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Cultural Tourism Benefits Author of this article: Liu Jiewu 2019-11-05
How to deal with the off-peak and peak seasons in scenic spots?
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For the entire China tourism,In general, May Day heralds the arrival of the tourist season,"National Day" means the arrival of the tourist off-season,But regionally,There will be differences,For example, Hainan is the opposite of this,Also related to the project,For example, hot spring project,Also the opposite,But no matter what,The off-peak and peak seasons all exist objectively,Then,From the perspective of scenic spots,How to deal with low and peak seasons? 

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To deal with the problem of low and peak seasons,The first thing is to understand your scenic spot,How the low and peak seasons come about?

Overall,The peak and low seasons are caused by China’s climate problems,Most of China is in the subtropical zone,The climate characteristics of winter and summer are very obvious,Starts in May every year,Most parts of the country have entered the season when the climate is suitable for travel,Starting in October every year,The climate is getting colder,Traveling becomes increasingly inconvenient,This has turned into a season that is not suitable for traveling,“Cat Winter” becomes the choice (and Hainan is the opposite,Every year, it enters a very hot period after May,Every year after October,The climate is beginning to become more suitable)。So overall,Due to climate factors,There will be a peak tourist season from May to October across the country (except Hainan),The rest is during the off-season for tourism。

Second,From the perspective of holiday distribution and fund use,Every year "10.1” to next year “5.There are also fewer holidays during the 1″ period,Only "New Year's Day"、"Spring Festival"、Three Statutory Days of "Qingming"、Short holiday,But these three big ones、There are two clear purposes in the short holiday,Returning to hometown to worship ancestors during the Qingming Festival,Family reunion during the Spring Festival,In addition, the school’s winter vacation overlaps with the Spring Festival,It is also shorter than summer vacation,Some companies that have annual leave are often used up between May and October,So there are less vacation days to take advantage of。In addition, there is the custom of saving money for the New Year,The tourism consumption from May to October makes it necessary to prepare funds for the New Year in the following time,And during the Chinese New Year, the corresponding idle travel funds may also be spent,Suppression of travel consumption capacity from the end of the year to April。Less vacation available,Little idle funds available,This also intensifies the birth of the off-peak tourist season。

Third,People’s travel needs are also seasonal。In winter and spring, we especially seek family reunion,Or start a new plan for the year,Therefore, these two seasons tend to reduce one’s own travel,Allow time for reunion,Or make corresponding plans,Work hard。In summer and autumn, you will travel to distant places more,Release work stress,Travel。This is also a seasonal change in travel demand caused by people’s psychological factors。

This is the common reason for the off-peak season in China,Except Hainan due to climate privacy performance is opposite,Basically applicable to other places。But it’s the turn of specific scenic spots,There are different reasons for the occurrence of low and peak seasons,There will be different performances:

Fourth,Special tourism projects have their own seasonal attributes of low and peak seasons。Some tourism projects have very strong seasonal attributes,For example rafting,Because of its temperature limit,Generally it can only be performed in summer when the temperature is the highest in the year,The water temperature in other seasons does not meet the requirements。The same is true for hot springs,Only in winter,Only to feel the comfort of hot springs,The temperature is slightly higher,Soaking in hot springs will cause discomfort。Ice and snow projects、The water park project is strongly seasonal due to the low and peak seasons of the project itself。

Fifth,The special landscape cycle determines the off-peak and peak seasons of the scenic spot。Such as grassland、Desert、Snow Mountain、Sea of ​​Flowers、Scenic spots such as forest plains will only have lush grassland and water in summer,Present your best look,In the desert, the wind and sand are relatively small in summer,Snowy mountains are relatively safe in summer,These are particularly corresponding cycles due to the special landscape,Determines its low and peak seasons。Sea of ​​Flowers、The original forest will have its relatively fixed landscape cycle,Blooming cycle,The color changes of forest trees are seasonal。These objective existences,Determines the seasonality of the best projects in the scenic area。

二、Figure out what your scenic spot is?What can your scenic spot do?Very critical

Frequently encountered strategic consultation on scenic spots,Ask as soon as you come up,The off-peak season in scenic spots is very serious,How to solve this problem?In fact, we must be prepared for the off-peak and peak seasons,It is to understand your own abilities,Do what is within your capabilities,Rather than things outside the scope of ability,Otherwise it will be thankless。

So you have to figure out what your scenic spot is like,What can you do in your own scenic spot,is very important。

First,Be clear about the location and dominant market of your scenic spot。

According to statistics,More than 80% of the U.S. population lives in metropolitan areas,The trend of population agglomeration in urban areas in other Western countries is also increasing,Under the trend of increasing importance of urban areas,Talk about the location of the scenic spot,The first thing is to look at the location of scenic spots and urban areas,is located in the center of the urban area (such as the Forbidden City、West Lake、Chen Clan Ancestral Hall),Still located on the edge of urban areas (such as Yesanpo, Hebei、Wuzhen、Gubei Water Town),Stay away from urban areas (such as Shennongjia、Jiuzhaigou、Meili Snow Mountain),This is very important for scenic spots,188bet sports betting app download Because it largely represents the convenience of transportation、Completeness of infrastructure,And the ease of acquiring customers,These have a huge impact on the improvement of scenic spots in off-peak and off-peak seasons。   

Closely related to it is the dominant market,is the local market leader?Still dominated by foreign markets?The local and foreign markets are not much different?For the off-peak and peak seasons of scenic spots, these are questions whether the initiative is local or out of town。Sometimes it is decided,Is it a matter within the scenic area’s own capabilities?。For example, the leading market is a foreign market,In low season,An ordinary scenic spot must use its own strength to leverage the foreign market,It’s nothing more than an idiot’s dream,At this time,Only local government appears,Carry out overall marketing to attract traffic,The role of individual scenic spots is minimal,You are more likely to spend a lot of money doing things for nothing。

Four-quadrant classification according to the location of the scenic spot and the dominant market of the scenic spot,The scenic spots can be divided into four categories:

Category I scenic spots: located in the center of the urban area or near the center,But it is dominated by foreign markets。Most of these types of scenic spots are mature and paid scenic spots that have been famous for a long time in major cities,It has lost its novelty for locals in urban areas,But for foreign tourists,It is a must-visit classic scenic spot,For example, the Splendid China in Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Town、Folk Village、Window to the World、These scenic spots in Happy Valley,They have been open for more than 20 years,Some even reach 30 years,Most locals in Shenzhen have more than 2-3 travel experiences,Not very attractive to the local market,On the contrary, for people traveling to Shenzhen from other places,It is a typical check-in place for Shenzhen tourism。Many classic paid scenic spots currently in the city center,They will gradually surpass the changes in this kind of scenic spots。

Category II scenic spots: far away from urban areas,The dominant market is the foreign market。The location of this kind of scenic spot is not good,But generally speaking, it has top-level resources,Be able to attract tourists from other places across regions,The local market is small due to the small size of the city、Poor economy、Small population、Low consumption,It is often difficult for the local market to support the basic survival of scenic spots,So the foreign market has become a life-saving straw,The low and peak tourist seasons of scenic spots are closely related to the foreign market,Small fluctuations in foreign markets,What brought to the scenic spot was a major earthquake。

Category III scenic spot: in the center of the urban area,A scenic spot focusing on the local market。This type is positioned in the local market,Also relying on the original land advantage or lease advantage to form a higher entry barrier,The local market is its main source of income,Foreign tourists are a better supplement。For example, Shenzhen’s Happy Coast, Normally, we basically rely on the local market to survive,Can also attract foreign tourists during holidays。

Category IV scenic spots: located outside the urban area or far away from the urban area,Normally, we basically rely on the local market to survive。These scenic spots are often useful supplements for leisure in urban areas,They are farther from metropolitan areas,But it is indeed a local favorite。For example, Siguniang Mountain、Xunliao Bay, etc.,They rely on metropolitan markets,Changes in urban area markets can bring them direct changes in off-peak and peak seasons。

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Dominating market and interesting matrix chart (drawing: Liu Jiewu)

The four types of scenic spots are not always fixed:

Two situations in which Category I scenic spots can be transformed into Category III scenic spots:

①With the gradual decrease of foreign tourists,Scenic spots are gradually turning their markets to the local market,For example, Shenzhen Wildlife Park,Originally a nationally famous tourist attraction,Later gradually declined,Then turn to the local market,Now it has become a scenic spot focusing on local markets in the center of the urban area。

② There are also paid scenic spots that become free scenic spots or parks,It’s also easy to change,For example, Shenzhen Garden Expo、Zhuhai Old Ming Dynasty New Garden,After all are free,Becomes a Category III scenic spot focusing on the local market。

Situations in which Category III scenic spots can be converted into Category I scenic spots:

Out of the local scenic spot,Become a national or world-class scenic spot。For example, Hongyadong Scenic Area,It was originally a scenic spot where Chongqing locals chatted, drank tea and played,After appearing in Douyin videos in 2018,quickly became a popular place for people from all over the country to visit Chongqing,Can be converted from Category III scenic spots to Category I scenic spots。There are many similar cases。

In addition, due to the development of urban areas,It will also transform Category II scenic spots into Category IV scenic spots,For example, the scenic spots around western Hunan,Originally, we mainly relied on foreign tourists from Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong, Zhejiang and other places,But with the development of Chongqing metropolitan area,It is increasingly influenced by the Chongqing metropolitan area。

Due to the development of urban areas,It can also turn Category IV scenic spots into Category III scenic spots,For example, Shenzhen Guangming Farm,Originally a scenic spot outside the Shenzhen metropolitan area,But with the development of the urban area, it has become a scenic spot in the center of the urban area。

A scenic spot must know what type of scenic spot it is,Only in order to find your position in the conversion during off-peak seasons。At the same time, scenic spots also need to evaluate their own capabilities,What can you do with your own abilities?

What can the scenic spot do by itself,What position is it in the market,Can be solved by BCG Matrix,By measuring its sales growth rate and relative market share in the industry in the region,Scenic areas can be divided into four types:

Boston Matrix (Drawing: Liu Jiewu)

(1) Star-shaped scenic spot。The relative market share is very high,And the sales growth rate is very high,This type of scenic spot is the star scenic spot in the region。For example, Songcheng Group in the performing arts market,Being a leading company in the entertainment industry,in 2014、2015、Still able to maintain a growth of more than 30% in 2016,Even once 188bet app reached a growth rate of 56%,It can be said to be a star attraction in the performing arts category。

Table 1. The total operating income and year-on-year growth rate of total operating income of Songcheng Performing Arts (300144) from 2013 to 2018。

Chimelong Paradise in the Pearl River Delta was once a star attraction,It is the number one tourism and vacation brand in Guangdong,And its sales growth rate is still amazing,The growth rate especially before 2016 is very amazing,Above 25%。

Table 2.Chimelong’s growth rate of tourists from 2014 to 2017

Star scenic spots due to rapid growth,Have a lot of available cash,Ability to perform project updates,And because it has a higher market share,Also willing to make innovative attempts。

(2) Taurus-shaped scenic spot。Very high market share,But the sales growth rate has begun to decline,Such scenic spots are often very mature scenic spots,Slowly beginning to show signs of weak growth。Their development model and management model are mature,Also has a lot of cash flow,But the innovation is not strong enough,Pioneering decline,Or there is insufficient space available for development。Such scenic spots,Shenzhen Happy Valley mentioned above、Shenzhen Window of the World and others belong to this list。Many mature classic scenic spots have been hindered in their growth,It will slowly become a golden bull-shaped scenic spot。

(3) Young children (problem) scenic spots。Low market share,There are already leading companies in the market,It takes a lot of investment (and the ability to invest a lot) to break through the original market structure,Only to stand out,Although this type of scenic spot has a small market share,But there are financial resources to support,Able to make a certain investment。For example, the Baishi Mountain Scenic Area from 2010 to 2014 was a children (problem) type scenic area,Started to take off under the operation of CITIC Industrial Fund,Enter rapid development after 2015,Become a star scenic spot,Weak growth in recent years,Gradually becoming a golden cow type scenic spot。

(4) Skinny Dog Scenic Area。Low market share,At the same time, growth is weak。Such scenic spots lack funds,Lack of motivation for innovation,Go with the market,Often falling into losses,Maybe it is very difficult to survive in the market。

3. In the off-peak and peak seasons, it is fundamental to handle the peak seasons!

After understanding the nature of the scenic spot itself,You need to understand that your scenic spot is for survival,It’s still going to develop。Star type、Taurus type、Toddler (problem) type、Thin dog types have different demands,The thin dog-shaped scenic spot,The primary goal is to survive,The goal of the young child (problem) type is to increase market share,Grab shares from the existing market,Star-type and golden-type scenic spots face the problem of sustainable development。For different types of scenic spots,Different demands during off-peak and peak seasons。

(1) For thin dog-type scenic spots seeking survival,Being prepared for peak seasons and holidays is the best way to use steel on the blade

For thin dog-shaped scenic spots,Little funds but high pressure,Following the off-season is tantamount to wishful thinking,Because there is no money to fight for,No resources to fight for,It is counterproductive to spend limited funds on increasing income during the off-season,We should focus on diverting and competing for traffic during the peak season。

And in the off-season,Limited to the financial strength and publicity strength of the scenic spot,Spending limited funds on major holidays for marketing and attracting traffic is the main strategy for surviving scenic spots。If these limited funds are mainly used to attract traffic during the off-season,It is easy to cause funds to be scattered at the same time,It is still difficult to achieve a good traffic drainage effect。

(2) For children-type scenic spots that are trying to gain share in the existing market and strive to increase market share,The competition in peak season is the key

For young children (problem) scenic spots,Make good use of existing funds,Try to establish your own advantages during the peak season as much as possible,Not just market share,There are also channel advantages,Then in the off-season, you can successfully take advantage of the squeezed market share and channel advantages and postpone it to the off-season。

Looking at the skinny dog-type scenic spot that strives for survival and the young child (problem)-type scenic spot that plays a challenging role,The attitude towards the off-peak and peak seasons should be to use the peak seasons as much as possible to expand your profits,Let the bullets be concentrated in the peak season,And give full play to the best effect (the peak tourist seasons for different tourism projects that year are different),In the peak season, try to increase market share from similar competitors,Get higher traffic。

(3) For star-type scenic spots and golden bull-type scenic spots,Seize the peak season at the same time,Exploring the possibility of diversion in off-season

For star-type scenic spots and golden bull-type scenic spots,They have sufficient funds and complete management mechanisms to cope with market changes,Therefore,Only for these two types of scenic spots,While consolidating peak season tourism products,Only then can we explore the possibility of diverting traffic during the off-season,Because for these two types of scenic spots,The real and powerful channel is from the channel、Consider the off-season from all aspects including publicity。

No matter what type of scenic spot it is,Getting the peak season right is the basis for its survival and development,Because it is easiest to obtain tourists during the peak season,Competition in peak season is more focused on how to increase reception volume,Competition in peak season is more focused on slightly improving service,Or if you clear up the channels, you can get more tourists more easily。The off-season is a struggle for limited stocks,Tourists will concentrate on leading companies,The existing large market share can bring greater advantages,This is extremely disadvantageous for thin dog-type scenic spots and young children (problem) scenic spots。

In this context, the strategies that scenic spots can adopt are as follows:

Strategy 1: Win in the peak season,Expand peak season production capacity,Increase peak season income

For scenic spots,In response to the problem of low and peak seasons,A general strategy is to win in the peak season,Let’s be safe during the peak season。Therefore,How to expand production capacity as much as possible during peak season,Extend 188bet app the industrial chain during the peak season as much as possible,It is the right choice to increase the income during the peak season as much as possible。

In peak tourist season,To increase temporary labor force to cope with the crowds during the peak season,To expand the scale of revenue increase and the ability of secondary conversion,For example, destinations where residence is a means of traveling,Can add temporary housing during peak season,How to make good use of (rental) tent rooms、Container、Cabin、Light steel construction of houses, etc.,Increase your guest capacity,Thus increasing income。At the same time, according to the characteristics of passenger flow,Increase the ability of secondary conversion,For example, scenic spots like Shanwei Red Bay,Night performances can be appropriately added,Conduct secondary conversion of consumption for the corresponding tourists。

Peak tourist season,It is necessary to expand production capacity as much as possible,We must do everything we can to promote elimination,Be safe during the peak season,Convert customer flow into revenue as much as possible,Guarantee comprehensive mission,So make it a scenic spot,It is the decisive victory in the peak season。

Strategy 2: Improvement in off-season,Prepare projects for the peak season、Channel、Management and other aspects of preparation

First,For most scenic spots,The off-season is to prepare for a rainy day,Preparing for the peak season。After "National Day",Many scenic spots need to be considered,What are the new projects in the scenic spot next year?What will be the marketing focus of the scenic spot next year?Then examine the corresponding projects,Project establishment、Construction。For example, when conference tourism and business tourism are on the rise across the country,Can we seize the trend,Carry out certain transformation and layout;When the traveling boom comes,Is it possible to leave a certain amount of space,Seize the trend;When the traffic to Internet celebrity scenic spots is strong,Whether it can meet the needs,Appropriately add corresponding projects and dissemination,To adapt to new consumer trends。

Second,around new themes、New Project,Training for existing employees、Existing management to be adjusted、Optimize existing workflow,Preparing for the operation of the scenic spot in the coming year。

Third,Return visit、Consolidation、Expand channels。It is necessary to accurately grasp the existing channels,How many are from individual travel channels,How much of it is OTA,How much traffic comes from self-media,How many come from travel agency channels,How many come from key customers。These all need to be summarized。Need to return visits to significantly increased channels、Consolidation,Expand key channels for new markets,For example, the new media channels of “Two Weibo and One Shake” in recent years,Need to have a full understanding of new media,And carry out corresponding traffic expansion。

Fourth,Leadership Learning、Research、Expand,Thinking about the future development trend of scenic spots。One of the more important things in the off-season,Also includes studying in various places、Research、Summary、Expand,And think about the future development trend of scenic spots,By reference、Seminar、Communicate to provide corresponding reference for your own scenic spots。

Fifth,Do a good job in motivating people,Make summary and improvement。Outstanding results achieved during the peak season,In the off-season, you need to calm down and motivate,Let employees be recognized for their innovation and hard work for a year。The other thing to do is to summarize and improve,Some star-shaped scenic spots,You can use the off-season to do summary work,Especially if we cooperate with the government,In terms of tourism promotion,Play "1+1>The role of 2”,Will develop path、The model will be publicized,Achieve a win-win situation between local places and scenic spots,At the same time, it can also gather official power to promote the scenic spot。Linked Government,Proactively include the characteristics of scenic spots in government propaganda,Create powerful publicity to attract external traffic。The copywriting in government propaganda must be careful,is a free platform,But how can we keep ourselves from falling into the trap,This is a careful choice,Need more communication,Can’t take things lightly。

Strategy 3: Slim dog-type scenic spots should establish a flexible supply system,Full power in peak season,Off season cost reduction,Increase profits

We must establish a flexible supply system,In Human Resources、Second elimination, etc.,Achieve sufficient supply of products and manpower during the peak season,And in the off-season,It can also achieve savings in manpower and business format,Thus increasing profits。

Some thin-dog scenic spots can learn from the operation mechanism of travel agencies,Raise the core team,But in the form of recruiting certain non-core employees during the peak season,This can greatly reduce labor expenses,A scattered employment system can also be implemented according to market changes in peak seasons。And in the off-season,These labor costs can basically be saved,Can save a lot of money。

Thin dog-shaped scenic spots can also pass temporary projects,Orient-shared project implantation to improve supply capacity,For example, increase the focus on catering during peak seasons、Accommodation、Introduction of temporary projects in secondary elimination and other aspects,Project harvest according to a certain proportion,Or build some temporary projects,Similar to tent hotels, etc.,Similar projects will be canceled during the off-season,Let the peak season be full of firepower,The off-season can save the greatest possible cost。

Peak season is the basis of revenue for tourist attractions,Strategy 1、二、三、Sidu increased revenue under this theme、Improve quality、Cost Savings,The basic strategy to make sure you are safe during the peak season。

four、Off season,Doing well in the local market and local channels in metropolitan areas is the mainstream!

Even star-shaped and golden bull-shaped scenic spots,It’s not like they can successfully attract traffic just because they are willing to attract traffic in the off-season,You also need to pay attention to your own location and leading market,Already explained in the previous article,Scenic spots can be divided into four types according to location and dominant market,Dominating the overseas market,A Category II scenic spot far away from urban areas,188bet app download Even if it is star type and Taurus type,Draining traffic in the off-season is also very difficult to achieve,Generally speaking, execution strategy 1、二、Three is the best choice。If this type of scenic spot wants to make a difference in the off-season,Can only make a difference in promoting overall regional marketing,Individual scenic spots are under the general trend of the entire off-season,It is difficult to complete the reversal。

Off season for scenic spots,Far water cannot quench near thirst,Therefore the local market and local channels are very important。Off season,It is a battle between the local market and local channels,Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea,Everyone shows his or her special powers。

Strategy 4、Basic market for off-season traffic diversion: local competition in metropolitan areas and competition for local channels

The local market is centered on scenic spots,The high-speed rail can arrive in 2 hours,A metropolitan area that can be reached in 3 hours by highway,This is the distance that a standard weekend trip can reach,Exceed this distance,The price in this metropolitan area has been lost。And the opening of high-speed rail,Greatly reduces the distance between urban areas and scenic spots,Making the local market in the metropolitan area that scenic spots can take advantage of greatly increased。For example,Greater Xiangxi area (Zhangjiajie affected by tourism in western Hunan、Ji Shou、Huaihua、Wulong、Tongren、Enshi and other places),Before the high-speed rail was opened,Only local market,Wulong is slightly closer to the Chongqing metropolitan area,Other regions can only rely on foreign markets,Such as Beijing and Tianjin、Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai、Guangdong and other places,When the high-speed rail is opened one after another,Changzhutan Metropolitan Area、Wuhan Metropolitan Area、The Sichuan-Chongqing metropolitan area has become the local market of the greater Western Hunan region。

Fighting in the local market,It means,Promotional offensive in off-season、Marketing methods、Manpower、Capital、The product mix is ​​tilted towards the local market in metropolitan areas,For example, products launched during off-season,Should be more adaptable to the needs of locals in urban areas,Cultural integration should be more catered to local people’s tastes (whether it is deliberate exploration of localized elements,Or the introduction of foreign culture to attract locals),The launch of activities can better mobilize the interest of local people,Thus stabilizing the local market。The battle of the local market in the off-season,More on the basis of maintaining a certain flow,Possess a position that strengthens the local market,It can also spread the image of the scenic spot。

The local channel is because foreign tourists arrive in the area,Diversion to various local scenic spots under the guidance of local channels。Therefore,Although he is a tourist from out of town,But after actually reaching the local area,will be guided by local channels。If the area has a large number of tourists who are not part of the main metropolitan area,Then we should pay full attention to local channels。For example, the Greater Xiangxi region mentioned above,Many non-Changzhutan metropolitan areas、Wuhan Metropolitan Area、After tourists from the three major metropolitan areas of Sichuan and Chongqing metropolitan areas arrive in this area,Will be affected by travel agencies、Hotel、OTA、Flow to different scenic spots due to the influence of multiple channels such as tourism transportation,Among the middle-aged and elderly teams, the travel agency channel is the most prominent。

The struggle for local channels is very critical for tourist destinations whose tourism market is not local,Because tourists come from other places,Activities in local area,It will be greatly affected by the corresponding channel providers,Grasp the channels,Just grasp the tourist flow in the off-season,Can take advantage to a great extent。

For star type、For a golden bull-shaped scenic spot,The peak season is their decisive game,You also need to occupy and develop in the off-season,Then fully grasp the local market in the metropolitan area,And foreign tourists need to pay great attention to the channels after they come to the local area。

Strategy 5、A moderate strategy in the off-season must comply with the trend of consumption upgrade,Do a good job in key holiday brand marketing,Formation of small hot spots

Off season,It’s not like giving up the market completely,The off-season market will fully shift to the local market,Take general entertainment scenic spots as an example,After turning to the local market during the off-season,We can also make several node brands,Then promote,Fight some beautiful little battles。

The first is the online promotion of "Double Eleven" and "Double Twelve",This is a very important opportunity for online marketing to sell tickets and combination products,Be sure to use all available means to promote it,Including Taobao Live、WeChat interaction、You need to use Douyin to cooperate,The sales that can be carried out on the Internet in these two days may reach 1/5 or even more of the usual online product sales,At the same time, this is also an opportunity for marketing in front of people in the region and even the country。

Second,Halloween、Christmas (including Christmas Eve)、Valentine's Day,Three major Western festivals in the off-season,Respectively in November、December、February,There will be strong sales for about a week。Be sure to make good use of these three festivals,Can attract a large number of local young people to join。Shenzhen’s Happy Valley Halloween has even become a famous tourism brand in Guangdong,Attracting a large number of young people from Guangdong to visit Shenzhen。After learning from a certain scenic spot in Dongguan,It has also become a famous local tourism brand。

Third,New Year’s Day、The Spring Festival period (from the beginning of the winter solstice to the fifteenth day of the new year) is an important node to welcome the New Year,Lantern festival in conjunction with the New Year、Temple fairs, etc. can form a two-stage climax。

Fourth,Women’s Day (Girls’ Day one day in advance)、Qingming Festival and other festivals can also form corresponding node festivals,And promote it in conjunction with the corresponding theme of welcoming the Spring Festival。

Fifth,Combined with local characteristics and culture、Special customs、Special plants waiting 188bet app download in November、December continues part of the peak season traffic,January、February、Create regional characteristic festivals around the Spring Festival in March,For example, Winter Plum Festival、Peach Blossom Festival、Loyalty and Filial Piety Festival、Cuckoo Festival...

Strategy 6: Find advantageous positioning in small categories,Change passive traffic drainage to active traffic drainage,Professional conferences can expand influence

Off season,Scenic spots, especially in small categories, must find advantageous positioning,For example, making a Halloween brand,Or do temple fairs, etc.,is the best in the entire region in the off-season,In this way, you can establish your own dominant position in small categories,is the most able to attract local tourists,In urgently needed categories,You can quickly meet the needs of consumers in the local market,Thus being able to turn passivity into initiative,Let local consumer groups take the initiative to go to scenic spots for leisure。

Off-season for some leading scenic spots in the region,Especially for some leading scenic spots far away from urban areas, this is a very good period to expand their influence,Some professional conferences and exhibitions,Able to drive peers,Be able to link up with the province’s domestic cultural tourism system to participate,It helps to establish its own position in the tourism professional circle。For example, the flower-themed international conference,We will completely launch a series of flower sea scenic spots in the industry,Become an industry benchmark,Contributes to further expansion of influence and traffic flow。

五、 Traffic complementation,Unconventional way to balance the off-peak season!

Struggle for supremacy in peak season,Based on the off-season stock battle,Leading companies that still have potential,Or cultural tourism enterprises with very large capital strength,You can also start an unconventional way to balance the low and peak seasons,That is traffic complementation,Achieve traffic complementarity in off-peak seasons through different paths such as product complementarity or business format complementarity。

Why is this an unconventional operation?

Because of its financial strength in scenic spots,Have higher requirements for sustainable operating capabilities,Or there are extremely high requirements for the scenic area’s maneuvering and operation capabilities,You can’t afford it in ordinary scenic spots,Can’t learn either,Difficult to intervene。

Product complementarity means that different types of products appear in the same park,And the scale level of the product cannot be low,In fact, it is equivalent to products from two or more scenic spots appearing in the same scenic spot,The first is whether there is such a large-scale land use in the same area,Then the construction cost of the project is not low,Therefore,General small and medium-sized scenic spots simply cannot afford this。There are many scenic spots in China that can complement industries and achieve complementary traffic,Or it has become an industry leader in the local area for a long time,Accumulated a large amount of capital,Either there is a big benefactor behind it,Such as real estate、Finance、Parent company support from mining and other industry backgrounds,Don’t expect too much in general scenic spots。

Complementary business formats,It is the complementary traffic between different business formats,It’s not just about business、Scenic Area、Accommodation、It’s enough to do other match-2 games together,Its requirement is international level、Big traffic、Large traffic,It is not something you can enjoy in ordinary scenic spots,The location selection and plot size are also very strict,Non-large real estate company、Large tourism listed company、Large financial listed companies are not enough to play well,And the risk is extremely high。So,Although complementary business formats can promote complementary traffic,Weaken the off-peak season,But it is not something that ordinary scenic spots can reach。

For those who have strength、With background、Able to operate in China、For large scenic spots,Relative balance in regions or projects during off-peak seasons can be achieved through traffic complementation,But it is not recommended to try too many in general scenic spots。

Strategy 7: Product complementarity is a path to conversion during off-peak seasons

There are many scenic spots due to their own product attributes,The product has strong appeal only within a certain period of time,What we can do at this time is to expand the product system,Introduce other products to meet seasonal needs。For example, water park,Generally speaking,Because of the water temperature,Its peak season is from June to September,Especially in the northern region。In this case,Introducing hot spring tourism,Form a transition period from October to April of the following year,Add some more equipment that can be performed from April to October、Parent-child projects,It can form a good closed loop for the entire product throughout the year,Scenic area employees at the water park、Hot Springs Paradise、Free switching between equipment projects can also be achieved。

This is how to use the low and peak seasons of the project to balance the low and peak seasons of tourism。In this category,You can also do winter hot springs、Summer rafting,On snow in winter、Ice sports,Summer water and underwater sports, etc.,See the picture below and you can combine it freely。

Complementary diagram of some summer and winter project products (drawing: Liu Jiewu)

Complementary aspects of seasonal products,There are also complementary products for spring and autumn,Especially in spring and autumn,People have a clear plan for spring outing、The custom of autumn outing,And spring outing、The focus of autumn outing is to enjoy the flowers,So the product configuration,If you can add spring、Xia、Floral themes for autumn and three seasons,There are corresponding theme flowers for each season,It will be of great benefit for seasonal dilution。There are also some flower theme parks,For example, Million Sunflower Garden,He is trying his best to make the sunflower realize spring、Xia、Autumn、Can bloom in all seasons in winter,And utilize different areas for rotation,Let the same theme span the seasons。

Strategy 8: Complementary business formats are another way to cope with low and peak seasons

Complementary business formats refer to the complementary flow of traffic in the 188bet app same project base through the combination of business formats。The currently popular business travel complex is a typical use case。

The traffic complementarity of different business combinations is generally concentrated in business and travel complexes,This method has very high requirements for the project itself,The first necessary condition is the development of new cities on contiguous land in the metropolitan area。Must be located within the metropolitan area,And it is the core area of ​​the metropolitan area (usually on the edge of the core area due to land prices),Owns a large area of ​​developed land,A considerable part of these lands are residential lands,Also includes some industrial land,The center part of the land is the business and travel complex。So it is not a powerful real estate company,Not Wanda、Vanke、Evergrande、Real estate companies such as Sunac...are not qualified to develop this type of business and travel complex;The scale of land development is not enough,It is not enough to support a volume similar to that of a new city,It is also difficult to become a business and travel complex project。Must have at least 300,000 square meters of commercial area,Investment above 10 billion,There are also a large number of residential area facilities nearby,Make the project the center when it is completed。

The second is the introduction of international-level business resources and cultural tourism resources。There must be the introduction of international-level business resources,A large number of top international fashion brands and fashion brands must join in,There must be a large number of top domestic commercial brands to settle in,It is also necessary to import leading international cultural and tourism resources,Only in this way can commercial traffic and cultural tourism traffic complement each other。Domestic cases include Shanghai Joy City、Investment exceeds 12 billion。The former’s commercial area reaches more than 400,000 square meters,Investment exceeds 12 billion,While international big names gather,The LEGO Group、A large number of top cultural and tourism resources such as the Joy City Ferris Wheel are imported in a timely manner,Let the flow between Joy City’s business and cultural tourism be complementary,Promote each other。Guangzhou Sunac Cultural Tourism City is based on public information,covers an area of ​​approximately 2.2 million square meters,Total investment reaches 50 billion,Including the largest indoor ski resort in South China、South China’s first indoor constant temperature water park、Large outdoor theme park、8 major business formats including commercial shopping,Cultural tourism resources and commercial shopping complement each other,Promote each other,Since opening,It’s hard to get a ticket for the Cultural Tourism Theme Park,The hotel occupancy rate is very high,Business shopping is also very good。

The third is a business and cultural tourism operation team with international standards。A team that can operate such a complex business travel format is not something that ordinary scenic spots can do,Required for business、Has considerable understanding and keen judgment on culture and tourism,It can make the two learn from each other's strengths,Full integration,Able to adjust changes in operations in a timely manner。


After the National Day,The traditional tourism off-season is coming,"May Day" arrives,The peak season is coming,For tourist attractions,Switching operation during low and peak seasons、Management has a great influence,How to deal with low and peak seasons,You must see clearly how the off-peak and peak seasons of your scenic spots are generated?What type of scenic spot is yours?,What can you do in your own scenic spot?Only in order to respond flexibly according to strategies。

*This articleSource: WeChat public account "Bokan Culture and Tourism" (ID:Bokanwenlv),Author: Liu Jiewu,Original title: "Bo Comment︱Scenic spots’ low and peak seasons: How to deal with them?》.

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