Civil Aviation Administration: Promote the development of low-altitude 188bet game,Support expansion of air tours
Big Traffic 2022-06-14

June 13,The official website of the Civil Aviation Administration of China released "“14th Five-Year Plan”Special Plan for the Development of General Aviation” (hereinafter referred to as the “Plan”),It is proposed to promote the development of low-altitude 188bet game,Support cultural and 188bet game authorities to expand air tours、High-altitude skydiving and other coverage of scenic spots,Establish connection to scenic spots、Resort、Low-altitude travel network for theme parks and other tourist destinations。Proposed by "Plan",Support the development of local governments“General aviation + 188bet game”,Encourage 188bet game-based travel、Theme Tour、Experiential tours and other forms enrich the connotation of low-altitude 188bet game,Support poverty relief areas to develop general aviation-specific leisure agriculture and boutique 188bet game。(

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