188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino and family visits become the biggest demand during National Day,Consumption upgrades allow Chinese people to play in more diverse ways

Author of 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino article: Tian Hu 2018-09-18
The reporter learned from the 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino agency,Two holidays are coming this year,Coupled with the increasing number of favorable visa policies for destinations, you can "just go",So it is foreseeable,188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino will become the “highlight” of the holiday,Chinese people’s 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino methods will also become more diverse as consumption upgrades。

The Mid-Autumn Festival holiday and National Day Golden Week are coming,Recently, many netizens have posted tips on how to create a 16-day long holiday。The reporter learned from the 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino agency,Two holidays are coming this year,Coupled with the increasing number of favorable visa policies for destinations, you can "just go",So it is foreseeable,188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino will become the “highlight” of the holiday,Chinese people’s 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino methods will also become more diverse as consumption upgrades。

Visas are becoming more and more convenient, and tourists are more willing to "188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino" than "visit relatives"

Compared with last year’s 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino Week,Chinese citizens holding ordinary passports can be exempted from visa during National Day this year、The number of countries or regions to which visas are issued on arrival has increased,The Golden Week is the most convenient time to leave the country in history。The relevant person in charge of Ctrip told reporters,This year mainly added Qatar、Belarus、Bosnia and Herzegovina、Barbados、Serbia、UAE and other destinations,Visa-free、Increase of visa on arrival,It also makes more tourists willing to go abroad to enjoy the National Day holiday。

Data display released by Tongcheng Yilong,188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino is the main 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino demand of residents during the National Day Golden Week,Proportion 64.1%,The second is visiting relatives,Proportion 26.1%。Compared with the Spring Festival Golden Week,The proportion of 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino demand for tourism purposes during the National Day Golden Week is significantly higher。In addition,Reunion with classmates、The proportion of demand for 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino purposes such as attending weddings is 7.7%。At the same time,Data display from Zhongxin 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino,The main number of outbound tourists during this year’s National Day Golden Week is still 70%、Mainly those born in the 1980s,The post-90s generation has also become the most driving consumer group for outbound 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino。

Due to the increasing convenience of visa application,Countries or regions where you can leave at a moment’s notice have become the choice of many tourists。Data display from Lvmama 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino Network,United States、Australia、Canada、France、Türkiye、Mauritius、Russia、New Zealand、Spain、The UK has become one of the top ten popular destinations for long-term outbound 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino。Ctrip outbound 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino booking data is displayed,Thailand、Cambodia、Indonesia、Maldives、Vietnam、Egypt、UAE、Mauritius and other countries are currently the most popular destinations for visa-free visa on arrival。In addition,The relevant person in charge of Ctrip also said,For those destinations that require a visa,Tourists currently booking designated air tickets and visas at the same time can also enjoy the "full refund for visa refusal" service。

Upgraded gameplay, customized and chartered tours are popular

This year’s National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival are only 6 days apart,Use annual leave to "make things happen",Take annual leave for 6 consecutive days from September 25th to 30th,You can have 3 days of Mid-Autumn Festival holiday、7 days of 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino Week in a row,Can spell out 16 days of "Mid-Autumn Festival + National Day, the longest holiday in history" for working people。

Stated by the relevant person in charge of Zhongxin Tourism,For this year’s “Super Holiday”,Family 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino needs more attentive service,Young people like novel destinations and ways to play,Traditional sightseeing products can no longer satisfy mainstream tourists,The upgrading of demand drives tourism product operators to accelerate innovation。Wang Zhenyue, general manager of Zhongxin Tourism Direct Customer Marketing Center, said,The team organization form of 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino agencies has undergone great changes,Add 1-2 days of free activity time to the product,Or "family, one group" product、"Super Free 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino" product where guests can choose their own activities after arriving at the destination,All allow the freedom of outbound 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino products、Flexibility has been greatly improved。

At the same time,Information on Huang’s Chartered Car 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino,The "Chinese-speaking driver + chartered tour" model of overseas Chinese chartered cars has also begun to be favored by many tourists,“Chartered tour is a new category in the post-tourism market,Although it is considered a chartered car,But the service content is not limited to transportation,But it can radiate to the hotel、Various needs for restaurants, etc.。It caters to people’s increasingly fragmented needs for ‘destination non-standardization’。" Pan Fei, CEO of Huang Charter 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino said。

And Tong Cheng Yilong’s data also shows,In addition to gameplay upgrade,The accommodation needs of residents traveling during the 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino Week this year are also more diversified,In addition to traditional hotels,B&B、Vacation Apartment、The demand for inns grows further,The per capita cost of accommodation in most popular destinations has exceeded 400 yuan,Excluding seasonal price increases,The upgrade of accommodation consumption is also the main reason。

Quotations increased by 30% or 40%, the 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino before the holiday is the most expensive flight ticket

Industry insiders said,Due to air tickets、Hotels and other resources are in short supply,So choose to 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino during the National Day Golden Week,The cost will definitely increase。Zou Qingling, head of Lvmama’s outbound 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino business department,This year’s National Day outbound 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino prices have generally increased by 30%~40% compared with the usual off-season,Some popular destinations for short-term 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino have even doubled。However, tourists can still "pick up missing items" while traveling during the National Day,Because the price increase of some lines is within 10%,High cost performance。

The passenger flow and fare predictions made by Tongcheng Yilong ticket big data,During the 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino Week this year,Both domestic and international civil aviation passenger flows show obvious "tidal" characteristics,The day before the holiday and the last day of the holiday have the largest passenger flow,Passenger traffic is at a relatively low level during the holidays。Judging from the ticket price,The peak periods for domestic flight average fares occur on the day before the holiday and the last day of the holiday,The average ticket prices are 1,018 yuan and 1,059 yuan respectively (both tax and fee excluded)。The average price of international flights peaks on the day before the holiday,is 1065 yuan (excluding tax),The average ticket price on the last day of the holiday is 875 yuan。Compared to domestic flights,Post-holiday fares for international flights are relatively low。

*Source of 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino article: People’s Daily Online,Author: Tian Hu,Original title: "Traveling and family visits have become the biggest demand during the National 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino holiday. Consumption upgrades allow Chinese people to play in more diverse ways》.

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