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Talk about the new productivity of the tourism industry

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Yan Xiangjun2024-05-14

Technology brings revolution in cultural travel industry
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New productivity once proposed,Becoming a major strategy for high-quality development of China’s economy,The tourism industry is no exception,The focus of discussion in the tourism industry is: What are the new productive forces of the tourism industry?How it works in the tourism industry?

The 11th collective study meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on January 31, 2024 clearly stated:

New productivity is the leading role of innovation,Get rid of the traditional economic growth method、Productivity development path,High-tech、High performance、High quality features,Advanced productivity quality in line with new development concepts。It is a revolutionary breakthrough in technology、Innovative allocation of production factors、Promoted by the in-depth transformation and upgrading of the industry,As a laborer、Labor information、The labor objects and their optimized combinations have become basic connotations,toTotal factor productivitySignificantly upgraded to the core logo,Characteristic is innovation,The key is quality,The essence is advanced productivity。

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At the end of 2022, toChatGPTArtificial intelligence represented by artificial intelligence has attracted worldwide attention with its powerful content generation capabilities,More and more people think that this is after steam、Electricity、After Information Technology,The revolutionary technological power that once again dramatically improves productivity。


One of the important foundations of tourism is centered around the movement of people“Content”Generation and propagation。From this,Several keywords surrounding new productivity,Combining or foreseeing new scenarios for the application of artificial intelligence in the tourism industry、New model and new momentum,Effectively promote high-quality development of the tourism industry。

——Keywords: high technology。

A frog cannot talk to the sea,Constrained by emptiness;Summer insects cannot talk to ice ones,Be devoted to the times。《Zhuangzi·Autumn Water》

Still a little worried or premonition,Will the high-tech characteristics of new productivity become a big ";Container”,As before“Smart Tourism”、“Big Data”and“Yuanverse”etc.,Matters linking tourism and technology、Work、Project、The concepts are all packed in,Now there are signs of discussion in the industry。

New quality productivity emphasizes innovation leadership、High Technology、High efficiency and high quality,It requires us to constantly adapt to new development paths and models,Rather than simply classifying all new technologies or high-tech products into the same category without distinction。If we are labeled as &ldquo just because of a certain technology;High Technology”'s tag,I believe without thinking that it must belong to the category of new productive forces,Then you will fall into a fixed mindset,Ignoring the actual application effect of technology、Is it in line with the new development concept、And an in-depth analysis of whether it can truly promote qualitative changes in productivity。

Therefore,Facing the construction of new productive forces,Our way of thinking must go beyond the age of electricity or the age of tools,Flexible,Accurately identify and utilize the real high-tech forces that can lead the changes of the times。

Compared to the Internet technology revolution,Generative artificial intelligence brings strong ";Suddenly like a spring breeze coming overnight”feelings,So-called“Changing with each passing day”The iterative characteristics of high-tech technology development are truly reflected。

High technology is relative,The key lies in a deep understanding of the application scenarios。


A few high-tech applications in the tourism industry are ridiculed as ";Artificial Mental Retardation”,A common situation is that there is a problem with the industry’s perception,Put“High Technology”and“Artificial Intelligence”The hat is too big,Too many things loaded。

Generative artificial intelligence can generate text according to requirements、image、Audio、Videos and other content,This is a substitute for human brain work,For example“Thinking”、“Consider”and“Think about it”。From this,The first step in artificial intelligence entering the tourism industry is the need“Thinking”、“Consider”and“Think about it”'s domain,For example, marketing。


1、The production of tourism marketing content is being replaced by generative artificial intelligence

This includes both simple LOGO、Marketing slogan、Promotion copywriting and other design generation,Also includes complex promotional posters、Marketing song、Generation of marketing videos。

March 2024,The launch of CCTV’s “AI My China” marks the entry of generative artificial intelligence into the field of tourism marketing videos,Clips generated by artificial intelligence from various media across the country、Screen、Soundtrack、Tourism marketing videos formed 188bet online sports betting by copywriting and others are springing up,Blooming everywhere。

Generative artificial intelligence is in the process of conquering cities and territories in the field of tourism marketing,It’s not the sound of firecrackers but the sound of moisturizing things。Inadvertently,Destination government officials and industry professionals held a tourism development conference under the LOGO designed by artificial intelligence;Travel marketing and advertising companies have applied artificial intelligence to replace half or more of content production,And the efficiency increases exponentially;Online travel platforms have long begun to use artificial intelligence to design travel product pages、Posters, etc.;The marketing application of tourism enterprises is also a piece of cake,For example, give a good name to a tourism product and write a marketing copy, etc.。

The high-tech characteristics of new productivity in the tourism industry are not superior in most scenarios,The simpler it is, the more clearly it can be explained in one or two sentences,The higher the technological content。It’s hard to explain from a high level,I just can’t hold it up and put everything in it,I don’t know anyway。such as big data,What is placed inside is usually data,Most of them are not“Big Data”。

Also,Just like the application promotion process of generative artificial intelligence in the field of tourism marketing,High technology can be quickly promoted in the industrial field,And this process has a strong ";Autonomous”Sex,The market is sensitive to technology, especially high technology,In most cases, repeated educational calls and enlightenment are not required。

——Keywords: high efficiency

There are fishes in the North Ming Dynasty,His name is Kun。Kun Zhida,I don’t know how many miles it is;Turn into a bird,His name is Peng。Peng’s Back,I don’t know how many miles it is;Flying in anger,Its wings are like clouds hanging from the sky。《Zhuangzi·Xiaoyaoyou》

To simply understand the high performance of new productivity as an increase in work productivity is one-sided and partial,It does not prevent us from starting from the point of improving efficiency。

First,Traditional tourism marketing methods often require a lot of manpower、Financial resources and time to create and publish marketing content,The emergence of generative artificial intelligence has completely changed this situation。

The high performance of generative artificial intelligence greatly speeds up the production and release of tourism marketing content,Achieve large-scale and instant marketing content production,A content creation process that may have taken weeks or even months to complete in the past,Now it only takes a few minutes or even seconds to complete。


This is for tourism enterprises and destination agencies that need to respond quickly to market changes and needs,Undoubtedly a huge advantage。

Secondly,The other side of the high performance of generative artificial intelligence is its low cost,Enables small and medium-sized enterprises in the tourism industry to enjoy high-quality marketing content production services,That is, small fish and birds can also assume the posture of Kunpeng。

In the past,Only those large tourism companies and destination organizations with strong financial strength can afford high marketing expenses,And now,Even small and micro enterprises can produce beautiful products through generative artificial intelligence technology、Professional marketing content。

Especially more importantly,Different from the technology applications that people understood before,The most important manifestation of the high performance of generative artificial intelligence is not the improvement of batch production efficiency,But in batchesImproving the efficiency of producing diverse content, which is also revolutionary.


2. Generative artificial intelligence automatically produces differentiated content

By analyzing a large amount of user data and market trends,Generative artificial intelligence can automatically generate many different types of tourism marketing content,To adapt to the communication needs of different channels and platforms,Further, more marketing forms and channels can be generated,Enable destinations and tourism companies to better meet the needs of different target audiences,To achieve more accuracy、More effective marketing。

If artificial intelligence can make the terracotta warriors and horses sing Qin Opera,Then all cultural relics can be promoted as marketing destinations,The imagination of tourism marketing forms and channels derived from this can be described as imaginative,Artificial intelligence opens the door for human beings to realize their dreams,It also opens up the space for free imagination in marketing thinking。

——Keywords: high quality

Sun Tzu said: “Now I am the king's servant and the king's servant,Take your superior horse and his middle horse,Take the king's horse and the horse under him。”Having completed three generations,And Tian Ji won again and again,Win the king’s daughter。"Historical Records: Biography of Sun Tzu Wu Qi"


After marveling and surprising the results generated by the artificial intelligence,People tend to raise their expectations,Hope to generate results that reach the highest level in the industry。In fact,The greatest significance of generative artificial intelligence is to greatly improve the low-to-medium quality level of industrial applications,This is the profound meaning of high quality。

Generative artificial intelligence can maximize the use of existing data and information resources of tourism enterprises,Optimized by algorithm,Even ordinary or basic data entry,Can also produce rich creative ideas、Various forms of high-quality marketing content,Equivalent to “Inferior horse&188bet app rdquo;Create“Superior Horse”’s effect,Maximizing the value of resources。

In this process,“Medium Horse”、“Inferior horse”Not an isolated individual,But a huge group and class,High quality means the promotion of the middle and lower levels of the destination group pyramid of tourism enterprises。With such prerequisites and foundation,This means the advent of the era of personalized marketing in the tourism industry。

A period of transformation in the tourism industry,The era of traditional large-volume tour groups is declining,The ticket model for destination scenic spots is rigid and stagnant,The advent of the national tourism era of self-driving travel,Every tourist hopes to see a unique destination landscape,Get personalized service,Instead of a cookie-cutter landscape,The same old tour guide’s explanation。


3、The development of the tourism industry and the application of new productivity have allowed us to truly enter the era of personalized marketing

The tourism market is further segmented,From marketing form、Channels, especially content,Artificial intelligence generates content that matches tourists’ interests,For example, personalized tourist destination image、Marketing slogan、Destination introduction、Activity recommendations, etc.,Enhance the attractiveness and impact of marketing messages。

All destination scenic spots now、Tourism companies target each product、Every market segment、You can design a different marketing image every month or even week、Slogan、Copywriting, etc.,This is unimaginable before。

There is a stone carving on the top of the Jade Emperor in Taishan Scenic Area, Shandong,Yes“Sure enough”Two words,One thousand tourists equals one thousand Mount Tai,Application of generative artificial intelligence in personalized tourism marketing,Not just a display of technology,It also understands and meets the deep needs of travelers,Acquire tourists’ recognition through information dissemination and marketing: their travel experience will be what they expected“Sure enough”Same,Unique and satisfying。

——Keywords: revolutionary breakthrough in technology

Next day, Yanshi meets the king, Wang Jianzhi, say:“Who is coming with us?”对say:“Those who are created by me can be advocated。”King Mu looked in shock。Zhunbu、Pitch,Trustful people。Qiaofu!鉉奇梐,The song is in tune;Hold his hand,Dance for the Festival。ever-changing,As you wish。The king thinks he is a real person。……King Mu sighed with joy and said: “The ingenuity of people,You can have the same merit as the Creator?”《Liezi·Tang asked》

《Liezi·This story recorded in "Tang Wen" is very likely to be China's earliest science fiction story about artificial intelligence,True description of what generative AI does: speak、Singing、Dancing, etc.。


Many people didn’t understand it at first,As a revolutionary breakthrough in human technology, the presentation of generative artificial intelligence is so simple——Conversation Chat,Can also be described as information exchange。The so-called revolutionary breakthrough in technology,That must be a fundamental and essential part of the field of scientific research,It is also a fundamental and essential part of all walks of life, especially the tourism industry,It is a question-and-answer information exchange。The development of generative artificial intelligence has broken through human language understanding、Cognitive limitations in pattern recognition and creative expression,Train large-scale data sets through learning,Ability to master and imitate complex human language and artistic styles,Promote mankind to explore unknown cognitive areas。

Applications in the tourism industry and other industrial fields are based on generative artificial intelligence,Only“ever-changing,Just do what you want”。Tourism activity itself is a process of continuous information exchange between people and destinations,Also a tourist and“Object”The process of having a conversation,Like a tour guide beside tourists。


4. AI may bring industry revolution

Since it is the most basic technological revolutionary breakthrough in information interaction,This means that all models and fields related to information interaction in the tourism industry will be subverted、Influence and impact。

For example, online travel platforms and customer service of travel companies,There are no companies that claim to have widely used artificial intelligence in the field of customer service;The tour guide service that focuses on explaining basic knowledge will be greatly affected,Expert-level in-depth explanations are rare after all,Of course it will also be affected。

Human tourism activities are entering a“What you see is what you get”era,Language barriers encountered by tourists during travel (inbound and outbound tourism)、Information barriers (travel information asymmetry) and knowledge barriers (learning and communication) have been basically eliminated。It can be likened to every tourist traveling with a travel super expert,Or travel with 1,000 experts of all kinds。


Tassel tree flowers in bloom

Including visiting Zoucheng Meng Temple and asking about the tassel trees and flowers in bloom (can you tell which ones were generated by AI?),There are also nearby local snack restaurants and nutritional information tables of dishes, etc.,These answers are generated in real time。

——Keywords: innovative allocation of production factors

Wen Huijun said: “hee,Such a good thing!This is the end of my 188bet sports betting app download skills?”Pao Ding Shi Dao said to him: “What I like is the way,Improved in skills。The First Minister’s Time to Release the Ox,Those who see nothing but cattle。Three years later,Never seen a whole cow。Today's time,I encounter God with my eyes instead of my eyes,The official knows to stop but the god wants to do it。”《Zhuangzi·Health Master》

The cook must have slaughtered thousands of cows,In order to do“I have never seen a whole cow”。Generative artificial intelligence,Especially machine learning and deep learning technology,Can analyze huge data sets,Pattern recognized、Trends and correlations,Even details that are difficult to detect with the naked eye。

Just as Chef Ding’s understanding of the structure of the cow’s body makes his skills superior,Generative artificial intelligence technology can help us“Understand”Details of these data,Thereby unlocking its potential value。corresponds to this,Land, labor, capital, technologyIn particular, the innovative allocation of production factors such as data is particularly critical。

Generally speaking,Talent density is the source of power in the digital era,So in the intelligent era driven by artificial intelligence,With massive data、Large language models trained on information and knowledge can demonstrate impact on human resourcesMultiplier effect, fully stimulate the value of data.


5. Personalized needs trigger communication changes

Destination information is formed by gathering massive amounts of information based on personalized needs,Collect travel strategy information to form guide information,Collect travel product information and real-time information to form a travel itinerary,The scene of gathering review information to form destination consumption information is already around the corner,This has triggered adjustments or changes in the tourism information dissemination system and product channel system。

From TV to the Internet to mobile phones,There is also Ctrip in the mobile Internet era、horsefengwo、小红书、Tik Tok、WeChat and other platform channels,The process of tourists determining the destination and selecting tourism products is also a process of attention and information collection,In this process,Summary of travel information、Analysis、Identification、The choices and other tasks are basically completed by the tourist’s brain,When generative artificial intelligence replaces or partially replaces the above work,Then it is certain that the source platform and ecology of information data will be changed and adjusted,As a factor of production, data information becomes increasingly important。

——Keywords: deep industrial transformation and upgrading

Zheng people who want to buy shoes,Finish yourself first,Leave it alone。The City of Arrivals,Forgot to do it。Accomplished,Nai said: “I forget to maintain my degree!”Return and get it。and reverse,City strike,So you can’t do it。People said: “Why not give it a try?”say:“Ning Xindu,No self-confidence。” 《Han Feizi·Foreign Reserve said upper left》

Tourism emerged with the second industrial revolution,Group travel is an important form during this period。After the third industrial revolution,Especially during the rise of China as a major tourist country,High-speed rail and aviation modern transportation are gradually becoming complete、The penetration rate of family cars has increased、The widespread use of vehicle navigation systems and the rich information on travel networks and the improvement of online bookings have prompted the rapid advent of the individual travel era,With family、Individuals and small group travel with relatives and friends have become the mainstay。


AI generated pictures


This process also initiated the in-depth transformation and upgrading of the tourism industry,The online tourism information dissemination and interaction system is constantly improving,From inspirational tiktok、Video number,Go to the hornet's nest for information、小红书,And Ctrip for booking products、Tongcheng,AMAP for itinerary navigation、Baidu Map,The last Dianping review guide、Meituan, etc.。Travel agencies in the traditional tourism industry、Scenic Area、Hotels and other enterprises as well as emerging business formats are all transforming and evolving around the online travel information dissemination system。

The era of mass tourism is not the same as the era of personalized tourism.

Traditional Tourism Era,This is the era of buying shoes based on size,A tourist group visits the same scenic spots、Eat the same group meal、Listen to the same tour guide、Stay in the same hotel room, etc.。

The era of mass tourism,This is the era of buying shoes based on your own feet,But there are too many shoes to choose from,And socks、hat、Top tops, etc.,Consider the complexity of product elements in the tourism industry,Add factors such as time and cost,Permutation and combination of Ganges sand numbers。


6. Generative artificial intelligence opens the era of personalized tourism

Generative artificial intelligence assistant can be based on tourists’ interests and hobbies、Spending level、Recommended destinations for mental status and physiological indicators (such as high blood pressure)、Products and Product Organizations、Itinerary plan、Time plan, etc.,That is, visit your favorite destination,Listen to tailor-made tour guide,In the background of the hotel room is my favorite light music,Tips for dining in restaurants are menus suitable for high blood pressure and more。This is the era of personalized travel。

There are huge information and cost differences between group travel and personalized travel in the traditional era,The higher the degree of personalization,The more complicated it is to obtain information,The higher the cost。The era of generative artificial intelligence,The degree of travel personalization has basically nothing to do with cost,That is, you can obtain highly personalized product itinerary information at low or even zero cost。


One thing is for sure,Travel agencies will not disappear,High probability that travel agencies will get new business model space,Evolve to a higher level to become a travel consultant and guide,For example, on the premise of obtaining personalized product resources at low cost,Become a consultant and guide for interest group travel, etc.。

——Keywords: workers、Labor information、The jump of labor objects and their optimized combinations。

Huan Gong is reading in the hall,The wheel is flattened and cut in the hall,Release the vertebrae and go up,Asked Duke Huan: “Dare to ask,What’s wrong with public readers??”公say:“The words of a saint。”say:“Saints care?”公say:“Dead。”say:“Ran Zejun’s readers,The dregs of the ancients。”Huan Gong said:“Idiot reading,Which one can discuss!It’s okay to say it,If you don’t say anything, you will die。”Lun Bian said:“I also view things as my own affairs。Pulling wheel,Xu Ze is willing but not solid,Sickness brings suffering but not pain,Buxu Buji,What you get should be in your heart,The mouth cannot speak,How can there be so much in it。I cannot compare myself to my son,My son cannot accept what I have done to him,Because he is seventy and old。The ancient people will die if they cannot be passed down,Ran Zejun’s readers,The dregs of the ancients。” 《Zhuangzi·Tiandao》

Lun Bian is a craftsman,He believes that anything that can be recorded and written down is wrong,It’s dross。Because he thinks like making wheels,If the tenon is made wider, it will be loose and unstable,If you do it too tightly, it will inevitably become stagnant and unable to settle in,The tenons are made with appropriate tightness,Because whatever the mind thinks, the hands do it。However, even though I understand the required measurements,It is impossible to express it in words,It all depends on the cooperation of your own hands and heart。Read this article again in the era of artificial intelligence,It’s very interesting。

So-called large language model,As the name suggests, the object of learning and training is the knowledge of human language including audio and video expressions,Artificial intelligence meets the wheel-flat“The feeling is indescribable”Isn’t it amazing??

From the perspective of modern science and technology, especially generative artificial intelligence,Solving the inheritance of traditional skills such as wheel making,A variety of innovative strategies can be adopted,Aiming to bridge the gap between precept and example: creating simulations through virtual reality and augmented reality to create wheel-making process environments,Let learners practice making wheels in virtual space;

Generative AI can analyze large amounts of wheel production data,Simulate the interaction process between master and apprentice,Based on learner’s progress and questions,Provide customized guidance and suggestions,Even imitate the way of thinking of experienced craftsmen,Guide learners to adjust their operating techniques;Generative artificial intelligence can better understand the language and descriptions of massive craftsmen through natural language processing technology,To provide more precise guidance;

Generative AI can analyze massive videos of craftsmen making wheels,Learn tips and details from it,Then turn this knowledge into teachable steps;Develop tools with sensors,Able to provide real-time feedback on the strength and accuracy of operations,Helping learners better master skills;Building a knowledge graph about wheel making,Make tacit knowledge explicit,Make it understandable and teachable by generative artificial intelligence systems;Use 3D printing technology for rapid prototyping,Or use artificial intelligence robots to imitate the movements of craftsmen,Helping learners understand the details of the production process。

Compared with previous industrial revolutions,Generative artificial intelligence can not only replace physical labor under the command of the brain,More importantly, it replaces mental work,Especially because this kind of substitution is very easy, that is,“At your fingertips”obtained。This means that workers, especially mental workers, can be widely popularized。

Under this premise,Generative artificial intelligence empowers workers,Greatly and generally improved the working conditions of workersLower limit of ability,Can cultivate a large number of“Super”Labor,Drive workers、Labor information、The jump of labor objects and their optimized combinations,Emphasis on “Leap”!The possible consequence is that the middle level of workers’ ability is reduced,Either is the best,Or general。


7. Smart hotel staff are common

Tourism Industry Association“Universal”Hotel staff appear to communicate with guests in 100 languages,Each of them can also write a welcome message for a specific guest;Design a personalized menu for each table of guests;Satisfactory reply to customer’s review information;Introducing surrounding attractions based on guests’ interests;They will also design a complete welcome and reception plan、Business meeting plan、Banquet plan、Tea break plan、Wedding plans, etc.,Or any abilities and skills that involve output such as static experience knowledge are no problem。

When the new productive forces spread to all workers,Everyone is a flat person。So as a labor-intensive tourism industry,means the output of the entire industry、Development level、Service capabilities will be greatly improved“Leap”,The subsequent effects brought about by this are even greater。

——Keywords: innovation。

Zhuangzi and Huizi traveled above Haoliang。Zhuangzi said: “Minnow travels calmly,It is the joy of fish。”Huizi said: “Zifeiyu,An Zhiyu’s Joy?”Zhuangzi said: “Zi Fei Me,You know I don’t know the joy of fish?”Huizi said: “I am not my son,I don’t know my son,Zi Gu is not a fish,I don’t know the joy of fish,All done。”Zhuangzi said: “Please follow the original instructions。Confucius said, "You know the fish and the happy cloud",Since you know what I know, ask me,I know Haoshangye。”《Zhuangzi·Autumn Water》


If we ask the same question to different generative artificial intelligence,Or ask the same generative AI the same question at different times,Will there be a standard answer?

For example,We use generative artificial intelligence image generation function,The question is as follows:

The ancients have never been seen before, and the newcomers have never been seen since.

Thinking of the beauty of heaven and earth, I burst into tears with sadness!

Draw a picture depicting the scene of the poem.

Different generative artificial intelligence results are as follows:


Is there a standard answer to "Deng Youzhou Taiwan Song"?

Generative artificial intelligence,Especially the language model or image generation model based on deep learning,The output result is subject to the initial seed (such as the input text prompt)、Diversity of model training data、The influence of multiple factors such as algorithm randomness。Even for the same input request,Due to the randomness of the internal weight initialization of the model and the random sampling mechanism during the processing,Content generated may vary each time。

“Haoliang Debate”Not just an old fable about epistemology,Also a vivid metaphor for the characteristics of modern generative artificial intelligence。It reminds us,Whether it is human thinking or machine generation,No one should expect an absolutely unified answer,Appreciate and utilize the creativity and inspiration that this diversity brings。Different generation results each time,It’s all an exploration of the multi-dimensional perspective of the world,Enriches our understanding and imagination of complex issues,This uncertainty and diversity are the fundamental driving forces for thinking and innovation。

The most significant feature of tourism is“Different”,People need all kinds of things when traveling“Different”,includes tour、Catering、Accommodation and even services、Culture, etc.,This is largely consistent with the characteristics of generative artificial intelligence。

can be seen,Generative AI goes beyond “Tools”’s cognitive level,Will vigorously promote interdisciplinary tourism industry、Cross-field integration and innovation,Especially the innovation of integrating culture and tourism。


8. Destination immersion projects may usher in a golden age

Generative Artificial Intelligence“Creation”’s text、image、Music、Song、Videos and more,Provides massive amounts of information for the integration of culture and tourism and is ";Unique”20044_20049,It is foreseeable that destination immersion projects powered by generative artificial intelligence will usher in a golden age,For example, by cloning sounds and images,Tourists can perform "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" with famous movie stars on the top of Huashan Mountain。

Innovation is first of all the innovation of thinking,When generative artificial intelligence brings different ideas、Different plan、When the content is different,Actually puts more pressure on the operator,The core combination of culture and tourism integration requires human brain power to complete,When the foundation for the integration of culture and tourism is greatly improved,The operator’s thinking must be adjusted,In order to keep up with this change。

——Keywords: new industry、New mode、New kinetic energy

In the past, Zhuang Zhou dreamed of being a butterfly,Xiushuranhudieye,Self-explanation and ambition!I don’t know Zhou Ye。Suddenly aware,Ze Qu Qu Ran Zhou Ye。I don’t know if Zhou Zhimeng is Hu Die and,Hu Die’s Dream for Zhou Yu?Zhou and Hu Die,There must be differences。This is called materialization。《Zhuangzi·Equality of Things》


Zhuang Zhou’s dream of butterflies symbolizes the exploration of the boundary between reality and dreams,Generative artificial intelligence realizes this integration in the technical dimension。Simulating human creativity through algorithms,Generative artificial intelligence can build a dream-like world that is both real and unrealistic,Whether it is a realistic virtual environment、Art work or interactive experience,Generative artificial intelligence allows people’s imagination to be infinitely extended,Create unprecedented content and experiences,Blurred numbers and entities、The boundary between creation and appreciation。It can be seen from this,The gradual maturity of generative artificial intelligence technology will give rise to a new industrial chain with creative content as the core。

Secondly,Traditional business models are often product or service-centric,The application of generative artificial intelligence will make business models more personalized and customized,This will lead to the emergence of new business models。

Just like flying freely in Zhuang Zhou’s dream,The generative ability of artificial intelligence can help enterprises and individual workers break 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino the shackles of tradition,Open up new possibilities,New momentum injected into economic development。


9. Major changes are about to happen

Tourism activity is“Zhuang Zhou Mengdie”'s process,Although we are not very clear about the new industry it will bring、New mode、What are the new kinetic energy,But we can say for sure that old industries and old models will be strongly transformed。For example, the existing tourism marketing model will definitely be greatly affected;Artificial intelligence-driven humanoid robots will enter the hotel service field,Not just a silly gift;Popularization of artificial intelligence autonomous driving technology,Will subvert the tourism and transportation industry, etc.,And all this is happening or will happen。


Generative artificial intelligence not only promotes changes in economic production methods,Still profoundly changing our work、Life and way of thinking,Heralds the arrival of a new information and digital era。

It was Zhuang Zhou who turned into a butterfly in his dream,The butterfly turned into Zhuang Zhou in its dream?This requires a bigger way of thinking,Not just limited to the relationship between humans and artificial intelligence。

This article comes from Wei Tuo Yizhu, and the copyright belongs to the original author. Original title:Talk about the new productivity of the tourism industry

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