Morning of October 20th,The first torch of the 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino is lit,The Winter Olympics officially enters Beijing time。Although affected by sporadic outbreaks in recent days,Users’ travel enthusiasm fluctuates slightly,But Tongcheng travel big data display,Spurred by news about the Winter Olympics,The popularity of tourism-related searches in Beijing increased by 130% month-on-month on that day。Beijing、Zhangjiakou’s hotels and air tickets to Beijing from various places have attracted tourists’ attention。
The tourists who pay the most attention to winter tourism in 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino are from 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino、Hebei、Guangdong、Shanghai、Jiangsu、Shandong、Liaoning、Henan、Heilongjiang and Zhejiang。Among them,Guangdong、Shanghai、Tourists from Jiangsu and other southern provinces,Also has great enthusiasm for the Winter Olympics and ice and snow tourism。(CCTV)