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Fu Sheng: Let’s talk about cognition and entrepreneurship again (first review of the cognitive thinking process)

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Fu Sheng2017-08-22

I have achieved a little bit like this today,The core is to obtain some knowledge and information on the new track that most people did not see in that era,Form a concept and ability about cognition。This ability,Let’s start from a grassroots level,Start to surpass many people。

Not long ago,I was invited to attend the Mingshi Capital Annual Meeting,Briefly shared some thoughts about cognition。I happened to be invited to share the same proposition with Baidu’s middle management。This reminds me of the two encounters I had with Baidu。Let’s start from here。

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I don’t believe it,The reason why I came to Beijing,Actually, it’s to take the postgraduate entrance examination。Because my university is not well-known,Jobs are hard to find。So the first idea at that time was to take the postgraduate examination。

That time,Beijing’s prices are very high,I only have 400 yuan with me,Want to rent a house,You still have to deposit one and pay three。So I had to go to the dormitory of Beihang classmates and squeeze in for two months。That’s it,Started part-time study。

The result is that the book was not read well,I didn’t do my job well either。final,Arguing with the leader,Send your resume as you please,accidentally hit,Joined a company called 3721。Not long after entering 3721,Just fight with Baidu。At this time,Baidu is here to poach us。We thought at the time,A small broken company like Baidu,Not going。Later,They are listed on the market,We are all devastated。

This is the first time I have missed Baidu.

The second pass with Baidu,I plan to leave from 3721。At that time,I have eaten with everyone from Baidu,As a result, classmate Zhou Hongyi made a long phone call to me,Tell me to go to Qihu。So,I became a 360 security guard。

Looking back on this journey,Just discovered,I am not what everyone thinks,Change the world as soon as you come up。I told Lei Jun,The book you read in college was "Silicon Valley Fire",Dream to change the world;The book I read is "Why Lenovo",I want to be a good employee at Lenovo。Then one day Cheetah went on the market,For this matter,I am also surprised。

I never thought I would do such a thing。I don’t think I have such a chance either。Of course,Go to work,Doing a better job,Be a good leader,There is a chance。But start a company,Even formed his own unique understanding in some aspects,I never thought of this。

This is 188bet sports betting app download what happened,After entering,The core is that I have entered a new track - the Internet。This is a new track that I have entered inexplicably。After entering,You find everything new。The so-called management that I wanted to learn from the beginning,In fact, it is related to the establishment and operation of Internet companies,Completely different。

I have achieved a little bit like this today,The core is to obtain some knowledge and information on the new track that most people did not see in that era,Form a concept and ability about cognition。This ability,Let’s start from a grassroots level,Start to surpass many people。

A person’s core ability is to gain cognition

Everyone knows,Zhang Quanling and I founded Ziniu Fund。I told Quan Ling at that time: My first job in Beijing happened to be in the building of the Information Technology Research Institute next to CCTV,Be a technical support position,And you are at the nearby CCTV Building;I am an ordinary college student who graduated from an ordinary school,And you are a famous CCTV host,At the highest starting point。But why one day we will have the opportunity to work together?Even with strategy,Determine direction,Everyone can agree。

In the past,Almost impossible。The core is all the skills she accumulated on that ship,In fact, it is an accumulation of industrialization and TVization formed in that era,And I completed the entire accumulation of the Internet on a new track,Wait until a new era of opportunity appears,Only can we meet。

If you enlarge the dimension,Think about those days,When the British fought the Opium War,It doesn’t matter how strong a person is,But the ship is strong and the guns are strong。Essentially their understanding of the entire modern physics。Including the understanding of a set of modern social governance institutions that the British later brought to Hong Kong,And awareness of maritime trade,Making Hong Kong develop rapidly。

Profound knowledge and accurate judgment are the core competitiveness

A person’s core ability is to gain cognition,And continuous upgrading of cognition。Even though everyone is on a new track,All in new dimensions,This is not the core;My opinion is deeper than yours,I make more accurate judgments than you,This is the core。

2001,Product manager position,Not as popular as it is today。That time,I don’t know what a product manager is either。For details,I’m not naturally concerned either。I’m thinking,What are my advantages?

I think,My advantage may be that I can always keep myself in a state of ignorance。Like a sponge,Open absorption state。

Zhou Hongyi interviewed me at that time,After he finished speaking,I think this person is like a god。Brain is so fast,Speaking so sharply,I can’t do it in my lifetime。

That time,I feel that I am too far away from him。My direct boss graduated from Stanford University,I also feel very far away。

Maybe,Because my starting point is not high,So I can keep it this way。

At the beginning,I would summarize it as a sponge-like absorption state。Later,I think it should be as 188bet online sports betting pious and curious as a primary school student。I see everyone,Everyone will wonder why he said that。

Product managers are just dancing in shackles

People from Baidu are also asking a question,Can product managers be trained??If product managers can cultivate,How to cultivate?

First,I think product managers can definitely be trained。But,Definitely not born。otherwise,It becomes metaphysics。Product manager is a framework methodology。I summarize it as dancing in shackles: there are certain rules,Cultivated,There is also actual combat。

But I remembered it later,There is a very important point,That is, the product manager should have been in a desperate situation,No resources、Nobody、No money,Can also make products to the extreme。Because we are in this state,You will put your attitude very low,racking your brains to think and study。

When working as a 360 security guard,There are only four of us。Because Zhou Hongyi spends all his energy on searching。He wants to destroy Baidu。He told me,Go and kill the other plug-ins,We have a lot of traffic。I will tell you what to do with four people?How to talk to Jinshan with 300 people,Rising ratio of 600 people?There is no chance of fighting this battle。

Precisely because there are few resources,Pay more attention to your own mentality。I couldn’t sleep every day。I used 8 words to describe my mentality,trembling,Walking on thin ice。I feel like I will fall over every wrong step。

Product is a system project。Every point must be learned。I think,It can be summed up by a sentence said by Steve Jobs - be as humble as a fool,thirsty for knowledge。

I never thought about this sentence seriously before。Actually, this is a way of always treating yourself as a fool,To everyone,They all look up like primary school students。For me,This may be a very important point in cognition。

The biggest difference between people is their cognition

The biggest difference between people is their cognition,instead of IQ。I also saw many excellent people。Fighting IQ,There are a bunch of people smarter than me。Skills Up,The difference is quantifiable。After entering,Three years later,All Lanxiang technical schools should offer deep learning courses,A large number of people come to perform data annotation work。

Like Qiu Bojun back then,Can reverse DOS,Write a WPS,Just create a golden mountain。Maybe not today。The difference in cognition is the essence。Thought I knew,Actually, there are many things you don’t know。

Self-righteous,The mortal enemy of self-awareness。Many people easily jump to conclusions,This is nothing special。Someone said,Sushi is rice and fish fillets。I still want to say,The murals of ancient primitive people are still BBS。If you look at it this way,There is no actual 188bet app download difference,But it can really form some understanding of essential differences,It is the core。

Self-denial,Just assume you don’t know,Assume that I am a novice。This is the core of different perceptions between people。

Think you know and really think you know,Not the same thing。I want to push thousands of people to switch to deep learning at Cheetah,It’s really difficult。You really think it’s important,But found no action。Many things cannot be falsified。In a cognition,Some are true,Some are fake,Maybe 70% is true,Majority,But maybe the 30% fakeness will lead to failure to do something。False this matter,Very important。This is why I say that product management is essentially a practical job。

Without action, it is pseudo-cognition

Thought I was great,Let me brag to everyone,There are 4 ways to write the word "huihui",Very easy。But it really needs to be turned into action,This is what entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs should do。

Assume that you are the 95% of people who don’t know what they don’t know。Be sure to stay alert。Relax your mind,There will be a series of reactions。The core is to believe,Believe that phenomena are laws。

A very important point,It’s called asking for advice,Find the leading party。Don’t believe that you can handle this。this,I also learned this from Mr. Lei。

He was making mobile phones at that time,Many people laughed。People who say they have never done hardware,What mobile phone to use,But he said,Never done it,It doesn’t matter,You can find someone who has done it。I was talking about deep learning at that time,A media person asked me,How does a hammer maker do deep learning?I said,Porsche also started out as a tractor back then。The core is whether you think it is important or not,Then just keep looking for resources。

Let go of fear, embrace change, and start a business without fear of trial and error

Change,It is the most difficult thing for a person to do。Although everyone is talking about embracing change,But it would be good if 5% of people embrace change。Often,99% of people,I don’t want to change at all。

There is a word called "but",for example,"This is a good thing,But,Not suitable for me”。What I’m particularly annoyed about now is “but”、"However"。Many times,We just believe in ourselves too much,Too afraid of the outside。

We must go all out to change,It’s okay if you’re wrong。The same is true for entrepreneurship。The core of the Internet,Just keep finding opportunities through trial and error。

I didn’t think much about strategy before,Especially when the cheetah is in full swing。Later,Start to think slowly,We encountered a problem today,There must be something wrong at every level。It must not be a simple attribution。Of course,It may be a 188bet app download direct trigger or manifestation。If you are strong enough,Your ability to resist pressure should be strong enough。If you don’t have that ability,It means there is no compaction underneath。

Three pillars of strategy: prediction, breaking point, All in

The cognitive gap between people will quickly widen。Past four years,Our company maintains an annual growth of 150%。But,Your understanding of this world,Your judgment ability,Can we keep doubling every year??It’s actually very difficult。This is doing things in solid state mode。

See a bright spot,We did it,I think my three axes are useful。But,After you discovered that you entered the deep water area,The three-blade ax is useless。I once took ten people with me,Just win this battle,What a wonderful era it was。

Past ten years,The Chinese Internet can do this。But later found out,Different,The results are getting worse and worse,The more I do, the more tired I become,The key is still aggrieved。Because I work hard every day,Then I didn’t do it well。The essence is that we lack methods。

So,Looking for the breaking point in the overall situation。Previously,Think little about strategy,Think less about the outlet。I remember,Zhou Hongyi once conveyed a sentence to me: "Just stick to one point and keep doing it,There will be a chance”。Discovered later,The Internet at that time was a serious scarcity economy。That time,Just like the Western Development,Opportunities are everywhere。As long as you want to do something,Survival is the way to go。So,The leftover is king。

Today is different,The Red Sea is competing。In this competitive situation,You really need to think carefully。Each point cannot be done individually,Maybe there is a chance if you keep doing it,But they have deployed heavy troops。Or there are many things,Beyond your knowledge。This requires you to have a thinking mode that combines structure and disruption。

I have talked about a three-part strategy before: prediction、Breaking point and All in。Actually,This generation of entrepreneurs,Tell more single-point stories,But there is less thinking about the pattern。

Pattern thinking is a thinking habit。At least for someone with a rough background like me,I used to think more about how to use a small point to pry。But the whole big industry、Big air outlet、Not thinking enough about big opportunities。All I see are some hot spots。Everything that comes to mind is some exciting points。

This era,Changes so fast,makes a so-called small excitement,Insignificant in the Red Ocean competition。First,It is difficult to form a real explosive force。Only when scarce,Only then can there be a chance of an outbreak。Second,It is difficult to form a breakout effect。The opponent is on guard against you,You only make 188bet online sports betting some highlights,Quickly extinguished。

If it were five years ago,Maybe I don’t think about it this way。That time,I feel like 360 ​​is made for free,Make another similar one,Can also do well。

But now,I would think,There are some keywords,Must think about it。If everyone was saying these words,Just keep these words in your mind and ponder them often。

I once communicated with the former CEO of Apple,He believes that the two abilities of the top leader are very critical。On the one hand,Can jump out,Opportunities to see various changes between industries。On the other hand,Can go deeper again,See changing connection points,Can you do this to the extreme。When there is an intersection between these two aspects,An era is about to begin,This is a huge industry opportunity。Both are indispensable。

This is why I keep emphasizing,Thinking with a pattern,Only with strategic understanding。The core of strategy,It is a roadmap for continuous advancement towards clear goals。

I once chatted with Martin, the president of Tencent,I said,Today’s headlines are quite fierce,Steal the traffic of your circle of friends,You must pay attention。He smiled bitterly and said: Yes,But you know the Internet is like a martial arts competition,You have a group of people,But can’t beat a master。The key point lies in the competition between two cognitions。

I reflected later,The company is growing rapidly,In fact, it is the growth of a group of people。And the cognition of this group of people,In fact, it is not growing as fast as the business。You give him a very important position,His knowledge of this industry ultimately represents the company’s knowledge,Something went wrong in the end。

I have been working in the cleaning industry for more than ten years,Including the previous 360 and Cheetah Cleaning Master,At this point of cleaning up,How users use mobile phones,My knowledge must have penetrated the entire industry。So,At this point,I can find opportunities。

Today in Internet company,You have to be in a field,At this cognitive point,There is someone you recognize very much,People who can really understand deeply,To take on important responsibilities。

Most afraid of letting the speaker’s cognition replace the industry’s cognition。The person who makes the report,Generally, there may not be an in-depth understanding of the industry。Last result,Looks like a lot of people voted for it,But the entire cognitive dimension is not deep enough。Invested a lot of resources,Reduced to invalid resource。

So we encountered some difficulties,No problem。Afraid of encountering difficulties,You think this is the truth,Not updating knowledge。This is fatal。

final,I want to say,Entrepreneurship is a narrow escape from death。A huge systematic 188bet online sports betting project to start a business。Several highlights,It’s simply not enough to be the way。And there are only one or two blind spots,causing the whole thing to collapse。

Times are changing so fast,Fierce competition。Thinking about various dimensions for entrepreneurs,The requirements are getting higher and higher。Entrepreneurs should start from the heart,Reflect on the gaps in one’s own cognition。Even if you are diligent,Be smart and diligent。The key is,Diligence is just the foundation。

*Source of this article: WeChat public account "Shengsheng GO" (ID: fstalk),Original title: "Fu Sheng: Let’s talk about cognition again、Product managers and entrepreneurship (first review of cognitive thinking process)》 

The source of this article is Zhihui, and the copyright belongs to the original author.

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