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Longquehui Living Room丨Zhou Anbin, Chairman of Jindong Digital Innovation: Cultural IP、IP Digitization、Digital and real industrialization,Integration of digital and real activates new scenes of cultural experience

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Executive favor2024-05-17

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Driven by the wave of digitalization,The integration of digital economy and cultural tourism industry has entered a new stage,Digital empowerment of cultural tourism industry presents a new pattern。

Recent,Zhizhi invites Zhou Anbin, chairman of Jindong Digital Innovation, as a guest“Longquehui Living Room”,Have an in-depth online conversation with Liu Zhaohui, founder and chairman of Zhihui Group, on the topic of digital empowerment of the cultural and travel industry,Let’s discuss new opportunities for the development of smart cultural tourism。


May 13,General Office of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism、Secretary Bureau of the Cyberspace Administration of China、General Office of National Development and Reform Commission、General Office of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology、Jointly issued by the General Department of the National Data Administration"Smart Tourism Innovation Development Action Plan"’s notification,Aims to promote the deep integration of digital economy and tourism,Accelerate progress towards digitalization、Network、Innovative development of smart tourism characterized by intelligence。

February this year,Ministry of Culture and Tourism、The National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology jointly announced the list of the first batch of national smart tourism immersive experience new space cultivation pilot projects,Further promote the deeply integrated development of digital economy and tourism,Cultivation and development of new smart tourism products、New consumption scenarios。

Design at the top level、Under the multiple influences of technological development and market restructuring,Digitalization is increasingly becoming the underlying logic of the cultural travel industry。Especially virtual reality、New technologies such as artificial intelligence are accelerating the application of cultural tourism industry,Digitalization of cultural tourism has become an innovative tourism product、The key to optimizing visitor experience,Reviving the cultural tourism market、Expanding tourism consumption to inject new vitality and power。

As China’s leading digital creative experience full industry chain service provider,Jindong Digital Creative Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Jindong Digital Innovation”)Established for more than 20 years,With“Digital twin、3D Immersion、AI、XR”and other new experience technologies,Strive to use new technologies、Create a new experience、Provide new business formats、Create new models,Develop online and offline integration、A new digital cultural experience/consumption scenario combining online presence。The digital human Qingdao Xiaoman has been successfully created、IP products such as Qi Baishi’s digital light and shadow art exhibition and the China Pavilion of the Expo、Luoyang "Know·Laojunshan》Immersive music and dance show and other industry benchmark cases。

Zhou Anbin said that culture, tourism and technology are closely connected,The integration of culture and technology should be the core element in the tourism industry,The key to this integration is at the experience level,Exactly how to integrate culture and technology to create an experience that spans time and space。Cultural storytelling is also crucial,Because we need to be endowed with emotion and soul,Need to have the power to move and inspire people。“Cultural IP、IP Digitization、Industrialization of Digital Reality”,This is an effective implementation path for the integration of data and reality to activate new scenarios of cultural experience。

Zhou Anbin thinks,Jindong Digital Innovation uses AI、XR、Naked-eye 3D、3D Immersion、Digital twin and other cutting-edge technologies,Innovative experience through deep integration of online and offline and virtual and real interaction,Continuously inject new vitality into the culture and tourism industry,Special attention“Old buildings + new consumption”AND“Original scene + new experience”Integration of other business scenarios,Digitizing China’s excellent cultural IP,Use creativity and technology to realize the national trend of cultural IP,Activate new scenes of cultural experience,Bringing better experience to tourists。

In Zhou Anbin’s opinion,The digital development of cultural tourism and cultural museums faces both opportunities,There are also challenges。The opportunity lies,Digital upgrade has become an irreversible trend in various industries;The challenge is mainly focused on resource integration capabilities、Product development efficiency、Closed loop construction、Operation model and customer service, etc.。How to effectively monetize technology products,Formation of sustainable income and further development momentum,Is a major test faced in the process of digitally empowering the cultural tourism industry。


The following is the content of the conversation

Liu Zhaohui:

Driven by the wave of Internet digitization,Scenic Area、The digital transformation and upgrading of cultural tourism-related fields such as urban spaces and art exhibitions are in full swing,Digitization of cultural tourism、Digitization of cultural museums、Trends such as digitalization of art are irreversible。

As a digital creative leader,What do you think of the current digital development and consumption trends that are gaining momentum?


Zhou Anbin:

Early 2024,Jindong Digital Innovation has won the ";National Culture and Technology Integration Demonstration Base”“National Cultural Industry Demonstration Base”Title,Awarded&ldquo in 2023;Top Ten Innovative Enterprises in Night Tourism”。

These honors are not only an affirmation of Jindong Digital Innovation’s in-depth efforts in the fields of digital technology and cultural creativity,It also highlights the importance of building a cultural tourism metaverse platform system、Remarkable achievements in reshaping cultural digital consumption experience scenarios and creating immersive cultural and tourism experience spaces。


Jindong Digital Innovation was officially named a national cultural industry demonstration base by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism

About digital development and consumption trends,We believe that the success of cultural digitalization projects is inseparable from three major points:

The first point is the extraction of culture and the creation of IP;

The second point is to conduct in-depth planning at the beginning of the project,And put operations in front;

The third point is to create digital intelligent products driven by data.

Future,We must abandon the simple multimedia approach,Adopt digital means,Integrate cultural resources with digital experiences,Bringing new life to digital products and services。


Liu Zhaohui:

My understanding and feelings about culture,Mainly based on my playing experience。When I visit historical sites,I feel the cultural heritage contained in it。However,These cultures are flat to some extent,Because the historical period and cultural connotation they represent are very profound,But tourists often find it difficult to understand in depth。

Take the Forbidden City as an example,It accumulated yuan、Ming、The history and culture of the Qing Dynasty and other dynasties,But the way we experience travel is often linear, just visit from one point to another.

This method lacks an immersive expression technique,Unable to allow tourists to truly integrate into the historical scene,Feel the cultural atmosphere of that era。Therefore,We need a method of expressing in-depth experience,Extend historical time,Allow tourists to have a deeper understanding of the connotation of history and culture。


Zhou Anbin:

The point you mentioned is very important,About how to integrate culture、Tourism and technology are closely connected,It is indeed an important issue we are facing now。In my opinion,The integration of culture and technology should be the core element in the tourism industry,The key to this integration is at the experience level,Exactly how to integrate culture and technology to create an experience that spans time and space。

Imagine,When we are in modern time and space,But we can use certain technological means,Through the barriers of time and space,Deep into thousands of years of history,To experience the style and atmosphere of that era for yourself。This is immersive tourism in the true sense,It makes people feel like they are in the long river of history,Conversation with the Ancients,Feel the life in ancient times。

In addition,The importance of cultural storytelling。Culture should not just be empty and general talk,It needs to be given emotion and soul,Need to have the power to move and inspire people。When tourists and products resonate and communicate spiritually,Only such cultural and 188bet sports betting app download technological experience products can truly be called excellent。

In our many years of practice at Jindong, we have concluded that “Cultural IP、IP Digitization、Industrialization of Digital Reality”'s digital-real integration activates a new scenario of cultural experience.


Jindong Shuchuang Miaodigou Yangshao Cultural Heritage Museum Digital Theme Hall

Look, Kung Fu is Chinese,Pandas are from China,But the Kung Fu Panda IP is American。Mulan is from China,But it is the American Disney that made Mulan famous all over the world。

They just transform Chinese traditional culture into IP、Make IP popular in the form of digital experiences that young people like, such as movies,In turn, it will drive the industrial development of cultural IP。

If the culture cannot be extracted from IP,Cannot display it in an immersive or artistic way,Let everyone like this IP,It is difficult to industrialize。


Liu Zhaohui:

In the scenic area、Attractions、Superimposing technical means on products such as commercial blocks and indoor entertainment industrial parks,has become a significant trend in the current tourism and entertainment industry。What do you think will be the future trend?


Zhou Anbin:

With the continuous development and application of new technologies,The form of cultural tourism products will become more and more light and virtualPrepared.For example,While visiting Daming Palace,Visitors in the future will only need to wear a pair of special XR glasses,You can enjoy the spectacular scene of the morning dynasty in the Daming Palace,Travel through time and space as if you were there。

Also,Using advanced technologies such as volumetric video,Originally flat historical images will become lifelike、Stereoscopic and realistic,The scene of dancing palace maids will appear before your eyes。Tourists strolling through Daming Palace,As if you are in a living historical drama。

Also,For example, let’s go to the museum,You can listen to the audio explanation,Learn the stories behind cultural relics,Deepen your understanding of cultural relics。But traditional audio explanations can only convey cultural relic information in one direction,And Homo sapiens brings a new experience of two-way interaction。

For example,我们Last year发布的Homo sapiens "good wives",She is based on the unearthed cultural relics and oracle bone inscriptions from the Fuhao Tomb in the Yin Ruins,Recreating the Shang Dynasty 3,300 years ago through digital means“A good woman”image。


Homo sapiens "good wives"

“A good woman”Digital intelligence can not only interact with users in multiple modalities,Can also be used as“Shang Dynasty Cultural Guide”Provides rich historical and cultural knowledge。This technological means will have an important impact on cultural tourism in the next few years、文博、Profound changes in research and other fields,Promote these fields to become more intelligent、The direction of interactive development。


Liu Zhaohui:

I highly approve of these products。Products are definitely moving toward digitalization and scene reconstruction。Cultural IP、IP Digitization、What is the current proportion of the three paths of digital and real industrialization in our group’s business?Including combination with specific cultural tourism projects,What are the characteristics?What is the challenge?


Zhou Anbin:

Cultural IP、Digitalization of IP、Digital industrialization not only constitutes the development framework of the digital cultural industry,It also forms a complete closed loop of our business。Take the Yinxu project as an example,We combine many years of archaeological research results and multi-modal data (text、Video、Pictures) integrated into cultural big data,Through offline performances、Cultural and artistic creation and online digital intelligence communication, etc.,Concrete it into IP products,And ultimately drive the development of surrounding industries。This is the basic logic of our cultural industrialization,It is also the guiding principle for project implementation。

current,The digital development of cultural tourism and cultural museums faces both opportunities,There are also challenges。The opportunity lies,Digital upgrade has become an irreversible trend in various industries;The challenge is mainly focused on resource integration capabilities、Product development efficiency、Closed loop construction、Operation model and customer service, etc.。How to effectively monetize technology products,Formation of sustainable income and further development momentum,This is a big test we face。


Liu Zhaohui:

The product must eventually be tested by the market,Even the B side、G-end purchase order,Whether consumers recognize it is still critical。Therefore,We need to deeply understand consumer trends、Product experience and interaction。Facing changes in the consumer market,We should establish technical barriers and respond flexibly to changes in consumer needs。

I was inspired recently while reading "Built to Last",These century-old companies rely on the core capabilities behind them、Innovation capabilities and perfect internal mechanisms,Only in order to continue to develop steadily。How can we learn from these experiences,Continuously improve your competitiveness and adaptability?


Zhou Anbin:

188bet app We believe that the source of innovation mainly comes from two aspects:Technology drive and market demand。Nearly ten years,We continue to improve technology、Investment in products and R&D,Obvious competitive advantages have been formed,And conducted many forward-looking attempts and explorations in new product fields。

Last year,我们推出了首个考古Homo sapiens "good wives",This year, a VR full-sensory interactive theater was launched,In the future, we will be committed to creating better cultural and 188bet sports betting app download technological experience products。


Yinxu Scenic Area in Anyang, Henan Province Fuhao

From the perspective of changes in market demand,B-side customers expect return on investment,And C client,Whether old or young,The demand for in-depth cultural and tourism experience is constantly increasing。For us,Do a good job in underlying technology、Product innovation based on needs,And accumulated many years of experience,Making it an IP product is our core mission。

We need to start fromProduct development, construction and operation form a closed loop,Really understand the needs of C-side customers,And continue to iterate our products。This is also the direction we have been working hard to practice in recent years。

Jindong Digital Creation and Beijing Academy of Fine Arts、Qi Baishi’s immersive digital light and shadow art exhibition jointly created by China International Art Exhibition Co., Ltd. as an example,This exhibition integrates digital projection、Technology Interaction、Art installations and other forms,In-depth exploration of the value and significance of Qi Baishi and his works。

This project achieved great success during its first exhibition at Hunan Art Museum,The exhibition received 600,000 visitors in the past four months,The subsequent four tour exhibitions were all very popular and packed with people,Both have received widespread exposure and praise in mainstream media and industry media。


Qi Baishi Art Exhibition

This project was also selected as an outstanding case for digital innovation demonstration of cultural tourism by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism、2023 China Tourism Entrepreneurship Innovation Demonstration Top Ten Cases of Digital Transformation。

Future,Jindong will pay more attention to the development of IP products,This is one of our core strategies。Our business model will also change from simply providing products to products + services,Including operational services、Content iteration service、Research services, etc.,Hope to reach end customers directly,Form the stable traffic and customer base of our IP products。


Liu Zhaohui:

We can see from the case of IBM,The importance of service in strengthening product closed loop。IBM provides computing power,And delivered at low price,But then it was upgraded through annual service iterations,Achieved long-term cooperation with customers。This highlights a trend:Products alone are not enough, services are becoming more and more critical.

However,For cultural products,Service boundaries and value capabilities are a challenge。How to price、How to show value?We think,This part may come from the premium space generated by the combination of technology products and operations,It is a new model after the digitization of cultural products。

Although Jindong’s products in Qingdao’s Zhongshan Road neighborhood are public cultural services,Cannot charge directly through tickets,But if you put it in a business environment like Disneyland,The situation will be different。

Disney’s castle show and other entertainment are included as part of the ticket price,This highlights the profit model after combining culture and business。

The problem we face is a boundary issue: how to find a balance between public cultural services and commercial profits?We have been strengthening the update and iteration of product content,This helps create the core appeal of the product。The organic combination of fireworks show and digital light and shadow exhibition,Forms a closed loop for our business model。

Therefore,We need to think at an operational level,How to transform services into an integral part of products,To maximize business value。This is a topic that we need to continue to explore and practice。


Zhou Anbin:

Jindong Digital Innovation uses AI、XR、Naked-eye 3D、3D Immersion、Digital twin and other cutting-edge technologies,Innovative experience through deep integration of online and offline and virtual and real interaction,Continuously inject new vitality into the culture and tourism industry。

In this process, we pay special attention“Old buildings + new consumption”with“Original scene + new experience”Integration of other business scenarios,Aims to digitize China’s excellent cultural IP,Use creativity and technology to realize the national trend of cultural IP,Activate new scenes of cultural experience,Bringing better experience to tourists。

Taking Qingdao Zhongshan Road Historic District as an example,The "Zhongshan Road Historic District Metaverse" we tailor-made for them,Has obtained the Smart Tourism&ldquo 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism;Go to the cloud and use numbers to empower wisdom”Excellent solutions and many other honors,Also achieved cultural revitalization and commercial prosperity in the old city。


Zhongshan Road Historic District Metaverse

Also,We have continued to serve Luoyang Laojun Mountain Scenic Area for many years,The Luanchuan Museum was built for him、"Knowing Laojun Mountain"沉浸乐舞秀等示范项目。In the field of digital art,Our cooperation with Beijing Academy of Fine Arts and other institutions has also achieved remarkable results。


"Knowing Laojun Mountain"

At the same time,We are also actively exploring how to effectively integrate local resources、Combining cultural big data,In order to create IP and popular traffic-draining products with local characteristics,Further enrich and expand surrounding business formats。

We hope that the cooperative relationship with the government can be upgraded from simple project cooperation to long-term、In-depth strategic cooperation,Jointly promote local culture and tourism to achieve greater development。


Liu Zhaohui:

Many people’s understanding of digital intelligence is still superficial, in fact, the core of digital intelligence lies in the accumulation of digital assets, laying a solid foundation for future continuous iterative upgrades.Take the city image project as an example,When the city needs to digitally upgrade and transform communication materials and cultural resources,We serve as the underlying provider,Plays a vital role。

We are responsible for the sorting and precipitation of materials,Promote the upgrading and transformation of the entire city’s image project,Showing the wonderful presentation of all cultural projects。The far-reaching significance of this work,beyond imagination。


Zhou Anbin:

From the communication side,The future data production method can quickly generate the required cultural content,form data material、Data production、Closed loop between data products and services。

2023&ldquo announced by the Henan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism;Walking in Henan·Understand China”In the digital project subsidy list,A total of 23 projects were selected,Including "Know· of Golden East Digital Innovation Services;Laojun Mountain” Immersive Music and Dance Show and Provincial Martial Arts Hall immersive performance upgrade project。

These two projects combine holographic、Mixed Reality、8K ultra-high definition digital interactive technology,Provides the audience with a deep immersive cultural experience,Reflects the important application of digital assets in cultural tourism。

Among them "know·Laojun Mountain" conveys ";The first of all scriptures”The spiritual connotation of traditional Chinese culture in "Tao Te Ching",was also selected into the first batch of national smart tourism immersive experience new space cultivation pilot projects list by three ministries and commissions。


"Knowing Laojun Mountain"

In this closed loop,Tourists’ experience will be transformed into communication power,They will become the communicators of the city,At the same time, we continue to accumulate cultural big data and tourist data。If this idea can be realized,Our industry will usher in new changes,Through innovative production methods and production relations,Rebuilding the connection between tourists and the region。Technological breakthroughs will lead to many changes,Injecting new vitality into the development of the industry。


Liu Zhaohui:

The sorting out of digital assets is a large-scale systematic project,Cooperation involving multiple platforms and institutions,Such as a scientific research institution、Art schools, etc.,They are all contributing to the basic work。

Once cultural IP is realized,The next step is the digitization of IP,Then transform cultural projects or projects into specific products。On this basis,We will further promote digital industrialization,With the help of intelligent means,Build a powerful business model,Become an infrastructure service provider,Serving the forefront of Chinese culture。

This model will build a complete ecosystem、Underlying system,Able to develop products for various types of products、Operator provides solid support。An excellent business model should be able to get through To B、Every link of To G and To C。

Can I understand our current attempts at To C-level products,Just made a small terminal?


Zhou Anbin:

We cooperate with the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences,Digital processing and presentation of scientific research data and research results,Applied in the large-scale IP product Fantasy Ocean World。

At the same time,We have also developed small and medium-sized products such as Marine Digital Exhibition,For different scenes such as scenic 188bet sports betting app download spots、City、Schools and research bases, etc.,Constructed a product matrix。

These products take IP digitalization as the core,Through content with IP attributes such as Fantasy Ocean World,Create a variety of digital cultural and creative products,Let users customize、Experience the growth and changes brought about by AIGC technology。Future,Physical cultural creation and digital cultural creation will be combined,Form a rich industrial chain。We hope to pass the ocean culture、Integration of big data,From digital production to product implementation,Gather fans、Attract traffic,In turn, it will drive the development of surrounding industries,Formation of diversified industrial forms。


Liu Zhaohui:

Three major factors in the production of material materials——labor force、Labor、Labor information,Also the core of the business model。Looking at Jindong’s 20 years of accumulation from this perspective,You can see that it is transforming accumulated digital data into more efficient production materials,If by voice——Similar to “Get”Such a platform,Interpret books into 20-minute products and achieve profitability——Jindong is also exploring its unlimited means of production。

Originally two-dimensional、Digital data base,The dimension may be upgraded to three dimensions in the future、Integrated with the scene,The key lies in the continuous innovation mechanism、Find the right partner、What kind of organization to establish。

Every enterprise is seeking sustainable productivity to continuously release value。What kind of future vision does Jindonghui have??


Zhou Anbin:

We have always been committed to VR、AR、MR and three-dimensional space computing field,Knowing the importance of digital upgrade and transformation to all walks of life。Jindong’s positioning is through digital intelligence、Innovation and creativity,Promote digital upgrading and transformation in various industries。


Jindong City Homo sapiens IP“Qingdao Xiaoman”

Although the development cycles of different industries are different,But we believe they will all benefit from digitization。Our goal is to build Jindong into an industrial technology center,Provide technology for practitioners、Product、Management、Financial and other aspects of support。

To change an industry,Requires professional capabilities in this industry,Also requires universal mathematical ability。Every time you enter a new area,We all need to have a deep understanding of this industry,Also maintain innovation and breakthrough,Only in this way can we truly help the digital upgrade of the industry。

Therefore,We will focus on several key industries,It may even be possible to focus on one industry in depth,Realize the transformation from to b to to c,Bringing substantial changes and improvements to the industry。


Liu Zhaohui:

From To C to To B、To G is relatively easy,On the contrary, it will be difficult,This is mainly due to the complexity of organizational changes and system adjustments。

Like Amazon、Ali、Tencent、Douyin and other companies,Initially accumulated a large number of users in the To C field,And then successfully transformed to To B or To G services,This is due to their rich data and transformation capabilities。

However,To B、If To G companies want to transform into To C field,faces huge challenges,Because this involves not only major adjustments to the organizational structure,The market still needs to be cultivated、Provide services,This is very different from the traditional profit model。

Many companies are facing this kind of transformation,Often hesitant because of worries about risks,Everyone is used to making tens of millions,Suddenly I was asked to sacrifice 10 million,Go to To C,I don’t know if it will work yet。Then,Are you mentally prepared,To meet this challenging market change?


Zhou Anbin:

I have the following ideas about the transition to C:

First,We must make up our minds,Be well prepared,Put yourself into it wholeheartedly,This is crucial;

Secondly,We should try it in a scene we are familiar with,Avoid entering areas that you are not good at at all,This can reduce the difficulty;

final,We need to rebuild a team with to C experience,Let them operate independently,Separate from the original business,To ensure the smooth progress of the transformation。


Liu Zhaohui:

Organizational innovation mechanism is crucial to enterprise development,But often ignored。Behind the changes in product market,More attention needs to be paid to organizational changes and mechanism adjustments。

Switching to the To C market is not a simple matter,Facing new challenges,Need to integrate supply chain、Putting into the market and undergoing huge innovation pressure。In today’s exchange,We 188bet sports betting app download have an in-depth discussion on the development and future of Jindong Digital Innovation,Learning from innovative ideas and practical cases。

I hope everyone will continue to pay attention to Jindong Digital Innovation,And have in-depth exchanges with Mr. Zhou。

Today’s Long Que Hui Living Room event has come to an end,Thanks Mr. Zhou for sharing。


The source of this article is Zhihui, and the copyright belongs to the original author.

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