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Great Scenic Area Author of this article: Zou Yi 2020-08-05
The seemingly wonderful Yunnan market is still facing growing pains.
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China tourism and vacation market,There have always been two important towns,It is like two mountains,Towering at the top of the domestic holiday market pyramid,The industry calls it the “Two South” markets。One,It’s Hainan;Part 2,That’s Yunnan。Both markets have a common characteristic:

Rich resources、Beautiful scenery、Comfortable climate,Developed tourism and vacation industry。

Hainan has sea and blue sky,Yunnan has mountains, lakes and rainforests。If the biggest feature of Hainan tourism is "comfort",The biggest feeling that Yunnan gives people is "romantic"。Yunnan is one of the places with the best and richest tourism resources in the world,Its tourism resources cover most of China’s climate types and landscapes,Existing tropical rainforest scenery,There are also snowy areas and grassland scenery,The majestic stone forest and the "Three Parallel Rivers" landform are unique in the world。

Yunnan has ancient historical and cultural relics,There are also natural places for rest and vacation。Especially the colorful culture of the 25 ethnic minorities in Yunnan,Constitutes the unique advantages of Yunnan tourism。In addition, Yunnan is China’s bridge connecting Southeast Asia and South Asia,It is the culture of the Central Plains、Tibetan Culture、The intersection of Southeast Asian culture and Western culture,The richness and diversity of Yunnan’s tourism resource portfolio。

Kunming today,With its strong temperature advantage in summer,Has become the top ten summer resort cities in the country。

Over the years,Yunnan tourism industry ushered in a wave of tourist growth,The annual tourist growth rate reaches nearly 20%。What’s even more surprising is,Yunnan’s per capita tourism consumption capacity also far exceeds the national average,Even more than Hainan。

this,Meaning that a stable and large market is coming。From the data,Yunnan’s tourism revenue has also exceeded the trillion mark in the past two years,The ranking of tourism revenue has also increased from 7th in the country in 2018,Rise to 6th place。

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As of 2020,Although affected by the epidemic,The tourism market in various places has been hit hard,But the Yunnan market has good precautions,It is also one of the tourist attractions in various provinces across the country,The one that recovered first and had the highest recovery rate。In terms of tourism income,As of July, Yunnan has returned to 70% level,Judging from the opening rate of scenic spots,Yunnan has opened 319 scenic spots,Recovery rate reached 91.6%,Ranked first in the country。

So,Behind this wave of craze and growth,Attracted the covetation of countless major domestic real estate development companies,Major groups are gearing up,Layout in Yunnan。But,The seemingly beautiful Yunnan market,Still facing growing pains。

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Rich tourism resources, but relatively backward tourism infrastructure

Pinch the index,Yunnan has extremely rich tourism resources,There are 8 5A-level scenic spots here,75 places in 4A scenic spots,There are also various small and medium-sized scenic spots、More than 200 attractions,Distributed separately around Kunming,West to Greater Shangri-La Loop,South to Pu'er、Xishuangbanna area,Constituted with Kunming as the center、The tourism economic corridor spreading to the western and southern areas。

However,Although there are rich tourism resources here,Connect the dots to make a movie,But the traffic along the line is full of problems。

Take the beautiful Lugu Lake Scenic Area 188bet app on the west line of Yunnan as an example。Tourists want to enjoy the beautiful scenery,The price is to endure long-distance bumps。Departing from Lijiang,All the way north,Arrived at the beautiful Lugu Lake,The drive often takes more than 4 hours,There are 5 mountains to climb on the way,Going through a canyon with a height difference of several thousand meters,Up and down the winding mountain,Finally reach Lugu Lake。This steep drive,Enough to deter tourists with little driving experience。

The reason behind this,Comes from Yunnan’s economic foundation and unique topographic conditions。Yunnan’s terrain is dominated by mountains and plateaus (accounting for more than 94% of the province’s land area),Only a small part of the basin,Such topography increases the difficulty of transportation construction and investment。When high-speed rail has been launched on a large scale across the country,Yunnan’s infrastructure is still half a beat slower。

As shown in the picture above,Yunnan Province mainly uses ordinary railways,Only a section of high-speed railway line with a speed of 160-200KM

(Picture source: Local Treasure Shenzhen Transportation)

From the perspective of the quality of transportation infrastructure,The quality of traffic roads in Yunnan Province, especially in various prefectures and scenic spots, is poor,Coupled with the low density of the transportation network、Lagging grade transportation network、Single form of tourism transportation,Some roads are not well maintained,Poor disaster resistance,Thus resulting in weaker traffic capacity。These factors have made the transportation system of many scenic spots imperfect,Poor tourism accessibility。Therefore,Some scenic spots are on holidays,The message "Can't get in" will appear、The embarrassing situation of “can’t get out”。

Also,Due to the low overall economic development level of many tourist areas in Yunnan,As a result, even though the transportation infrastructure in some places is basically complete,But there are also transportation inaccuracies,If the number of flights is less,Car、Problems such as the small number of trains and ships,These problems lead to poor accessibility of tourist destinations in Yunnan,Directly restricts tourists’ travel to tourist destinations,Influenced tourists’ willingness to travel。

So take a comprehensive look,Compared to the expressway system that runs through the entire island of Hainan and is free to travel,Yunnan’s highway network system has always been constructed slowly。

Question 2.  Weak transformation

Yunnan has many tourism projects,But there is a lack of "top students",And the average grade is not high

Because there are good mountains and good waters blessed by God,Fantasy and colorful natural conditions,Achieved the fundamental driving force for the development of tourism in Yunnan。Tracing back the development of Yunnan’s tourism industry over the years,It should be said that it has basically experienced the transition from "business reception type" to "economic industry type",To the “pillar industry type”,The transformation and upgrading development process to "second entrepreneurship"。

According to the latest government plan,Tourism has become a pillar industry in Yunnan Province,The goal is to build Yunnan into a world-class tourist destination。Look at the details,Yunnan’s tourism industry has two main goals: the first is “internationalization、High-end、Featured、The development goal of “intelligent”;The second is "There is only one scenic spot in Yunnan,This scenic spot is called Yunnan’s global tourism goal。

But it can be seen from the current development level of Yunnan tourist attractions and tourism vacation projects,In the past, although Yunnan had excellent tourism resources,But the overall strength of Yunnan’s tourism industry is not strong,Insufficient transformation and upgrading,There are not many large tourism 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino companies,Insufficient supporting service facilities,The tourism market environment is not favorable,Tourism development has not completely jumped out of the traditional resource development and operation model,This has led to the current unreasonable product structure of the tourism industry,Market characteristics that are basically dominated by sightseeing tourism products。

Yunnan Attractions Map-The main tourism projects in Yunnan are mainly sightseeing and tourism products

From an overall perspective,Yunnan tourism’s product innovation capabilities are weak,Traditional tourism products account for a relatively high proportion,Less leisure vacations and new business formats and new products,Lack of high-quality tourism and cultural activities,Self-created、Few independent brands。The transformation and upgrading of Yunnan’s tourism products is imperative。

Question 3.  Be brave enough to take over

After Hainan purchase restriction,The Yunnan tourism real estate market is heating up rapidly

Let’s take a look at Yunnan’s tourism and vacation property market that has been booming in the past two years。

Once,On property purchase and residence,Everyone in the world yearns for "facing the sea,Hainan in spring and blooming flowers。With the restrictions of Hainan Real Estate’s strict control policies,Yunnan also has unique location advantages and natural resources,It is another promising piece of "cake" after Hainan,Become the next value depression for tourism real estate investment。

Before 2012,The Kunming market is dominated by local developers,After 2012, well-known foreign developers entered intensively,More developers are optimistic about the Kunming market in 2017,More developers have entered and are preparing to enter,The market structure is gradually changing。In 2018, another group of foreign real estate companies came to Kunna Land。

Today,In the context that tourism has become a new strategic pillar industry for Yunnan’s economic development,Prefectures and cities across the country have begun a new round of tourism 188bet app Supply-side reform movements,Various cultural tourism real estate and tourism projects are on the way,It’s so prosperous。

Especially in the past two years。For the real estate industry,In the country’s cultural tourism industry、Under the background of strong support from characteristic towns,In addition, real estate companies need to change careers,Yunnan has become a hot spot for industrial real estate investment,In Yunnan、In Kunming,Cultural tourism projects have already blossomed everywhere。Major real estate developers have extensive presence in various parts of Yunnan,Kunming、Xishuangbanna、Dali、Puer、Lijiang、Tengchong and other places have become the new favorites of real estate。

Give an example。At the 2019 Beijing Autumn Real Estate Conference,More than 300 residential and wellness projects from all over the country participated in the exhibition。Among them, there are more than 40 excellent real estate health care projects in ten states and cities in Yunnan participating in the exhibition。

Question 4.  Blooming but no fruit

Tourism real estate is blooming everywhere,But product quality and operational capabilities are insufficient

If we sort out Yunnan’s early cultural tourism projects,Can be summed up in 8 words: "A large number of premature deaths、Anticlimactic”,This almost represents a common pain point in the development of cultural tourism projects in Yunnan in the early years。

Let’s briefly review the development process in recent years:

2012-2014,The whole country, including Yunnan, has entered a period of crazy development of cultural tourism real estate。Yunnan cultural tourism real estate development has set off a boom。April 2012,The Yunnan Provincial Government proposed the construction of ten major historical and cultural tourism projects,The estimated total investment is nearly 100 billion yuan,And all over Kunming、Qujing、Yuxi 188bet sports betting app download and other 8 states and cities。

10 cultural tourism projects with a minimum size of 1,600 acres appeared in Yunnan Province at one time,Everyone swears by it at the beginning of the project,The result is now several years ago,The development trend is not ideal,Some projects have even disappeared。Rapidly developing cultural and tourism real estate,The phenomenon of homogeneity is gradually becoming more serious,Insufficient customer stickiness。Copy and paste like a grinding tool,Same concept。

On the one hand,Blindly following the trend、Unclear positioning,Sales-led projects are gradually being eliminated by the market;On the other hand,Market stock is too high,Enter the slow-selling period as a whole,Leading cultural tourism real estate development in Yunnan Province and even the whole country into a low ebb。The industry “shuffle” that occurred in 2015,Causing many cultural tourism real estate projects across the country and Yunnan to be eliminated。From 2017,National and local policies regulating cultural tourism real estate have been introduced,Cultural tourism real estate development begins to return to rationality。

The new wave is the concept of “characteristic towns” in 2017。April 2017,The provincial government issued the "Opinions of the Yunnan Provincial People's Government on Accelerating the Development of Characteristic Towns",Yunnan strives to build about 20 national first-class characteristic towns by 2019、About 80 first-class characteristic towns in the province。June of the same year,Convened a press conference to announce the list of special towns to be created,105 small towns in the province including Lijiang Old Town were successfully selected into the list of national characteristic towns。

But,Many cultural and tourism-themed properties that have been built or are under construction in Yunnan、Specialized town、Common problems in health care real estate,Insufficient service supporting functions and facilities included;Lack of tourist sources for residential and health care,The phenomenon of facilities but no services has formed;The owner’s house is vacant,Unable to enter the residential and health care rental market;Introduced include tertiary hospitals、Various types of traditional Chinese medicine health care、Healthy life service organizations such as sports health care and cultural health care have limited customer base,Especially in the off-season, there is no enough support for the flow of people and the project is withdrawn,Resulting in the so-called health service function becoming a bluff by the developer,And even the owners feel that living in the community is lonely and boring,Eventually formed a common "empty city、Ghost town” phenomenon,Causing serious waste of ecological resources。

Question 5. Everyone has their own magical powers

Fierce fighting in Lijiang、Dali under control、The fiery Tengchong and Banna、Yuxi where experts gather

——Spatial layout structure and characteristics of Yunnan tourism real estate sector

After nearly 10 to 20 years of development,Yunnan tourism and resort real estate has formed a relatively mature plate distribution pattern。Overall,Can be divided into: Lijiang regional market、Dali Market、Tengchong Market、Banna Market、Five major sectors including Kunming Yuxi Market。It should be said that each market has unique regional characteristics,Varies。Let’s look at them one by one。

1. Lijiang regional market

Fierce battle for cultural tourism projects,Very few winners。Currently Lijiang’s cultural tourism real estate projects focus on the east of Shuhe Ancient City、Layout north of Lijiang Old Town,With Jade Dragon Snow Mountain as the main background tourism resource,But Lijiang’s tourism development is not going smoothly。Representative local project: Snow Mountain Art Town、Fuhua Resort World、Jinmao Valley Town failed to varying degrees in Lijiang。

2. Dali regional market

Although Erhai Lake has experienced the most stringent environmental protection storm in the 188bet sports betting app download past two years,But Dali’s residential and vacation market has been experiencing explosive sales in recent years。Dali courtyard、Dali Yunxiang Mountain、Dali Ideal State and other projects are represented,By infusing nature、Literature、New product concepts such as health,Meet the new aesthetic taste of travelers,Becoming a new trend in creating unique product strength in the Erhai region of Dali。

3. Tengchong regional market

The cultural tourism and vacation projects in Tengchong are mainly concentrated between Tengchong’s two iconic high-level scenic spots, Volcano Geopark and Heshun Ancient Town,Mostly distributed near the Beihai wetlands。Most of the key projects are based on Tengchong’s excellent local mountain pastoral style、Unique hot spring resources、Good climate conditions as the basis,Introduction of high-end resort hotels,Creating health and wellness features。The project occupies a large area,Long development cycle,Some projects last for more than ten years。In recent years,The concept of cultural tourism resort town is more prominent。

4. Xishuangbanna Market

With the rapid development of tourism market,The tourist resort real estate in Xishuangbanna shows a large-scale and characteristic integration of local culture and tourism,Becoming an important feature of Banna cultural tourism market。Deeply explore the tropical customs and Dai folk customs of Banna,are two important contents of Banna Cultural Tourism Real Estate。

5. Kunming Yuxi Regional Market

Large-scale cultural tourism resort development is concentrated around the two major water systems of Dianchi Lake and Fuxian Lake,This is also a new area for Kunming’s urban expansion。Many domestic first-tier real estate developers and local development companies are actively deploying in the two major areas,The competition in the future will be unprecedentedly fierce。Except for common mountain resources,How to build project recognition and brand influence,Creating and introducing IP resources has become an important weight in competition。

Summary of the above development trends of cultural tourism real estate in Yunnan: creating ecological tourism landscape based on natural mountain water resources,Infused with nature、Literature and healthy lifestyle concepts,Discover the unique local culture and customs,Integrating international vacation and fashion life IP resources,Focus on the balance between sales and operating properties,is the latest trend in the development of tourism and vacation projects。

Question 6. Beach grabbing guide

The market is huge but the competition is fierce,How to seize the strategic opportunities of tourism real estate?

Being a local、Regional market,When it becomes a national market,The structure and demand characteristics of its customer base will undergo fundamental changes。Today,The main battleground for China’s Travel & Residence Real Estate has shifted to Yunnan,The situation has undergone a qualitative change。

Tourism in Yunnan,In the past two years, it has obviously shown a new look。With the injection of first-line funds and first-line tourists,The obsolete "Old Yunnan" has become the literary "New Yunnan"。Then,Why is there such a change in “New Yunnan”?Let’s first look at the changes in the tourist structure in Yunnan。

First,Refined research on customer needs,Aiming at the major opportunities brought about by changes in market structure。

According to the results of a sample survey on the expenditure of overseas tourists in Yunnan in recent years, it can be seen that the purposes and motivations of tourists traveling to Yunnan are as follows:

First, leisure and vacation tourists account for 19% of overseas tourists entering Yunnan.1%,The proportion of high-end leisure and entertainment activities is growing rapidly,South Korea and Southeast Asian countries in East Asia are very fond of Yunnan Province’s golf and sports projects;

Second, Yunnan Province strives to build a city with Kunming as 188bet online sports betting the center,Business exhibition and tourism base radiating to surrounding sub-regions,United States、Business tourists from Europe, Southeast Asia and other countries as well as China’s Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions favor Yunnan Province’s business exhibition tourism products,Business exhibition tourists account for 19% of overseas tourists entering Yunnan.3%。

The third is self-driving、Recreational and medical tourism tourists are growing rapidly。With the improvement of tourism transportation roads and the improvement of medical and health standards in Yunnan Province,Yunnan Province’s self-driving tourism and wellness and medical tourism products are increasingly attracting the attention of overseas tourists。

Overseas tourists as a trend force,It will directly form a conduction effect,Affecting the demand of domestic first- and second-tier tourists,Thus gradually updating and iterating the market like the catfish effect,This will eventually lead to structural changes in Yunnan’s supply-side products。This is an important phenomenon that we need to pay attention to when analyzing Yunnan tourism。

Second,Differentiated positioning,A new development concept aiming at "healthy living destination"。

From a policy perspective,One of Yunnan’s current leading policy demands is to create a world-class “healthy living destination”。Healthy life replaces traditional sightseeing vacation,has become a very important development feature。Then,How to understand "healthy life?”What kind of products and services,In order to allow tourists to settle down healthily,Vacation and recuperation in Yunnan,This is an element that the traditional Yunnan market does not have。This aspect,We need to learn from the market characteristics of Hainan and the economically developed areas of the Yangtze River Delta,Looking for new starting points for industrial upgrading。

Dali’s small courtyard,Evaluated as the most distinctive cultural tourism project in Yunnan in 2018,Mainly focusing on residence and vacation theme,From the Southern District with a strong sense of life、Exclusively enjoy the ecology of Mid-Levels and Qingbi River in the Central District,and the North District closest to the ancient city。From the concept of life, home and residence to the iterative upgrade of product strength,All are masterpieces。

Third,The core of vacation life,Created cultural IP vacation scene。

The early cultural tourism real estate development in Yunnan focused more on “tourism”,Or rely on natural resources such as mountains, rivers, lakes and seas、Or use high-end star hotels as a driving point,Supplemented by apartment、Villas and other sales properties,Single topic,Single profit model。An obvious trend in today’s cultural tourism real estate development is to focus more on “culture”,Through the new cultural scene、New community creation、Creation of new vacation consumption project content,Form a more in-depth vacation space。

How to stay in a tourist vacation destination,Insert new urban consumer entertainment projects,Both require very strong operational capabilities。In terms of content development direction,For Yunnan,Art is a direction、Health care is also a direction。

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Fourth, comprehensively upgrade the level of vacation products.

House prices in Yunnan’s vacation market are rising steadily。When this regional market has a certain basic support for housing prices,We must quickly improve the performance of our products,Use new landscape、New technology、New process、New scenarios to meet new needs,Guidance requirements。Dang Vanke、Sunac、Green space、After Longfor and other major first-tier real estate groups gathered together to enter,The 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino Yunnan market is highly competitive,Only create cost-effective products、Vacation products that surprise customers,Only to break through the competition,The quality of upgraded products cannot be overstated。

(The content of this article is the independent opinion of the author,Does not represent favoritism。)

*Source of this article: WeChat public account "Real Estate Observer" (ID: realestatereview),Author: Zou Yi,General Manager of Lingyi Consulting (WeChat: brianzouyi),Welcome to communicate。Lingyi Consulting focuses on culture、Travel、Business and Real Estate、Cultural tourism town planning consultation、Tourist destination strategic consulting、Industrial town consultation、Urban Renewal Strategy Consulting、Strategic consulting for large enterprise groups, etc.。Original titleSunac、Green space、Vanke、Longfor is the No. 1 resort real estate market in the country where everyone is rushing to get a foothold, But there are 6 big problems!》.

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