When the Jibaozhai Museum was completed in 2010,known as“China’s largest folk museum”。However,The museum has just started operations,Due to the controversial “Weird”Collection and lack of formal registration procedures,Ordered by local authorities to close the museum for rectification。

2013 Hebei News Network about“Ji Baozhai Museum”Screenshot of the news about the closure of the library for rectification

The second is to compare with each other,Expand scale“Support face”

Some areas are promoting the construction of rural museums,Not fully considering rural revitalization、The symbiotic relationship between the integration of culture and tourism and the revitalization of cultural heritage,But blindly pursue the scale of rural museum construction、Quantity and surface image,Even competing with each other in terms of investment 188bet sports betting app download scale,Proposed“One village, one hotel”“Hundred towns and thousands of villages”Other projects,Ignore the most basic carrying capacity and social benefits of rural museums。Pay attention to the appearance of the building when using funds,Disdain the internal display contents。

Different from the city,Not all villages are suitable for establishing museums,It is impossible to build every village,It’s even more unnecessary。The construction of rural museums must be connected with rural planning,Integrate with the overall style of the countryside and the surrounding environment,Matches the number of rural permanent population and cultural needs,Be born in a village,Varies from village to village,Don’t compare,No creation,Not one size fits all,Cannot determine capacity based on scale,Quantity instead of quality。Otherwise,In the end, not only will you lose“Face”,You will also lose“People’s Heart”。

The third is short-sightedness,Only giving birth but not nourishing“Difficult to maintain”

In recent years,Some areas have experienced such a scene when promoting the construction of rural museums: vigorously “build”,Busily“Open”,Desolate“Keep”,Silently“Guan”,Casting a shadow over the construction and healthy development of rural museums。Example,"National Rural Museum Construction";top student”——Similar news was exposed in Anji County, Zhejiang in 2016。

Village Museum“Rebuild light pipe”Related reports
Screenshot: Zhejiang News Network

The main crux of the above problems is,Some local governments generally lack long-term planning and institutional design for the construction of rural museums,Only focus on the hardware construction of the venue,Ignore the corresponding software supporting construction,If the museum urgently needs full-time and part-time staff、Regular operation and management funds, long-term development planning and corresponding supporting policy support, etc.。Therefore,We must promote overall promotion from the strategic height of rural revitalization and rural cultural development,Making it truly an important carrier to enrich the people and strengthen the village。

Four is the same,Exhibit display“Homogenization”

Most people who have visited the rural museum have the impression that the displays in the museum are simple and simple、Simple and boring,Almost all have waterwheels、Plow、糯 Basket、Pole、Old Home、Old stoves and other old objects that have long since withdrawn from production and life,Some even become storage rooms for stacking old objects。Due to the lack of professional exhibition system and modern museum narrative means,Eventually reduced to the same“Tired”。

Every village has a unique history,There are personalized things deposited,Some ancient villages,Rich humanities and history;Some celebrity villages,Celebrities of all ages have appeared in large numbers;Some characteristic villages,Once a representative village of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery。The construction of rural museums should be targeted at different types of villages,Refining the rural spirit,Tell good rural stories,Strive to do“earth”Must have cultural background、“earth”Must have local characteristics、“earth”Must have new ideas of the times,Really alive、Get moving、Get red。

Strategies and paths for rural museum construction

188bet sports betting app download Comprehensive current status of rural museum construction,Cultural Industry Comments and Analysis,Rural museum is a new thing in the characteristic development of small and medium-sized towns in my country,Responsible for inheriting rural culture and protecting the natural ecological environment,Realistic responsibilities such as promoting rural revitalization and promoting common prosperity of the people’s spiritual life,We should focus on strengthening guidance from the following three aspects。

First, strengthen planning docking and advance in an orderly manner

The construction of rural museums is an important carrier for comprehensively promoting the revitalization of rural culture,Whether it is building a new pattern of urban-rural integration,Still consolidating the results of poverty alleviation,Everyone needs strong support from rural culture。Therefore,Under construction at the Village Museum,It is necessary to fully connect with relevant development plans at all levels,Such as cultural tourism development plan、Cultural Relics Protection Planning、Rural agricultural development planning, etc.,Conscientiously grasp the overall planning、The appropriateness of project construction and the coordination of policy support,Avoid rash decisions and blind expansion。

In terms of strategy,Can fully absorb and learn from“Zhejiang Experience”,Leverage the leading role of culture, tourism and cultural relics departments at all levels,Formulate and issue rural museum construction guidelines or special work implementation plans based on the actual situation of the region,Promote province through target traction、City、County three-level linkage,Progress in an orderly manner in batches and grades。such as,There are currently more than 908 towns in Zhejiang Province、19920 administrative villages,And the construction goals are only proposed,“14th Five-Year Plan”Period,1,000 rural museums built in the province。Among them,Build no fewer than 400 rural museums in 2022。

The second is to strengthen functional positioning and avoid simple copying

Different from public cultural service positions such as grassroots cultural activity centers (village cultural activity rooms),Although rural museums assume the responsibility of public cultural services,Also taking into account the activation and inheritance of local cultural heritage、Functions such as integration of cultural tourism industry and construction of rural customs。Therefore,The positioning of a rural museum should not pursue the area of ​​the venue、Exquisite exhibits、Decorated luxury and other surface effects,Invest major funds and energy into protection、Show、Promotion、Education、Research and other service functions。

In terms of strategies and paths,First of all, we must highlight the characteristics,Combined with local history, culture and folk cultural characteristics,Do“One museum, one policy”,Don’t simply copy、The same thing。Secondly, we should adapt measures to village conditions,For different types of villages,Highlight“One village, one product”,For example, villages with many intangible cultural heritage protection projects,Can build a rural intangible cultural heritage exhibition hall,National key tourism villages can rely on rural B&Bs to build rural folk custom experience halls, etc.。Tell a good story again,We need to strengthen 188bet online sports betting the explanation services of rural museums,Let the old things speak,Let the old times warm our hearts。

Example,Lijiatuan Village, Zhoucun District, Zibo City, Shandong Province has a relatively complete group of ancient buildings from the Ming and Qing Dynasties,Through the ancient streets and alleys of the village、Protect and repair ancient residences,And built the Lijiatuan Rural Memory Museum,More than 300 exhibits of various types are on display throughout the museum,Incorporated into the unique architectural cultural symbols of Lijiatuan Village。Since opening in 2017,Not only promotes the construction style of Lijiatuan Village,Also promotes the development of rural tourism industry,Become a famous characteristic tourist village and provincial research base in the province。

The third is to strengthen operation management and improve the level of standardization

Currently,The number of rural museums constructed in various places continues to increase,But in the process of actual operation and management,There are still not enough exhibits、Lack of facilities management、Insufficient staffing、Single operating mode and other shortcomings。Therefore,Promote the standardization of rural museums、Standardized construction is imperative。At national level,Should be guided by the pilot projects of rural museum construction in Zhejiang and other provinces,Providing replicable services for the construction of rural museums across the country through pilot trials、Experience and standards that can be generalized。

Meanwhile,It is necessary to accelerate the formulation of policy mechanisms such as the "Recognition Standards for Rural Museum Construction" and "Rural Museum Management Measures" based on innovative practices,Actively promote rural museums to embark on the fast track of standardized development。In terms of construction and operation management model,Should insist on“Government-led、Social participation、Co-construction and sharing、Reform and Innovation”’s principles,Explore towns、Village (residence)、Cooperative、Enterprise、Diversified investment and operation management models for social groups and individuals,Promote the mutual feeding of social and economic benefits of rural museums。

Example,Xiaoshunjiang Village Rural Museum, Pingshui Town, Keqiao District, Shaoxing City,is a well-known local red tourist attraction and patriotic education base。In recent years,Xiaoshunjiang Village introduces Zhejiang Red Fanghua Cultural Tourism Development Co., Ltd.,Coordinate the planning of the village’s tourism resources,And proposed“The door is always open、Normal activity、The content is always new、Service Standing、Brand resident、The benefits are always there”'s“Six Changs”Operation Philosophy,Formed“Self-driving line”“Cycling Line”“Stream Tour Line”“Research Line”And many other special lines,Become a model rural culture museum in Shaoxing。


Rural museum as a new type of public cultural space,Is an important carrier to promote the dynamic inheritance of rural culture and promote the revitalization of rural culture,It is also an arduous and far-reaching rural cultural project。Governments at all levels are promoting the construction and development of rural museums,The government’s leading responsibility 188bet app download should be further strengthened,Plan from a high starting point、High standard construction,Actively explore industrialized operation and market-oriented operation models,Create a path to enrich your wealth with literature、Promote wealth through literature、Enrich with culture、A new way to help rural revitalization。

This article comes from Cultural Industry Review ,Copyright belongs to the original author。 Original title:Rise of Rural Museum,How to make “local culture” successfully exit the circle?

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