188bet mobile enterprises live toward death and escape the fate of death?

Industrial 188bet mobile Author of 188bet mobile article: Miao Zhaoguang 2017-05-31
From being a successful classic teaching case in various 188bet mobile schools to falling into 188bet mobile difficulties,Acquired successively。The corporate encounters between Nokia and Motorola,Let the management academic community reflect,Starting to doubt whether the company has a password for sustainable operation。

15 years ago,I am still studying for an MBA at Renmin University,Nokia at that time、Motorola is being used as a case study by various business schools as a successful classic。Year,An interview with Nokia CEO Ollila can make the media hype for a long time,Young people’s pursuit of a Nokia6100 is no less than their love for the iPhone 7P today,Domestic mobile phone companies have been suppressed and are helpless。But,No one would have thought of 188bet mobile,A few years later,Nokia and Motorola are in business difficulties,Acquired successively。

After graduation,I entered the management consulting industry,has been committed to studying corporate growth issues。The original ideal is,Looking forward to finding companies that will transcend human lifespan,Methods to keep a long-lasting business。But,As the research deepens,I found the conclusion very discouraging: businesses are just like people,188bet mobile will irreversibly die。

I believe everyone has read the book "The Pursuit of Excellence",Its author is the famous American management scientist Peters。Year,Once 188bet mobile book is released,received unprecedented sales,6 million copies distributed in the United States alone。In the book "In Pursuit of Excellence",Peters summarized the management experience of 43 of the best companies at the time,Find out how a company can survive in the long term,Eight qualities to live well。One time,Everyone in the management and business circles has a treasure,became a management guide at that time。But the problem is,188bet mobile book was published less than five years ago,Half of the 43 model companies recommended in the book are dead。

To this,The management academic community has reflected on 188bet mobile,Starting to doubt whether the company has a password for sustainable operation。A few years later,The other two scholars, James Collins and Jerry Bolles, seem unwilling to do so,The book "Built to Last" has been released again。Before launching this book,Their research attitude is more cautious,Selected 18 outstanding companies with an average history of more than a century for research,I came up with something that the writer thinks is very reliable,Standards for an enterprise to last forever,188bet mobile once became a textbook that the industry strives to learn from。But,Unfortunately,Not long after this book was released,Among the companies he studied,Three companies are in operating difficulties,This also includes the well-known industry leader Motorola。

These facts all illustrate a problem,188bet mobile is difficult for companies to survive for a long time。Although many businesses look great,But 188bet mobile may be defeated by some external force overnight。can be seen,Under the current fierce competition,There are many people in the corporate world who are surpassed when business is booming,Or a failure case that collapsed from within。The possibility of a company’s long-term survival is getting lower and lower。

In 1987,"Entropy: A New World View" is out。In this book,Author (Jeremy Rifkin / Ted Howard,USA) Based on the second law of thermodynamics,Proposed a new perspective,That is, any organization will die,Including universe。The second theorem of thermodynamics is also called the entropy theorem,188bet mobile says,Energy will definitely transfer from a high state to a low state,Transition from exploitable state to unavailable state,And 188bet mobile is irreversible。So the author thinks,The world is the same,188bet mobile must be a one-way transfer of energy。and,Although energy is conserved,But 188bet mobile cannot be reused。For organizations,Within any organization,Negentropy may accumulate more and more,Thereby making the entire organization become less and less dynamic。

Mr. Ren Zhengfei, President of Huawei, was obviously influenced by "Entropy: A New Worldview",Always vigilant and pessimistic about the development of enterprises。He thinks,Enterprises will inevitably die irreversibly,So we see,Mr. Ren’s speeches are always full of a sense of crisis。Therefore,Whenever someone asks,What is Huawei’s strategy?He always says,Huawei’s strategy is to survive。At any 188bet mobile,Huawei’s strategy is to live longer、Live longer。

2. 188bet mobile is the only means to extend the life of an enterprise

Since the enterprise cannot survive forever,Then the only effort 188bet mobile can make is to find ways to live longer。If an enterprise wants to survive longer,We must establish a culture of change。

1. 188bet mobile life (experience-learning)

There is a paradox in human life。Let’s see,188bet mobile is difficult for many college students to find a job after graduation,Because even though he has some theoretical knowledge,But there is no experience in handling specific matters,Only on paper。At this time,For enterprises,He has no ability yet。So,When looking for a job after graduation,They handed out a lot of resumes,The chances of being hired are very few。Therefore,Accumulating experience when a person is young is the basic element for gaining ability。

In five or six years after graduating from college,They gradually accumulated a certain amount of experience,Acquired some abilities,So 188bet mobile gradually became “valuable”,And established his position in the enterprise。As time goes by,When they reach 30 years old、When I am 40 years old,More and more experience,My abilities are getting stronger and stronger,This status is increasingly strengthened。

But,In another 10 years,That is when they reach 40-50 years old,When a person’s experience has accumulated to a certain level,188bet mobile has become difficult for him to cope with new things。So,We see,Many people around the age of 50 have a very low acceptance of the Internet。For young people,Mobile Internet、The arrival of the artificial intelligence era seems to be a particularly natural process,But for their previous generation,188bet mobile is so difficult to understand。This is difficult to understand,188bet mobile’s not because my IQ and understanding have become lower,188bet mobile’s because learning ability is declining。

Why do people reach a certain age,His learning ability will decrease?Because,The original experience fixed his way of understanding the world,He is used to using past experiences to understand new things。At 188bet mobile time,Experience becomes a bondage。So,188bet mobile is the paradox of life,In the early days, we kept summarizing in order to accumulate experience、Refining、Cure,But at a certain stage in life,188bet mobile experience will bind you。

2. The paradox of 188bet mobile (capabilities - opportunities)

Let’s look at the company,There is also a paradox。Enterprise in the early stages of development,For example, a startup company,When 188bet mobile is doing the market,There is no fixed method,There are no fixed routines。Everyone has no experience,Has not received the necessary training,Unable to form organized capabilities,All actions depend on personal talents。So,Enterprise in the startup stage,Or in the early stages of its development,The boss is often a very key figure。

What are the capabilities of the 188bet mobile?There is a suitable method,Have a stable process,Necessary trained human resources available。Therefore,Many companies are advocating,Be sure to build capabilities on the organization。In other words,Enterprises must carry out corporate activities around the construction of capabilities。

But,When the enterprise gradually develops、When we grow stronger,When 188bet mobile gradually acquires certain capabilities,We will find out,188bet mobile can only do things that match its capabilities。And when opportunities change,When enterprises are facing transformation,188bet mobile starts to become powerless,For example, Nokia。When Apple’s iPhone calls,Nokia is at a loss。188bet mobile is not that the disruptive consequences of the iPhone cannot be seen clearly,But because its values ​​are solidified、The process is solidified、Human ability structure has also been solidified,So there is no way to deal with the new market opportunities brought by the iPhone。This is the helplessness of this type of established enterprises。

Similarly,Why Xiaomi seized these opportunities?That’s because 188bet mobile has nothing。When an emerging enterprise without history faces the opportunities of the times,On the contrary, 188bet mobile can embrace 188bet mobile without any restraint。So,The Motorola team did not help Motorola figure out how to respond to industry changes,But when they were poached by Xiaomi,But 188bet mobile can develop popular products in a short period of time。

At this time,Let’s look at the enterprise,The capabilities 188bet mobile accumulated in the early stages of development,188bet mobile’s time for opportunities to change,Instead, 188bet mobile has become a burden to the company。So,What I understand is the corporate paradox,In the ongoing development process,Enterprises must continue to build their core capabilities around business,When opportunities change again,Efforts to get rid of this existing capability structure。

Therefore,Facing the paradox of enterprises,For entrepreneurs,Or for business management researchers,188bet mobile is also a very difficult and painful thing。We have to face the paradox of life,We also have to face the paradox of enterprises。

3. Enterprises should inherently have a culture of 188bet mobile

In order to solve the paradox of this enterprise,Many excellent companies at the beginning of their development,Inject a culture of change into 188bet mobile。

Huawei’s culture of 188bet mobile

Take Huawei as an example。We all know several important data about Huawei,For example, 188bet mobile will spend more than 10% of its sales revenue on research and development every year,For example, its R&D personnel account for 45% of the total number of employees,These data are widely known。But,In the growth process of Huawei,There is another key data that is rarely mentioned,That is, Huawei must spend 3% of its total sales revenue on corporate reform every year。This means,When the company achieves sales revenue of 10 billion,188bet mobile will spend 300 million to promote corporate changes。Today,188bet mobile has reached a sales scale of 500 billion,So,188bet mobile spends 15 billion every year to promote corporate change,This is an amazing investment。

Such a big expense,How do companies use 188bet mobile?Every year Huawei will identify areas where the company is not suitable for future development,And make targeted changes。Early,Most of its investment is used for consulting companies, etc.,Through the boundary of "outer brain",Use external forces to help enterprises promote change。Now,Huawei’s management level and personnel quality have reached unprecedented heights,Therefore,Looking for the power of change from within has become mainstream。Every year 188bet mobile identifies the best business managers from various fields,Let them jump out of their current positions,Look for the incompatibility within the company,And promote some changes。

Don’t accumulate small flows,There is no way to make a river;No silicon step,No way to reach a thousand miles。Over the years,188bet mobile is precisely because of this continuous investment of energy and expense in change,188bet mobile is the driving force accumulated over time,As a result, Huawei has not undergone major changes,There is no need for major changes,Always stay positive、Positive development。

Toyota’s 188bet mobile of continuous improvement

Internationally,There are also many companies with the cultural gene for continuous change。In Toyota,This kind of cumulative change is called continuous improvement。We visited Toyota,Workers and cadres at all levels who see 188bet mobile have the habit of timely reflection。Every time period,Everyone will reflect on where they have wasted?What aspects of performance are insufficient?What are the ways to improve quality, etc.。As long as its workers find problems, they will make adjustments to the corresponding work procedures or assembly lines。188bet mobile can be said,Within Toyota,From business to individual,Everyone is always looking for their own shortcomings,And work hard to correct 188bet mobile。These are actually cultures of change。

Lenovo’s 188bet mobile reviewed

As another outstanding domestic company, Lenovo,Also has this culture of 188bet mobile。At Lenovo,The essence of review is to summarize and review past tasks,Analyze business processes and your own behavior,And use the results of analysis for continuous improvement。

Our research on 300 188bet mobile

About ten years ago,I am doing research on corporate culture with several colleagues。In this process,We have also been in trouble。We found,Many good companies express their values ​​in similar ways,Their value factors are very close。such as customer、188bet mobile、Innovation、The probability of words such as efficiency being particularly high。

At that time,We have also summarized the successful practices of about 300 outstanding companies in the world。Among these 300 outstanding companies,More than 200 companies have proposed changes in their values。188bet mobile can be seen from this,In fact, the most important measure for enterprises to deal with aging and even death,In other words, the core competitiveness of an enterprise is change。Change means building a culture of change,We must constantly activate our ability to adapt to the outside world through changes,Continuously get rid of the negative factors that have affected the further development of the company in the past,Prevent the solidification and rigidity of enterprises,Only can enterprises continuously adapt to the uncertain future。

3. Types of 188bet mobile

Since for enterprises,If you want your business to last forever,We must always maintain a state and mentality of 188bet mobile,Then,Let’s see again,How many types of enterprise changes are there??

1. Strategic transformation

Enterprise changes are nothing more than divided into two categories。Among them,The first type is what we usually call strategic transformation。Strategic transformation refers to,When the company’s environment changes,Including changes in customer needs、Increased competitive pressure, etc.,The business model of the enterprise needs to be adjusted accordingly。And behind the strategic transformation,188bet mobile will definitely draw out the organizational mechanism、Personnel structure、A series of adjustments to human resources structure, culture, etc.。

2. Changes in 188bet mobile growth

Although 188bet mobile is difficult,But predecessors have summarized many methodologies on enterprise changes caused by strategic transformation,Enterprise practice also provides us with many mature solutions。And today we are going to talk about another kind of change,That is, the changes in the growth process of the enterprise。

In the process of enterprises moving from the entrepreneurial stage to the mature stage,In fact, there are two organizational changes。We know,A person goes through different stages of life,There must be a series of natural changes。For example,The process of growing up from childhood to adolescence,A series of psychological and behavioral adjustments are inevitable,Otherwise, we cannot say that he has "grown up"。For example,People in early childhood,Will cry when hungry、Bedwetting is not punished。But when he grows up,Is 188bet mobile okay if he does this again?If he continues to behave as a toddler,Then he either has a physical problem,Or 188bet mobile’s psychological、Questions of intelligence。This is human growth and transformation。

The same is true for enterprises,188bet mobile must change around its own growth。

In this model,We divide enterprises into five growth stages: Entrepreneurship stage、Opportunity growth stage、System growth stage、Tillering growth stage and reconstruction growth stage。About its core content,China’s cornerstone has special materials,Teacher Shi Wei also has related writings。Today,What I want to talk about is,When an enterprise crosses from one stage to another,188bet mobile is a process of change。

For example,If an enterprise wants to transition from the entrepreneurial stage to the opportunity growth stage,How should 188bet mobile be done?

First,We need to know,How does a company operate in the entrepreneurial stage。For example,When a startup enterprise still cannot find its market positioning,Or when its positioning is not accurate enough,Its common characteristic is constant trial and error。This is a process of constantly finding the one that suits you best among various opportunities。Also,When the business model of a startup is not yet mature,188bet mobile also requires constant exploration and trial,To find the most suitable method for the enterprise,Then you can gradually form your own model,And slowly develop and mature。At the same time,When its core team has not yet been formed,Enterprises will inevitably have to constantly replace people、Continuously grinding in,Only in order to finally form your own core team。Therefore,Enterprises grow through trial and error。final,After selecting the correct positioning,After finding your business field,The enterprise has entered the opportunity growth stage。

Therefore,The sign of a company in the opportunity growth stage is,Team formed,The pattern is also complete,The company has entered a period of rapid growth。At 188bet mobile time,Enterprises must undergo changes。

What specific changes are going to happen?For example,Enterprise habits must be changed。Original,The way we find new opportunities is through trial and error,But now 188bet mobile can’t。If the company reaches the opportunity growth stage and is still looking for opportunities repeatedly,Try again and again,Then 188bet mobile is no longer an opportunity-oriented enterprise,But opportunism。The correct approach is,Companies should focus on their own business areas,Develop in depth。

At the same time,In the entrepreneurial period,The main feature of enterprise management is not to complicate management,The main focus should be on building the team。How to form a team around,What are the rules of cooperation within the team,How to establish values,How to form a team’s thinking method,And how to establish the basic mechanism of team development, etc. to build your own team。But,At the opportunity growth stage,What enterprises need to do is to build key functions,Build capabilities in key aspects of your own business model。At 188bet mobile time,If the enterprise cannot yet establish effective system capabilities,At least you must have a mindset of building capabilities。

But,Unfortunately,Many companies cannot complete this conversion,So much so that 188bet mobile reaches a very large size,The enterprise’s own capabilities have not yet been established,Still dependent on opportunism、Depends on the release of personal abilities。

Same,The enterprise transitions from the opportunity growth stage to the system growth stage,There are also many problems。For example,In the system growth stage,Enterprises mainly rely on standardized processes、Professional management,Growth mainly depends on decentralization。But,Many companies can’t do 188bet mobile。Behind this,Existing cultural barriers,There are also bottlenecks in capacity structure, etc.,So the company has been unable to make the leap。

And we emphasize again and again,Because the growth method of each stage is different,If an 188bet mobile wants to achieve a staged leap,System changes must be carried out。otherwise,When a company always stays at the previous stage,When sustainable development is no longer possible,The 188bet mobile will become unstable。

Of course,At the reconstruction stage,After the enterprise is too mature and rigid,To reactivate the vitality within the organization,188bet mobile must be like a small business,Highly flexible。At this time,Its transformation is to transform into a small business model。Regardless of the form of change,The most important thing is,Change is a key proposition for enterprises to cross every stage in their growth process。

4. 188bet mobile is a systematic project

1.188bet mobile involves strategy、Culture、Organization、Mechanism、Resource structure

The reason why enterprise change is difficult,The reason is,Change is a systematic project,188bet mobile involves strategy、Culture、Organization、Mechanism and resource structure, etc.,188bet mobile can be said that there are many obstacles。In this process,There must be systematic changes,We have to overcome the obstacles of the past again。The problem with most companies is,Inconsistency between various elements,Can’t take care of everything。

For example,I provided consulting services for a pharmaceutical company more than ten years ago。Early,This company has achieved market success through a single product of a certain external medicine,This is also the approach adopted by most companies today。But,Rely on single product to achieve success,In fact, 188bet mobile is a collection of many accidental factors,Maybe the resources are appropriate,Maybe 188bet mobile’s a coincidence。And accidental success,Often restricts the further development of enterprises。For example,When we conducted research on this pharmaceutical company, we found out,The market capacity of the single drug that led to its success was less than one billion。Although 188bet mobile had reached a scale of 300-400 million at that time,This is a pretty good achievement,has a high market share,But,Due to market capping,If you want to grow,188bet mobile can only start developing new products,Or build a new business。

But the problem is,When building a new business,188bet mobile has made many attempts,Including further development in the field of pharmaceuticals,From single products to stomach medicine、Go to some large category markets such as cardiovascular drugs,Also includes the development of health care products, etc.。But,No matter how 188bet mobile tries,No substantial breakthrough can be achieved。

2. Inconsistency between various elements,Brings many obstacles to 188bet mobile

Later,After our analysis,This company is actually going to undergo a change。Because the market for its old business has stabilized,Organization method、The incentive model and so on have been stabilized and solidified,But when doing new business,But encountered a different approach than before。For example,The famous melatonin in the health care products industry、Sanzhu oral liquid and other products,In the market, 188bet mobile is generally adopted to hold high and strike high,High Advertising、High investment approach。But,The original method of this pharmaceutical company was intensive farming,I use slow work to cultivate the market。So,In the market of health care products,Its original experience is no longer applicable,Cannot even break through the minimum size to establish influence。

At this time,Its boss began to reflect,Prepare to increase investment,and make changes in the market。But then he discovered,Too many difficulties。Original,The company’s executives have a very mature understanding and very stubborn ideas on how to do business,They are used to developing new business in the original way。But,Because the original human resources structure, etc. cannot meet the needs of new business,The boss wants to adjust the policy。The adjustment to the policy is actually a major 188bet mobile,Just put forward the business,Make a good strategy,This 188bet mobile is far from complete。

Later,Based on our continuous observation of this company,Discovered that 188bet mobile ultimately failed to overcome obstacles,This change was not continued。The Difficulty of Enterprise Change,188bet mobile can be seen through this case。188bet mobile’s hard to change one’s habits,Not to mention the relationship between people、Between people and organizations,The relationship that is solidified from the structure。The invisible powerful force 188bet mobile forms,often makes reforms difficult。At the same time,The market will not wait for your growth,Enterprises are also subject to the pressure and constraints of profitability。

So,Change is a high-risk act。Business versus strategy、Culture、Organization、Mechanism adjustment process,In fact, 188bet mobile is a break in the order of the organization。In the process of breaking this order,If the company is also under pressure from growth,Profit constraints,Change will become more difficult。

5. Six elements of organizational 188bet mobile

Since 188bet mobile is a systematic project,So in general,Promote a strategic transformation,Driving a 188bet mobile,Or when a staged leap in growth is completed,What aspects should companies pay attention to?Based on the empirical model we summarized,There are probably the following elements:

1. 188bet mobile model

First is the business model。How to promote changes in business models,This is easy to understand。When an enterprise undergoes external conversion,Must have the competitiveness to surpass the opponent。For example,Your service is more suitable for customers,Your cost structure is lower、Better ability to obtain resources, etc.。This comes from the pressure of competition,188bet mobile is what enterprises must do。So,Enterprise reform should mainly take the change of business model as the starting point。

2.188bet mobile

Secondly,188bet mobile is the value derived from the business model。Many times,When companies are building values,Often a lot of keywords are extracted。Actually,188bet mobile doesn’t matter how you describe your values,The most important thing is,These values ​​should be derived from what you want to do in business,188bet mobile’s a question of how you have to do 188bet mobile。188bet mobile is an objective standard that can measure the goals and behaviors of an enterprise。

For example,A good consultant,While selecting this row,188bet mobile means that he must choose to adapt to the lifestyle of long-term business trips。Currently,There is no consultant who sits at home and serves as a consultant for major companies,We must go deep into the customer’s site,Refining the company’s advantages,And sort out and judge the problems。So,For a consulting firm,You must have one of your values,Think of business trips as a way of life。In addition,Must also be willing to communicate、Good at communication, etc.。

At the same time,Management consultants must be well-read。Facing a changing era and a customer group with increasingly higher levels of knowledge,We must have enough information,Enables us to understand our customers’ demands。otherwise,Both parties cannot even interact,Not to mention the effect of communication。So,Values ​​are related to what the company does,188bet mobile is the endogenous demand developed by enterprises when they are engaged in certain fields。

So,When an enterprise changes its business model,We also need to adjust our values。Take Huawei as an example。We all know,In the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident in Japan,War in Africa、When the plague breaks out,Huawei employees are on the front line of maintaining local telecommunications facilities。At that time,Many family members of Huawei employees provide opinions to the company,188bet mobile is a people-oriented era,Can Huawei adjust its strategy,Can employees be withdrawn from dangerous places?

Ren Zhengfei is very considerate of his family members,So a family meeting was held。At the symposium,He expressed some opinions very pertinently: First of all,Employees cannot be evacuated from the disaster site。Because Huawei is doing telecommunications、Communication Equipment,These devices are a country’s infrastructure。In times of war,The chain of command is crucial;In the face of disaster,The communication network must be smoother。This is the responsibility of the enterprise,188bet mobile is also our commitment。If our employees evacuate in times of danger,188bet mobile’s like taking money from the bottom of the cauldron at a critical moment,Putting our customers at risk,Then,188bet mobile is obvious that our business cannot continue,188bet mobile will also have a blow to the survival of enterprises。So,Ren Zhengfei also said 188bet mobile very sincerely to his family,188bet mobile’s understandable that you care about your family,Also understandable。But,Huawei’s values ​​and policies cannot be shaken。As an individual,You can mobilize your family members to return home,But,In order to enable business to proceed better,We must inspire those employees who persist on the front line during difficult times,Because they adhere to the company’s values,Guaranteed the company’s business,We must let them reap the rewards。Such words,The meaning expressed is very clear,That is, the company cannot adjust needs for the benefit of individual people。

What this case tells us,Values ​​are endogenous from what the company does。So,When the business changes,Companies actually need to adjust their company values。So,The second element of 188bet mobile is the 188bet mobile in values ​​brought about by changes in business。

3. Changes 188bet mobile three major mechanisms

And the adjustment of values,188bet mobile will affect the changes in the three major mechanisms。In my article - "Six Principles to Avoid Management Failure",Talk about decentralization、cents、Evaluate the basic mechanisms of these three major enterprises。That is to say,When the business changes,Your values ​​will also change。Therefore,The decentralization method of enterprises、The methods of distributing money and evaluation methods must also be changed accordingly。

4. Cultural atmosphere of 188bet mobile

Based on the previous foundations,There is another most important factor,188bet mobile is the cultural atmosphere of change。We see,Anything that is energetic,Live better、Companies that live longer,They usually create an atmosphere of change,Including the aforementioned Toyota、Huawei, etc.,I won’t go into details here。

In general,There are several elements of enterprise 188bet mobile that we must coordinate when promoting an organizational 188bet mobile、Factors to measure。Should say,When an enterprise transitions from one state to another,The consistency of these elements with each other,Exactly the 188bet mobile goal we want to agree on。

6. Key points in promoting 188bet mobile

Earlier we talked about the difficulty of change and several of its basic elements。Then,When the company is ready to launch a change,What is the key point?I think 188bet mobile’s nothing more than these points,This is also the most important part of my experience。

1. Self-transcendence of entrepreneurs

The first key point is the self-transcendence of entrepreneurs。We said 188bet mobile,The most difficult thing to overcome in enterprise reform is the inertia formed over a long period of time,And in this inertia,The most stubborn force is actually the boss himself。

In the enterprise,All rules、All members can be changed,Only the boss is the most difficult to change。For entrepreneurs,Their control skills are very strong。In the organization,He integrated the resources,Employees are his choices,The cadres were appointed by him,He established the process...and every change involves the transformation of business processes,So,The boss has become the most critical factor。188bet mobile can be said,In many cases,Will the change be successful,Can the company grow bigger,188bet mobile often depends on the boss’s ability to change himself,Depends on how far he can transcend。

Of course,Many professional managers also realize this problem,So people often turn to consultants,Hope we can help promote the boss’s self-change。But,I can tell you frankly,188bet mobile is difficult for entrepreneurs to use external forces to change,They can only transcend themselves。

2. Establishment of a culture of 188bet mobile

The importance of changing culture,I have said a lot before。In those companies that really have a very strong ability to 188bet mobile,Must have a culture of 188bet mobile。

Still taking Huawei as an example。Year,Several experts who drafted Huawei’s Basic Law put forward three basic propositions,ie,Huawei at that 188bet mobile,There are three key questions to answer:1、What was the reason for Huawei’s past success?2、What crises and challenges Huawei faces?What successful experiences 188bet mobile still be used?What have become obstacles to Huawei’s growth?3、What will Huawei rely on for its future success?

These three questions are actually how Huawei can get rid of the past,How to adapt to the future points out the direction。Therefore,Huawei’s Basic Law is an important ideological legacy that Huawei can retain。Today,We passed Ren Zhengfei’s speech,See 188bet mobile through understanding the actual current situation of Huawei,These three basic propositions are Huawei’s revised strategies every year、The starting point for proposing a business plan。On this basis,Huawei conducts self-examination and self-evaluation every year。So we say,Huawei can remain strong for a long time,From the 1980s to the present,Able to maintain an annual average rate of 25%,Growing at a textbook growth rate,188bet mobile is precisely because of this culture of change。

3. Creating an atmosphere for 188bet mobile

When promoting a 188bet mobile,Need to create an atmosphere for 188bet mobile in advance。When promoting a 188bet mobile,A kind of field must be established,Bring employees a sense of crisis that they have to make changes。

4. The driving force of 188bet mobile

The most important point,188bet mobile lies in the driving force of change,188bet mobile is a crucial factor。

Why many corporate reforms fail?The entrepreneur said: My business staff dare not move、The sales staff dare not move、R&D staff dare not move。My business leader、Business Manager、General Manager,No one dares to move。With so many "dare not move" situations,The boss said,Now,Let’s drive change together!Then,Led by the boss himself,The following will arrange a vice president in charge of administration,Find a few more people who can properly leave the business,Establish a change leadership team,Attempting to conduct business process reengineering,Or promote the introduction of IPD, etc.,Work together to promote change。However,In this case,The boss is in charge only in name only,He still puts most of his energy into business,I was led by business。So,Although the company has established a decent leadership team,Some big project plans have also been established,But we found,This kind of change is destined to fail from the moment the team is established。Within the enterprise,The change has not actually attracted attention,These team members don’t even understand how the business works,So 188bet mobile doesn’t have the power to push。So,Those excellent companies like Huawei,Every time you push for change,People with important influence will be arranged in key business links,Arrange those who can truly implement 188bet mobile、People who implement and drive change will do 188bet mobile。Only those who know what the problem is,Talents who have feelings and experience of reality can promote the success of change。

Therefore,When enterprises promote change,We must ensure the power of change。Sufficient capacity must be arranged、People of influence and understanding,188bet mobile is also a group of people with the strongest desire for change to promote this change。

5. 188bet mobile strategy and setting of successful nodes

The setting of 188bet mobile strategies and 188bet mobile nodes is also very critical。We see,Many companies are eager to promote major changes,But this is exactly the taboo of 188bet mobile。The dilemma of 188bet mobile is greed for bigness,In the vain hope of achieving success in one go。The best changes often start from places where performance is easily produced。

For example,Around 2008,We enter an enterprise。At that time,This company is facing serious problems,For example, 188bet mobile encountered great operating pressure,Performance is declining。In the process of declining performance,Some problems are constantly exposed,Including long-term salary increase,Egalitarianism, etc.,The salary structure is extremely unreasonable。At the same time,Its performance has not played the necessary guiding role,So 188bet mobile brings a lot of pressure,188bet mobile can be described as internal and external troubles,Endless emergence。

Then,Since the salary is unreasonable,Can I increase my salary??For example,Proportional salary increase for each position,And adjust its structure to a reasonable level?But,Companies will find out once they do this,Your business space cannot support this kind of one-step adjustment。Falling performance,In case of bad business conditions,If the company’s monthly salary increases by three to four million,Then 188bet mobile will be 30 to 40 million a year。This is something that the business simply cannot handle,188bet mobile cannot allocate so much money from sales revenue to support reforms。

What should we do now?I raise 188bet mobile for its management,To find the key points of performance decline。After analysis,Everyone discovered,The main reason for the decline in performance is that the cost of new products cannot be reduced。So,This company has not launched a new product for three consecutive years。At the same time,The cost structure of old products is very high,The market price is continuing to decline again,The company’s gross profit margin has almost been lost。At this time,Companies cannot launch new low-cost products,has become the biggest obstacle to performance growth。

Therefore,We have found the starting point of 188bet mobile,Start with R&D personnel。For example,First sort out the business process of R&D,Establish an incentive mechanism that enables R&D to quickly launch new products;Second,Reform the wage system for R&D,Let the R&D staff stabilize first,Invest enough enthusiasm and passion。After following these steps,The enthusiasm for research and development was suddenly mobilized,They improved the company's performance in the short term。

After performance improves,Starting from the second year,We helped them drive marketing again、Changes in production and other sectors,And achieved good results。This case proves,The push for 188bet mobile,Be sure to start with those that are most likely to produce results,Start with the areas that are most likely to produce performance,In this way, the organization can see milestone results in the short term,Enable everyone in the company to see the company’s staged victories。When they find out there are changes in the company,After a positive trend begins,The personnel quickly stabilized,The patience of the entire enterprise will also be retained。

and,This gives everyone hope for change。Not only do they see positive developments in the company’s performance,Also understood the increase in personal income brought by reasonable salary adjustment,At this time,The resistance to change is reduced a lot。So,Push、188bet mobile is also crucial to formulate change strategies and control the staged nodes of change results。

*Source of 188bet mobile article: China Cornerstone e Insight,Author: Miao Zhaoguang,Original title: "Death is the fate of enterprises, but enterprises 188bet mobile live toward death

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