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Author of this article: Zhihui 2019-03-07
Macro data and industry changes about China’s self-driving travel industry in 2018,And take highway G318 as an example,Building a road brand。
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As the opening ceremony of the 2019 Shanghai Automobile Culture Festival,The 2019 Self-Driving Travel Summit Forum hosted by Aijia Media was held at the Shanghai Poly Theater from March 5th to March 6th。The theme of this conference is "Reshaping",Establish a summit forum、Three major themes of Driving Ceremony and Future Car Life Show,Gathered thousands of self-driving people、Cultural Tourism、Finance and many other practitioners discuss industry ecology。Dai Ke, founder of Yunjie Liangshu, shared with us the "2018 China Self-Driving Tourism Development Annual Report"。

Dai Ke said,42% of the market share was occupied by SUVs in 2018,So versatile,High-performance SUV market is favored,It also represents people’s expectation for traveling far away。

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(This article is compiled based on the speech transcript,Not reviewed by the parties。Zhi Hui slightly deleted)

Hello everyone,I am Dai Ke from Yunjie Liangshu, Beijing,I am very happy to have so many friends today,So many car enthusiasts gathered together。Yunjie Liangshu is a data service provider that provides decision-making services for the automobile industry and travel industry,At the same time, Yun Jie Liangshu also serves as the director of the National Highway G318,So what I am showing you today is the summary report and data sharing we made for the self-driving travel industry and the G318 highway in 2018.。

Here today,We mainly share three aspects:

First,We will present to you the macro data and industry changes of China’s self-driving travel industry in 2018。

Second,We will present to you the macro data and industry changes of China’s self-driving travel industry in 2018。

Third,Share with you a digital highway G318 that we carefully built last year,Connect this highway to digitization、Visualization。

Self-driving travel industry analysis

First,In terms of the overall performance of China’s tourism industry in 2018, the market size has exceeded 10 trillion,And it is rising steadily every year。Secondly,In China’s overall automobile market,Chinese automobiles have become the world’s largest sales market。In recent years, China’s automobiles have been growing steadily,The growth of SUV is very significant。42% of the market share was occupied by SUVs in 2018,So versatile,High-performance SUV market is favored,It also represents people’s expectation for traveling far away。 

The main sales sources of the overall SUV market are concentrated in the eastern coastal areas and southern regions,That is, the densely populated area in China。So from the starting point of the self-driving travel industry,Also concentrated in such areas。

At the same time,China already has 400 million people with driver’s licenses。Car 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino purchase demand data from Yunjie Research Institute in 2018,Users who buy new cars for daily work、Business purposes and picking up and dropping off children at the same time,The most common purpose of buying a car in recent years is self-driving travel,This self-driving tour section includes short distances,Weekend outings and medium to long distance driving trips。

What kind of group are China’s self-driving tourists??Thousands of people voted through Yunjie,Can basically draw portraits of people who love self-driving travel。In terms of gender,Mainly male,The male to female ratio is 7:3;In terms of academic qualifications,68% graduated with a bachelor’s degree or above;From a career perspective,The highest proportion of white-collar workers in the company;In terms of age,Mainly people born in the 1980s,Family income is more than 10,000 yuan。

At the same time, judging from driving experience,They basically all have rich driving experience,People with three years of driving experience account for about 70%。What kind of travel method do they like?Discovered through investigation,With family、The number of people traveling with friends is as high as 46%、36%,The annual per capita travel expenditure is between 5,000 yuan and 10,000 yuan, accounting for 29%。On the travel node,Except weekends and short holidays,Seven-day self-driving travel is an important travel node chosen by people,On the number of travel days,The two time periods of 1-3 days of self-driving travel and 4-7 days are a major proportion of travel。

What are the current self-driving travelers doing when they go sailing?Where is their destination?Discovered through research report,Currently, self-driving travel routes with the theme of "leisure" are the most popular among self-driving travel groups,But in the next year or two they would rather go、What I’m looking forward to more is geography、Humanities、The four aspects of villages and guilds。

AndThe pain points of self-driving travel,On the way,First of all, when the road conditions are unfamiliar,There will be a detour、Wrong way。The second is poor road facilities、Inconvenient for dining and car repairs。In the end there were too many vehicles,Road congestion。After arriving at the scenic spot,First of all, there are relatively few scenic spot signs。Secondly, the waiting time for dining is relatively long,This is related to the relatively concentrated travel nodes,There is also a problem that the hotel type is too single,There are many hotels of the same type in the scenic area,The number of distinctive hotels is relatively small。

Let’s talk about roads next,China’s highways are growing year by year,Currently reached 485.90,000 kilometers,At the same time, 2 more were added in 2018.80,000 kilometers of highway,There are many landscape avenues in these roads,There are also many self-driving travel products that can create customizable routes。

Aiji Media took five years,36 classic self-driving travel routes are selected 188bet sports betting app download every year,There is a wealth of self-driving travel data in it,In terms of these routes being distributed in various provinces,It has accumulated to cover 31 provinces in China,Covers more than ten categories of self-driving short and medium-distance routes,At the same time, we will add these 180 routes this year,Aijia Media selected it as one of the 36 classic must-drives in this life,There are 6 long lines in it,12 center lines,18 short lines,Covers 511 scenic spots and attractions and 29 best in China。

How to build a self-driving travel system?

The above summary is the current situation in 2018,What should we do in the self-driving travel industry in the future?This is what I will share with you in the second link。

How to build a data system for the self-driving travel industry?Passed 2018 research,Yunjie Research Institute found a problem,Self-driving travel is a relatively new cross-industry industry,A lot of data exists in the traditional fragmented single market,But the self-driving travel industry is a cross-field、diversified、Complex market conditions。

Then,One thing is very crucial,This is our starting point,That is, people-oriented thinking,Consider establishing a self-driving travel system from a human perspective。So a people-oriented way of thinking,It is a road connecting one person,His experience on this road,Use this person to evaluate all the people, events and service experience on this road。So our starting point for hiring people is to take into account what they need to do during self-driving、Food、Live,Even attractions、Experience and many other requirements。

In traditional industries,We have accumulated data over the years,These data need to be interconnected and connected。So in 2019, Yunjie Liangshu will join hands with you to love driving,Combined with industry policies,Improving the self-driving travel industry index system,Look at it from a fair and objective perspective。

In the self-driving travel industry system,We are divided into three sections,The first one is the industry development index,The second one is the product index for self-driving travel,The third is the public utility index。Under each index system, there will be related factors and related evaluation indicators。Through the interconnection of data from all walks of life and independent data collection,I believe in the near future,The industry index of self-driving travel will be the most objective in the industry,Because this is a people-oriented approach,Evaluation system based on users。Self-driving travel enthusiasts and workers in the self-driving travel industry、Those who serve will light up such a bright light。

So for this,What did we do in 2018?Index of industry development and index of public affairs,It is a process of constantly opening up the Internet,At the same time, we should also sort it out from a highway or the horizontal cross-border of the self-driving travel industry。Relatively speaking,Data for one section is missing,is the index of self-driving travel products,Why do you say this?

The self-driving 188bet sports betting app download travel product itself has just emerged,So the product index of future self-driving travel needs to be monitored in real time、Real-time collected data。Then the user is walking on this road,How famous is this road??Service experience on this road,What is the confusion that happened to them on this road?Need to use scrolling、Real-time monitoring of flowing data,This is also the direction and topic we are committed to creating and researching in 2018。

Health diagnosis of highway G318

The third link is to share,In 2018,We connect the national highway G318 together,Use one road、Look at the current state of this road from a brand’s perspective?Because this data is relatively complex,What kind of work we have done here can be shared with you,We have interpreted more than 500,000 road books、Self-driving notes,Millions of reviews related to G318 and many search engine indexes,Including collecting user surveys and reviews from more than tens of thousands of people,Come and review G318,And gave G318 an overall health diagnosis。

Let’s first take a look at what kind of road G318 is?its starting point is Shanghai,End at Zhangmu Port,is a highway connecting China for more than 5,000 kilometers。So it actually includes a lot of cultural landscapes。So in G318,We will cut into more than a dozen sites,Every site has its own culture and characteristics。Search by key words in all road books,can be found,There are many people’s associations and expectations on G318。

In 2018,We have focused on analyzing some major sites,For example, Taihu Lake、Chongqing、Lhasa and other places,Will make detailed reports,What kind of person、What time、Where do you like to go,What is the confusion about going to this place,How many days will you stay,What will be consumed in it,How much does it cost, etc.。

Although G318 is just a road,But it can be found through search engines and IP tracking,People actively searching for G318 are located in various provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions across the country。Among them, Sichuan has the largest proportion,But South China and even Northeast China、North China and other regions also pay a lot of attention to G318。So although G318 is just a road,But it affects motorists across the country。

What kind of people walk on G318?Passed research report,G318’s population is mainly men in their thirties and forties,Also compare the proportion of self-driving travel enthusiasts in China,On the 50 year old crowd,The proportion of G318 is very high,Up to 19%。It can be inferred that G318 is a road for advanced self-driving cars,More mature,People with more experience will love this road more。

Consider it from the perspective of brand management,I can share some knowledge about the brand with you here。Brand mentioned,Everyone has his or her own understanding,Some people think that the brand may be a logo,Some people think that a brand is a slogan。

Here we first share the meaning of the brand,Everyone’s understanding is correct,There is a relatively standardized definition 188bet sports betting app download in the brand,Brand is the name of a product or service,It is a collection of values ​​that the public can think of,This value aggregate can be positive,Can also be negative,So people、City、Water can become a brand。This is the definition of brand given by Calkins, a well-known professor of branding at Northwestern University。 

Use this value collection to see what kind of words will appear on the G318 road?Search through the entire network,All road books,plus millions of reviews,The key words of G318 exist in it。Shanghai and Tibet,A starting point and an ending point,is the most frequently occurring word,There is also culture、Landscape、History、Spectacular、Words such as Humanity Avenue,If you connect these words,A brief summary,G318 is a beautiful landscape avenue carrying history and culture,And it is a very long highway connecting Shanghai and Tibet。

Then you can see it with G318 word cloud,The future management method is how to add more brand association value,For example, use the cultural and historical part to monitor its changes。At the same time, since it is a road,In terms of brand management,To carry out brand funnel management,Cognitive Crowd,Understand the crowd,Favorable people,Recommended group,In these four groups of people, there is a process of decreasing layer by layer,If you don’t even know this road,No way to understand,How can you have a good impression if you don’t understand this path,Look at it with this logic。

From understanding Chinese car enthusiasts’ understanding of the G318 road、Favorability,Can clarify some directions for future work and efforts on brand building。If awareness is low,It’s just that the publicity and brand recognition are not done well。If awareness is high,But there are very few people who understand it,Then it’s because our offline promotion and soft implantation are not good enough,Made people understand。If awareness and understanding are both high,But the percentage of favorability suddenly shrank,There must be a problem with the product,So we need to improve our products and services。Understand the status of G318 through this logic。

Discovered through market sampling survey of self-driving travel enthusiasts,The proportion of people who know G318 accounts for 28%,Relatively speaking, it is relatively low。Where did the G318 crowd get the information?The number one ranking is knowing G318 through friends and family,Then I started to take the initiative to check。The second one is the one who walked this road unintentionally。Maybe on the way from Chengdu to Shanghai,I accidentally learned that this road was originally called G318。Third,Now the Internet is developed,Internet celebrity effect is relatively large,There are many check-in places on G318,Therefore many Internet celebrities such as Douyin will broadcast live。

Then those who know don’t know G318?Discovered through investigation,21% of 28%,That is, 75% of the total people have been to this road,90% of people who have been 188bet app to this road said they would like to go this road in the future。7% of the 28% have not been to G318,But as many as 86% of people expressed that they will definitely experience G318 in the future。You can see it from the performance of G318,When you understand this way,You will fall in love with and look forward to going this way,So the charm of G318 lies in this。

We retested 72% of people who were unaware of G318。Which although they don’t know G318,But 57% of the people inside know the Southern Sichuan-Tibet Highway。The Sichuan-Tibet Highway is an important part of G318,Northern Sichuan-Tibet Highway、Some of these G318 highways such as Shanghai-Qingping Highway,This information is known by these groups,Only 20 in the overall population.3% have no idea about this information。So many people now only know a small part of the overall brand of G318,We sum up this kind of people as knowing the road but not the name。

Just imagine the current situation of G318,Assume our sampling sample,These thousands of samples are the people who love driving in the entire market,400 million people in China have driver’s licenses,The number of cars owned exceeds 200 million,27 of them.7% of people know G318,72.3% of people mentioned G318 are not aware of it。Among the people who don’t know,57.6% of people know the way but not the names,And 27.7% of the cognitive population,75% of people have been there,At the same time, more than 90% of the 75% said they still want to go,Have higher expectations。

Then the future construction of G318 brand road,From these data, more issues and themes in the future can be identified,To influence more non-cognitive people。Only by making brand-building IP into a state of national recognition,Then their expectations for G318 will naturally expand。

The charm of G318 is not only that everyone who walks by it will fall in love with it,It also depends on people’s yearning for him、Expectations and feelings。Actually, there are hundreds of them in China,Thousands of cultural landscape avenues and self-driving routes,So the future is on the road to self-driving travel industry,We can visualize each road in this form and way,Outlining more sophisticated dataization,For those who love driving,At the same time, we also light this lamp for our partners who have worked hard in the self-driving travel industry,Let the development of China’s self-driving travel industry get better and better in the future,More and more systematic,This is my post today,Thank you everyone。

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