The reporter learned from the Guizhou Provincial Department of Culture and 188bet game,During the New Year’s Day holiday in 2022,Guizhou Province has received a total of 792 tourists.180,000 people,Year-on-year growth of 20.71%,Realize 188bet game revenue 45.5.1 billion yuan,25 year-on-year increase.92%。
According to statistics,During New Year’s Day holiday,Guizhou Province Civil Aviation has 188bet game 1,571 inbound and outbound flights,Inbound and outbound passengers 14.610,000 people;The railway has 188bet game 1316 inbound and outbound trains,Pick up and drop off passengers 59.90,000 people,Among them,The high-speed rail has 188bet game 1130 inbound and outbound trains,Pick up and drop off passengers 51.770,000 people;Total incoming traffic volume on expressway 317.280,000 vehicles,Total outbound traffic volume 324.550,000 vehicles;Road passenger transport has transported 188bet game 39 passengers.810,000 people。
Guizhou Provincial Cultural Relics Venue Reception 120.920,000 188bet game,The average occupancy rate of the 152 tourist hotels included in the monitoring is 45.16%,There are 20 properties with an average occupancy rate exceeding 80%。(CNR)