Ministry of Transport: A total of 5 passengers will be sent during the 2022 Spring 188bet online casino games3.9 billion people,Less than 40% of the same period in 2019
188bet online casino games Benefits 2022-02-09

February 8,The State Council’s Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism held a press conference,Introducing the relevant situation of epidemic prevention and control during and after the Spring Festival。Han Jinghua, Deputy Director of the Transportation Services Department of the Ministry of Transport said,Since this year’s Spring Festival Transport started on January 17,Overall, the operation is smooth and orderly。Spring Festival Passenger Flow Present“Pre-holiday 188bet online casino games steadily increasing、188bet online casino games low during the festival”13281_13284。As of yesterday (February 7), a total of 5 passengers have been sent.3.9 billion people,An increase of approximately 42% compared with the same period in 2021.8%,Less than 40% of the passenger flow in the same period in 2019 before the epidemic。Among them,Railway 1.200 million visitors,Highway 3.900 million visitors,9.01 million waterway passengers,Civil aviation 18.89 million passengers。(People’s Daily Online)

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