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Cultural Tourism Benefits Author of this article: Dadi Scenery 2020-06-04
The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region must build a Beijing-Zhangjiakou ice and snow tourism belt.
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Ice and snow tourism is still in the ascendant in the country。Last two years,The country intends to promote ice and snow sports through the hosting and preparation of the Winter Olympics,The ice and snow industry has also developed to a certain extent。Although the snow season is relatively long this year,However, the sudden new coronavirus epidemic has a greater impact on ice and snow tourism。

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According to research from the Sports Business School of Beijing Sport University,As of the end of 2019,The overall scale of my country’s ice and snow industry has reached 423.5 billion yuan,The added value created is 203.3 billion yuan。If there is no outbreak,Although my country’s current economic downward pressure is relatively large,By the end of 2020,The total scale of my country’s ice and snow industry will reach more than 470 billion,The added value created will reach 225.9 billion yuan。But due to the impact of the new coronavirus epidemic,From early February,Main ski resorts in the country、The ice rink is basically closed。

Based on domestic and foreign experience,The ice and snow industry belongs to the holiday economy,Contribution rate of holidays to the ice and snow industry exceeds 80%,The Spring Festival Golden Week and student winter vacation contribute at least 40% to the ice and snow industry。Also,Based on our research,Believes that the COVID-19 epidemic has reduced the main economic indicators of my country’s ice and snow industry by more than 50%,The specific manifestation is that the total scale of my country’s ice and snow industry will decrease by 235.3 billion yuan,Added value decreased by 112.9 billion yuan。It can be seen from this,The epidemic has caused a cliff-like decline in my country’s ice and snow industry。

The impact of the epidemic on China’s ice and snow industry,Mainly manifested in several aspects,First, short-term resumption of business has limited effect on reducing losses in the ice and snow industry,And even the ski resorts that are now reopening are still at a loss,The economic indicators of the ice and snow industry dropped by more than 50%。Second, several large ski resorts in my country have resumed operations since February 26,But due to the impact of the epidemic、Social Control,As of early April, there are only a dozen stores open,And most of the open ski resorts are operating at a serious loss。Third, there are currently more than 770 ski resorts across the country,Since most ski resorts are closed,It may cause the 1.47 million ice and snow workers in my country to face the pressure of unemployment。The fourth is that it affects the realization of the goals of the "Ice and Snow Sports Development Plan (2016-2025)",According to plan,The total scale of the ice and snow industry will reach 600 billion by 2020,It may not reach 300 billion now。

The significance of controlling the impact of the epidemic on promoting the development of my country’s ice and snow industry

The following analysis of future development is based on our country’s ability to effectively control the epidemic。

First, it is conducive to promoting the recovery and growth of the national economy

If the epidemic can be effectively controlled,Promote the healthy and stable development of the ice and snow industry,It is of great significance to my country’s economic development。As of the end of 2019,There are 746 ice rinks in my country,There are 447 indoor skating venues,Outdoor ice rink 299 yuan,More than 15 million ice and snow population,The 2020 spring snow season has passed,Winter in 2020 and spring snow period in 2021,If you do a good job in all aspects,It is possible for the ice 188bet online sports betting and snow industry to recover to a total scale of more than 420 billion,The added value can be stabilized at 200 billion,The ice and snow industry can provide more than 2 million jobs,Achieving high-quality development of China’s ice and snow industry。

The ice and snow industry belongs to the attention economy,i.e. attention economy,The multiplier effect of my country’s ice and snow industry exceeds 5,Has strong industrial radiation and industrial integration capabilities,Can effectively promote the development of related industries (construction industry、Ice and snow supplies manufacturing、Tourism、Hotel Industry、Catering Industry、Real Estate Industry、Agriculture, etc.),This is of great significance to the recovery and growth of the national economy。Research on the national industry,Industry since the reform and opening up,Makes the greatest contribution to my country’s national economy,But in recent years,Industrial development is greatly restricted,There are only about 10 sub-industries that can maintain growth,More than 29 subdivided industries have declined。

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From a fair point of view,Find some new growth points,The pressure is very huge。Our country’s fiscal revenue in 2019 has seen a very low growth since the founding of the People’s Republic of China,And the fiscal expenditures of governments at all levels are very high。In this context,Accelerating the development of the ice and snow industry will contribute to my country’s “steady growth、Stabilize employment、Keep stable”,Promoting the recovery and growth of the national economy is of great significance,It can even open up gaps in service-oriented consumption。

Second,Conducive to poverty alleviation and the realization of the grand goal of a moderately prosperous society in all respects

Stably promote the development of ice and snow industry,It is of great significance to the goal of alleviating poverty and helping to achieve the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way。2020 is the critical year for our country to realize a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way,Getting rid of poverty and becoming rich is the key link to fully realize the goal of moderate prosperity。Most of my country’s higher-standard ski resort facilities are located within the jurisdiction of national-level poverty-stricken counties (districts),The ski industry has become a pillar industry in Chongli District, Zhangjiakou,Chongli also got rid of poverty in 2019。Promoting the sound and rapid development of the ice and snow industry is of great significance to vigorously promoting rural revitalization and alleviating poverty in backward areas。

Third,Conducive to citizens forming an active and healthy lifestyle,Improving my country’s public health and health protection system。

The ice and snow industry is conducive to citizens forming an active and healthy lifestyle,Improving my country’s public health and health protection system。The epidemic has developed so far,As of April 11, the number of cases in the United States has exceeded 500,000,So far,No effective drug that can cure COVID-19 has been found,Currently, the treatment of COVID-19 mainly relies on the patient’s own immunity。

Research on sports medicine has long proven that,Ice and snow exercise can effectively improve myocardial nutritional metabolism,Improve blood vessel elasticity;Increase lung capacity,Conducive to gas exchange and tissue metabolism,Promote the excretion of pathogenic factors and waste;Enhancing neural cerebral cortex function,Increase anti-aging substances in the body,Enhanced immune function。At the same time, ice and snow venues, especially ski resorts, are mostly located in outdoor spaces with superior ecological environments,Negative oxygen ions are much higher than those in general urban built-up areas。Therefore, vigorously promoting the development of the ice and snow industry will help citizens form an active and healthy lifestyle,It is of great significance to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation。

The development direction and potential of China’s ice and snow industry

Based on international ice and snow industry development experience,my country is about to enter the 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino golden 20 years of ice and snow industry。Research shows,The development experience of the ice and snow industry in the United States tells us,The development of the ice and snow industry is closely related to per capita GDP。By the end of 2019,my country’s per capita GDP has exceeded 10,000 US dollars,Compare to the United States,In 1978, the per capita GDP of the United States exceeded 8,000 US dollars。Start from this stage,American ice and snow sports have entered a stage of rapid population growth,Steady growth for 20 years,So our country should also comply with this basic law。According to relevant World Bank data,China has now entered the middle- and high-income ranks,With the increase of economic growth and per capita income level,Entering a stage of upgrading and upgrading of consumption patterns,Leisure activities,Especially ice and snow sports,will experience explosive growth。

It is predicted that by 2025, Chinese residents will participate in ski fitness to reach 38.68 million people,Skating fitness reached 47.12 million people,The number of people doing ice and snow fitness will reach 85.81 million。China’s skiing population will reach 20.69 million,The skating population will reach 9.42 million,The total population of Ice and Snow will reach 30.26 million,This is very impressive。The number of people doing ice and snow fitness in China will also exceed that in Japan、South Korea,will become the world’s major ice and snow market。Total scale of ice and snow industry development,May reach 739.3 billion yuan by 2025,The added value created may reach 354.9 billion yuan。Although the main forecast data in this report are lower than the goals set in the "Ice and Snow Sports Development Plan (2016-2025)",But this does not mean that the goals set in the "Plan" cannot be achieved,Achieving such a goal requires the government to come up with practical countermeasures,The whole society needs to seriously pay attention to the development of ice and snow industry and ice and snow sports。

Direction 1: Scientific layout of mountain outdoor sports industry projects

The first direction is to integrate ski resorts with outdoor sports。After the epidemic,Chinese people will be more advocating outdoor sports life。Research shows,Outdoor sports contribute more than 60% to the global sports industry。Current ski resorts in my country,Basically, they operate for one season,But like Whistler、Queenstown、Chamonix、Internationally renowned ski resorts such as Innsbruck,The revenue from its non-snow season outdoor sports projects has exceeded the revenue from skiing operations。So my country’s ski resorts should implement ecological environment protection and light development on the basis of implementation,Actively create conditions to encourage and guide ski companies to carry out outdoor sports projects,To make up for the losses in the snow season and form an industrial model of four-season operation。Because the ice and snow industry has no way out without Four Seasons Operations,This is the biggest problem in ice and snow sports in our country。From another perspective,my country is rich in outdoor sports resources,Lake、Reservoir resources reached 10.72 million hectares,The forest area reaches 94.91 million hectares,Mountain area 3.2 million square kilometers,Can carry out camping、Mountain climbing、Hiking、Winter sports and other sports activities。my country’s river basin area is 95.590,000 square kilometers,Sea area 4.73 million square kilometers,The coastal area is 280,000 square kilometers,Can start swimming、rowing、Surfing、Camping、Beach volleyball and other sports activities。Promote the development of outdoor sports,It is also the only way to promote the development of the tourism industry from sightseeing to vacation tourism。Research Discovery,Enhance tourists’ experience,The contribution rate of outdoor sports will reach 50%-80%。Mainly including water sports、Ice and Snow Sports、Mountain Sports、Golf balls, etc.。

Direction 2: The construction of ice and snow sports towns will become the highlight of the ice and snow industry

The ski resorts in our country are still small and small now,Usually a slope forms a ski resort,Unlikely to actually attract too many tourists。

Based on international experience,The reason why the ice and snow industry in major Western developed countries is so developed,The key is to improve the industrial concentration of the ski industry,A major tool is to create an ice and snow sports town。Aspin Outdoor Sports Town, Colorado, USA,It used to be the coal mining industry,After the end of World War II,Insufficient coal resources,Under this background,The local area focuses on ice and snow sports,Has 4 ski resorts,More than 200 more miles of walking and biking trails created、 8 tennis courts、2 skating rinks and golf balls, etc.。After the end of World War II,Aspen does not only rely on the ice and snow industry,At the same time, it is well combined with exhibitions,There are more than 40 international conferences in Aspen every year、Seminars and Forums,Such as Global Wealth Forum、Energy Forum、Global Oil and Gas Forum、Environment and Economic Forum, etc.。There is also the annual Aspen Concert、Designer Summit、Film Festival、The ballet festival and other events have become famous residential areas and vacation spots for the rich and famous 。

Our country has made great progress in ice and snow towns,Such as Wanda Changbai Mountain International Resort,It is also a very good ice and snow town,It can be said that it is the only true mountain resort in China so far。There is also Genting、Chongli、Fulong Four Seasons Town and so on are very magical,Attracts a large number of tourists every year。Building an outdoor sports town in the future、Ice and Snow Sports Town,It must be a focus of the sports industry and ice and snow industry。

Direction 3: The huge historical opportunity of the Winter Olympics

There are three divisions in the 2020 Winter Olympics,Beijing mainly hosts ice games,Among them is the ski jumping platform held in Shougang Park,Alpine skiing in Yanqing,There are also snowmobiles and sleds。Zhangjiakou mainly uses veneer、Cross-country and freestyle skiing。Many venues have been built now,These venues are world class。And these venues will be after the Olympics,All can be kept intact。Current high-speed rail、The expressway has become a very powerful axis between three points and one line,Form the future Beijing-Zhangjiakou Ice and Snow Tourism Belt through convenient transportation arrangements。

A ski jumping platform has been built in Shougang Park,Shougang was originally a century-old steel factory,The 2008 Olympic Games implements the strategy of retreating from the second and advancing to the third,The steel factory moved to Caofeidian,Use the original silos,Such a model is also about sustainable development and the protection and excavation of Olympic heritage,A good blend of an old industrial park and a modern and fashionable ice and snow sports。After hosting the Olympic Games,Ice and snow events and many performing arts activities will also be held here,Very worth looking forward to。

Ice and snow fitness driven by the Winter Olympics、Winter Olympics Tourism、Winter Olympics research and studies will show explosive growth,At the same time after the Olympics,In accordance with the requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping,Chongli will be built into an international high-end ski resort。actually,A large number of Winter Olympics venues have become international high-end ski resorts,For example, Chamonix in France,Innsbruck, Austria,Sapporo, Japan、Nagano,Also Whistler, Vancouver, Canada、Sochi, Russia、Pyeongchang, South Korea。

Direction 4: Indoor ski resort supports urban and suburban tourism complex

There are already many indoor ski resorts in the country,Especially in Harbin、Guangzhou。Guangzhou is very typical,Completed in June 2019,Originally expected to earn more than 5 million yuan by the end of the year,But it surprised the industry,More than 4.5 million in June alone,There is a huge flow of 188bet online sports betting people。In fact, this is understandable,Because it’s hotter in the south,There is such an indoor ski resort and skating、spa、Integrating catering and other services,It is an effective urban complex。Indoor ski gyms are generally considered training venues abroad。After my country’s successful bid for the Olympic Games,It takes great strides to reach Chinese cities。Now there is Beijing Qiaobo Ice and Snow World、Shaoxing Qiaobo Ice and Snow World、Shanghai Yinqixing Indoor Ski Resort、Luoyang Funiu Mountain,There is also the Shenzhen Alps Indoor Ski Resort。There are now more than 30 indoor ski halls built in China,Become the characteristics of our country。

This method will be used after the epidemic is over,will make great strides forward in China,This model is applicable to many cities in southern my country。The indoor ski resort that has been built now,2/3 is in the south,Most of the indoor ski resorts under construction or planned are also in the south。So the ice and snow industry is not a privilege of the north,The South should definitely have such conditions。Wanda、Qiao Bo、AST Aoyue、Most of Zhonghong and others are located in the south,The indoor ski stadium will become an important urban complex in the south,Or suburban urban complex。

Direction 5: “Ice and Snow Carnival” creates a tourism party, Enrich the tourism content industry

Create a tourism party through events like the Ice and Snow Carnival,To enrich the content of tourism,This is very important。Actually based on our research,Since the end of World War II,Country with developed ice and snow sports,They are all vigorously promoting the ice and snow sports carnival,Some are a month,Some last more than ten days,For example, Italy、Quebec, Canada、Sapporo、Hokkaido,Attracting hundreds of thousands every year、Millions of visitors。The Quebec International Ice and Snow Carnival in Canada has a nighttime float parade、Ice climbing、Snow Carriage Racing、Dog Sled Racing、Cross-country skiing competition、Tube racing、Artistic performances and other activities,Make full use of ice and snow resources,Set up rich city carnival party,Breaking the otherwise deserted tourism market in winter。

China has more ways to play,Like a snow sculpture、Ice sculpture,Harbin’s ice sculptures are the most famous in the world,There are also dragon boats on ice、Ice motorcycle、Dog-pulled sledge、Playing top、Snow Golf、Snow Castle,Snow Live Laboratory。

Many foreign ice and snow activities integrate sports with urban life。The "Snow Festival" in Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan is very famous,The Sapporo Ice and Snow Festival has a very rich theme event planning,More popular entertainment and commercial purpose。Like the entire long street in Hokkaido,Different locations on the street within 7 days,Very interesting layout。For example, skating,Public building surrounding a small neighborhood,Made into a skating route,With music,Game,Everyone can participate。Re-docking business activities,It was very successful。Harbin’s Ice and Snow World,Harbin’s Ice and Snow Carnival is very unique,Each snow season probably attracts at least 800,000 tourists,If there are more,Can exceed 3 million visitors,This is very impressive,The average number of tourists in recent years has been more than 2 million。There are ice and snow sculptures here、ice road、Catering、Farmer Trade,There are also business negotiations。

Direction 6: Northeast and Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei build the two poles of China’s ice and snow industry

The last direction is that the development 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino of ice and snow sports must have a growth pole,Construct the Northeast and Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei into the two poles of my country’s ice and snow sports industry,But this does not mean that the south cannot develop ice and snow industry。The ice and snow resources in the north are relatively concentrated,Chongli has 7 top ski resorts in China,The Sino-Swiss ski town is being built with an investment of more than 50 billion yuan in Jilin,The future goal is to 188bet app download attract more than 10 million visitors each snow season,It is an advanced cluster development。

Find the main contradiction in everything,my country’s ice and snow industry,Be sure to do these two poles well。Of course the South can do it too,Like Xiling Ski Resort,Because it is close to Chengdu,It attracts no fewer tourists than the north。Shennongjia in Hubei,Guizhou、Yunnan, etc.,Many ski resorts in the south are combined with scenic spots or famous mountains,The effect is also very good。The specifications of the snow are not very high,There are not many advanced ways,But it can attract a large number of tourists during holidays。

The specifications of northern ski resorts are very high,But not very profitable。The specifications of the southern ski resort are not very high,But it’s very profitable。Like Xiling Ski Resort、Aba Ski Resort,That’s the primary way,But the ski resort is full of people,This phenomenon is worth studying。And now the south is in Shanghai、Guangzhou、There are many ice rinks in Shenzhen and other places,Ice sports develop,Curling、All World Cup competitions in short track speed skating have been held,And the effect is very good。So the two poles here do not deny that the ice and snow industry can also develop well in the south。

In the Northeast and Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei bipolar,Northeast China is the region with the richest ice and snow sports resources。The most typical one is Jilin Province,Resources are relatively abundant。I have a prediction about Jilin Province,Can be promoted around the layout of “two cores, one circle and two belts”。The development of “two cores” serves as a demonstration for our province’s ice and snow industry、The role of leadership and radiation。“One Circle” is Changji Ice and Snow Industry Circle。Combining Changji-Changji integration and Changji-Jilin metropolitan area construction,Building Changji Ice and Snow Industry Circle,Linked Nong'an、Dehui、Gongzhuling、Yitong、Yongji、Jiaohe and other counties (cities),Create a one-hour ice and snow sports fitness circle。The "two belts" refer to the Changbai Mountain ski industry belt、Songhua River Water Sports Industry Belt。The "Changbai Mountain Ski Industry Belt" utilizes the high-quality ski resources of the Changbai Mountains,Develop a group of companies with the ski industry as the core,Extending mountain vacation and leisure,A ski resort town group supported by multi-industry integration,To create Northeast Asia’s top and world-renowned ski resort and mountain leisure resort。This belt of Changbai Mountain can connect Jilin、Heilongjiang、Liaoning is effectively connected in series,Internationally competitive。The "Songhua River Water Sports Industry Belt" relies on the superior water sports resources of the Songhua River Basin、Mountain sports resources,Built with the sport of skating in mind、Skiing as a supplement、The Songhua River water sports industry belt and ecological landscape corridor that combines mountain and water sports。

The other pole is Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei,Building a Beijing-Zhangjiakou Ice and Snow Tourism Belt in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region。On this line,There is an ice ribbon in the Olympic Park in Beijing、Wukesong Ice Rink,The Water Cube must also be turned into an Ice Cube,There is also a big snowboard jumping platform。And many ski resorts,Nanshan Ski Resort、Badaling、Vanke、Songhua Lake, etc.。The transportation on this line is more convenient,Ice and Snow Resources、Rich industrial factors。In the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, it can also be connected to the Changbai Mountain Belt,Layout of ice and snow industry,From Chengde、Zhangjiakou、Baoding to Shijiazhuang。From this perspective,The future of Changbai Mountain is not just the ice and snow industry、Ski Industry,Can also be used for outdoor sports、Combining military sports, etc.。

The other belt is the ice sports belt,Starting from Qinhuangdao to Tangshan、Beijing、Baoding、Langfang、Xiongan,All the way to Shijiazhuang、Xingtai、Handan,Formation of "Urban Development 188bet app Belt",Create an “skating industry development belt” along the “urban development belt”。

Thousands of sails passing by the side of the sunken boat,Wan Muchun in front of the diseased tree,China’s ice and snow industry will surely usher in a bright and sunny spring!

*Source of this article: WeChat public account "Earth scenery”(ID:besconsultinggroup),Author:Earth scenery, original title:The development direction and potential of China’s ice and snow tourism industry under the background of epidemic prevention and control》.

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