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Cultural Tourism Benefits Author of this article: Tian Cong 2014-12-04
At that time,Many British parents who can afford it have adopted this approach with the approval of the government。For kings and queens,Doing so should be understood as prudent and decent behavior。However, the king thinks this is not the best idea,The comfort that evacuation brings to ordinary parents is impossible for parents like the king and queen to enjoy。
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The British Empire declined in the 20th century,But Britain’s resilience became even more apparent after this,And all the way to today。This history belongs to Elizabeth II,It’s just that the past has gradually become irrelevant to history,And about the contemporary royal family of Elizabeth II。

Although as far as the Queen herself is concerned,The memories from Windsor Castle may be more unforgettable for her,But mention Elizabeth II,People naturally think of Buckingham Palace。This is her real stage,This is the home she spent most of her life running,Her joys and sorrows、Bitterness and joy,All in this magnificent rectangular building complex。

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Buckingham Palace is located in Westminster, London,is the seat of the highest authority in the United Kingdom。The palace is adjacent to St. James Park to the east,Hyde Park to the west,There is a banquet hall inside、Ceremony Hall、Concert Hall、Gallery、More than 600 rooms including library。Looking from a distance,The most eye-catching thing is the flagpole higher than the top of the palace。This flagpole has symbolic meaning。If the flag is flying on the flagpole,Indicates that the Queen is living in the palace,If not,That means the Queen is out。

The style of Buckingham Palace is Italian,There are more than 600 halls and rooms。In the center of the square in front of the main entrance of Buckingham Palace,There is a monument to Queen Victoria。There is a 40-acre imperial garden on the west side。

Buckingham Palace dates back to 1703。That year,The powerful Duke of Buckingham built his mansion in a mulberry forest,Named "Buckingham House"。1726,George III bought this mansion as a gift to his wife。From now on,Buckingham Palace is famous as the Queen’s palace。1825,George IV carried out a large-scale expansion of Buckingham Palace,Used as a royal palace,And renamed "Buckinghan Palace"。

1837,After Queen Victoria ascended the throne,Buckingham Palace 188bet app has just officially become the British Royal Palace。From now on,Kings of all dynasties have lived here、Office。

Princess Elizabeth

April 21, 1926,Princess Elizabeth Alexandra Mary is born。She is simply the replica of child star Shirley Temple,Her picture is printed on the chocolate box in the store。Lacy robe,Golden Curly Hair,Big blue eyes,So cute。

Elizabeth received great attention as soon as she was born,Although people don’t know that she will become the queen and live in Buckingham Palace in the future。This princess is not the heir to the throne,Because according to the order of the royal family,Her father, Prince Albert, is subordinate to his eldest brother, Edward, Prince of Wales,Edward will also have children in the future。Inference,This princess should have no chance with Buckingham Palace。But Elizabeth was a very special princess from birth - a beautiful princess。

When she was 10 years old,Her destiny has been completely rewritten。The king at that time,That is, Elizabeth’s uncle Edward VIII,Abandoned the throne to marry a twice-divorced American woman。The word divorce has since become synonymous with royal shame and family scandal。

As a last resort,Elizabeth’s father put on the crown and accepted the throne。This man who used to live a comfortable and leisurely life,Cried for an hour when I heard the news。But the royal family cannot be willful,No matter how painful it is,He must accept the facts。This is his duty,His mission。

The day the king abdicated,Sister Princess Margaret asked Elizabeth: "Will you become queen in the future?"Elizabeth replied: "Yes。"Princess Margaret said: "You are so pitiful。”

Elizabeth became the first legal heir to the throne。She saw her father’s panic when he accepted the throne,She doesn’t want to be like her father,She just wants to play with her ponies,Live a normal life。But the opposite,Their family moved into the magnificent Buckingham Palace。

The tragedy of the royal family is that they are too arrogant。In the palace,They can’t make new friends,Like a prisoner。They can’t make new friends,Good friends are all relatives。At that time,They often climb a hill in the garden,Stand there and peek at the world outside the wall,Looking at ordinary people running around。Every ordinary thing is magical in their eyes,What is it like to ride a rocking horse?What does it feel like to hide and seek in the park freely?

Before the opening of Buckingham Palace on 7 August 1993,People outside can only stand in the real world,Speculating from a distance about the living conditions of Elizabeth and other princesses。Standing at the gate of Buckingham Palace,Watch the changing of the guard ceremony at the palace。

Maybe this is the reason,The palace guards wear red uniforms、The image of the black hat on the head is regarded as one of the symbols of Britain,Their photos are widely printed on postcards around the world,Dolls made in their image are often regarded by tourists as physical evidence of "visiting Britain"。As for the royal family members living in the huge palace behind the guards,People know very little about it。

About Princess Elizabeth’s childhood life,Probably nothing we know is as detailed as that of her governess, Miss Crawphy:

"Princess Elizabeth is a very introverted child,She is very good,Love neatness。She puts her shoes neatly under the chair every night before going to bed,Put away her toy horse,Also feed and water them。Her clothes are also neatly folded,Maybe this is her character,Organized,Principled。”

The education of little princesses at that time was different from now,They are educated at home。Their official teaching materials,Reliable in all aspects、Trusted,is carefully selected。Nevertheless,This education is still not enough for them。Elizabeth received her education mainly from her mother。

Elizabeth’s mother’s education methods,It is to train a little noble girl to become an "actor"。This "actor" cares about national affairs,Be able to talk to others politely and humorously at banquets,Not condescending,Without losing the ladylike style。

Windsor Castle

Windsor Castle is located on a hill beside the Thames River 30 kilometers northwest of London。This was originally a village called "Windusela",1066 years,Duke of Normandy,later William I,In order to protect the safety of ships traveling on the Thames and the royal family,Building construction here,Built a stone castle,Named "Windsor"。

1215 years,King John signed the famous Magna Carta here,Cromwell’s “Digging Movement” and the 1688 Constitutional Monarchy also took place here。

1714,Anne, the last Queen of the Stuart dynasty, died without heirs,George, the German Elector of Hanover, who was related to the Stuart royal family and believed in Protestantism, was welcomed as the King of England,The beginning of the Hanoverian Dynasty。1914,The outbreak of World War I,To show a complete separation from Germany,July 17, 1917,George V announced: "From now on,I decided to change my family name。from now on,My family name is Windsor,My family is called the Windsor family。”The “Windsor Dynasty” begins,And continues to this day。

It was also here that Edward VIII proposed to Mrs. Wallace Simpson, an American commoner who had been divorced twice,Finally forced to abdicate,Leaving the British Isles,Proclaimed Duke 188bet app of Windsor by his brother George VI。0

Strongness in war

1939,The outbreak of World War II。Facing the threat of German invasion,The king must decide,How to arrange his two daughters。Nazi paratroopers may land in large groups or in small groups,Kill or hijack a single target,The two little princesses are obviously likely to be harmed。

An attractive option is to evacuate them to the safety of a Dominion,For example, Canada。At that time,Many British parents who can afford it have adopted this approach with the approval of the government。For kings and queens,Doing so should be understood as prudent and decent behavior。However, the king thinks this is not the best idea,The comfort that evacuation brings to ordinary parents is impossible for parents like the king and queen to enjoy。

The two princesses must stay

Windsor,Seems like the safest place to minimize disruption to royal family life。So after New Year,The two princesses came directly from Sandringham to Windsor Castle。Where,Elizabeth spent the rest of her childhood,The happiest time in her life。Until today,In all her residences,She still regards Windsor as her warmest home。

At Windsor Castle,Elizabeth is undoubtedly happy,But also unusually isolated from the world,This is very similar to her past childhood,Even worse。Her range of activities is severely restricted,Even in a safe and solid fortress。The war left her parents with almost no free time,She has less contact with her parents than before。She is joined by three women with whom she has been close for a long time,Living a life like a nun: sister Margaret,The maid, Bob, and the governess, Miss Crawford。But compared to the life of a queen,Elizabeth may prefer this simplicity。

Today,The Queen often takes many of her entourages to "Windsor" to rest or spend weekends。Every royal family happy day,The Queen will hold a banquet here to entertain dignitaries from all walks of life。Christmas、Major holidays such as Easter,The queen comes here to participate in the grand celebration。In the UK,Able to attend the grand ceremony at Windsor Castle and stay overnight in the castle,Is an important symbol of social status。

During the years of World War II,Elizabeth is also preparing for the future of work - actually from a very young age,She is trained like a soldier,To become the queen,Inherit father's business。Being a queen is above all else,Family、Happiness、Everything,Not as important as her royal mission。

1945,One year until the end of the war,Elizabeth is 18 years old,She is already a graceful girl。She shines brightly,As dazzling as her grandson Prince William today。Just this year,She cited cultivating independence as a reason,Convince the King and 188bet sports betting app download Queen,Joined the local auxiliary force。

London just got out of ice,She will leave the castle,Appear in front of the world again。In Camberley,She wrote a wonderful page in her life。

Where she learned how to read a map,How to escort by car,How to disassemble and repair the engine。

When Elizabeth checks the spark plug,Princess Margaret on the side was simply stunned。The queen once said to a friend at a banquet: "You know,At dinner yesterday,We have been talking about spark plugs。Elizabeth knows how to change a truck tire,How to maintain the engine,And she likes to do it。”

From princess to officer’s wife

The war is over,Elizabeth is becoming more and more confident。Of course,There is another reason for this。While visiting a naval school,She met Prince Philip,The love of her life...

Philip is her distant relative,Prince Mountbatten’s nephew,Just turned 18 at the time,Attending Naval Academy。He played train skillfully in front of Elizabeth and sister Margaret,Skip over the tennis net,Tease them。Princess Elizabeth fell in love with him at first sight。

Philip is not like those serious-faced servants,He is handsome and handsome、Versatile、Bohemian,In the lifeless palace life,The life and energy he brought made many people uneasy,Including King and Queen。Elizabeth is undoubtedly a lady,Are they suitable??Her parents are really suspicious。They are like all parents in the world,Stay on the fence about this matter,However, they did not expect that Elizabeth would become the same person from then on。

Close to 1945,Prince Philip returns from service,Elizabeth shows surprising stubbornness、Stubborn personality,As she fought for a modicum of independence during the war。She kept a photograph of the Prince prominently on her mantelpiece,After being scolded for lack of caution,She just replaced it with a photo of Philip with a thick navy beard,And said that disguise can fool anyone。Obviously it didn’t fool people。Just the opposite,Soon,Rumors about the romance began to appear in the newspapers。The reward for her stubbornness is that she finally won the support of her mother。

1947,Elizabeth finally announced her marriage to Prince Philip。Her complexion is as radiant as pearls,Her eyes are blue and clear。Everything about her looks so alive,Full of energy。The wedding of Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip attracted worldwide attention,Injected some life into the post-war depression。The sensation is no less than the union of Prince Charles and Princess Diana more than thirty years later。

Elizabeth left this close family where she had grown up for more than twenty years,Started a new life of her own。

Christmas Eve 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino 1949,Philip took up the post of Captain and Deputy Commanding Officer on the Royal Navy warship "Chequers"。For Elizabeth,This is an unforgettable time。

When the plane arrives in Malta,Elizabeth’s first time,Of course it’s the last time I feel it,She herself is completely free from the constraints of official life and all official duties,She can finally live a normal life as she has wanted for many years,Self and mission are incompatible,Enjoying pure happiness and joy。

She is like a normal customer,Call the hair salon to make an appointment first,Then do your hair,Leave after finishing,Like the wife of an ordinary naval officer。He went to the grand ballroom of the Venice Hotel with his husband,Then go to the terrace for 15 or 20 minutes,Philip asked the band to play the princess's favorite song - "First Train" by the Duke of Wellington。

Life in Malta must be very different from the pale and rigid life in London,Perhaps she also forgot that she was the future queen。In Malta,What we see is a brand new woman。She is completely different from the unreachable figure she is today,She is affectionate and loving,Full of energy,Freedom。

Although there are already too many restrictions and responsibilities,However compared to the future,This past youthful time is like a beautiful memory that Elizabeth should treasure for a lifetime。

The Queen’s Responsibilities

February 6, 1952,Elizabeth’s father、The death of King George VI of England,Despite the loss of loved ones,She knows exactly what she should do。She is the queen,She has to deal with these things,She must sign the document,She has to think in a whole new way。Ordinary people’s lives are over,In the future, even if I spend my whole life, it will never happen again。

June 2, 1953,Queen Elizabeth II held a coronation ceremony,Nearly a quarter of the people on earth celebrate this grand ceremony,The UK and Commonwealth have 650 million inhabitants,A considerable number of them gathered in London on the day of the coronation。The scene of the coronation ceremony,Like a wedding,A wedding between Elizabeth and England,Since then,She is Queen Elizabeth II first,Then Elizabeth herself。

The heavy jeweled crown was placed on Elizabeth’s head by the archbishop。Elizabeth, who is looked up to by all people,At the same time, it withstood people’s heavy expectations、Devotion and loyalty,And the responsibility this ceremony represents。

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