Active innovation in cultural 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino digital economy,How to build a new paradigm for integrating scenes and content?

Author of this article: 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino 2018-03-16
The future is here,The digital economy of culture and 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino has become one of the important driving forces of the future economy。

Last year teamLab Future Amusement Park overwhelmed the circle of friends of Hangzhou people,Not long ago, the "Beijing 8 Minutes" shocked the world again,AR、Scenario technologies represented by VR and other technologies have opened up smart 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino 3.0 era,Take us to “immerse” into the future together。March 16,By Hangzhou 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino Commission、Travel TV、National Cultural Science and Technology Innovation Service Alliance is the guiding unit,Exclusively hosted、Co-organized by Tianmai,The "TWISE2018 Cultural 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino Digital Economy Summit" with the theme of "immersing into the future" was grandly held in Hangzhou,This summit brings together hundreds of representatives from various 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino departments across the country and practitioners in the field of cultural 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino digital economy,The conference focuses on the latest cultural and technological applications、Digital information technology application and innovation、188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino big data、Travel experience content innovation、Experience improvement and other topics,Let’s discuss the innovative implementation practices and future development trends of cultural 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino digital economy。

In recent years,Digital development and application of cultural 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino driven by technology,We are setting off a revolution in improving scene and content experience in the cultural 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino industry。Holographic projection、Interactive projection、Digital technology and three-dimensional modeling represented by dome theaters、Augmented Reality (AR)、Virtual Reality (VR)、Scenario technology represented by artificial intelligence and other technologies continues to develop,These latest digital technologies combine digital technology with the development of tourist experience projects in scenic spots,Create a new "immersive interactive experience" product,Opens a new door for the development of smart 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino。

1. The cultural and 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino digital economy is innovative and active, subverting people’s perceptions

“Beijing 8 Minutes” shows China’s latest technological innovation to the world,Using technology to vividly explain Chinese culture。The application of these new technologies heralds,China’s digital technology and scene technology are developing rapidly and unstoppably,The 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino industry will also be introduced into a new era of change。In such an industrial background,The 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino industry chain will be continuously expanded and extended,New travel experience scenes and content will continue to be created,Subvert people’s traditional cognition。

Based on these new trends、New 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino,Liu Bing, Secretary-General of the National Culture, Science and 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino Innovation Service Alliance, shared the industrial innovation trends under the integration of culture and science and 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino at the conference。

From the perspective of global 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino development,The growth rate of Internet penetration in developing countries is twice that of developed countries,Now,188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino economy has become an important driving force for economic development。

Zhao Hongzhong, member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of Hangzhou 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino Commission

Member of the Party Committee of Hangzhou 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino Commission、Deputy Director Zhao Hongzhong said that immersive interactive experience 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino products will become an important driving force for 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino development。With full virtual projection、Interactive projection、Digital technology represented by surround screen cinema,3D modeling、Augmented Reality、Scenario technologies represented by virtual reality and other technologies continue to develop,The rise of culture + 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino + technology industry,Building a 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino industry chain,Is changing people’s new experience of travel。


Liu Bing, Secretary General of the National Culture, Science and 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino Innovation Service Alliance


188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino founder and CEO Liu Zhaohui

Liu Zhaohui, founder and CEO of Zhihui, shared the three major trends in the digitalization of China’s cultural and 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino integrated industries,He thinks,The digital development of China’s cultural 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino industry will present an industrial restructuring、Value reconstruction、Three major trends in organizational restructuring。Alibaba Group’s transaction volume surpassed global retail giant Walmart in 2016,This marks the emergence of the "singularity" in business development,The new economy has caught up with the traditional economy。The gap between China’s digital economic development level and that of the United States is constantly narrowing,It will definitely surpass the United States in a few years。Next five years,Among the five important factors driving China’s consumption growth,Digital Economy、Experience Economy、The service economy is crucial。

For users,Can improve user experience。188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino brand marketing techniques now widely used,By analyzing each user’s past usage record data、Credit data, etc.,Supplemented by big data and artificial intelligence algorithms,Can analyze users’ consumption preferences more accurately、Consumption Habits、Characteristics such as action trajectories,And then take corresponding countermeasures,Better meet user needs。

The most typical representative of this application is Google,Using massive big data and AI 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino to accurately match search results with user needs。

Today,The era of traffic dividends is a thing of the past,How to accurately find consumers has become a huge challenge for companies。Simply rely on setting up scenes,The era of passively waiting for consumers to come is over,The effective way is to go among consumers,Build a scene suitable for them。The solution proposed by Fangyang Entertainment is the full-scenario marketing model,Full scene, not just online、Offline 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino scenario,But based on social interaction、Network convergence scenarios with fusion participation and scenario series。


Liu Yujia, Director and President of Fangyang Entertainment Group

2、The integration of digital and cultural 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino scenes,Will become a new trend in smart 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino

The integration of digital technology and culture,Not a simple addition。Various 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino performing arts have developed vigorously in recent years,Incorporated projection、LED、VR、Augmented Reality、Travel performances using mixed reality and other technologies are becoming more and more popular。The application of these technologies increases visual expression and visual shock,Create an immersive experience,Feel the sense of immersion,It is also an important application direction of modern digital information technology in the cultural 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino industry in the future。

Hangzhou Tianmai Network Co., Ltd. focuses on smart 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino,What I have been trying to do in the past is to use new technologies to transform the travel process and experience,Its traditional products include the construction of global smart 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino platform、Smart scenic spot construction、188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino big data applications, etc.。How to integrate new methods such as scene technology,Let the concept of smart 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino be truly felt by more tourists?


Lv Jianbiao, Chairman of Tianmai

Starting from the second half of last year,Lv Jianbiao, Chairman of Tianmai, began to think about interactive experience,Thinking of the time that once took London by storm、Paris、Tokyo、Los Angeles and other places,The teamLab that makes five million people crazy,Quickly spent tens of millions to introduce it from Japan and land in Hangzhou。This is a classic case of the application of scene 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino,Relying on holographic projection、Interactive projection、Naked-eye 3D、Virtual reality and many other cutting-edge technologies,188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino realized、Art、Perfect fusion of cultures,The project won the Hangzhou Fashion Circle while still in the warm-up stage、Extensive attention from the parent-child circle,The box office exceeded one million in just a few days after its launch。

Lu Jianbiao proposed at the scene that smart 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino has entered 3.0 era,Future scene technology will provide tourist attractions、The museum creates a new interactive experience project。“We will produce customized content for each scenic spot,The same interactive technology will be divided into indoor and outdoor types in the scenic area,No time limit indoors,Outdoor is used as a scenic night tour project,Now there is a huge demand in both areas”。


Assistant to the President of Shenzhen Huaqiang Fantawild Group、General Manager of Wuhu Fangte Chen Zuyao

In this regard,As the largest theme park operator in China, Huaqiang Fantawild started exploring and trying very early。Chen Zuyao, assistant to the president of Shenzhen Huaqiang Fantawild Group, talked about the effective practical path of "culture + 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino + technology" on the spot,Shared successful experience。Huaqiang Fantawild Theme Park is based on culture,Relying on technology,Create a unique high-tech independent innovation theme project,Through this fusion,Has successfully launched “Fantawild World”、"Fantawild Dream Kingdom"、"Fantawild Water Park"、The four major theme park brands of "Fantawild Oriental Painting"。

Today,The operational logic of integrating culture and 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino has become national thinking,Culture is content,Travel is the carrier,Technology is a means,In the way of cultural presentation,Creation of 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino scenes、Innovation in presentation methods will be crucial。The rise of the "culture + 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino + technology" industry is restructuring the cultural and 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino industry chain,Refresh people’s cultural travel experience。

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