13 cultural tourism projects 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino signed in Chengdu,Amount reached 114.500 million yuan
Cultural Tourism Benefits 2022-06-13

Days ago,“‘Meet in Park City to create the future of cultural tourism’Chengdu Cultural Tourism Industry Circle and Strong Chain Investment and Signing Promotion Conference”Held at Qionglai Qiongyao Archaeological Site Park,Aims to build a cooperation platform between cities in the field of cultural tourism。

Onsite,Chengdu launched a total of 62 188bet sports betting app download cultural tourism investment projects、42 future park community investment projects,13 cultural tourism investment projects were officially signed on site,The contract amount reached 114.500 million yuan。What’s more noteworthy is,Chengdu also released “Cultural Tourism Chengdu”APP cultural tourism consumption benefit subsidy activity。

Activity site,Representatives from the Municipal Bureau of Culture, Tourism and Tourism released a list of opportunities for Chengdu’s cultural tourism industry and future park communities,Including Qiongyao Heritage Park RV Campground、62 188bet sports betting app download cultural tourism investment 188bet app projects including camping in Beihu Ecological Park,And Gazelle Valley Future Park Community Digital Cultural and Creative Park、42 future park community investment projects including Egret Bay Science and Technology Ecological Park,Full display of Chengdu’s cultural tourism resources,Promote cultural tourism enterprises to accurately match supply and demand。This event,Chengdu Panda Base Ocean World、Red Star Macalline Immersive Space Art Experience Center、Mojiang Shanyue——Qionglai Smart 188bet app download Health Vacation、JD International Live Broadcasting Industrial Park、Cyber ​​Park Film and Television Industry and Entertainment Complex、Representatives from both parties of 13 cultural and tourism projects including Chengdu Xinfeixiang Digital Cultural and Creative Building came to the stage to sign the contract,Signing amount 114.500 million yuan。(Chengdu Business Daily)

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