China Eastern Airlines said it will assess the 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino impact of the accident,The three major airlines collectively lost more than 40 billion last year
Big Traffic 2022-03-31

March 30 evening,Air China, the three major state-owned airlines、China Southern Airlines、China Eastern Airlines has disclosed its annual reports。2021,The three major airlines all suffered tens of billions of losses,And the amount of losses further expanded compared with the same period last year。Overall view,The total losses of the three major airlines reached 409.5.7 billion yuan。

It’s worth noting,China Eastern Airlines stated in the annual report,March 188bet online sports betting 21, 2022,A Boeing 737 passenger plane of China Eastern Airlines Yunnan, a subsidiary of the company, crashed while performing a Kunming-Guangzhou flight mission。After the plane crash,The company attaches great importance to it,Start the emergency mechanism immediately,Carry out full rescue and aftermath work。The cause of the accident is still under investigation。The company will closely follow up on the follow-up progress of the investigation,Assess its impact on the company’s financial condition、Influence on operating 188bet online sports betting results and other aspects。

Annual reports of the three major airlines,Air China achieves operating income of 745 in 2021.3.2 billion yuan,YoY growth of 7.23%;Net loss 166.400 million yuan,Loss 144 in the same period last year.100 million yuan。China Southern Airlines’ performance also declined again last year。Achieve operating income of 1016 in 2021.4.4 billion yuan,9 year-on-year increase.81%;Net loss 121.0.3 billion yuan,Loss 108 in the same period last year.4.2 billion yuan。China Eastern Airlines achieves operating income 188bet app of 671 in 2021.300 million yuan,14 year-on-year increase.5%;Net loss reached 122.1.4 billion yuan,YoY increase and loss 3.800 million yuan。From the perspective of profitability,Air China ranks last among the three major airlines,And once again set the worst performance in the company’s history。Because Air China accounts for the highest proportion of international routes among Chinese airlines,The impact is also more direct。(Securities Times)

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