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Author of this article: Zhihui 2019-05-30
May 29,The launching ceremony of "International Mountain Tourism Day" was held in Kathmandu, Nepal, at the southern foot of Mount Everest in the Himalayas,China’s first world-class highway IP “Must Drive 318 in this Lifetime” is fully released overseas。
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Someone said,If you have no faith,Why not treat travel as your religion,In this way, you will be on the pilgrimage all your life。in the country,A route that can be called a "pilgrimage",Nothing better than G318。From Shanghai to Tibet,It spans the east of the motherland、中、West。Stretching 5476 kilometers from east to west,It is the longest east-west trunk road in China。Connecting the densest collection of ultimate scenery in China,Strung the magnificent mountains and rivers into a long landscape corridor,Also turned "on the road" into the yearning of self-driving enthusiasts。

As one of the five important passages into and out of Tibet from the mainland of the motherland (the other four are the Qinghai-Tibet Highway、Qinghai-Tibet Railway、Xinzang Highway、Dian-Tibet Highway,National Highway 214 of the Yunnan-Tibet Highway merges with the Sichuan-Tibet Highway in Mangkang, Tibet),It plays a pivotal role in linking transportation between the east and west of the motherland,Whether in the military、Politics、Economy、Cultural,They all have irreplaceable roles and status。

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Minister of Foreign Affairs of Nepal Gyawali、Fu Yingchun, Executive Secretary General of the International Mountain Tourism Alliance、Charg d’Affaires of the Chinese Embassy in Nepal Yang Shichao and others cut the ribbon for the “International Mountain Tourism Day”

The International Mountain Tourism Alliance is an organization dedicated to protecting mountain resources、Inheriting mountain civilization、Develop mountain economy、Non-governmental organization whose purpose is to benefit mountain people、Non-profit international organization。May 29,The date when humans first successfully climbed Mount Everest, the highest peak in the world,The Alliance therefore designated this day as "International Mountain Tourism Day",To commemorate the first human ascent of Mount Everest。

The launching ceremony of the "International Mountain Tourism Day" and the Mountain Tourism (Nepal) International Forum held in the Himalayas,Get Nepal National Tourism Board、Guizhou Provincial Government、International Mountain Tourism Alliance、Co-organized by Nepal Tourism and Travel Agents Association,World Tourism Organization、PATA、World Tourism Alliance、Supported by World Tourism Cities 188bet sports betting app download Federation。Leaders of cultural and tourism-related institutions in China and Nepal、Officials from international organizations such as the Asia Pacific Travel Association、Some members of the International Mountain Tourism Alliance、More than 200 people including representatives of the cultural tourism industry from China and Nepal attended the event。

On such a special day,In such an important international stage,The Himalayas on top of the world,The disseminator of Chinese highway culture、Mr. Li Keqi, founder of Aijia Media, addressed the experts attending the meeting、Scholar、Industry practitioners and other international figures introduced in detail a great highway in China - G318,Also released the first world-class highway IP belonging to China。

Mr. Li Keqi released the "Must Drive 318 in This Lifetime" IP

188bet online sports betting This latitude runs through the locations of many famous and unsolvable mysteries of nature and civilization in the world。For example, the ancient Egyptian pyramids were built exactly in the center of the Earth's landmasses,And the puzzling mystery of the Sphinx,The mysterious "Dasili" in the Sahara Desert of North Africa;Vulcan Fire Seed"Mural、Dead Sea, Jordan、Babylonian"Sky Garden",The legendary sunken place of Daxizhou,And the frightening"Bermuda Triangle",Relics of the ancient Mayan civilization that have amazed humans for countless centuries, etc.。National Highway 318 extends along the 30th parallel of north latitude,And it is the place with the densest cultural landscape on this line。

318 is a very typical mountain tourist road,With a complete and diverse range of landscape types。Four of the world’s 14 peaks above 8000M are not far from 318: Makalu、Cho Oyu、Mount Everest、Shishapangma;Mountains over 4000 meters along the way,More than 10 seats;Famous mountain glaciers along the way,From hills to very high mountains,More than 30 seats。On the way,There are also lakes、Mountains、Canyon、Glacier、Primitive forest、Geothermal Hot Spring、Plateau meadow... covering almost all types of landscape types,The natural resources along the way are very rich。

318 is a link between China and the world.The predecessor of National Highway 318-The Ancient Tea Horse Road,In the Tang and Song Dynasties,Prosperous in Ming and Qing Dynasties,Most prosperous in the middle and late World War II。Connecting Sichuan, Yunnan and Tibet,Re-exported from Tibet to India、Nepal,It was an important trade channel between China and South Asia in ancient times。Today,Starting point of National Highway 318-Shanghai,It is an international metropolis。Since it became a commercial port open to the outside world in 1843,Always the center of Chinese commerce,is a representative city in China that connects the world。And its end point is at the China-Nepal border,This is a road of China-Nepal friendship。Construction of China-Nepal Friendship Bridge,Promote the friendly development of relations between the two countries,Facilitate personnel exchanges and economic and trade cooperation between the two countries。

National Highway 318 from the Pacific Ocean to the Indian Ocean,From the Yangtze River estuary to the China-Nepal port,Stretching 5476KM from east to west;From sea level to Mount Everest, the roof of the world,Elevation increased by more than 5000 meters;From ancient times to today,Precipitated 5,000 years of civilization of the Chinese nation,Witnessed China’s rapid development。It is moving forward, making progress, and always maintaining an upward state.

In China,We call the Yangtze River and Yellow River the "Mother River",Because they have nurtured generations of Chinese people。And for this road that runs opposite the Yangtze River,Li Keqi in the process of publishing,It was first proposed that 318 is Chinese"Father's Road" 。In addition to the Chinese people's "goodness is as good as water" quality,What’s more important“All the way up, never give up”’s fighting spirit。This great highway represents a kind of male、Responsibility and strength,It gives us experience and hope,Leading us to heights like a father,Pursue excellence。If you say,The Yangtze River is a major artery,318 is like the backbone of the Chinese land running from east to west。

G318 is not just a line for people to watch、Landscape Avenue to Explore,It connects resources in the east and west of China、A major channel for cultural exchange;It is a living lifeline,Connecting different ethnic groups living along the way;It is a highway that concerns you and me surrounded by multiculturalism,It is imprinted on everyone’s heart in different ways,It is our own sigh that comes from within,It deserves it"National Highway"'s title,It is a road that must be driven in this life

After 3 years of continuous polishing,At the "International Mountain Tourism Day" event,Officially released"Must drive 318 in this life" highway IP。This is a pan-318 road travel belt with National Highway 318 as the main line covering a certain range of surrounding areas。Aijia Media is pioneering in breaking out of the traditional administrative regions,From a road trip perspective,Based on regional culture and geographical characteristics,Divide this travel zone intoNine cultural tourism blocks。9 cultural tourism blocks,That’s 9 topics,The public can play each block in depth according to themes and time periods,Feel the uniqueness of landscape and culture in different regions。

From east to west,You can see nine distinctive areas distributed on this road trip belt:


For the open contemporary world,Anyone with a geographical perspective in the modern world will like Shanghai,Look at its extraordinary situation,And swallow up thousands of dollars in dim light。When Western 188bet app civilization swept in,In Shanghai, joy appeared at an extremely fast speed that could be heard in every corner of the world,Thus forming a "sea that embraces all rivers",The phenomenon of Shanghai-style culture that is inclusive and inclusive。


Overlooking the entire Taihu Plain, it looks like a Buddha's hand,51 islands are scattered in Taihu Lake,There is a mountain in the lake,Beautiful landscape with lake outside the mountain。Both "Wu Culture" and "Yue Culture" are centered on the Taihu Lake Basin,The two have the same origin and have been in the same boat for thousands of years,Gradually blend into each other,Become a representative of elegance and elegance in Chinese culture。


The terrain of southern Anhui is composed of the mountains of southern Anhui and the plains along the river in southern Anhui,Mainly mountains and hills;There is also the Yangtze River in the territory、Xin'anjiang、Qingyijiang、The four major water systems of Shuiyangjiang。From the heyday of Huizhou merchants to the arrival of Huizhou classes in Beijing,Representing the sum of material and spiritual civilization of Huizhou culture in southern Anhui,Inclusive of the folk economy of China’s late feudal society、Basic content such as life and culture,It is the deposition of traditional Chinese Confucianism and Taoism thought and culture。


“Victory Girl Jingchu,Living in Guo Nanxiang",As early as the Shang Dynasty, people in the Central Plains used "Jingchu" to refer to the southern tribes living in the Jianghan area。They rose in Chu,Developed from the Sanmiao tribe in the Yangtze River Basin,Not only enjoys fertile land,In the confrontation with the Shang Dynasty, he absorbed the advanced Shang Dynasty culture,Become an indispensable and important part of Chinese civilization。

Three Gorges

From the west of the Three Gorges to Baidi City, Fengjie, Chongqing,East to Nanjinguan, Yichang, Hubei,According to the description in "Shui Jing Zhu", it is "heavy rocks and overlapping peaks,Hiding the Sky and Blocking the Sun” is the most beautiful landscape gallery on the Yangtze River。The charm of the Three Gorges is even more well known to the world because of the profoundness of ancient Chinese culture。Grand Canyon,Once the ancient battlefield of the Three Kingdoms,They reflect the scenery of the Three Gorges,Famous all over the world。


As early as the fourth century BC, it became one of the earliest developed and longest-lasting cities in my country,Enjoy the reputation of "Land of Abundance"。However, in this ever-changing era,The people living in this land have not been assimilated by the rush of modern bustling cities,Casual lifestyle,It is a unique expression of the interaction between history, humanity and life style of the Shu people。


The culture of the Kangba people not only incorporates the Yellow River culture、Bashu culture also has cultural 188bet app essences from Yunnan and other ethnic groups。Kham’s men have a bold personality,The women of Kham are graceful and luxurious。They live in such a culturally diverse place,Looking at the icebergs and snowy mountains,Rapid rapids and great rivers beside my ears,The blue lake seems to have brought the sky to the earth,The whole year is full of auspicious and joyful atmosphere,It is really a pure land that makes people yearn for。


Lhasa, known as the "Sunlight City", is among the first batch of national historical and cultural cities,Located in the valley plain of the middle reaches of the Lhasa River, a tributary of the Brahmaputra River,With its pleasant scenery、Famous for its long history and strong religious overtones;With Lhasa as the center and radiating outwards, the U-Tibet area,It also contains rich cultural resources,It is a holy place of worship for Tibetan Buddhism,It is also the political economy of Tibetan areas、The center of religious culture。

Mount Everest

On the border between China and Nepal,Mount Everest is the border peak between the two countries,Standing like a giant in the middle of the Himalayas,Symbolizes the friendship between my country and Nepal。However, not only Mount Everest is majestic,Only within 20 kilometers around it,There are more than 40 peaks above 7,000 meters above sea level。Such a magnificent scene of mountains,Not only the pride of the Chinese nation,Also deeply admired by the whole world。

36 “must drive sites” were released at the same time,They are relatively important geographically on this travel belt,Unique landscape or cultural landscape,A destination city with certain supporting services and guarantee conditions,can help travelers travel more efficiently、Complete the entire 318 journey relatively completely in one go。Shanghai Station、Suzhou Station、Daocheng Station、Xuancheng Station、Chizhou Station、Anqing Station、Wuhan Station、Qianjiang Station、Jingzhou Station、Yichang Station、Wushan Station、Enshi Station、Wanzhou Station、Chongqing Station、Chengdu Station、Ya'an Station、Kangding Station、Litang Station、Daocheng Station、Mangkang Station、Marcon Station、Shannan Station、Seda Station、Ganzi Station、Derge Station、Qamdo Station、Basu Station、Bomi Station、Lingzhi Station、Gongbu Jiangda Station、Lhasa Station、Shannan Station、Shigatse Station、Dingri Station、Geellong Station、Zhangmu Station,36 must-drive sites are like 36 unique styles、Pearls of different colors,Scattered on the road trip belt 318。

The "Must Drive 318 in This Lifetime" landmark at the West Gate of Litang that is now popular on Douyin,It’s not an accident。As early as 2016,Promotion of 318 Highway Culture、The construction of the industrial belt and the creation of highway IP have begun。

September 2016,At the "starting point 188bet app download of the westward journey" Wenjiang, Chengdu,Chengdu Tourism Bureau、Shanghai Huangpu District Tourism Bureau、Tibet Autonomous Region Tourism Chamber of Commerce and the relevant person in charge of Aijia Media jointly initiated the creation of the 318 National Highway self-driving tourism industry belt,Released the 318 Highway IP Building Plan。

2017,With the support of industry partners,Aijia Media conducted an on-site investigation of 318,First time from a road trip perspective,Proposed the concept of cultural tourism block,And completed the drawing of the 318 travel map。

2018,Increase communication with governments and enterprises along the way,Obtained unanimous recognition along the way in building the 318 industrial belt and highway IP,More local governments and enterprises have begun to join in the promotion of Highway 318 culture。"National Highway G318" book start editing,The current status of this great highway in this era will be recorded in the form of publications。

November 15, 2018,Starting at 10:00 a.m. ET on November 15th,# This Life Must Drive 318# image advertisement lands on the big screen in Times Square, New York!This is China’s first highway IP presentation in a New York landmark building!

December 25th of the same year,The first G318 Highway Cultural Industry Summit was held in Litang, a high city in the world,Local management departments along the line、Self-driving travel industry elite、Experts and scholars on highway culture、Witnessed by self-driving travel user representatives and media,Complete the first "must drive 318 in this life" landmark。

G318 is our “national highway”,It is based on the understanding and recognition of multiculturalism in the area covered by this connecting line that runs through the east and west,It is the tolerance of the meaning of life and national consciousness behind the landscape that can make you think deeply。

Fu Yingchun (second from right), Executive Secretary of the International Mountain Tourism Alliance、Li Keqi, founder of Aijia Media (second from left)、“Envoy of China-Nepal Self-driving Mountain Tour Culture” Li Xiaoyan (first from left)、Cai Li (first from right)

With the "must drive 318 in this life" highway IP frequently appears in the public eye,318 is known to more and more people。And this time it is fully released overseas,It will also help the development and promotion of China’s highway culture。The road is long and difficult,I believe that 318 will eventually become a world-class highway that represents Chinese cultural confidence!

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