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Industrial Investment Author of this article: Fu Sheng 2018-02-07
Review 2017,The most gratifying thing is,A decentralized Cheetah is taking shape。
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Past years,Cheetah Annual Meeting,From charter flight to Sanya,More than 2,000 people chartered a cruise around Japan and South Korea,Hundreds of people go skiing in Hokkaido,Pack two high-speed trains to go to Disneyland during the Spring Festival,Until this year, trains to Macau are guaranteed。Annual Meeting,It has become the most anticipated day for the cheetah people。And me,Usually I will take everyone to review at this moment,Reflection。As follows,Share it with you:)

Year after year.

This time of year,I will always look back on the road I have traveled。Sometimes,I feel happy,We are walking on a broad road;And sometimes,Suddenly alert again,We may encounter challenges we never thought of。

This year,For me,Growth is torn into pieces,Extreme,Evolved。

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2017,A concentrated outbreak of many difficulties: the PC market is sluggish,Overseas are also facing changes in the external environment,Facebook、Google makes massive changes to its entire mobile ad network,Sudden drop in income。

A whole year,Every three months,I think it is a test。The market is filled with various voices,Includes stock price performance,Even overseas institutions initiated malicious short selling against us。I also witnessed it,A group of companies that are our contemporaries and even young,Collapse in drastic changes,disappeared,Or even sell。

Honestly,I couldn’t understand it for a while,Our tool products surpass most of our competitors,Why do we still encounter such a dilemma?Anyway,Resistance is the first step。

This year,We have strengthened our organizational capabilities and platform construction,Empower your business,Submitted the answer sheet with practical actions:

Old business revitalized,Domestic mobile tool sales increased by 50%,The company’s cash reserves exceed 3 billion;

Reverse growth of mobile users,Acquired more than 1 globally.7.6 billion new users;

AI empowers original products, increasing retention rate by 12%;

Live me product,Become the largest source of income besides tools,Remains No. 1 on Google Play’s U.S. social bestseller list;

Piano Tiles 2 returns to its highest point,The light game product matrix has been initially formed,Create profits of more than 50 million;

Drone、New retail、Strategic investment layout such as offline traffic,Partial exit,Won more than 1 billion yuan in revenue for the company;

Actively embrace blockchain,Safe digital wallet Safe Wallet has been released,Several blockchain products will be launched soon;

Robotics business is fully developed,Start to lead the industry。Some technology and product progress,I have to keep it secret。March 21,We will hold a robot conference at the Water Cube,We will share our progress in the field of robotics。

So much,I just want everyone to know: the evolved cheetah,Coming out of the cocoon。

Looking back eight years, three counterattacks

Why does the cheetah have a chance to evolve?

Before answering this question,I want to make the time scale larger,Maybe pull it long enough,Many problems can be easily solved。

Past year,Cheetah has encountered a lot of doubts,Some even say,You are opportunists,You are Mongolian cavalry,You attack in the east and in the west。I just thought about this question,Why does it leave such an impression on everyone?

Because,Look at it objectively,Compared to industry rivals,Cheetah’s living environment,Changes too fast;No better than them,Get the game from the beginning,Live Broadcast,Social payment and other businesses with good cash flow;In a sense,Cheetahs have always been cultivating a relatively barren and barren land。Of course,That’s why,This is what makes the cheetah continue to be able to fight against the times,And a chance to survive。This is also a gift to us。

If you want to further analyze the nature of the evolution of cheetahs,You have to find it from the source。I’ll sum it up in one sentence: Looking back after eight years,Three counter-kills。

Cheetah’s first counterattack: rebirth from the ashes

PC Security Era,We were still called Jinshan Drug Tyrant at that time,Contemporary competitors include Ruixing,Jiang Min,Kaspersky,and rising star 360。The Cheetahs are not a very strong team,Withstood the strongest firepower of 360,He does not hesitate to attack himself,Announced that the entire network is free。Within one year,Kill 188bet app download 95% of existing income,Launch of new services: URL navigation and Cheetah browser。

Just imagine,Already hanging by a thread,On the verge of death struggle,Self-destruction of 95% of the bulk of income,How difficult is it?In a sense,We sacrificed all the business accumulation of Kingsoft Drug Bully。We realize,If a strong man does not break his wrist,Embrace this change,We will disappear。No second way out。

What is the result now?Last year,That is, 2017,Cheetah’s overall revenue is nearly 5 billion,Rising’s income the year before last was only tens of millions。This is a change of the times - the tide is coming,Only hugs。

Cheetah’s second counterattack: Flying Fairy from Heaven

Internet Era,We restructured business with PC free model,Survived from that batch of antique-level enterprises;Wait until competition on the mobile Internet begins to intensify,A batch of safety products,Like 91、Wandoujia、Eggplant、UC etc.,Various small security tools,When the giants enter,Surrender,Or sell。Still a cheetah,Deus Ex。That is, the story of the legendary tavern,We decided to go all out,all in overseas mobile。

This looks like a fairy from heaven。For a person whose English is so bad,Come up with such a trick,How to say it,I can’t say whose soul is possessed。Now,I don’t know if I can figure it out:) But we won that tough battle,The cheetah has become different,Everyone is starting to really believe in dreams。Many colleagues at that time,Moved his family to Beijing from Zhuhai,Participated in the battle of the Cheetah Cleaner。

many people,Probably never thought about it,We can come out from a small fishing village with headquarters in Zhuhai,Became a global US listed technology company。It is precisely because of this move that the flying fairy from the sky,This is the foundation of Cheetah’s global business today。

Cheetah’s third counterattack: running towards the future

Remember,Three years ago,I’m going to the newly established Guangzhou office,Employees came to me and told me,Mr. Fu,Why we don’t have so many innovative businesses,We only do overseas business?I gave him an answer at that time,Innovation must be linked to size。At that time,We only have the ability to do one thing well,Once distracted,Or engage in so-called innovation,You may lose a great opportunity。

However,Today’s Cheetah,It’s different。We are in volume、R&D capabilities and revenue scale,It’s not even a small company anymore。I am not arrogant。Although we may be different from some big companies。But,The cheetah has begun to write its legend。We are already a company with more than 20 years of security technology and product accumulation。We have the ability to empower our business based on AI and blockchain,Seize the opportunity that belongs to us in this era。

So,I started to think seriously: what can support us to run into the future,What is it?What is most important to us?What is decisive?

All the difficulties encountered by the cheetah

All evolved into cheetah genes

Year,My first time in Zhuhai,Thinking about every moment,How to let someone who has worked at Jinshan for ten years,Can you have the same Internet-based thinking as me。

That time,Can’t sleep at night,worried。One day,A partner of mine told me,He said,I discovered Fu Sheng,New companies established through mergers around the world,More than 90% failed,Only a company like Apple can turn things around。I looked at him and said,Why didn’t you tell me earlier?If you had told me earlier,Maybe I am not so ignorant and fearless。

It was a life and death struggle at that time,Opponents are surrounding and suppressing,The team just merged,Not yet twisted into a rope。It can be said,There are many ways to die。No one believes we can survive。Can only fight back,No choice。Maybe,No choice,It’s the best choice。Difficulty,It is the greatest wealth。

As Nietzsche said: Whatever cannot kill me,It will make me stronger。

Fortunately,The cheetah is different today - all the difficulties the cheetah has encountered,All evolved into cheetah genes。

What is the essence of a company?

Maybe,It is precisely because of difficulties,More prompts me to keep thinking about the essence。

This year,I went to Burning Man,Read a lot of books,Rethink many issues。I am thinking - what is the essence of a company?In fact, the first reaction is income。

Who has such judgment about the company?Online commentators。Because,As long as there is a problem with your income and stock price,They think you can’t do it。Sometimes,I cursed,You know nothing,Then the screenshot was taken,Said the CEO cursed late at night。I thought,What’s so great about a CEO swearing late at night?The President of the United States still curses in the street during the day,How can we govern the United States differently??

Anything,We should not simply read comments。If we were like them,Use one income assessment to evaluate current changes,It will lose its true intrinsic value。

Once,Communicate with a business cadre,He said,Mr. Fu,You can’t say that about me,My income has increased。I said,If I am like an online commentator,Only use shallow income to judge the essence,Then I shouldn’t be CEO。I should just leave comments online every day。

I must see something more core.

Think further,If income is not the essence of the company,It must be business?Business is product,With good products, everything is possible?Past years,We are constantly trying new products,Go all out to make products,Unfortunately,A product always has its life cycle。No product lasts forever。

The essence of a company is not income,Not a business either,Then,It’s a team, right?I thought about it,This is also a false proposition。

Because,Maybe one day,I won’t be in Cheetah either;Maybe one day,Everyone is gone。This company has arranged for a younger group of people,Maybe the cheetah is more powerful。10 years since Steve Jobs left Apple,Although there are various comments,But Apple is much bigger than that time;Disney has been dead for decades,Management changes one after another,But Disney’s dream of bringing joy to people has never changed,And getting stronger and stronger。

Last,I just remembered genes。or,called culture,Called Spirit,Calling mission。When a group of people complete something together,A common belief was formed in the process、Time of recognition and trust,It begins to become the DNA of this company。No matter how many changes there are in the middle,As long as these genes are present,It is possible to reconstruct this company。

The company is also an independent living entity。It will grow on its own,Can evolve,We are just a layer of caregivers in the middle,Just。We were involved in its creation together,Very lucky。Like a child,You gave birth to him,Every cell of him,It’s all up to you,Comed from split,But one day,He will be different from you,He will also have his own uniqueness。

When I really think about this problem,No more doubts from the outside world。Too many people do not have the ability to think deeply,Often the outermost layer - income is made into the essence of the company;Or make the second layer - business the essence of the company。

As long as we realize,You have the opportunity to build a completely different company,and inject it into the gene,We wouldn’t be so blind and lost,We have the ability to overcome all kinds of difficulties。

Cheetah genes in evolution:

Proactive and aggressive, strong in execution, self-breakthrough, anti-fragile, full of curiosity, rational and objective

My biggest feeling this year is,From the rising young people,I deeply feel the smell of a cheetah,Genes belonging to cheetah。So,I wrote them down seriously:

The first gene of the cheetah is aggressiveness.We chose the animal cheetah as our logo,It’s not perfect though,But I like it very much。I think it has spirit。Many times,The lurking of the cheetah,Attack just for that moment。In this world,Cheetahs are unique。

Cheetah people should be a group of enterprising people。I remember,Once,Someone relayed someone else’s sentence to me,Say we are opportunistic;I said,You go back and tell him—an old farmer who hoeed the field,Never laugh at the dreams of a person who is struggling outside。

Cheetah’s second gene, strong execution.Year-end summary,A colleague said something,Also a microcosm of us - from being tired or not adaptable to lightning execution,Becoming good at lightning execution。

He thinks,In Cheetah,Fast is normal,Hurry is the way to go。Only fast,Only then can we try more。No one can always guarantee that he will win,But I just want to promise,I keep taking action,Continuously gain experience,Continuously growing,You can get the highest probability of winning。Strong execution,In fact, it is the core point of Kuai。

Cheetah’s third gene, self-breakthroughWe must continue to make ourselves different。I am very, very unwilling,Work with people who cannot break through themselves,Even a conversation。I like and embrace change,Those who break through themselves are together。Every day in life is new,Self at every stage,Everything can become different。

Cheetah’s fourth gene, antifragile.The outside world changes too fast,There will be more and more black swan events,What’s the point of complaining about others?What’s the point of lamenting that the world is treating you unfairly?What’s the point of feeling that your talent is not appreciated?Only every blow,See it all as an opportunity for growth,Make yourself stronger than before。This is the ability that our group of people should have。

Cheetah’s fifth gene is full of curiosity.Any time,Everyone must have a pair of curious eyes about the world。Why should we be afraid of failure?In fact, all your fears,It’s nothing more than an opportunity to break through your own sense of security。When you are curious about the world,Bravely meet the challenge,Like a child,Even if I fall,face full of snot and tears,Get up again,Keep walking,Always happy,Then,You will have antifragile capabilities。

The sixth gene of the cheetah is rationality and objectivity.This is the biggest part of my growth in the past year。Previously,Some changes have occurred in the team,My heart is very difficult to accept,Finally I found it,Look at everything rationally,It is the best responsibility to each other。

Miyazaki Jun has a comic,There is a sentence in it: life is like a train,Keep meeting people,Someone is here,Who can go with you,It’s a kind of fate,A kind of happiness,Be grateful to all those who are traveling together;But,Everyone has his own goals and end points,Everything has its own objective laws,So,We have to understand,To accept,To look at everything that happens rationally。

I hope,Cheetah can leave some valuable imprint on every colleague。Even if one day you leave,To any corner of the world,You can all say,I once had such a spirit,Such characteristics。Fortunately,I see a lot of genes like this,is quietly injecting into everyone。

As long as genes like cheetah exist,No matter how big the storm is,We can also overcome it。

The times are changing dramatically, how to lead the way

Although we have formed our own genes,With some excellent qualities,But if it is just to maintain the status quo,Simple hard running,is not enough。We will continue to evolve。We have to think,The times are changing dramatically, how to lead the way。Just by adding people、Additional money and overtime,Cannot solve the essential problem。

We have to think about the changes in this era.

We must constantly Zoom in (enlarge the pattern) and Zoom out (focus)。While doing your own thing,looking out。Evolve yourself with the trend,Reinventing our organization。

The two most important keywords in 2017: blockchain and decentralization

The hottest keywords in 2017,It’s the blockchain。The understanding that impressed me most is decentralization。

Our generation,Most of them are teachers、Parents、Grown up in an environment like the boss。The next generation,Is it possible for blockchain technology to make them different?If this is a social system for the next generation,Should we embrace it?From a certain perspective,Decentralization and mutual trust mechanism brought by blockchain,Greatly improved organizational efficiency,It is also possible to reshape the entire social relationship。

It makes trust the most difficult to achieve before,Achieved through code;A centralized service organization that makes complex operations the most troublesome in the past,Achieved through efficient network。Of course,The Internet is the foundation of blockchain。If there is no Internet,Blockchain technology will definitely not become popular。Even,AI will also be an accelerator of the blockchain。

Bitcoin is an early adopter of blockchain technology。The best thing about it is that it has zero employment,Zero appointment,Even the founder has never come out,There is no need to give a speech every year,It is a huge economic system。Bitcoin itself has no company,But its global impact,Already surpassed most companies,Even beyond the central banks of some countries。

For us,Is it possible,Absorb this kind of thinking to transform the organization?Is it possible for everyone here to become a super node,In this way, it is possible for us to go from 2,000 people to 10,000 people,10,000 people become 50,000 people。Each small node is very efficient,Everyone is doing what works for them。This is a question I have thought about seriously in the past few months。

In the era of great change, opportunity is the biggest cost

The dividends of the Internet are disappearing,First 20 years,You just need to make an APP,You can fight all over the world。Today,Only one APP is not enough。We must think clearly about the entire system and the entire set of play,Only we have a chance。

We see more growth happening across borders。If the cheetah wants to go to the next level,How to break through your own circle of competence?

Someone may say,Out of focus。But today’s competition method is no longer a single-point competition,It is a set of systematic three-dimensional competition。In the era of great change, opportunity is the biggest cost。If we lose an opportunity,Maybe we missed an era。

What is the result? In the past two days, we have been flooded with two sentences:

First sentence,The biggest tragedy is to win all the opponents,But lost to this era;

The second sentence is an article by Sister Quan 188bet app Ling,When time abandons you,Won’t even say goodbye。

If we don’t evolve,Not meeting new challenges,It is impossible to go to the next level。So,Regardless of individual,Still a company,Don’t set limits on yourself。Sometimes,The boundaries we draw for ourselves,In fact, they are all boundaries in our minds。

The cheetah has grown up。One hundred million,In fact, it is a small target for the cheetah。Want bigger,We must seize the opportunity。Today,This is such a proposition before us。

Some colleagues will say that my business is quite big,How much does it cost per day。But,Put it in the Cheetah system,In terms of income,To 100 million,Your benefit to this company,About 2%。One hundred million,For you,Very big;For this company,It is a business with 2% volume。

Can everyone understand?Many times,Our thinking thinks,What we have done is big enough。But actually look at the dimensions,Just a spark。What to do if you want to be bigger?In addition to ensuring your core investment,But also be able to seize opportunities。This is difficult,Of course。

Once,I meet Elon Musk in Silicon Valley,Asked a question,I said,You do SpaceX、Tesla,Do you think you can win this matter,Or what you thought at the time?He said,Actually, I really don’t know that I can win,This is very difficult,But I’m not doing it because it’s easy,Just because it’s difficult。Difficult,Only what I do is valuable;Difficult,Only with this opportunity can we achieve different achievements。

The cheetah is at this stage today.

AI empowers products

Blockchain thinking amplifies ecological potential

If we want to become bigger and stronger,We must break through our own limitations,We must cross the boundaries of the entire organizational system—use AI to empower our products,Provide users with the best tools,Building a cheetah ecology based on this;Use blockchain thinking to amplify our ecological potential。This is what we have to do in the new stage。

AI is the productivity of the new era,But AI itself is not a product。AI must be integrated with each product。AI+Tools,is the most likely breakthrough point for Cheetah’s technology and product accumulation over the years。

The nature of the continuous advancement of the wheel of human history,It is driven by tools。From stone to carriage,To the car、Airplane、Computer,It brings people to a new level。If we look at it with a broad concept,Robots are also tools。

along this point,There are really many opportunities for cheetahs to exploit。We will not only empower existing tool products with AI,Create a new AI+software and hardware integrated product matrix,We will also use blockchain to transform our own ecosystem。

Although the word ecology is overused by LeTV,But really good companies are all ecological。If you only know how to make iron,As soon as industrialization appears,You will be eliminated;If you only know how to shoot arrows,As soon as firearms appear,Definitely destroyed;If you only know how to ride a horse,As soon as the tank appears,Can only surrender。

Why blockchain is also an opportunity for cheetahs?Who is not afraid of losing his Bitcoin?Who doesn’t want to find new and better secure blockchain applications?These are the best outlets to release Cheetah’s decades of accumulation of safety products。

“Manager” transformed into “Enabler” and “Super Node”?

Not only that,I am also thinking,How to use the idea of ​​blockchain,Transform yourself decentrally。

Abandon the top-down hierarchical reporting system,Even if you do this,More orderly、Efficient、Clear responsibilities。But it also means: rigidity、Fragile、Lack of vitality。The feedback time of the entire organization system is too long,Too much dependence on the top,The fault tolerance rate is too small。

Although the Internet era,We are emphasizing flatness,Decentralization。But in the times to come,This organizational structure needs to be strengthened。Give young people more opportunities,Establish an effective self-motivation mechanism,Let the entire organization evolve autonomously,Let everyone truly consider themselves the owner of the company。

One day,We have reached this consensus,Such a culture,I don’t need to give you tasks,You will think of this yourself and do it well,You will begin to break through yourself。I think,Such an organization,Become flexible、Innovation、Has long-lasting vitality。

Includes blockchain,I saw some innovative products in each line,I am fissioning,I am competing。I feel very good。The company becomes more of an empowerment platform,Everyone in the team is a partner of each other。

CEO is actually the position most likely to be disrupted。For example,Apple and Amazon are two very different companies。Apple is highly dependent 188bet app download on the CEO,And Amazon has a pizza culture,The group keeps splitting,Bezos himself doesn’t think much about product issues,Relying entirely on bottom-up empowering innovation。

In a sense,I think,This is an innovative mechanism in the new era in the future。

Everyone has the possibility to become a super node。Even slowly,From a small node,Slowly becoming a big node,A big team composed of small teams。But all this is a major premise,That is, we must reach a consensus。

Decentralization alone,No,The organization will collapse。We are in vision、Consensus reached on methodology and results evaluation,If consensus cannot be achieved in the short term,I am still the node that reached consensus。

The future will have higher requirements for everyone

Reaching consensus is the first step we must take。We will also establish a rational mechanism,Let the results speak for itself。The change brought about by this is that the requirements for everyone are higher。This is an interactive relationship。

Why do you say that?Today Cheetah is constantly crossing other industries,People from different industry backgrounds have their own cognitive impairments。However,Everyone’s nature is to protect themselves,Underestimating others。It’s not easy to believe that what others see is true knowledge,This results in low communication efficiency,Encountering difficulties entering new areas。

This requires more from everyone。For example, the robot industry,I saw many companies raise a lot of money,We buy the product,Discovered that it was not done well。This question has actually been causing me to think。I’m thinking,It’s because they don’t work hard,There are still other objective factors that exist?Actually, it’s the latter。

For example, a water delivery robot,First it must be able to read,There must be a visual system,You also need to be able to physically avoid obstacles,There must be a navigation technology solution,This system is finished,Also sent to the wheel,Also involves face recognition related to user interaction,Voice recognition and more。

You will find,Each of the above links is a field。And communication between fields needs to cross borders。There is a language barrier between each cross-border field。Like a system,Even if each part is displayed to achieve 90% effect,But what is the value of 5 90% integrated together?Maybe it’s only 50% effective。

I found,A large number of robotics companies,Not paying enough attention to cross-border matters。If we want to do better,It must be more open、Mechanism of transparency and mutual trust。

Would you rather be porcelain or a spring?

How to create an open、Transparent、What about the mechanism of mutual trust?This involves everyone in the organization。

I often make a metaphor recently - do you want to be porcelain or a spring?Porcelain looks beautiful,Very hard,But it will break if subjected to a little external force,We call it the glass heart,Porcelain Heart;And spring,That is, you have the strength to constantly exert downward pressure,Although it looks very deep,Once it breaks out,It will produce stronger elasticity than before。

Cheetah’s past seven years,Especially in 2017,Team growth,Many changes。I do see a lot of people with a hard shell,Unwilling to face such an era of great changes。

If you don’t want to be abandoned by the times,We only have an open mind。Want to believe,Extremely open,Extremely transparent,Mutual trust mentality,Start with me,Can bring good results。Believe in your teammates,Believe in those who cooperate with you,When something goes wrong,First be strict with yourself。Don’t simply complain,But face it positively;Give up self-protection,Actively open。

I hope,We can become people like springs。Put all the difficulties on you、Failure encountered,It becomes an opportunity for self-absorption,One way,A nutrient。

Three different dimensions of people:


Yes, but……

Yes, and! !

Here are people sharing three different dimensions。I also learned this from a small melodrama class at Stanford School of Design,Resonate deeply。

People of the first dimension,Like to say "No"。What others said,He said No。If a person refuses to receive messages,You can find various reasons to say No。This is the most closed state of a person。

People of the second dimension,Like to say "Yes,but”。This thing is pretty good,But...。For example,I hear it often,Mr. Fu, what you said makes sense,But you don’t know me well;or,The direction you are talking about is very good,But things are still very difficult for us to do now。Countless buts,In fact, there are countless excuses。

People of the third dimension,Like to say "Yes ,and”。This is the best state。Is it possible for us to keep saying,Yes,Not only that,What 188bet app else do I want;Not only that,What else can I do。

Later I thought,Are there big differences between people?In fact, there is not that much difference。Sometimes,I once thought that I was an extremely ordinary person,This is the case to this day。It’s also the class at Stanford,He said,Quality you think you are ordinary,Maybe in the eyes of others,Very valuable。

The lower the posture, the greater the energy storage

The more you trust others, the lower the cost

Follow this idea,I’m thinking,Why can I stand here?One of the big reasons,I think just say "Yes,and” ability。I often say,Be pious and look at what others say like a primary school student。

I don’t know why this happens,But it does form this ability。I summed it up in one sentence: the lower the posture,The greater the energy storage;The more you trust others,The lower the cost。

Although sometimes,What others say is not entirely correct,There are indeed many things to prove,You are stupid;But if the time dimension is stretched long enough,You know this person is awesome,Then I believed it,You will actually find out,The more you believe, the stronger you become。Because,The cost of making mistakes or being stupid,Compared to the cost of missing opportunities by not embracing them,Too low。

Also derived from this,This year,My evaluation of people has undergone major changes。If I communicate with a person,He says "yes and" a lot,This person will have a chance to break through。This matter,I have experienced it in several people。If a person keeps saying "yes but",I found,In fact, no matter how much he has accumulated in the past,Everyone will encounter a bottleneck in their own life。

This is a very important thought I recently had about a person’s growth。

Good people,The company is also good,Only continuous connection with the outside world,Only in order to truly grow and transform yourself。Like a sapling,If you don’t get sunlight and water from outside,How to grow?Can’t say,Rely on the aura of heaven and earth?Besides,The spiritual energy will always run out。

A decentralized Cheetah is taking shape

Review 2017,What makes me most happy is,A decentralized Cheetah is taking shape。

For me,Be a company,There are many business achievements,But there can be a group of people,Embrace a common vision,Grow together,Especially some young people,Getting stronger little by little,I am very happy。I think,A person’s sense of accomplishment,Both from self-growth,It comes from the growth of people around you。

New Year,I hope every cheetah person,You can bravely break your inner boundaries,Continuous self-evolution。Same as,The slogan you wrote for the cheetah - Make the world smarter,Make yourself better!

*thisText source:entrepreneurship state, Author: Fu Sheng, originalTitle:《Fu Sheng’s 2018 New Year’s Speech: Anything that can’t kill me,It will make me stronger

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