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Big accommodation Author of this article: Zhihui Travel Network 2015-06-08
Boutique Hotel、Shiji Information、Alibaba Travel;Plateno Group、Ctrip、Tencent,Both are ground、Combination of system and cloud。Is this an unexpected coincidence or does it represent the future development trend of the accommodation industry?
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Since last year,Hotel Industry and OTA、There is endless news about “Internet+”。Especially since May 2015,First on the 12th,Boutique Hotel、Shiji Information、Alibaba Travel signed a strategic cooperation agreement。BTG Hotel will become the foothold of Alibaba Travel and Shiji Information’s “Internet +” strategy,Shiji Information will assist Beijing Tourism Group in promoting the interconnection between the hotel information management system and Alibaba Travel System,At the same time, the three parties will carry out big data、Cloud computing、In-depth cooperation in smart hotels and e-commerce business。

And in 2014,Alibaba Travel has spent 28.100 million yuan investment in Shiji Information。While the news is still fermenting in the industry,May 22, 2015,Plateno Group teamed up with Ctrip and Tencent to acquire the controlling stake in eLong held by Expedia,Become the second largest OTA in China,This is after 7 Days Hotel Group delisted from Nasdaq and established Plateno Group,Many actions,The incident that filled the industry with the most speculation。

Look at the above three companies that have cooperated respectively,Boutique Hotel、Shiji Information、Alibaba Travel;Plateno Group、Ctrip、Tencent,Both are ground、Combination of system and cloud。Is this an unexpected coincidence or does it represent the future development trend of the accommodation industry?What kind of business opportunities are behind the combination?Are there currently too many hotels??Where should we transform?Chairman and General Manager of BTG Hotels Group、Zhang Rungang, President of China Tourist Hotels Association, analyzes where China’s accommodation industry should go under the new normal。

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“The rapid development of mobile Internet has created opportunities for the accommodation industry,Also presented a challenge。"Zhang Rungang said,A typical challenge is facing OTA。OTA helps hotels,Also exploited the hotel,This is an indisputable fact。Previous,The hotel holds the entity in its left hand,The right hand controls the sales channel。You can do whatever you want,Whatever you want。However,The great development of information technology has overturned this situation,Today the hotel people still control all entities,But we have lost considerable channels。More importantly,Nowadays, channels have become a resource,And it can influence physical resources to a great extent。

As understood,China’s star-rated hotels lost 2.1 billion yuan in 2013,The OTA commission income 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino has reached more than 3 billion yuan。Currently,The hotel industry has formed a situation where two major resources, entities and channels, coexist,The advantages of channel resources have also been established,If there is no new model to leverage,The hot war between hotels and OTAs may continue endlessly,It’s just that today is Hunan and Qunar,Tomorrow it may be Hubei and Ctrip... in short, it is endless。

But with the rapid development of mobile Internet and the formation of Internet thinking,The strong OTAs have gradually exposed some of their own weaknesses,On business model,Zero-sum thinking has lagged behind platform thinking;In terms of technical means,An agent is not as good as a direct connection。

In this context,There is BTG Hotel and Alibaba、Shiji’s three-party alliance。“Our cooperation is based on a common understanding,It is necessary to create a business model that keeps pace with the times,To better serve the entire accommodation industry。

Our three parties each have their own advantages: Alibaba’s capabilities lie in the cloud,Reflected in big data、The most advanced e-commerce technology for future hotels;The advantage of BTG Hotel is on the ground,Due to close contact with the earth,Can complete the coordination of all offline products,And develop the membership market;Shiji’s PMS can very cleverly connect the cloud and the ground,Thus forming a platform that can prosper and coexist with the vast number of independent hotels。"Zhang Rungang said。

There is actually a very important point in the cooperation between these three parties,That is, all three parties are listed companies,Both have relatively complete corporate governance structures and good company operating efficiency,This will undoubtedly become an important advantage of tripartite cooperation。It is precisely because of the listed company,Some details of the tripartite cooperation are not yet available,But according to Zhang Rungang,The cooperation will soon have new concrete results,An announcement will be made in accordance with the law and regulations at that time。

actually,The cooperation between these three parties is also a practice of "Internet +"。After “Internet+” became popular,All walks of life are trying to get involved with “Internet+”。The hotel industry is no exception。But in Zhang Rungang’s view,The industry has misunderstandings about “Internet+”,I thought that building a website would become “Internet+”。

Actually,That’s just +Internet,Not Internet+。He understands what the Internet is adding,It is to closely connect it with the market and customers。Why OTA is so awesome?Because hotels must go through them to connect with customers。If the hotel wants to get rid of OTA control,We need to explore direct connection。Both direct connection mode or OTA mode can be counted as “Internet+”,It’s just that the + method is different。Realize direct connection with customers,It is BTG Hotel and Shiji Information、The goal of Ali travel cooperation。Scientific realization of “Internet+”188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino ,It should be said that it is a strategic commanding height of China’s accommodation industry,Hotel Man、Networkers and OTAs are both thinking and taking action。

Different from the “big guys” in traditional hotels,The current OTA leaders are all new generation talents,Many are well educated overseas,High level of knowledge,A keen sense of market smell,They have their own judgment on the future trend of OTA。Ctrip、Plateno and Tencent acquired the controlling stake in eLong held by Expedia,In the short term, it will only increase Ctrip’s market share,But in the long run,There will also be a lot of room for imagination,As to whether this move is related to Beijing Tourism、The cooperation between Shi Ji and Alibaba has different approaches but the same result,Still to be further observed。But anyway,Connect the ground and the cloud through the system,It is likely to be the trend of hotels in the future。

Generational change Post-890s become mainstream, “surplus” and “shortage” coexist in the accommodation industry

“From 2012 to present,China’s hotel industry has experienced tremendous changes。”Talk about the current situation of the industry,Zhang Rungang thinks,After nearly three years of turmoil,The partial reshaping of market demand in China’s accommodation industry, including star hotels, is almost complete。Before 2013,Most of the consumers of high-end star hotels are the "rich and powerful" class,Consumption surrounding this class,Showing obvious government affairs or government affairs-related characteristics。But since 3 years ago,This consumer demand has shrunk greatly,Therefore,In the past, there was a significant excess supply for this market。Thus also explains why when discussing the causes of market revolution,Most people find it easier to talk about the "eight regulations"。

Zhang Rungang said,In addition to the integrity storm,Generational change and mobile Internet are two other very important factors that promote the market revolution of China’s hotel industry。“The disappearance of the past ‘powerful people’ in the traditional hotel market,In addition to containment by policy and discipline,There is another reason,These former main consumer forces have already or are in the process of withdrawing from the professional (leadership) stage。”And the space left by them is also being filled by emerging consumer forces,Why in the past 3 years,Traditional star-rated hotels are crowded,And some emerging brands of catering、The hotel is crowded?

Because these emerging forces do not like traditional star-rated hotels,They are more interested in some fashion concepts、Products with Internet genes,Like Rosewood Hotel in Beijing、Orange Crystal Chain、Dadong Roast Duck、Huang Tai Chi Pancakes、Diaoye beef brisket, etc.,They are all representative works of this type of products。Just,Star hotels have withstood the pain caused by the huge changes in the market,But far from sharing the dividends generated by the changes。

The so-called generational change of consumers in the accommodation industry 188bet app market,It means that traditional consumer groups have been or are being replaced by emerging consumer groups,The interesting thing is,The generational change and the "Eight Provisions" happen to happen at the same time,And together with the mobile Internet, it has promoted changes in the accommodation industry market。

First,Consumption activities in various industries, including the accommodation industry, have begun to be 80、dominated by those born in the 1990s,Their preference for accommodation products is clearly different from that of the "powerful people" in the past: fashion、New Trend、anti-tradition、Personalization、Pay special attention to cost-effectiveness,Mobile phones are inseparable from consumer behavior,has become a part of consumption behavior,Even became a part of the body。Predictable,These characteristics will become the mainstream direction of the future evolution of the accommodation industry,It may also be the mainstream model for the gradual transformation of traditional star-rated hotels。

Secondly,Although the traditional government affairs market has shrunk greatly,But this demand will not disappear completely,Vice versa,will exist forever。It’s just better than before,The demand of the future government market will return to rationality and simplicity,But no matter what,Government consumption-oriented hotels will still be an important format in the entire accommodation industry。

Again,The result of generational change is that some people have withdrawn from the professional (leadership) stage,But he did not quit the stage of life。From the perspective of consumer demand,This group of people is a very special group,They have spending power that cannot be underestimated,Have enough experience in “rich and powerful” consumption。After retirement,They have no intention of repeating their past consumption,I won’t even use my own savings to do this。

But this does not mean that they have completely lost the urge to spend money,It seems now,There are at least two accommodation industry products that can attract them to spend their own money: one is a senior care concept product that can bring health and longevity,To this,Many organizations are already eager to try;The other allows them to bring their children from another generation to enjoy family happiness、Accommodation industry products specifically for children,For example, animation or highly participatory accommodation and entertainment products that exist in the markets of Japan and Taiwan。

Then,The development of my country’s accommodation industry is now mainly concentrated in cities,But in the vast rural areas it is almost blank。The existing farmhouses are still very rudimentary in terms of investment level and operation level。Now during the holidays,The trend of urban people migrating to rural areas is becoming increasingly obvious,And a large number of migrant workers have left the countryside, leaving more and more homesteads mostly idle,This provides a broad space for the development of upgraded accommodation 188bet sports betting app download products beyond farmhouses in rural areas,Such products have already appeared on the market。

Not long ago,BTG Hotel Group and its partners jointly launched the BTG Humble House brand,It can be said that no matter in the accommodation market、There are still unlimited development prospects in the capital market。final,As part of the accommodation industry,RV campsites will also show good development prospects。

Indeed,Today’s Chinese people’s demand for the accommodation industry has shown unprecedented diversity: on the one hand,A single star-rated hotel is not only difficult to meet the changing needs of consumers,And clearly in surplus;On the other hand,Products that can meet new needs are very limited,Some have not even appeared yet,Therefore, the accurate judgment of China’s accommodation market at this stage should be that “surplus” and “shortage” coexist。

Zhang Rungang thinks,In the process of studying the market revolution of China’s accommodation industry and analyzing its causes,If you only pay attention to the "eight regulations",Ignoring generational changes,It is very likely that you will still be entangled in the old model of star hotels,Can’t get out of the existing box,Thus losing valuable market opportunities。

Customer relations and big data development will become the core competitiveness of the hotel

To BTG Hotel and Alibaba、Shiji’s cooperation,There are also some doubts in the industry,Such as "not improving the hotel's services,Should we open the guest rooms to the cloud?”?"Cloud Computing、Can big data be used as food??”

As a senior hotel professional manager,Whether it is in years of theoretical research or work practice,Zhang Rungang has always attached great importance to hotel product quality。He thinks,The traditional importance of quality and quality of one meal and one night remains。But the complete product of the hotel (accommodation industry) in the mobile Internet era,Must be composed of online and offline parts。

Not only that,The online part is increasingly showing dominant characteristics,A bit like the concept of superstructure,The offline part is more like the economic foundation。In such an industrial background,Obviously there are elements of greater importance,That’s customer relations and big data。This perception has actually been confirmed by the actual relationship between OTAs and hotels。

Not long ago,The CEO of AccorHotels visited Beijing Tourism Group,Zhang Rungang in conversation with him,It also further confirms the above judgment。The top executive of Accor Group’s global business said,He handed over the operation of more than 3,000 Accor hotels to his assistants,He himself mainly focuses on capital operations, customer relations and the development of big data。He thinks,Today we talk about the core competitiveness of enterprises,Clients and data are obviously at the core。

What does big data analysis mean to the hotel industry?Many marketing ideas、Product development is unimaginable based on experience alone。Wal-Mart has an almost well-known classic case,Supermarket analyzes customer consumption habits through 188bet app download data,Concluded that placing beer and baby diapers together can increase sales。Because there are many husbands who are sent out by their wives to buy baby diapers,Will carry a few cans of beer。So Walmart put diapers and beer together,The result was unexpected sales volume。This is the result of big data analysis。

“Traditional marketing methods are like all-round carpet bombing during the Vietnam War in the 1960s and 1970s,Wide coverage,Not efficient。Marketing in the context of big data analysis,It is like the precision strikes in the Gulf War in the 1990s,Clear goals,Seal the throat with one sword。Of course,The effect of big data marketing,It is far from being fully revealed yet,One of the problems is that there is not enough traffic to form the basis of big data analysis,Boutique Hotel chose to cooperate with Alibaba and Shiji to focus on building such a platform。"Zhang Rungang said。

If the recognition that customer relationships and big data constitute the core competitiveness of today’s hotel industry is finally established,Then the concepts and methods of hotel management require all-round innovation,The chain operation model of hotel groups may also be rewritten。

Overview of the development of global hotel groups,It has a history of more than 100 years,so far,The formation of a hotel group mainly relies on two "gluing agents": one is capital,The other is the brand。And today,With the rapid development of the Internet,The third "glue" is ready to emerge: this is the information interface。That is, using the information highway as a link,The hotel group forming the third virtual form。This kind of hotel within the group can be at the highest level、Type、Standard、There are fundamental differences in service models and other aspects,But there may be only one unified thing among member companies,This is the unified PMS system,In other words,All member companies are on the same information highway。

A hotel group formed with PMS system as the connecting link,What can you do on this platform,Don’t you still have a wide space??

“When talking about competition in the past,Hotel people focus on their peers in the industry who have stolen their guests。However,Many of today’s competitors come from outside the industry。What’s even more serious is,These external forces seem to be no longer content to just act as competitors,But looking for every opportunity to act as a subversive。This change is undoubtedly closely related to the rapid development of the mobile Internet。Changing so fast,Somewhat lightning fast。To this,Traditional hoteliers urgently need to be alert in the thunder,Re-understanding this familiar yet unfamiliar industry。With a higher realm,Rely on the latest knowledge,Embrace this era with the highest efficiency and a broader mind。"Zhang Rungang said。

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