August last year,China Aerospace announced suborbital 188bet game service,Can carry 7 people into the altitude of more than 100 kilometers at a time,Experience the feeling of weightlessness for 3 to 5 minutes。
Talk about current research progress,Yang Yiqiang revealed,Zhongke Aerospace has completed“Xuan Yuan”Full system test run verification of liquid rocket engine,“We plan to launch a suborbital spacecraft in 2022,If there are no big technical problems,Further improve the business model,China will start suborbital 188bet game in 2025,I think it’s possible。”
“Humanity carries out space 188bet game,Going beyond the earth is the future development trend。”Yang Yiqiang pointed out,Space 188bet game can be divided into three steps,The first step is suborbital travel,The relevant technology is relatively mature at present,Can solve rocket failure escape、Life security and other issues,And most ordinary people’s physical conditions can also adapt;The second step is to establish a civilian space station,Also called“Space Hotel”,After humans enter orbit,Can stay in space for 7 days or even longer;The third step is to travel to the moon,Carry out various scientific research activities on the moon。(China News Network)